Ever since I've started wearing my new hat there's a lot of little things that I really can't do. I've been bugging Emma and Zachary every five minutes to get me this and get me that. They're being really good about accomadating daddy's little requests. I'm sure I'm getting on everyone's nerves. But I'm in great spirits.
I currently have a bad head cold and when I leave a room to go to another TV room I ask the kids to bring me my personal box of kleenex. It takes them awhile but eventually they bring it to me. In the meantime I have a river flowing into my mouth. Since the freak accident there's also a lot of things I can't currently do that I would love to do.
Right now I just sit in front of the TV with my cold beer watching afternoon baseball games. Thank goodness the Yankees played three afternoon games last week and swept the powerful Kansas City Royals.
I used to love goin to Australia with my buddy Jamone and catching kangaroos and dressing them up. Then we'd hop over to a local bar and see if we could get the kangaroos in without anyone noticing or asking for their ID. Man, those are good times.
Don't worry Jamone I'll be there soon.
All I can do now is watch reruns of Captain Kangaroo.
I used to love waking up early in the morning, driving down to the beach and surfing in the morning waves. We're spoiled living in Buffalo. You definitely get great Lake Erie surf waves that you can ride for hours, days even, and that morning surf can be a religious experience.
Another activity in Buffalo is skiing. Just outside of Buffalo, 30 minutes away, are steep hills that can be enjoyed . I'll miss swishing down the hills in my bright yellow and pink outfit trying to catch everyone's eye (mostly the ski bunnies) . I'm a little bit of a showoff. But believe it or not, there's very little snow left in Buffalo in April. So even though I can't ski because I'm in a full cast, I really couldn't because my skis would get caught in the grass.
In the meantime I'll probably just hang out with my two buddies, Slappy and Skeets, in Skeets' garage. We will probably talk about backhair, politics, Tom Delay's situation, the Buffalo Bills future, Canada's health insurance program, and Skeets' toenail collection. We may not be much to look at, but when we set our minds to it, we can accomplish anything.
I won't be running with my book club anytime soon. The "weekend warriors" as we call ourselves, would put on our skimpiest shorts and and tops and run around the streets of Buffalo for hours.
Instead, I'll just keep watching the Super Bowl tape from a couple years ago of Justin Timberlake taking off Janet Jackson's top. That poor girl, she was just trying to put on a good show and that wardrobe malfunction nearly humiliated her. I hope that tailor caught her rath. That person should never work again. How could you forget to sew the top of someone's outfit? Hello, isn't that knitting 101? Even I took Home Economics in high school. I almost passed too.
I won't be climbing garage anytime soon. Just last summer I added these plastic rocks and would have a ball climbing my garage with the kids and their friends from the n neighborhood. Sandra wanted a garden back there anyway. It's probably for the best, after Emma's four year old friend fell off last year our home owner's insurance went up.

So, here I'll just sit and rest, my family loves taking care of me. The kids are always offering to get me something and Sandra's been beyond wonderful. She just recently went to Victoria Secrets to get a new outfit. She's probably buying a french maid's outfit so we can role play. She's so good to me.
Sandra wanted me to add that I am allowed to drive. I just can't do anything when I get there. So, if you hear someone beeping their horn ooutside your house. It's probably just me driving by waving outside the window. Feel free to wave back.
Talked to Stac(no e)y last night-- she is still in her arm cast too... rumor has it that things like this happen in threes....can someone else take care of that for me...casts are stinky!
Adam...don't feed your dog red dog food (or anything else that might be red)...cause when they puke THREE TIMES on your bed it is really gross!
KDH-Jff's best friend is heading down to Hotlanta for a little R&R... I'm sure he would help with that not drinking alone thing! He's a Braves fan to boot!
I hate papers...always have...remember the electric typewriter and the back space white out?! Never could line that thing up right!
Happy Easter!
So I'm sitting in the dark, drinking bourbon and watching the Country Music Awards -- imagine my glee when I found a few blog!
Tell jff's friend to give me a ring -- I'd love some company!
What's the story with the arm cast? don't think we know this!
It's a story about an owner and her cat, the classic American tale. Stacy was chasing her cat in her drive way and fell.
So we had our traditional Good Friday fish fry yesterday after church, we went to Loughran's. Zach was happy he got to play darts down in the bar. Emma was happy just playing with her magnet doll game.
How can Scott Baker 3 hit the Yankees? They get good pitching from Mussina and the O lets them down.
Hotzapalooza tee-shirts are currently in production. Not to let the cat out of the bag, but here's a hint.
Picture of San Antonio Grandma on the front and Holtzapalooza 2006, The Right to Bear Arms on the back. Mustafa knows this guy who can do it dirt cheap.
Great Blog cousin Jeff!!! Well yesterday, I went to pick up Austin with Gram. I also received my first speeding ticket since I was 17. (65 in a 55, who knew?) After that Gram drove.
NCCC returns to action today against Broome (ranked # 2 in the nation). Maybe I should start drinking before the games and then I will be more relaxed.
Happy Easter everyone. I have to go find my basket now. Can someone ask Emma if it's at her house?
Ah Nephew, another great moment in Americana. Our only true hope for lasting world peace would be that those who refer to our country as the "Great Satan" find this blog and read of you and your exploits. They would never mess with the likes of you and Skeets. If the Pres.only knew of your plight and how you were bearing up under your difficult conditions, I am sure that you would be featured at his next news conference. The problem would be getting you in the photo op while you were confined to the front seat of your van. And Jenna, I don't know what would be worse, the speeding ticket or Grandma driving. Where did they get you?
Being the attentive and organized coach that I am, I strictly informed my team that they had to be dressed and in the cages at 11 am for our 1 pm game today.
Well 30 minutes before my team arrives, I check the schedule and find out our game isn't until 2 pm.
Silly Jenna!
Austin here,
Happy Easter everyone. how are the eggs going? I will be coloring my eggs today. HAPPY EASTER hope the bunny comes and brings you goodies.
love, Austin
Austin Austin Austin!!! Hows it going?? cousin Adam here (2nd cousin?) wishing you the bestest easter ever! Thanks for checking out the blog!
AUSTIN!! How did the kite flying go. There was enough wind, that is for sure. I know because I made the mistake of going to Dunn Park to see the Bisons and Yank wannabes. Lasted 6 innings before I got frozen out. The sun alone was not enough. I am sure that Uncle Gare was installing a new security system and had you attempted to walk off with anything you would have been very, very sorry. Happy Easter to all and I hope that the bunny treats everyone well.
Yes, coach Jenna is not a happy camper right now. We played very well against the 2nd ranked team in the nation. Unfortunately we blew a 4-0 lead in the 7th inning to lose 11-4. How you ask? 7 consecutive errors.
Game 2, we lost 12-1.
Tough day and I started drinking.
Here comes Peter Cotttontail,lalalalalalala! Easter's on it's way!!!
Sing along, everyone! You may as well since you can't get the song out of your head now.
Hippety. Hoppity.....
I just love Easter tunes on my IPod!
Happy Easter all, I hope everyone has a really nice day.
Hi Austin, How are you doing? What did the Easter bunny bring you. He left a pile of returnable cans and bottles outside for me. I love flyiing kites, I hope you had fun.
I commend you Unckie C, the wind was whippin' off the lake yesterday. Never forget your parka to an April Bisons game. I still have some leftover tickets to last years season, does anyone want some?
I'm kicking myself that I didn't pick up Papelbon sooner. The Jabberwox team got me buy 1 day.
Happy Easter in Hotlanta, Quincy, Asheville, & anonymous cities have a great day.
Good Morning and a very Happy Easter to all. Easter dinner at the Koch's will have one extra place setting for Gram's friend Ruth.
This AM I am headed to the liquor store to get Ruth her wine.
Needless to say there will be plenty of pics for an Easter blog. Your all invited to stop by!
Yippee, an Easter blog is coming! Jnna, did you find your basket? Were you able to consume enough adult beverages yesterday to do away with the pain of the losses? I only drank after my teams lost.Helps to explain a lot of my behavior over the years. Happy Easter to all, everywhere. Ruth and her wine and Mom and her newly rediscovered love of beer. You have a memorable day in the offing. Don't eat TOO much chocolate Austin; save some for tomorrow.
Happy Easter all! Although mom sent me a picture proving that the easter bunny died, delivering her eggs. Then Lucy sniffed her. Anyhoo, happy easter to all, and to all a good night. Or whatever. And happy passover to our Jewish friends. any other holidays we can be celebrating?
Morning to all and a most happy Dyngus Day. Squirtguns and pussywillows ready???? Talked to Mom last nite and it sounded like she had a great day. To Sue's for brunch and then to Bets' for dinner. Plus, Betsy made a run to pick up Ruth for the day. Yu guys are great. Although it was 8 pm and ruth was still there so we didn't talk too long. I trust that everyone has filed their taxes??? Is the sox game this morning nationally televised??
That's why I came home. It's tradition for me to check out the Patriot's Day marathon and BoSox baseball game. I just checked and it doesn't seem to be on. I may have to leave it at MLB.com and have the game on the computer. Not as fun and you have to make sure you don't drip beer into the keyboard.
Sox are down 2-1 in the top of the 2nd.
I discovered something else I can do BTW. I can twist open Sandra's Blue Lights. She's been drinking a lot lately... I wonder why???
Happy Dyngus Day, to my favorite family! off from work and have the time to search the net. Great posts lately family, keep up the good work! whats up next for this family?
We've been thinking about our down the street neighbor to the west, Indiana. We're thinking about putting our collective money together and buying the state. And then, we quietly take over all the mills.
Don't think we won't do it. We're spoonheads.
I can't believe the BloSox beat Seattle's and my fantasy relief pitcher "Everyday Eddie" 7-6. Well, it might be time to grab another relief pitcher from the free agent pool.
Happy Dyngus day indeed! In a spectacular display of cross cultural outreach, I found myself explaining why I was buying "branches with fuzz on them" at the farmers market to a Indian man and a redneck 8 year old. Neat!
Not sure they appreciated the story, nor the connection between beer, pussy willows and sausage. Its a subtle one.
I just purposely didn't pick up a phone call from my boss. Does that mean I'm going to hell?
No, you're fine. You were blogging.
It occured to me that maybe our blog readers don't know the story of the fuzzy tailed whoopin' stick. Kristen, could you do a blog on the history of Dyngus Day? At least throw up a few pictures of some (insert name here) gettin' a whoopin'.
It must have been the d-day celebrating, but I had a real hard time following the train of thought of yesterday's comments. Jff wants to invade Indiana, but to do that we will have to go thru Pa. and Ohio, and there was an exchange about taking grandmothers to the liquor store. If anyone can clarify, I would be appreciative. Auntie P. claimed that since she could not find any pussywillows, a 2 by 4 was a suitable substitute--ouch. Have a good day all. I am off to the Bisons game and will definitely dress more warmly than I did on Sat.
Well, the trailblazers are travelling to Alfred today in 2 must win games for us. I will report back when I get home.
Have a great day all.
antie B gets "line of the day" for comparing a conversation with gram and ruth to the sportcenter "reset". the people at work love it when I laugh out loud alone in my office. They add another "tick" to the "she's crazy column".
How ya'll feeling about my overuse of the "quote" marks in this comment?
Who knew? THIS is everything you'd want to know about Dyngus Day. http://www.wilsonsalmanac.com/eastmond.html
Here's the best quote -- I think I SAW this movie!
"Barely had the day dawned on Easter Monday when I woke the boys and gathered some water to start throwing it on the girls. Up with the Piwezyny! (eiderdown)! There was screaming, shouting, and confusion. The girls are shrieking and hollering, but in their hearts they are glad because they know that she who isn't gotten wet will not be married that year. And the more they are annoyed, the more we dump water on them calling, Dyngus – Smigus! Then we had to change our clothes because there wasn't a dry thread on the girls and we boys were not better off."
Dirty poles.
The best part of Easter was driving Ruth to Tonawanda Liquors so she could stock up. The whole way there (2 blocks down) she told me how she just drinks and drinks all day.
$50 bucks later we left TL and she was a very happy lady.
KDH you really crack me up.
The original wet t-shirt contest???
Great storyline quote KDH, what's it from???
"""""""""""""""""""" bunny hops:)
I can't get enough of quotations.
And we're not invading Indiana (we'll let Canada do that), we're buying it.
Well... I have over 300 hours of Health Reserve that I could use. Completely different than PTO or Paid Time Off. Ny doctor's excuse can take me to 8 weeks,, I won't go that long. I'll work half dayys up tp 5/1 when half my cast comes off.
Auntie P is always looking to start a contest.
What couldbe more fun than a trip to Alfred on a beautiful spring day? Hope that it was a successful roadtrip. Unfortunately I now view successful roadtrips as those which include consumption of roadies on the way back from a golf voyage. Great day at Dunn Park. Much nicer today than Sat., altho it took the Bisons 12 innings to lose. Second trip to the park and have still not purchased beer one, despite the best efforts of the conehead. Whatever happened to Zorro and Quinny the Twister? Seems like the "fixed income" syndrome is preventing me from ponying up a five spot per beer.
Beers were definitely more economical a few years ago at the Dunn.
We should have ventured out to Alfred for that game. We could have brought our own beer and had them in the car. And then we could have shouted "airball", "airball" like the two old guy muppets in the balcony, for no reason. Good times.
Ah yes, Statler and Waldorf, my 2 all time favorite muppets. Unfortunately each day I come to bear a closer resemblence to Waldorf; you nephew still have a ways to go. No report on the Alfred trip. Nothing on Sportscenter this morning either. Today it's me vs. the lawn grubs while Auntie P. is off to the dental office to fill in for one of the girls on vacation. They caught her in a weak moment and I will continue to "hide out" upstairs until she is gone. She is not a happy camper. She claims it is "all my fault". Muttered something about "Dyngus Week" and went looking for her 2 by 4.
Don't forget the challenges associated with the blond in seat 4D pulls out her flask and starts demanding mixer and a smoother flight so she doesn't spill her drink.
"Go in the back there and make me an old fashioned, just like dear old dad used to make. How hard can it be? Just hit the button marked "BOOZE".
Can anyone name that movie??
You might have me on that one KDH, I can picture a old socialite giving lip to someone, but can't place the movie. I give up.
I'll be Statler, I don't mind. And I'm pretty close to that point in my life. Just ask my family. Emma's words, "Daddy's cranky".
Do 2X4's and dentistry mix?
Thrllie you'd be an excellent stewardess. I promise never to ask you to fluff my pillow.
KDH, I am going to take a stab at this. That quote is from
"It's a Mad Mad Mad Mad World." It was before my time, but it's just a hunch.
There was a remake with Rowan Atkinson.
Remember the Two Ronnies or Dave Allen at Large? Those were funny shows. Of course the Benny Hill Show. Father loved that one.
jnna you ROCK! Did you google that??????
If so, I applaud your research skills. If not, I am mad mad mad mad impressed by your taste in movies!
Jim Backus said it -- pre thurston howell days. What a movie
Buddy Hackett, Ethel Merman (I believe), Spencer Tracy, Phil Silvers, Jonathan Winters... good movie, good movie.
I swore some drunk lady said it in an 80's movie. Nice job Jnna.
Time to grill some burgers.
Wasn't it Buddy Hackett and Mickey rooney on the plane trying to get to the W. Without a doubt the funniest movie ever made. When Smiler Grogan--Jimmy Durante--kicked the bucket, literally, I was on the floor of the theater, and it was sticky. The lawn grubs are winning. Should have gone to the Bisons game today. Instead watched the Jays croak. Anybody hear the rumor? Buffalo's #1 draft pick to Dallas for Drew Bledsoe, but we also get the rights to Leon Lett and Harvey Martin should they choose to make a comeback.
Yes, I confess I asked jeeves.
Regarding the Alfred game: I did not report back because it is to sensitive. Plus, I did not see the games in their entirety. One of my players caught a fly ball with her face and I was forced to go to the Hornell Hospital. What a day!
We did however manage to split that day.
any chance you took the team on a field trip to the greater belfast/west clarksville area?
yes, a new picture... I'm trying to look more "teacherly", and Cous Jff said I looked a bit sketchy in my previous attempt. Here's to hoping that this pic passes Jffs strict parameters
Sorry to hear that all of the softball is not going well, but there is always another game around the corner. Auntie P. is downstairs preparing to go off to the office for another day, and if anything she is even more feisty than yesterday, but I hid the 2 by 4. Thank God that today is it, especially since it is going to be even nicer than yesterday. Apparently she received at least one crank call yesterday shortly after she arrived, just to test her. Any commments out there, KRISTEN !!!!
Good Morning Fam. I read gram the blog and a few comments yesterday. So, she is all caught up for a few weeks. I am headed into work on this beautiful day. But, I shouldn't complain, I have a half day today.
NCCC takes on nemesis ECC at ECC @3pm. Our record 1-10. ECC record 0-12. It should be a real nail biter.
Adm, I love the new picture. It shows off everything about you. History, seriousness, comedy, sensitivity, and location. I became one with the picture.
We can be a rip-off Jerky Boys and crank call Auntie P at work? I'll be Saul Rosenthall and bring all my shoes to her work.
Can't wait to hear about the NCC and ECC battle.
I'm in 5th in Fantasy baseball and falling fast.
Man, is it gorgeous outside. Zach has baseball practice tonight at Ives. We've been throwing the ball around (well... I've been sitting) and he's getting better at pop ups. Gotta love a catch with your dad or son. Field of Dreams... 'snif'
just an fyi... our "little girl" has made "puppy of the day" on another blog... check it out, and give some feedback!
oh, yes. its gorgeous here too, but I've spent the first part of the day inside, begging for a job, and now i'm sitting and waiting for a 3 hour class. Boo!
A few things to share:
1) to brother-o-mine -- a psychologist might suggest that the picture of you next to a BIIIG gun might be your subconscious attempt to try to prove something. I'm just saying ...
2) no dyngus day blog gram. The moment is past.
3) it was mickey rooney and buddy hacket in the plane, but jim backus was there too -- as tyler fitzgerald, the drunk owner of the prop plane. "I don't want to alarm you, but we're going to die ... "
4) Beautiful day here too! 85 degrees!
5) I missed my opportunity to crank call Mom today. I was sooo going to pretend I was the woman that had hit the office with her car, calling to make amends by giving Dr. Miller a goat that mom had to pick up for him. Wouldn't THAT have been funny?
New blog! new blog! Jnna? Jll?
So let me get this straight. Any one of you could have made me laugh or even just smile a little today as I slaved away and you all chose not to?
Sorry Auntie P, just know that deep down inside, while some of us worked half days, we were thinking of you.
Gar is looking for a 10-3, Monday through Wednesday, full-time benefits, don't have to deal with the costumer job. Does anyone know any openings?
Why 10? He has things to do in the AM
Why 3? He has to beat the blue hairs out at dinner.
Why Mon. - Wed.? He doesn't work weekends anymore and the weekend starts Thursday.
Why full-time benefits? Union worker!!!
Why no customers? If you asked you don't know Gar.
Plus he gets his own personal parking spot 2 miles away.
We loved Lucy on Potd. That picture of your shoes? Was there a lil' Lucy love on them?
At first it took me awhile to figure out POTD, I was thinking it was for medicinal use.
Just to give an update, NCCC swept ECC today by scores of 3-1, and 9-0. We are now 3-10.
Way to go NCCC!! I felt so bad that Auntie P. was at work that I went to the Bisons game. Another crummy day to spend sitting out and watching the boys of summer. Auntie survived her day and had enough energy to go shopping until 7 pm. By that time Unkie, who finally gave in the siren call of the Conehead, had made a few stops on the way home, and was a bit "tired". I am afraid that I wasn't very good company. Unkie Gar re-entering the work force?? Does he realize that now on SS he is limited in how much he can make per year? If he finds a position like he is looking for, it will probably pay so much money that it will put him over. He had better be careful. Last good weather day for awhile--enjoy.
Yeah NCCC!!! I remember those 3-10 records like it was yesterday.
Gare mailed in an application to Microsoft for an executive's position. Though, he won't move to Seattle, he said on his application he'd be available by phone (not that he answers his phone).
I'm off to the park with the kids to play. What a gorgeous day outside.
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