But let me digress. For our Mother's birthday, christmas, mothers day, anniversary, arbor day and easter, til 2010, my sister and I decided to take her to see her niece in Bourne, Texas. Niece, Pat and her husband Frank, have a ranch in Bourne, and at a party this past summer after she had had 4 glasses of wine, she meaning Pat said of course we could come! I am just kidding, we were warmly welcomed..
We boarded our flight, and for the flight down I had gotten mother scratch off's so she had something to k

Our arrival into San Antonio, was uneventful, smooth flight and we were greeted by glorious sunshine! We were picked up by Pat and Frank, and the ride to the ranch was another half hour. Upon our arrival, Pat had cooked us a scrumptous meal, labatts was cold, and Frank asked if I wanted to see the Family

So here is cousin Barb, Mom and Sue huddled in Frank's office reading about Jeff. Needless to say I brimmed with pride over our family blog!
Pat and Frank have a guest house on their property that holds visitors, tourists and family members. It was warm, cozy, filled with all the amenities of a five star hotel, and was just for my sissy and me! What a treat, we giggled and laughed and sat on the porch and watched the humming birds, the cows grazing and the Texas sunset!
Frank and Pat were wonderful tour guides! I am sure we saw the best that San Antonio and Bourne had to offer! From the riverwalk boat tour to PoPo's for chicken fried steak and gravy, that had over 2,000 plates on their walls!
I am having technical difficulties, and can not post all my pictures and they are shutting down the blog site at 9 for maintenance,
so I am going to post this, and continue with part two when they are done with the blog server.
Believe me the best is yet to come.... stay tuned
I can't wait for part two. Come on 9 p.m.
All of this blog activity and no Fargo. I guess the Fargo Holtzes are out battling the Red River flooding.
Wow...what just happened??!! A million blogs since I last checked in...every time I go for the computer, I get interupted with a "Sandra...can you get me..."
Congrats on the house & the puppy! Guess what is next??!! Jff & I had our house one month and our dog one day and then found out we were pregnant...sooo...OK, I'll stop buggin now...
Happy birthday Auntie B! Glad you survived the day!
Glad you are feeling better Jnna...
Hi to everyone else...ooops...that's Jff calling for another beer! See ya!
yawowaza! This is some seriously good stuff going on in the family. I wish I had some good news to break, but nothing doing right now. I can't wait to hear more details on the rrip -- and god only knows what Adam and Amy will come up with next!
Hurray. Blog is up. Last time they were servicing, it was down for the better part of the week. Sandra, keep up the good work with hubbie. That cast will only be on for a very short time--another 8 weeks or so.Full day of tv watching today for baseball.
Baseball on ESPN!!! I was dying, I thought the Mets game was being televised at 1PM.
Great blog about SA, TX. Thanks Pat and Frank for taking care of them.
Well, back to baseball.
antie b, you tease.
Great weather for raking this morning. Popped my first Labatt's at 1 expecting to see Mets and Nats but no game. Fortunately Red sox came on at 2 as raking was completed and I embarked upon Labatt's #3. Watched Sox able to avoid a Foulke meltdown and survive as I work thru my Labatts. Now its Dodgers=Braves with the Sabres and NCAA yet to come. The question is, will my liver survive the day? Where is the rest of the blog?????? You had me hooked with the first pic of Mom.
Watching Dodgers - Braves game, unfortunately, I couldn't rake. But I did have a Blue.
what's goin on? we seem to be missing some responses... am i out of the loop again?
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