Poor Zach woke up this morning with a wonderful reaction to the heat (4 times). Thank goodness it was on Nana & Papa's bed and the chunks were big enough to scoop up--Mr. Fix-it is soooo handy! Well...like the concerned parents we are, we showered him, clothed him, rented him a stroller and made him come along. Afterall...we had another park to conquer!
The good folks at Animal Kingdom must have heard that The Rices were in town because they greeted us with style! It really was an exceptional welcome I must say! It is amaz

One of the "homework" assignments given to the kids that ditched school was to take a measuring tape and measure different items. The measured both Koda the Bear & Mickey's foot and the bears then took over and measured the kids feet, height, heads...

They also measured the entire length of Goofy-hat to foot-and Pooh bear's tummy. The Mad Hatter also got into the game at breakfast one morning but for some reason, didn't think it strange at all.

The Pocohontas show was a peaceful show reminding us to "take care of the earth". The kids got to sit in front and the show included candids by many small animals. Mr. Fix-it was having a few issues with the fact that he couldn't sit up front too since he was first in line...we tried to remind him of the "peacful" thing but...for some reason it just made him crazy. For some reason, after the show, he just couldn't keep his hands off of Mrs. Fix-it... hmmm... I wonder what exactly it was that turned him on...
I'm not sure if it was Jeff trying to get him away from mom, or Zach feeling under the weather, but the guys went back to the cabins...leaving the girls to conquer the water!Emma had her first ride on the rapid ride & her first swim under water without a lifejacket...quite a day! I can't believe I'm saying this...but I miss the 94 degree weather!
Nice job, Toots. I had a great time too.
Congrats Thrllie, welcome to the world you'll soon want to avoid. Thank goodness I have nine weeks PTO.
GG's treat at the Golf Dome.
Barbaro breaks it's ankle and now they're hoping they can just keep it alive. That's why I got out of horse racing. The horror, the horror. We needed an 'Apocolypse Now' reference.
Unckie C, how much did you win?
I probably wouldn't have gone over to place a bet if my son hadnot called and asked me to place a wager on his "lucky" numbers: 2-4-7 for an exacta. Yes, that was number 8 who won. Since I was there I figured that I might as well place a wager, or two, and of course be what turned out to be the 3-legged horse,in a variety of exotic wagers since it was a "can't miss" bet. Hard to believe that my sister would be able to guess what happened. Great pics Sandra, but I too am a bit disturbed by the clutching and grabbing in that one photo. Your are always better off just showing the kids in the pics.Congrats again Jill and I know that the Koch's are going to be going thru Eagle-withdrawal for some time to come. You guys certainly gave a lot of yourselves to that place over the last 5 years. Bets, you can substitute meals on wheels. Can you deliver to EA?? After yesterday's ill-advised venture, it's going to be Raman noodles for me and Auntie until the end of the month--unless of course i get a hot tip. I blame my son, and what makes it worse, he never seems to come up with the cash to support his betting habit. If Dad were here he would lecture Adam on Art Schlicter and the trouble that he got into. Enjoy your 85 degree weather today K, we will be about 35 to 40 degrees short of that. At least Mom got lucky yesterday. Maybe she needs someone to take her to the casino today to parlay yesterday;s win into some "real money". Enjoy the day and stay warm.
You laid blame on Adam twice. Ouch!
85 in Hotlanta, good for you KDH. It's at least 40 degrees today with a slight shingle rattlin' breeze whippin' off the lake from the northwest. I'm under a flannel blanket watching the only baseball game on TV, the Pirates/Indians game. It's actually a good game.
Back to Holtzapalooza Christmas in August, can we go for sled rides. Maybe someone could bring a tractor and we could get pulled around?
Just finished peeling wallpaper out of the master bedroom. I would have started earlier, but I woke up around noon today. Why you ask? Well I received a phone call at 230 am to pick up Jill and her friends at Delaware and Chippewa before LAST CALL.
It was my graduation gift to her.
Jff, thank you for noticing that. blame for the son; nothing but good wishes for the daughter. I'm used to it. Congrats on the gradyation, Jllie! now you can join me in the search for a summer job!
It was a lovely November day here in WNY today and I hope that everyone made the best of it. I would not have picked on my son had he not sent his dog after me all of last weekend; plus, he created a situation where all of my waking hours go toward trying to convince Auntie that she really doesn't want a puppy. Jnna, you are one fine sister to go fetch baby sis from Chippewa. I wish that I would have had a sibling who would have rescued me from all of those bad places when I was jll's age. I had no one to save me from myself.
I hope that the Rice's realize how difficult it is to look at those pictures after our weather yesterday and what appears to be a carbon copy today. Thanks guys. Enjoy your Monday. It is May 22, right?? I am still waiting for planning dates--PEOPLE! PEOPLE!
see dad, here's what you have to do about the dog situation. you parlay mom's desire for a canine into an understanding that an RV must be bought. that way, you can continue your vacationing, while having a place for teh puppy to stay. now THAT's a win win situation. I can picture the 3 of you touring the great west in your mobile home.
antie b, i don't understand your reasoning. if you root for the sabres, you root for the good guy; the classic underdog who is overachieving, thereby giving hope to the common man. the yankees are the complete opposite; the rich, filthy and evil. those who crush the goals and ideals of the masses, and rule with an iron fist. I think anyone who roots for the sabres to succeed has to, by definition, also root for the miserable failure of the yankees. On a related note, i need to go buy some labatt's for tonights game. the sabres have won every game that I've toasted with a labatt's.
Adam, I do believe that there was a case of Labatts in your closet as of last monday. It had better not be all gone already. I know that as a Soc. St. teacher there are extracurricular requirements, but that would be above and beyond. For the meeting I was thinking in terms of an afternoon get together, weather permitting, either Sat., Sun. or Monday on the deck at I think it is Schooners on river rd. in nt. That would take the responsibility of prepping away from all and let us enjoy the great outdoors. How does that sound??
enjoy the great outdoors? Didn't you previously describe the outdoors as "november-like"? It sounds like ya'll aren't getting a break with a slice of spring.
Go sabres! I watched the game at my favorite pool hall on Saturday. My table was next to a man that looked like aquaman. SOMEONE should have told him that yellow neoprene shirt was doing nothing for him.
mmmm -- labatts!
Congrats to the new graduate!
I am exhausted after subbing today and am taking the rest of the week off. I tried calling Ms. Fixit to see about a get together at one of the local watering holes in T-NT this weekend to avoid having someone working to prepare a picnic on Memorial Day, but she hasn't got back to me. Things are a bit up in the air on our end because Mother Bunts is having hip replacement on Thursday and we are not sure what our obligations are going to be for her and Rod afterwards. Sorry about the stitches jll. a small price to pay for a gala gradyiation celebration.
I'm sorry to hear you're so tuckered. I'll admit it, working those half days, I got a lil' spoiled. It's tough bringing back my 'A' game.
That's what I thought too. meeting at a local establishment for a beer.
How about Shores on Tonawanda Island??? Great view.
BUT... We might be in PA. this weekend, Sandra's going to check. If not, a beer sounds great to plan a plan of the planning picnic committee, it's supposed to be 80 degrees on Saturday.
Sorry to hear about your false alarm Thrllie. Good luck next time. My cast comes off 5/31 at 9AM. They're doing it or I am. Either way it's coming off.
It's official, we're going to Butler, PA for the long weekend. Have fun all and have a cool one on me. We're off to the Pittsburgh Zoo, the kids llove it there.
Mother Bunts will be in our prayers.
Talked to Sue and she is going to let me know a time and a place for sunday after church. Will keep everyone posted.
Ga' day fam., how's everyone doing? What a great day in Buffalo today. The sun is out, the birds are chirppin', and the Sabres are going to whoop the Hurricane tonight. It's great to be us.
I think it's Krsten's turn to blog. Something has to be going on down in Hotlanta. Maybe she could post the taxicab driver of the week?
Or... maybe Jllie could post places she's applied to.
Or.. Jnna could tell us some softball stories or just make them up. And when's the last time we've had a blog titled, "My Day With Gram"?
Bring back the classics.
I concur. 'bout time for a new blog from a single female member of the holtz clan.
Anyone want to get together for a cold one on Monday afternoon?
Dock at the Bay???
Maybe there is something to this alignment between the Sabres and Yanks. I guess I could live with a Yankee victory over the KCity juggernaut, if it means the Sabres win too. Jff, are you going to be back in town on Monday?? If so, I will talk to Ms. Fixit and perhaps we can postpone Sunday. Bets, what about you? It would be best to have all the principles face to face.
What a beautiful day--to sit in the surgical waiting room at MFS! Thanks for all the kind thoughts and offers. Actually, sitting all day maybe all I'm capable of since I way over did it with the gardening yesterday. At least I can use the bathroom for the handicapped where the toilets are higher off the ground. Is that to much information? Ouch!!!!
Don't your feet dangle?
Yes, we're back on Monday in the AM. We''d love to get together for a bbeer. We have plenty of beer at 98 Pickford.
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