The Big Chicken is -- well, its a big chicken. It happens to be next door to my favorite pool hall, and it's quite the local landmark. You can see why! Most directions start at the Big Chicken -- go past the Big Chicken and take a left -- you know where the Big Chicken is, dontcha? It's even on Google maps -- go ahead, google map this address and see what you see! 40 Cobb Pkwy N, Marietta, GA. And yes, it is a KFC now, and yes -- the beak and eyes DO move!

You may be sensing a theme by this point, because my next new favorite place is ALSO related to food. Its called the Vortex, and how could you NOT want to go into a place that looks like this? The best burgers in the world, and a generous pour of my favorite libation. They have a strict "No idiots" policy that's posted as you walk in -- and trust me, I've seen people thrown out of the place in violation. Luckily I've escaped the wrath by using my mind powers, Swede, mind powers. Note: the eyes on this one do NOT move. Usually.
Finally, I've got to give props to the hometown favorite, AndrUw Jones. The creative spelling of his name ALONE makes me love him, but his fine playing for the ruthlessly efficient HOMETOWN Atlanta braves is also notable. Add that to the fact that we have TWO "Jones" (we're not supposed to like Chipper. He's a philanderer, I hear) and the Ted is the place to be this summer. Especially since no one else in Atlanta seems to care!

I would give anything to visit HOTLANTA for a weekend!!!!!!!
Perhaps we can plan our meeting in Atlanta?
nice blog kdh. Just to let you all know, I have reached the pinnacle of teaching--- automotive!!!!
Awesome blog KDH, you show the important hotspots of Hotlanta. It's too bad that the eyes on the Vortex don't move. I'd be there for lunch every day.
I had no idea Chipper was a philanderererer. Why are we NOT supposed to like people who give away money to charities? Must be a south thing.
I better post here too, not sure if people will check the other blog.
We're home on Monday and we have plenty of beer here, so there's no reason to pay 2.50 - 3.00 at Shores or wherever. How's 2PM or so??? ...or annytiime. It's supposed to be a gorgeous day. I could turn on the hose for effects. Auntie P could just sit back and relax with her feet up.
Did not see a lot of churches or libraries in the blog, daughter of mine. I thought that you would give balance to all of the places that you spend your non-work hours, but there seems to be a somewhat singular theme. You need to show a traffic pic, since that too seems to occupy a lot of hours. Great job as the travelogues continue.
Thanks for the update on Mom. I was wondering what was going on because when I talked to her, she was concerned that she was having a recurrence of the shingles. I am ready for a David blog, focusing on newspaper deliveries, if nothing else. I knew that things were slower in the south but....
We are still trying (actually the responsibility is Auntie's) to figure out the schedule with Betty. When will she be leaving the hospital, sat., sun. or mon., and what happens next. It seems that everyone has a hole in their schedule for Sunday or Monday. Jff is lobbying for Monday, but we will know more later today and I will get the message to you. Thanks everyone for being so flexible. I thought that David Stern was going to be the next NFL commish? Rumor has it adm is teaching carpentry today. Possible?
After a day in the hospital I was so happy to see a post from my #1 daughter. It really puts my mind at ease to see that she is in a safe and secure enviroment!!
Betty did very well yesterday, even tho they almost canceled her surgery because her BP was 209/66. She had a rough time in recovery-breathing problems and chest pain, which was quickly brought under control. We finally got to see her about 8:00pm and she looked good and seemed to be be very comfortable.
Back I go today. Still being sore from the big gardening escapade, I am looking forward to the high toilets again. JFF~Jumping off seems to less painful than trying to stand up. I will be careful as I jump so I do not land wrong and break a hip.
For those travelling this weekend, the newlyweds (well not really so much any more) back to the Stageneck for their anniversary, and the Rice's heading to Pa., do so safely. Looking forward to the improving weather this weekend. Maybe I should have subbed today, although I don't get all of the juicy choices like my son does.
I'll get those things right over to her!
Does Ruth need a couple slices of meat too?
The last blog... to answer Auntiie B's question.
I'm just saying we're home on Monday and would love to share a beer and/or some wine with you folk. I could throw some doggies or burgers on the grill too. Maybe I'll get some Wardynzski dogs, I haven't had those in a while.
Auntie P, maybe Unckie C could mmake yoou some steps for your high throne? He have to get the project diagram from Adm's carentry class though.
Tomorrow's paper for today... I love that. What did you expect for a fin.
Unckie C, I have a reliable source that says I'll be golfing sooner than you can spell Wardynzski. I'm shooting for the middle of July, are you in?
Maybe the end of June.
I just re-read my first post of the day and have come to the conclusion that I should always proof read my posts before publishing. Am I an idiot?
Nothing could make me happier than my favorite nphw jff being back on the course sooner than expected. I have not taken a good financial licking on the golf course since last november so I need a good "smackin". Talked to Mom and she mentioned nothing of a light bulb. But she did say that jll came over and brought ginger ale and the promise of a burger later. Any truth to that??
Are you kidding me the Sabres need you. You're going to the movies??
What about Monday??? We're out of the house by noon, so let us kknow. Does everyone want to come over for a cold one and a dog?
I might call jff out on bad grammer. Don't put it past me!
Eating carb free creamsicles, watching the sabres (yipes, they're down by 2!)and rewriting a document on transitions for special needs students -- what a Friday night. Of course, i did just return from 2 hours at the pool ...
sheesh people -- answer jff. He's offering up beer and hot dogs! If it weren't 1600 some odd miles, I'd be there!
We'll be home on Monday.
Thanks Kristen, I can always count on you, dogs, punctuation, grammar, and beer. Staples to a healthy and produuctive life.
Don't bring anything, it won't be a big deal. Or bring something and it turns into a moderate deal.
Zach has a baseball game today at 1PM at T.A.L.L. on Francis, just letting you all know.
How's G. Betty doing? Hopefully she's comfortable.
Adm, tell the Red Sox to stop beating up on my fantasy pitchers. Even after last night and Kazmir getting hit hard, I'm still in first place with 84 pts. out of 110. Yeah Ommegang Brewers!!! Kristen, that could be your new team you root for. I'll get ya a hat.
Okay, busy - busy, have to start my kids weekend.
Sorry for the late update, but we are still trying to sort out the rest of the weekend. How about a 3:30 meet at Shores on the river in nt for a cold one on Monday? Supposed to be a nice day, and I don't know what other responsibilities we are going to have regarding her move from the hospital to rehab. I hope that i caught jff before he leaves for the game, but with the fog, there could be some delays. Maybe there is something to the sabres/yanks. I gave up at 3 nil; just getting ready for the world cup.
Okay, it's official.
With my delicate words of persuasion, I've convinced my thoughtful Unckle to have a day in the sun drinking beer and eating Wardyzskis at 98 Pickford.
So come one, come all, anytime after 2PM. I'll be drinking well before that time.
I'd like to thank Kristen for urging everyone to respond to my offer.
She can use my clipboard.
Do we have one of those stenographer earplugs, the UN uses them? The ones that translate into english would be great.
Emma's learning sign language, that might help too.
"I speak some jive".
What movie is that from?
I just ran up to Dick's at the Galleria to buy Zachary black pants. He literally was the only one on his team wearing grey pants, you can't have that.
I speak jive -- AIRPLANE, of course. But don't call me Shirley!
too funny...
Great day trip yesterday -- a little golfing in South Carolina (I started a new quest to golf in every state like my dad) and then a few innings of the Greenville DRIVE -- Single A Red Sox affiliate. They've built a new stadium that's a replica of Fenway, and the place was rocking last night -- completely sold out. Can you imagine how cool it would be to be a single a ballplayer playing in front of a full house with a replica of the green monster? Very cool.
Enjoy the day guys -- its another scorcher here!
Good to see all of the baseball related comments. We need that transition since hockey season will be over very soon. That loud noise you heard was me jumping off the bandwagon. So proud of nfw jff and his natural leadership abilities taking charge as he did yesterday to bring the official meeting to plan the gettogether. Will see everyone tomorrow and since we have a clipboard and lots of opinions and beer, I know that it will be a productive meeting. Did stop to see Mom yesterday. Did anyone else see her as a bit "cranky" or is it just me?? Even with the strawberry shake and scratchoffs i brought along, I still half expected her to grab her rifle and pound on me awhile. Betty is feeling better and also a bit on the "cranky" side. All in all, it was a delightful day.
Great story Jill -- here's a similar one --
I was looking at the photo of grandpa in his uniform, and I said "my goodness grandpa -- you're a hottie in that uniform" and he said "Yeah, look at me -- ready to go kick some Nazi ass!"
After the Yankees hung on to win and the Sabres went up 3-1, I thought that just maybe all would be well; alas and alack, it was not to be. Oh well, Tuesday, back in Buffalo. It's not easy being a Buffalonian.
just returned from planning picnic at nephew's. lovely picnic, much fun! And yes we even did get some work done! tasks and chores have bee
Thank you everyone in the planning of Holtzapalooza, if you were not there... you pretty much got the crappy jobs.
Lots of fun today, thank you. And cousins far away, I hope you had an awesome Mmemorial Day.
By far one of the most productive meetings I have ever attended. Decisions made with a minimum of quibbling; one scary moment when I thought that it might all come apart when Mr. Fixit was assigned ketchup and balked when told that it had to be red. The man is always looking for a bargain, but I think that he will come through. Lots of fun and the beer was cold. If we can repeat that in August, we are on the way to a great day.
back from the 4 day weekend, and I've got a full slate of ESL (English as a 2nd Language) classes in store. At least I know english! I think. thank jeebus that its not automotive again
I am all set for phys. ed. on friday. Can't wait since I was almost a phys ed major but I could never have passed gymnastics nor climbed the rope. I think we need to provide our own special "touch" on the invitations that we offer, the only common theme being that it is HOLTZAPALOOZA. Go Sabres!!! Are the Yanks playing tonite?? That doesn't work anymore after sunday so they can go down the tubes.
You're absolutely correct.
I just had to throw that in there.
I received a phone call from Mr. Fixit today while at work. He just wanted clarification that the ketchup HAD to be red. I had to apologize to him, I didn't write that down on his pad.
Too many conditions. How can you find the perfect job twice?
OT !!!
That's terrible. But, Brother Rick says they're not even fans down there.
In 2.5 hours my leg is free. "I'm free" What movie should I watch today? Napolean Dynamite? Old School? Or a classic, Caddyshack, Fletch??
I find it hard to believe that the security system of the Tonawanda Police Dept., set up by Herbie Boldt, Eugene Holrod, Dennis Berndt, et. al, could have become so compromised. OT came last nite, I am ready for bed and Auntie says that since I had gone to bed Sunday and they lost the OT I had to stay up. The rest is history. Auntie watched the entire game and there were a number of responses during the game by her. The last time she responded to a sporting event of any kind was back in the days of Jim Kelley, James Lofton, etc. This is indeed special.
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