Yes folks, the wonderful play by those masterful 26 time world champions have finally won this family over! Long live the yankees! Jeter, Damon, A-Rod, Sheffield, Matsui, Posada, Giambi, et al, have shown, even with a bloated payroll of 203 million dollars that baseball is alive and well.

Yes folks, the wonderful Yankess have done it. Given me a new reason to blog again.
I feel your pain.
Hear no evil, see no evil, speak no evil.
I want to go on record as saying that I did everything in my power to prevent THOSE PEOPLE from responding in the hurtful way in which they did. I am a bit more practical. I don't see this most recent performance as doing anything to increase the value of my Yankee sports paraphenalia on ebay. Maybe next year??
I think that it will be an interesting off season. Let's go Sabres!! Only 79more games until they start to matter. There is way too much emphasis on baseball anyhow. Only an hour until the Bills kick off and Dick gets his measure of revenge.
You must have forgotten that I have to live with these people.
It has been a terrible week for the Koch's.
Sympathy cards are welcome.
When I was screaming for a new blog; I was hoping KDH would post about the research of candles, Mustafa would post his alibi on Sunday night, anything but that!
ugh. at least the bills are playing well.
I didn't know adam would be just so hurtful. I thought we were taking our xmas card photo, I swear!
Go Falcons!
Once again I wish to disavow totally what my son was responsible for. I told him how it was not the way for this family to ever make fun of anything. Go Bills.
Coming home from the Prog in the Park and The Flower Kings concert, I felt nothing but love and hope, an exhileration to help people, and a new beginning for potical enemies... AND THEN... I come home to this, How could you??? My own family.
It took me 21 hours and truckload of drugs that would fill up Rite Aid to get out of my dark place.
I was hoping I couold flip the picture upside down and it would spell out Jeter Rules!!! But, to no avail.
I am getting a subscription to the NY Post so I will know what is going on with managers in NYC. Reports are that all is not well, altho much quieter, in Beantown. I think that I will spend today getting ready for those first flakes come Friday. More depression in WNY.
Snow, huh? ouuuuuuuuuch. 85 here, and not a hint of autumn. Strange strange strange.
How exciting is a Monday that's really a Tuesday??
Who would think that the NY Post, the same paper that weekly has martians eating brains on "the island", would report with the utmost confidence that Torre still has his Yankee managerial job. Personally, I thought Torre should have been the "Manager of the Year" this year. His best personal triumph since the '96 season and defeating the wringing hands of cancer. I THINK... that 1 big Torre and 6 mini Torre's could beat the Red Sox in a best of 5 series. That's what I think.
With the year annivarsay of the blog fast approaching; I just thought I would let everyone know that to date:
1. There have been exactly 98 blog entries.
2. There have been 3,457 (not including this one) comments in the 12 months since the blog was created.
3. Congratulations to Unkie who received 112 comments on his March 12th blog. KDH was a close second with 107 comments on her Jan. 31st blog.
What is a "mini Torre"? I think that the pro=yankee faction needs to do a blog to put everything into the proper historical perspective. Thanks for the update Jenna, and we owe it all to you. If only we could all have back the time that we have spent at the typewriter over the last year.
wow -- she might actually win the award for the stupidest interview tactic EVER. NEAT!
I met a very "nice" lady who sat next to me on the plane last night. She was having some nicotine craving problems, as evidenced by her taking 3 different cigs out and putting them in her mouth, and turning her cell phone on and off. All midflight. I rang the call button. Doesn't she know the security level is orange!
She also went up and over the seat to get out before anyone else once we landed. Something about needing to catch her connection. She got two people ahead before the real frequent flyers caught on and slowed the hell down getting out of the aisles, just to keep her fuming.
So when IS the anniversary of the blog? Thanks for the statistics!
I didn't see that one coming.
KDH, I just love stories about people purposely slowing down inpatient huckleberries. I would have been the guy to box her out down low. You had to keep that nicotine lady out of the paint.
KDH, I love your plane stories! Did you have your flask with you? Maybe you could have given her a hit to ease the pain.
Bills are a one point favorite in this AM's snooze. Interesting call. Do they bounce back or do they provide the opp for the lions to get their first. The bills don't play Oakland do they? That could be embarrassing. I guess that there is no sense in my showing for my interview with auntie b.
Bills prevail this week against the Loins 24-7. Yes, Loins.
I just received my third tiltle change in 18 months (Billing Supervisor to Reimbursement Manager to Accounting Supervisor). No raise for the Not-for-profit loser. I fel like I work at Cheers and Woody was made Executive Bartender.
Congrats to jff on his new title. Money is good too.
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