It all started out innocently enough. My sister Linda had invited us over for spaghetti dinner night. Little did we know what awaited us.
Our first inkling that something was amiss was when we knocked on the door and were greeted by two ancient people.

"Velcome", they said. "We are the butler and housekeeper and we have been expecting you." I stole a quick glance at Unkie but he was struggling to open his 2nd Schmidts roady and didn't seem to notice anything was wrong.

quickly became apparent that we had wandered into THE HOUSE OF HORRORS when we rounded the corner and bumped into these this friendly fellow and his bride. Neither seemed to notice that they were dead! We were startled and turned to flee but found our way blocked by a very unfriendly beast.

It offered to scratch our eyes out "free of charge." We politely declined and ran screaming in the other direction. (At this point Unkie was fumbling to open another beer and I decided I needed one as well.)
Just when we thought the worse was over we happened upon this!

Slowly the lid of the coffin creaked open and out crawled the most horrifying sight yet! Unkie, by now, was squealing and crying. "Please, please, I'll do anything but let me live to drink another beer!"

Running as fast as we could, which wasn't all that fast" we encounter this sight ~ As scared as we were Unkie, being the avid sports enthusiast that he is, threatened the blind referee with bodily harm in the name of all Bills fans. "No, No," I screamed, " there's no time for that now!"

We ran and ran until we could run no more. Unkie did take one brief time out to have a beer withMr. Bones, his new friend from the coffin.
And just when we thought we were safe...POOF! the spell was cast and Unkie and I were turned into these horrifying creatures.

So, at Christmas, please don't be frightened by us. We are the same lovable Unkie and Antie, we just look different. Who knows by then we may even have found a way to break the spell. One more thing, could someone please open a beer for Unkie?
Happy Halloween everyone! Nothing says that its going to be a good day quite like a new post. Thanks mom!
What halloween hijinks does everyone have planned?
"The horror, the horror".
AWESOME BLOG!!! Too funny. There's nothing like completing your day at work ... early and coming home to a new blog. Nice job Auntie p. I can just picture you (with no help from Unckie) trying to get through that ordeal... alone.
Halloween plans? Always. It first has me dressing up as a cabaret singer. Then I pass out candy with Pink Floyd's 'Umma Gumma' blasting in the background. Nothing says Halloween like "Sysyphus I -IV" and "Several Species Of Small Fury Animals Gathered Together In A Cave And Grooving With A Pict" playing at an ear piercing level. And then... the battle of the stereo begins with the Mrs.
Ahhhhh, good times.
you guys are so funny made my halloween morning afternoon and my evening I am sure.
Happy Halloween to my favorite blog family
A Fan
Thanks A fan. Have a great day and Happy Haloween.
It's almost time to start carving up the pumpkins. This year... my jack-o-lanterns are going to look like Jimmy Durante and Moe Howard. I'm using a cucumber for the nose and I'll just draw in Moe's hair.
Auntie was obviously very busy today as I was off doing my subbing gig. She did seem to make many references to me and beer which was, I think, a bit unfair. And as far as the blind official is concerned, I did over react on that but that was only because of what that official did to cause poor JP to fumble against New England.
It is 9 pm and as usual, we have had no tricksters. There sits a whole bag of mixed bars for me to go after. Love Almond Joys!! By the way, as you may have gathered from the posting, Linda is REALLY into Halloween and goes a bit nuts in decorating for her annual party/spaghetti dinner.
No Trick or Treaters here either, unless you count the teens wandering the streets with bags of multimedia. Ahh, the inner city!
At least I have some Special Dark mini bars (The hershey minature obsession is all Grandpa's fault!) and Dancing with the Stars.
I think Brandi is out this week. Loved Edyta's boots. Any other predictions/comments?
oh NO! Sounds like Jff got some bad chicken wings!
Wow! I just woke up. I'll tell ya... I needed that fiver. I'm feeling much better now, thank you. I think this time I should complain (to my favorite pizzaria) about getting those bad wings.
Jllie can tell ya, I wasn't on my 'A' game at Tops today. It's amazing I could find my car. All I heard was the pouunding of bells in my head. A regular Tubalar Bells. At least I have a wife that loves me. Right Honey??? Honey?
Awwww... you've always been about the accessories. Come on, wear the hat and give me a YAH MULE!!!
Sandra turned 40 yesterday. Happyy Birthday Toots.
Where's Jnna been?
Sndr had a big 40 day and it wasn;t preannounced??? And from all sounds of it the best thing that she had to look forward to was spending it with a hung over hubbie? Old age and long term marriage--the double whammie. Hope you had a good one and everyone treated you like a princess. Mom and Lois apparently sat from 4 pm on waiting for the t and ters. Isn't there some law that you can't go out until dark? Used to be the rules anyhow.
Even at my worst... that's it.
Is the snow comin' again?
Sandra is out Christmas dress shopping with Emma, Zach, and Papa at the mall. They're looking to get Emma something pretty.
Big game tonight against the hated Bruins. We're going after the Oilers record oof 15 straight. GO SABRES!!!
Heading off on one of my famous junkets, fam -- chicago to boston. Should be fun. I plan on fitting in some minor league hockey in milwaukee, and a fish fry for sure. Might even drive to St. Louis to get some national park stamps. Yee hah!
go sabres!
happy birthday Sandra!
I kept the faith AntieB! I never lost hope. Kept the game on in the background, even when the mighty sabes were down 4-1 with 10 minutes left in the game. Boy did I squeal with delight when they tied it up with a minute and a half left. And I made a quick tour of the block when they pulled it off during the shootout. I'm even wearing my sabres jersey in school today!
No flavors... dag.
I turned it off a 4-1 only to join my lovely wife on "her" tv night. We watched CSI and flipped in between commercials to the game. I did get to see some of thhe overtime. Sabres rule!!!
When I think of KDH, I think of National Park stamps. They just seem to go together.
I wish I was talented like my Aunt P!! Great Post! I have been checking in, I just haven't posted.
Everyone ready for election day? I have gram and lois duty!
OOh I'm ready. Are you ready?
Papa comes through again...Emma will enjoy Christmas with style! Her dress is adorable!
Got some birthday bucks from the fix-its for my birthday...took $ to Victoria Secret...@#$^& are those "bras" expensive! Emma thought the thongs were hilarious!
Good day family, looks to be a beautiful day. Enjoy it.
Go Sabres... alright... Go Bills too.
They are so frustrating to watch!!! That's all.
Just got back from a pretty quick trip to Quincey to see Adam and Amy. Got to see the Sabres lose, got home in time to see the Bills win, and while in the Boston area visted a Jordan "furniture" store, complete with Imax and indoor fireworks. I also got my national park stamp on a stopover at the Martin Van Buren home in Kinderhook, N.Y.---I was ready with "the sign", but there were no VanBuren Boys to be seen--and also stamps at the Bunker Hill memorial and the Boston freedom trail. Take that K!! Have a good week all. Will there be a blog on Sandra'sshopping trip and what she bought?
We're still trying to find all of the receipts.
insomniacs love to blog!!! and this is a funny it real??? or are you just some bored college kids???
Love the 3 am comments from the outside world. No college kids here anonymous, just a bunch of adults?? with computer access, too much time on their hands, and a bad set of genes that leave us with a skewed look at the world. If sandra is not up to highlighting her shopping trip, I can do my shopping trip to EA canvas and awning. Hey, by the way, do we have the rules in place yet for the Christmas gift exchange??
Zach collects bottle caps...his collection grows with leaps and bounds on a regular basis...on Halloween his parents and neighbors doubled his collection! Much easier to collect than stamps I think!
Time to start thinking about Christmas and "the game"! Yes! By the Christams still at the Fix-its or are we traveling south to the city of Tonawanda?
We could come here to the Town if there are no grabbers...Jff loves to clean!
Zach also collects pressed pennies ( I suppose these could be historical). Emma...she's into snow globes...seriously.
I have a box full of beer caps. Does Zach want them?
I believe Christmas will be in the City of Twand this year.
Jnna, Do you have a Billy Beer beer can? Now that's a keeper.
I used to collect beer cans. Mr. Fixit even used to take me to some flee markets as a youth to get 'em. That stopped when they got some churchin' though.
I will do my very best to help my grand-nephew increase his bottle cap collection. Sno-globes, now that is a bit tougher. Cancellation stamps, similar to those that would be put in your passport for international travel, are provided at National Historic sites. I don't think that the Long Homestead qualifies, altho the Double D might be a designated national landmark.
I have a Billy Beer Beer Can belly if that helps.
Caddyshack Bunnies
copy and paste and enjoy
Where is everybody?
It's time to add another bathroom to the Rice estate. Sandra is growing impatient. So I'm going to dig a whole in the basement and furnish it with a cushioned seat.
Isn't a port o potty cheaper?
Brand new furniture arriving on Friday!
Believe it or not, NO. I'll get dirty digging the hole out and it may stink after awhile (I'll just load up on car air fresheners). The hole method is cheaper and now I'll have a place to keep my naked mole rats.
That reminds me... what's Adm been up to?
Adam keeps on complaining about how busy he is and how he hasn't the time to add to the blog or even participate in his father's football pool. I think that it is just a matter of prioritizing. The requirements of the job will always be there so we have to find time for the other more important things in life. I am glad that he found the time to have dinner with his sister tonite in Boston. That is a step in the right direction. What about a Mom and Lois voting blog???
Well, I am sad to report that Gram did not make it to the polls tonight. Mom and I had the day off work and we spent the day with Gram. She decided not to go and vote today. But we did have a great lunch at Zebb's.
And tomorrow, I am taking her to see Santa Claus 3.
you should tell her that you're taking her to see SC3, but instead take her to Borat. She'll never know the difference!
and yes, I am trying to ignore the comments from my cousin, and more hurtfully, my father.
Hey, son of mine, welcome back to blogging and I trust that you will use the election results as a lesson plan today for your classes. Me, I will spend the day watching Fox News to understand what REALLY happened, because it is "fair and balanced". Little disappointed that Mom did not get to the polls yesterday. Having first cast her ballot for Silent Cal, I thought that she would keep her streak intact.
Very funny posts... we're a funny group.
How did the Republicans lose 78 seats yesterday? I needed a calculator just to keep up on the east coast results.
Another Gram incident involving a mini van??? What happened?
Guys don't like to be called lil' fellas. Just a note for future discussions.
Welcome back Cuz Adm, we misseed you. Still wearing your Wilf Paimont Sabre jersey?
hey family -- back from my east coast adventures and some good times with my bro in boston. i have two pieces of proof that he's a teacher now: 1) I saw his classroom AND someone call him Mr. Holtz AND 2) dinner was at 530, wrapped up by 7 and he was home to nod off on the couch by 8! Nothing like teacher hours....
My flight home yesterday was a first as I was actually kicked off in B'more! Even though the flight continued on to Atlanta they wanted me to get off and wait 2 hours for the next flight to atlanta. lil glitch with the gate agent in Boston. Through much sweet cajoling (mmmhmm), I got to stay on the flight. My bags, however, were not so lucky!
I am SO going to see Borat!
So MUCH happening!! Auntie B. right on target with DWTS--although Auntie P. is inconsolable over the loss of Joey. K right on target with teacher hours and nphw jff on target with the Congressional call. I wish that I had something to offer that would bring an anonymous response, but I don't. We need more details on the incident with Gramma, and saying it needs to be conveyed face to face does not cut it. Come on Auntie B., what is the story???? The last incident brought Mustafa to prominence. Who knows where this one may go?
Thanks Anonymous, keep stopping by. We will fill you in on all the Bills mishaps in the 2006 Football season (Go Sabres!!!). Starting and ending with JP. I still want to see him do well. Am I the idiot?
I need to hear Gram's new incident. My mom is still not the same person ever since Gram's last incident with Mustafa, the minivan, and a pack of camels. She later was frisked by Mr. Fixit. Rumor has it he found something.
We all love Angie. She's the best.
Did you say BLOG at 11. I can hardly wait.
Day off today.
It's nice enough outside to go golfing. Yes, golfing. Except... I'm being a dad today and staying with the kids on our shared day off. So... I have to clean the house.
The "incident" with Gram has my interest peaked also but I am much more interested in the shopping trip that Sandra took. It sounds like you went Victoria Secret shopping with Mr Fixit. Could this be??? Please explain because I can't get the image out of my mind.
It is true! Mr Fix-it was "around" when I went to Victoria's but he wouldn't enter the building. He was quoted as saying, " I'm not going in that place! Who knows what could happen? What do you need all that kind of stuff for anyway?!"
Ps: Jff did NOT clean the house. When i got home from work all three were still in their jammies & had stinky breath.
I was going to clean up the house. It's just... There's very little time in the day to do everything you need to do. And then I got a lil' tuckered... so, I was resting my eyes for two minutes when she came home early.
oh my. Unkie Gare in Vicky's secret. Goodness gracious.
I HATE it when they come home early after I have made all my plans to get my chores done on my personal schedule. I know what you must have gone thru nphw. We should have gone golfin'. Terry Hills is still open and so is Ironwood and Byrncliff.
So gram did make it to see Santa 3. I was drooling on her shoulder 10 minutes in the movie. I did have to explain to her that Chevy Chase was not in the movie, and that was just a preview of an upcoming flick.
Luckily, we were the only two in the show!
Happy Veterans day Gramps
So I'm sitting here watching the special 20th anniversary edition of "Transformers: The Movie" and optimus prime just died. Its getting a little dusty in here. WHere has the time gone?
Hard to believe that with all of the promos that Tim Allen did that the movie was not a box office blockbuster; and even with martin short, although he hasn't been funny since the movie where he had an allergic reaction and his face swelled up to 3times normal size. Optimus dead??? I didn't even know he was sick?
so just to update everyone: Gram is here eating dinner at 431. Watching us prime and paint. During dinner gram said the word "bisexual" while referring to the Bills.
Mom didn't know about Sir Paul's bitter divorce??? Bizarre.
Optimus, I believe, contracted the avarian flu and couldn't shake it. Poor guy... or robot.
I have to get out golfin' one mo' day.
I'm happy with the Bills play today. They didn't embarrass themselves.
you know, I'm glad that you all can take a very traumatic event from my early childhood and turn it into fun and games. He died! he died!
It's hard to believe that Thanksgiving is a little over a week away. The Koch's are preparing by priming and painting. All are welcome to stop by for food and fun!
Have a great Monday family.
Always surprised to see what events of my son's formative years served to direct him in the way that he went. Optimus prime?? I would have hoped that it would be Daisy Duke being groped by Uncle Jessie, or perhaps Gomer Pyle being outed by Goober. I guess that my biggie was finding out that Princess Summerfall....was being handled by Buffalo Bob. There aren't many out there to see that connection. By my count Auntie P. has elicited 3 comments from the anonymous group out there. That means that the gauntlet has been thrown down. There hasn't been a recent posting from the Cookies. Seems like it is time. Perhaps something themed to painting. Does anyone feel that the missed field goal really made a difference? That Indy could not have scored the final points? Did Randy Cross actually say that the Bills ran 11 plays inside the red zone for a total of =8 yds? The current QB situation may be as bleak as it has ever been, and that goes back to the days of Ed Rutkowski, who was actually a better County Exec. than QB.
JacksonnThe failed field goal attempt made no difference at all. Indy ran the ball right down the field afterwords, they would have scored. AND it would have hurt more.
We're at the Cookies for Turkey Day. Count us in. I just have a lil' thing called "The Turkey Bowl" to play first in the AM and then we're on our way.
I loved Daisy Duke and Wonder Woman.
Has anyone else ever typed their password into a comment before??? Hmmmm...
Pittsburgh has a bunch of greedy b%&*&%#s. They have all of those various championships and they would deny us the pierogi title. By the way, I hope that you all saw the letter to the editor in the Snooze clarifying that pierogi is the plural of pierog and thus there is no such thing as pierogis, nor mices, nor geeses. Thanks for allowing me to share. This blogsite makes us all better people in so many ways. Is it safe to finally assume that the Koch house is finally back to normal car-wise?? Enjoy your Tuesday.
Goodness, a little vitriol from my father re: p'burgh!
Drive safe thrilly. Not sure you got the shocking news yet, but since you were blown away by the Brittney/K-Fed split, there's s little more we never saw coming: He's got a sex tape of her. And he's not afraid to sell it.
I'm thinking of doing a new blog. Thoughts?
The title might be my password.
The Koch's have been extremely busy preparing for Thanksgiving. Ruth is coming, so it's BYOW (Bring your own wine).
KFed has a sex tape. I am suprised ET hasn't reported that.They are so focused on Anna Nicole Smith lately.
And well, Jill's car....... That's a touchy subject.
Unk did you have your coffee this morning? That was a side I never saw before!
NEW BLOG!!!! YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!
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