If it has not been said before, I will say it again. Nothing compares to ThanksGiving! The smells, the food, the feeling of family and friends, ThanksGiving has it all!
Please note the third generation cousins, having fun, just being togother! The look on Jnna's face says it all, as it was her responsibility to deliver gramma and her friend, Ruth. The photo of Ruth is of her trying to put her hearing aid in, which is a story in itself, the other picture is of cocktail hour. Cookie handles quite a bit of the cooking duties, please note the empty bottles of beer and wine in the background. Gramma was the first to the table, right behind Jff, she was very patient, and did clean her plate, which did entitle her to dessert.
Everyone had a grand day, the food was yummy, the conversation divine, you could not ask for a better ThanksGiving, well yes you could, we all could be togother. Thanks to you Family, May God Bless you and Keep all of you safe.
Thinking of you Dad, this was always your day!
Great photo essay of a great day in so many ways. Talked to Mom on Friday and she said how much she enjoyed everything. It says so much that Ruth was such a big part of the day for everyone. Way to go Sis. And.... way to go JP. Can't believe that the Bills are still alive.
makes me sad that I missed it! Wish I coulda been there. In other news, I hope the sabres can pull off the exacta tonight.
Jillie "rocks" in the kitchen ( I have no comment about other places). The corn & beans were esp. awesome! Thanks! Happy Thanksgiving weekend...how about them Bills??!!
Promised Austin a Christmas vacation sleepover if he is in town. They were great this weekend & had such a good time. Too cute--the whispers back & forth of "Ask your mom...no you ask her...no you ask her...send Emma..." either way they won out. We enjoyed his visit! Nice of you to "share" him with the kids...they were thrilled!
Nice Thanksgiving pics.
What the heck is happening in Hot'uffalo? Gorgeous weather and the Bills win, I'm very confused.
if everyone is afraid to be different, how can we make a difference?
Dear Anonymous,
Apparently you are not a faithful reader of our blog. In our family each and everyone of us is different in oh, so many ways.
And all of us have made a difference in many, many ways!
You go girl!
What's up with anonymous? Must be a college pup using his new text book.
What IS a new book? What is IS?
I think that itwas vicb back as anonymous. Auntie is definitely "different"; to that I can attest.
Mom, great job on the blog! 2 thumbs up. Austin had a great time with Zach and Emma. Thank you so much for letting him spend the night.
We just found out he didn't make the basketball team. Bummer! But, he is going to practice tonight to speak to the coach.
Excessive celebration penalty??? Only against Buffalo. And only the third one called all year. Poor Roscoe was tired thats all. Bad call Good win and yes the Bills are still alive!!!
Not about to let an entire day go by without at least one comment; very enjoyable round of golf today with nphw jff. Weather great for the end of November and even had a chance to have a beer or two. Auntie busy with xmas decorations downstairs so I stay hidden upstairs.
She's fine. We'll do the baby shower behind her back. She'll never know.
GOLF in November? In Buffalo???
Sweet. Great day. I took over 150 shots and scored a 90. Must've been a bell curve.
High point of my golfing day was number 16 when I saw my nephew take about 6 shots over a 2 minute period,eventually return to the general area he started, find a different ball, and claim a par 3 on the scorecard. I knew I was done at that point.
My days of gainful employment are counting down, family. Its nervewracking indeed! 12/1 is the first day of my new adventures ...
family, I need your help, pronto. I'm having a horrible case of deja vu, and its driving me crazy. I stumbled across a TV show that looks like it was made in the '70s. Its for kids, it has an owl, a frog and a hippo. They all have these crazy eyes that move freely around in their heads. The owl has a scholar's cap, glasses, tie, vest and a pocket watch, and the frog has a huge green F on its sweater. Why does this look so familiar??? And the female hostess is wearing a mini skirt and boots. Why did i never notice THAT before?
WHOA -- go jll the thrll! THAT Was amazing -- especially since I was sure my brother was tripping!
Where did you come across it, bro?
it was on some local tv station at 8am this morning. I was at school looking for court tv, and became entranced. Who said drugs never positively influenced child development.
Always impressed by the vast wealth of totally useless information possessed by this family. Me, the best thing that happened was discovering that I have a brand new--well, not quite brand new, sweater and turtleneck that were left in my car by a secret santa. This goes along with a Yankee towel I found on the lawn yesterday and a glass case on the deck. I can't wait to see what other goodies i may discover on or about Grover rd.
I think I used that yankee towel to wipe my butt last time I was home.
I am afraid to say that I am of the generation that watched the New Zoo Review...along with Puff-n-Stuff, Land of the Lost, Sigmund the Seamonster and that Hat show where the kid fell into the magic hat. Now THAT was good TV!
Who didn't watch Mr. Rogers? I used to go into my parents dresser and dress up then dress my dolls up. Those were great times! Then an oldie but a goodie is Lamp Chops play along.
So gram called me today and said she is lonely. That even the inmates told her she never goes out anymore. I am picking her up in the AM so she can get her scratch offs.
I came home yesterady after a our golf outing without my wool sweater, my matching turtle neck, and oddly enough I was riding cowboy (no undergarments). Now where could those have gone ended up? The last thing I remember; I was drinking an appletini at some fancy establishment with Unckie after we golfed.
The New Zoo Revue... good times. I'm remember it like it was yesterday. Maybe Freddie the frog has my boxers?
What a Fem!
Nice to know that my mystery is solved, although i still have not discovered the missing briefs. That is making me very nervous. I will continue to look around. Perhaps they were abandoned at our luncheon stop?
my goodness people -- with these conversation topics, we may get tagged as an "alternative lifestyle" blog.
Riding cowboy? never heard that one. I prefer "going commando".
And just a note on how much I appreciate the support that flowed from you all after I shared that I was nervewracked about my pending unemployment. If you call support questions about TV shows and comments on the yankees! ;)
Thank God for the smiley at the end of the KDH blast. Otherwise.... Thanks for the thoughts Auntie B. I think that we all need an official announcement of the new corporate logo and the conferring of the grand prize. Me, I have worked for two days and am exhausted. I need a nap, and a hug.
KDH, I for one did not know if your information was public and instead sent a private e-mail. Hopefully I get a pass from the other uncaring bunch? :)
We do care and love you. BUT, just assumed that this was a blessing to do something on your own.
Yankees Rule !!!
thank you thank you. sometimes when I'm stressed my "joking" words come out more like "bitchy" words. I really did mean them to be funny!
So thanks Antie B! and jff you do get a pass. all is well and tomorrow is day one! But I have no logo yet ... all in good time, all in good time.
Butterflies are good.
Or maybe a capital N with a Y inset?
Some other logo ideas.
What the F*@#!
yay! Thanks Antie B -- its nice to know I'm keeping such auscipicious company!
and look at me, starting work at 7:20 in the morning. Let me tell you, I've never done THAT before!
The Kristen Korporation is up and running. I am one proud Momma. Feel free to use my picture as your logo.
COUSIN KDH I am so proud of you! There is no doubt in my mind that your corporation will be a huge success. If you need anything, anything at all; The Koch's are right there behind you. Just remember to save your receipt for your first customer. (Well that was the best advice we received when we opened up the Tiki Hut).
WE LOVE YOU!! Congratulations again!
If you're a fan of "Office Space" and/or Superfriends, you have GOT to check this out.
Way to go Babe!! Working at 7:20 A.M. The earlly bird gets the worm and all of that good stuff. Everyone is with you all the way. Yu go girl!!
Congrats on your first day at Kristen Corp. What time did you take lunch? AND as your wise ol' father will tell you; the most important meal of the day is breakfast. Sooooo... hopefully at 7 AM you were working and snacking on a healthy bar or downing a glass of instant carnation. I like coffee with toast for my breakfast. Sometiimes I'll have a bowl of cereal. Usually Capn' Crunch, sometimes Raisin Bran Crunch with a lot of sugar. MMan I'm hungry.
I love "Office Space". Good clip.
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