I need a name, and I need it soon.
This is where you all come in. Consider this a blog-based brainstorming, and give me some ideas for names. A few general pieces of information:
1) I'll do research and communications, broadly defined.
2) The name should be general but memorable.
3) Concrete is fine. Evocative/philosophical is fine. Cutesy, not so good.
4) My lawyer told me I can't use Dawn-ya, Donya, Banya, or Bonya.
The person who suggests the name I ultimately go with gets a prize, a prize a major prize. Now dust off your creativity shoes, and get to thinking!
No pressure! here's a list of competitors, just to inspire you:
I like competitions!
how 'bout- here's just to start
Muckrakers Inc.
I'll be thinking...
I've got it!!
Concentric Concepts
CRC ( concentric research and communications)
Concentric R&C
What we need is a little more enthusiasm from auntie b. Holtz and son painting never made it off the drawing board, so it is still available. I have a piece of Yankee memorabilia to add to the prize list, but the winning name can't have anything to do with them or with Pittsburgh. I decided that I hate the steel city too. I like "solutions" inthe title but Holtz is definitely out. Based on the business history of Holtz's deli alone, that eliminates that choice.
Forget work tomorrow, I am doing RESEARCH!
Congrats KDH!!! I am so excited for you. Where will your office be located? I WANT THE MAJOR PRIZE!!!
Okay, my creative juices are flowing!
Okay, I have a few.
1. Hardline research and communications.
2. KDH research and communications.
3. WNY research and communications TEAM.
4. Eastern communications and research.
5. KDH multi-service team.
Okay, it's dinner time. I concentrate better when I have a full stomach
Awesome, awesome adventure. And "death is the best adventure of all". At least that's what Captain Hook says.
I do need time to think BUT I'll throw out a few off the top of my hemp induced noggin.
In no order I just like numbers:
1. Progressive Thinking & Research or just Froggie went a courtin'
B. Getter' Done
3b. AYNAD (that's Sanddra's just in case this wins)
4. Dyanes Hot Off the Grill
6. It's Not Just For Russian's Inc.
7. Bourbon Swillin' R&D
You name it we make it
WAY TO GO KRISTEN!!! We are trying to be creative here, but it takes us a little longer...Hold on, we'll come up with the winning name!!! The Stoibers
Here's just a thought.
IF you move back here we can all help you start this project. I'm an accountant, Sandra can do the Human Resource side, Your dad can paint the offices and your mom can check our teeth every six months. If there's a problem with the building my dad can do maintainance and find you really good deals on reams of paper and staplers. Jill can make sure none of us are stealing from you. Jnna, can bring in lunch and hire away some of the betters workers from MickeyD's. Gram can get us all lottery tickets and T-shirts for our Christmas bonus. Auntie B. can try and get donations from George Steinbrenner or at least get us tickets for so we have something to do when we're not busy with our jobs. I'm thinking box seats.
Whatcha' think???
Shoot, I was going to suggest INSTITUTE OF MEDICINE and then I checked the competitors list. Rats.
I got it! I got it!
Provention Research and Communications
or Provention RC.
Its kind of like prevention, as in you're trying to prevent teen and pre teen risk behavior, but your being progressive and pro-active about doing it.
adactive research?
Adm, I like that.
ProActive for teens... hey, wait a minute. Is that a zit cream???
novus orsa research and communications
- latin for new beginnings
novorsa RC
Novus RC
novus satus- latin for new start
novatus RC?
People Communications
People Resolutions
Pro Resolutions
Progressive Resolutions
Black Rock Roofing
1. Show me the money (1st)
2. Deal or No Deal?
4. KDH consultants
5. Your Research Solution
6. (Insert your favorite alcohol drink) INC.
Just curious but would my 2 2 year associates degrees in Business and Liberal Arts just earn me an entry level position? Because, I can serve coffee!
Oooooh... I like Advisements.
How about:
Just Pizza
Not In Pergotory Yet Inc. or IP inc. hehe... IPing.
How about ICP
Did you just say ICP???... that's so funny.
Adam's last suggestions sound like birth control pills!!! But then again, you do do teens and pregnancy stuff so....
Peace Think Inc.
You people are OUT of control. I do like Black Rock Roofing, but I think that it is taken. Proactive solutionz?
I knew after seeing the frozen tshirt competition that THIS was the group to ask! Keep going keep going -- I think we're getting somewhere and the juices are flowing!
and I WILL Be asking for help -- so maybe it should be nepotism.com!
Life Research
Life Communications
The Game of Life
Is that what your playing when your bloggin' JFF
oh man, even fargo is in the mix!!
This Is Not a Game This Is My Life
Tina G TimeL
Tina the Llama
I leave for a mili second to drive around the TWAND for business ideas and I come back to 41 comments. I got nothing by the way. Just grams scratch offs.
Hmmm.. GRAM SCRATCH OFF INC. Okay that's stupid.
It's brainstormiin' anonymous, brainstormin'... I got a million ideas wasting away in my accountants head. I just need to be released.
Please release me let me go...
How far do we go
How far will we go inc.
Horizon Research and Communications
You reach the Horizon by calling KDH. Rck can do the Jingle.
Not bad Gram, nice job. Good suggestions.
Two perfect 30's for Emmitt. It's like Buffalo losing to Dallas in the Super Bowls all over again. The ref's are paid off. Where's Fox and Scully during this conspiracy? How does Mario even stand a chance to win?
Mario rocked for a 30! I new he could do it.
I think to come up with the perfect name we need an exact description of what it is you do... I need to see clearly...this coming from one who has no idea what Jff does!
I think better when peanut m&ms are involved...fed ex anyone?
Pompeii Inc....oh wait...that wasn't a good scene...how about Everest! The highest you can climb!
Did you know your full name means Divine Follower of Christ?...Guess you can't use that one huh?
While looking at names we found Gemma...latin for Jewel...hmmm
Why not try Emma Inc. Her name means universal/all embracing...I know where you could find a great mascot...
beautiful lights seen over the polar regions which are caused when energized particles from the Sun react with the Earths magnetic field.
AAAAAASolutionz. You would be first in the phone book. Yes Fargo, franchises will be available and I will be in charge. For a modest fee we can set up subsidiary offices all over the world even. Just get me enuf cash to get to Tahiti.It almost worked in the Simpsons, but that was with a monorail.
Janora RC-
a combination of Janus- the Roman god of endings and new beginnings (he also had 2 faces- but that's another story... right, K?)
And Aurora- as in east aurora or the aurora borealis.
just trying other combinations...
Anastasia RC
Hawkeye RC- been watching MASH again.
Niagara Proactive Solutions
National Proactive Solutions
National Progressive Solutions
National ProVentive Solutions
of course, all of those may be confused with the other NPS, National Park Service.
OK, I need to stop working on this, as its now taking ALL my time and energy. But I leave you with this gift. If you can't accept any of our excellent solutions, you can check this out.
so my cell just rang, and it was dad. Whenever dad uses his cell phone minutes you KNOW its a crisis of some sort. Nope, just gram with a name idea:
KDH: Knowledge, determination and honesty
not bad! go gram!
Was able to sneak in a lunch with mom prior to the arrival of Ruth as they warm up for next Thurs. Mom insists that her idea is best and wanted it recorded immediately, lest it be stolen. hence the use of valuable c-phone minutes. Serving societal needs?? Isn't that what all of the research is supposed to provide? Making things better?
I saw the breaking news on yahoo.com about OJ Simpson's interview titled "If I did it". Then he describes in detail how he would "have" killed his wife and Ron.
So, needless to say your company can't be called, "If I did it."
I must say that I am so happy for you KDH! If you need any help, please let me know. I have some vacation time coming up.
Wow! That's all I have.
That was fun yesterday and unfotunately I had a lot of work to do today so I couldn't give this much attention. But, I'm back now and ready to go.
I keep re-reading the comments.... very fun stuff.
Global Education
Glen & Shirl's Excellent Adventure
Encompass Education
The Good Hands People
CanYa ICan
For some reason something encompassing the globe keeps popping into my small head.
Like Global Encompass... I'm just not finding the right combination.
Man, that was a serious brain cramp.
How about Kryan...a combination of your names...or Kryanh...
By the way...I mentioned Aurora 1st in case it's the winner :)
Public health and social communications
Public health and social change
Aurora research and communications
Best practice
Best practice research and communication
Best Practices Solutions: Public and Social Health Consultants
Mind power
KAR: knowledge action and research
KDH research and communication
KDH HealthCom
Healthcom research
I think we should all "split" the prize. UNLESS one of mine wins.
Just an FYI, driving home from work I followed a Black Rock Roofing construction truck. At the hands of the wheel was not KDH.
KDH your an inspiration. I have thought of opening my own business as well. I may start selling hot dogs on the corner of Adam and Wheeler. But, I won't steal my cousins thunder. FARGO posted three times for her! As my MickyD employees say, "YOU GO GIRLFRIEND"
Meeting all of your public health needs in the Tri-State area. Free case of Schlitz for the first client!
We have a winnner!!! Let's get the St. Paulie girl as the spokes-model.
right jff -- we certainly wouldn't want the hot blond proprietress of the company to be the spokesperson, would we? ;)
When did Uncle Mim jump on board and where has he been all of this time? I do like his thinking. He and jff summed it up. Get beer into the hands of the perspective clients! That's it "social lubricants", or some such variation thereof. Says it all.
I I I I I I I I ummmm... just meant that beer and ummmmm ... come on , she's a saint. She is a saint ya know.
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