Today I was roused from my deep Sunday morning slumber this by strange, strange sounds -- even for Atlanta. My mind, fogged with sleep, searched for, and rejected, possible sources. Burbling brook was OUT -- no water in these parts. Angry mob, come to punish me for my various transgressions on airplanes, kinkos, grocery stores, etc? Much better likelihood of THAT. Much much.
Now I was worried.
The noise grew louder. Sleep was out of the question. I got up, and walked to the window.......

Hey lookit THAT!
It was a marathon. A marathon! Running right past my house. All these people, working hard early in the morning, taking care of their bodies, running a distance that can sometimes be painful in a car. I was filled with a sudden sense of inspiration!
Oh no -- not inspiration to run a marathon -- that's just nuts. As soon as they open up the street, I'm going to the waffle hut for breakfast!
PS -- I think I saw mustafa running!

Having trouble posting.
Now that is wierd because I tried unsuccessfully to get my comments on there about the burning city etc. with no success, now it seems to be working OK
Nice job K, even incorporated Mustafa into the mix. I hope that he places well and that there are no incidents as you attempt to leave your domicile, only to be held up by slow runners.
Kudos to KDH! That also inspired me. I could use a waffle too!
Crazy Atlanta! Your story inspired me to have pancakes from MickeyD's.
Wonder when they will allow a Waffle House in EA?
I love the Waffle Hut! House, hut? 221, 222... whatever it takes.
Are you sure it was a marathon and not just a bunch of white people chasing someone from Etheopia??? Can I say that?
What's said in the clubhouse, stays in the clubhouse. Felser had no right to bring up something like that close to 30 years old. He lost my respect with that article. He has no idea the context of the slur. Not to mention the Munson/ Jackson relationship. Bad Felser, bad.
I believe the governing Holtzapalooza body chose paper over plastic except for the use of forks and spoons and knives. Those were voted on still being plastic. I'm just clarifying.
I took Grandma out to dinner tonight. She made it a point to pull out her trusty notebook and tell me the last time I saw her was on March 3rd for 41 minutes. OUCH! Sometimes, I do not believe her "trusty notebook". She writes everything in pencil. I mean it could fade at some point.
I am heading to EA town hall on my lunch break just to see available dates for Richardson's cottage.
Any good day this week to drop off the crib?
So I failed to mention that Grandma and I had a dessert tonight. However, I had to fight tooth and nail to get at least one bite. Yes, she even licked the plate. Her only complaint about the dessert, There wasn't enough whip cream on the plate!
KDH- Now that the FINAL FOUR has been picked, are you on the waiting list for tickets?
you know, I had problems posting yesterday too. Just didn't notice it. I said something oh so witty, then made a derogatory remark towards my father. It was timeless! Though lost in the e- ether for eternity. Oh well. I always knew munson was a racist. Don't call 'em yankees for nothing. Eh auntie? Eh cous?
Give me a second while a pull that barbed insult out of my chest.
Changing the subject...
Absolutely beautiful outside.
Next thing will be that somebody will claim that Ty Cobb made an untoward remark. Plastic silverware? Or paper plasticware. I am confused. All I know is that a week from Thursday is the Bison's home opener. Yeh hah!! Any time that it is convenient for nc jnn to drop off the cradle, we will be here and it will be appreciated. It has been a month that you have been on duty on this issue.
It seems like two months.
Ty Cobb??? Whatcha' think of that movie with Tommy Lee Jones? I give it a two bats up.
Just so that everyone knows, I worked four, countem 4, days last week and am on for an additional 4 this week. I think that gives me more days in a two week period than most of the members of this family, at least more than my nfw jff.
No, no, he's right. He's got me beat. Rats.
I can't help it. The sun comes out and I have to play.
I'll enter for the chance to be Mr. Holtzapalooza. I'll try to get back up to my modeling weight before the contest. I figure, a strict hotdog/beer diet should do it.
Did we set a date...or place for a shower? We can always do it here (now that we REALLY have two bathrooms!)...or we could go golfing again---that was fun! But here & golfing wouldn't work 'cause more holes in the yard might make Jff a little nuts--or was that Mustafa?
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