by JT

Mom's big day was spent preparing to plant her spring flowers. She brought out last year's diagram and started organizing her bulbs in the sitting room. Unfortunately, Mr. Fixit already had the room vacuumed and became a lil' disheveled seeing it torn apart.
We arrived just in time to break up the melee' when we showed up for dinner. Mom had a good grip on father's neck, but Sandra was smart enough to use the au jus from the beef to loosen mom's grasp.
After that, dinner was wonderful. As Auntie B has alluded to... many things were accomplished this evening, Holtzapalooza II, shower plans, the global warming debate (I favor it), and Zach's "are you smarter than a fourth grader homework"... including a roadtrip to Boston to suprise cousin Adm in June... that'll be fun. Adm, there will be only ten of us... so don't plan anything big when we're down there. We''ll just need a place to crash for a few days. Well enough about my woonderful mother. Happy birthday mom, we love you.
ha ha ha. ha ha. ha?
Happy Birthday Aunt Sue!
Au jus to loosen a grip. This blog sometimes rivals Martha Stewart for helpful hints. Thank goodness for the arrival of spring. It is making all of the difference in our weather.
Happy Tuesday all.
I think I can admit that the Rices use au jus for more than just roast beef.
KDH, how's the weather down south?
82 and sunny today! Spent some time in the park looking at all the trees in bloom. It's lovely!
Uh Kristen, you and Atlanta suck. Atlanta for the weather and you for rubbing our faces in it.
I concur. I was kinda hoping for dreary and 45.
hey hey now! I wasn't going to bring it up -- Jff asked!
How's this -- a cold front came through and its 45 and dreary now.
TV update --
Wow sanjaya from AI stinks. But that crying kid is going to result in him staying around longer, isn't she. Damn her.
HOW did everyone make the decision between "I love NY" and DWTS last night? So hard! I watched the first half of DWTS and then turned over to my FAVORITE show, which is getting really good. Jll, are you watching? Are you on team tango or team chance? I can't look away!
So how did cliff clavin do on the dancing?
please discuss
Happy Birthday Aunt Sue! I hope you had a great day!
Any chance that KDH corp has tickets to the Final 4 in Atlanta?
Ear appointment Thursday. I will keep everyone posted.
I am wondering what Idol Paula "slept" with this season.......
I can't tear myself away from Identity and Are you smarter than a 5th grader.
That would be Billy Ray Cyrus, and yes, he was horrible. You could see him counting. Reminds me of my high school musicals. And WHAT happened to Joey from N'Sync? He really puffed right up!
Happy day all, I took down some of my Christmas lights today. It's so hard to let go.
Obviously, for certain reasons, I'm rooting for the former Ms. USA on DWTS... Go red, white, and blue, go America!
antie an Easter/Spring wreath, problem solved!
Who got voted off AI last night? Do tell!
Official song??? How about Johnny Cash's "I've been everywhere"? Or the Grateful Dead's "Truckin"? Or the Outlaw's "Green Grass and High Tides"?
Happy Friday all... if I can just get past these next 7 hours I'm home free for the weekend. Definitely a fish fry tonight and some cold stout.
After four days of subbin, I definitely needed a day off. Today it is out to Terry Hills in Batavia for my March round of golf. Will be thinkin' of ya nfw jff, but we need better overall playing conditions before we continue our best of 101 competition. Songwise, I have always been a sucker for "My ding a ling". Can we fit it in somehow?
holtzawhaaa? color should be puce just because it is so easy to lisp. Also so much rhymes with puce like yuke tuke fluke and muke
all songs will be judged on originality and spelling and prizes are a flea collar, ankle sox and right guard. also full court scrabble will be played and a special award for using all triple letters see if you can top a gathering like that
The new grill is all together... who needs a burger? Man, it is beautiful out.
Good mornin', looks like a nice one out there today.
What a Sabres game last night. I was almost tempted to watch Miss USA instead after they were down 4-1. Good thing I didn't. I can't wait for Afiniganov and Kotalik and possible Connelly to come back as our fourth liners. Stanly Cup!!!
I think that our anonymous friend was a bit confused in his rhyming scheme. Can't think of anything that rhymes with "puce"; now if you're talkin' goat puke green, that is a color with lots of possibilities. Terry Hills was surprisingly dry yesterday and with no wind and the course to myself, it was a fine morning. That is 108 consecutive months--9 yearsfor golf. Wow, I was just a kid when all of that started. Well, as my Daddy used to say, "it isn't much of a man who isn't king in some little corner". Dad was always quite philosophical, especially after about a dozen Koch's lighter lagers out on the back??? Just what exactly would you have called that?? Not a deck, not really a porch? Have a good one all. I have to go shovel the snow off of our deck.
Still 45 and cloudy here in the ATL. Funny how this bad weather is sticking!
By the way, thanks to all the discussion of fish frys on the blog, I developed an ENORMOUS craving that led me on a search for such down here. Let me just tell all you WNYer what you already know -- catfish and hushpuppies don't cut it.
But if the catfish is prepared a certain way.....And by the way daughter, I am wise to your ploy. I know that it is not 40 and cloudy in Atlanta. But thank you for not acting so smug about what it is really like.
mmmm. fish fry. don't have those up here in new england. But now i really want one! I can't believe the sabres last night. Turned of the game when the score went to 4-1. Wish I coulda seen that final period in its entirety! my big plans for the day include patching the walls in the baby's room. They're falling apart. ANd off to the quincy high auditorium at 2 for a showing of grease.
40 and cloudy. I'm sticking to that story.
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