Mustafa would like to announce that Adam is the winner. At least he came the closest. Mustafa was indeed in Canada and now that the winner of the hockey series has been decided, he is free to tell you that he was there on official Sabres business.
His mission was a covert operation to gather information that Lindy might have been able to use. Alas, it was to no avail and now Mustafa is on to his next assignment.
The prize is a bag of peanuts and an autograghed photo of Mustafa himself. It should be arriving in Quincy any day.
Conggrats Adm, I thought I had it, Or at least Jnna.
Good blog and good game.
My next guess... is Mustafa going back to Iraq as a Jedi knight? I kknew it toour woulld be starting up again soon.
Whhy does my keyboard double enter?
I thought I had that in the bag! I guess I was wrong.
Cousin Jff, that's what to much drinking on a Sunday gets you. You think you enter the letters, I gguess it hhappens to the besst of uss. :)
a prize a prize! a major prize! its comin tonight! I love peanuts!
sooo here it is Monday, Jnna and I are slowly recovering from diptheria or whatever geo infected the whole house with. kind of a lost weekend and then you are back to work sigh
speaking of bonehead plays unkie apparently you missed cano whipping the ball off his foot as he lay helpless much like a slug,
there is no logic in my yankee world.
the sabres, still too painful to talk about..
memorial day weekend looming anyone have any grand plans??
enjoy the monday....
so we are we rooting for anaheim or detroit, or does anyone care?
how does that rhyme?
I demand a recount. I swear I saw Mustafa sitting between Rudy Giuliani and John McCain at the Repulican debate. I think that it was a "pity award" to Adm for "all that he is going thru". Cheyney and Kennedy--they rhyme? Actually WNY comes closer. Yes, I did see Cano hit himself in the foot. That is one of the great things about baseball; everytime you watch a game you see at least one thing that you never saw before. I never saw anyone strike out 5 times in one nine inning game before yesterday. What is one more than a "golden sombrero"? What will it be tonite?
Make that 5 times in one game.
Based on the first few innings of tonite's game, I think that it might be a little to early to start figuring out the Socks magic number. I didn't think that you could hit a knuckleball that far, twice.
Mine and Zachary's first Bison game tonight. Good times. Bisons tied with Indy 1-1 after six. Yamid Haad (catcher up from AA) got two hits in his first two AB's in AAA. Then with the bases loaded hit into a inning ending double play.
A yankees win and Rudy Giuliani in town today, now that is newsworthy.
looks like it is going to be a glorious day. enjoy
How is our Amy feeling?
Notice no one ever asks about adma any more, sorry ..
Is Lucy OK too???
AP, who do you think Apollo???
Bisons game that sounds fun, nphw.
Mustafa, I know believe is the "mole" feeding jimmy carter mis information about bush's foreign policy. thats my quess and I am sticking to it..
enjoy the next 24 hours..
Nice day outside. How's Hot'lanta?
You know what I'd like to see? Squirrels playing cards captured on velvet.
I bet that exists somewhere, jff. I'll start looking.
Its smokey in Atlanta today. The wind is blowing up the smoke from the wildfires. Its very weird.
i'm feeling good. thanks for asking betsy. i've been walking alot and drinking raspberry tea. we'll see if that works. thanks for the advice sandra. lucy is good too. she has no idea how her little life is going to change. i can't speak for adam but in general he's got all your typical pregnancy aches and pains.
KDH in NYC, Auntie at a jewelry party (not real happy since it will cause her to miss DWTS), and me a bit "tired" after golf and pinochle this afternoon. Good news is that there is no smoke/smog alert in WNY. Have a good one all.
sigh what a nice evening, no one is weedeating or cutting there lawn..
geo is cooking something on the grill, not sure what it is, sure smells good.
just a few random thoughts, while I try to envision my bro golfing and calling trump simultaneously, like I have always said, the holtz's have many talents, they are just undiscovered.
was anyone else aware that stone phillips was let go?
man that came out of no where!
did anyone else see the engraved flask with the Jack Daniels ensignia on it, that you could order?
It was in the coupon section of Sundays paper, you know how you can order just about anything for 19.95$ either once or for infiniti? so it got me to thinking maybe for our pirate games all gifts must be purchased out of the sunday paper, that would eliminate the possibility of getting multiple lint brushes? But then mr fixxitt does love to hunt for a bargain so I scratched that idea.
tomorrow is wed, and the week just flys by once you get to thursday :)
take care amy, thinkin of you! You too Adm!
mmmm lets see how shall I sign off, OH YEA!!
Zach's Yankees lost to the Orioles today in the first extra inning played 7-6. Zach really wanted to hit the ball today and took some good cuts (fouled off two). Sooooo... maybe a hit is in the future soon. He also looked good in LF (almost caught a ball hit at him).
Just got home from the Doctor's. Walking pnomonia, broncitis, tonsilitis, and a double ear infection.
Thanks dad.
nc jnn, I think you need to investigate the possibility of ear transplants. The ones that you are working with now just seem to create one infection after another. Do you still have your tonsils? Might be time to consider a "parting" of the ways. That was always the first action taken when I was a kid. Could never top GG's story about having them removed in the school basement.The golf and pinochle came at seperate times, although my good friend Leo was part of both. Auntie was not real happy that I left at 7 and returned at 6. Seems that she had visions of some things being done around the house. Today may be a more productive day. Have a good one all, and get healthy nc jnn.
Happy Wed to one and all..
Very disappointed that Laila got booted first last nite! There is no justice with DWTS! And Samantha Harris, seriously has to go...
Jeter! Came to the plate 3 times last nite with RISP, zip! he will redeem himself tonite, I am sure.
Bro - 7AM to 6PM is a shift and a half... were you even ever at school that long?
enjoy the day..
They say to "borrow" a blanket or onsie that the baby was in in the hospital & bring it home for puppy to smell & snuggle (not eat!). Then they accept baby into home better...so they say...whoever "they" are...worked for Jackson...but then again, he wasn't exactly the "jealous type".
Jff, Jnna, Mr & Mrs Fix it hold squares on 5/24 & Jff, Emma & Mr Fix it for 5/25...still waiting for a winner!
Jnna, so sorry to hear. Speedy recovery for you. We'll keep you in our prayers.
I can say that I've never worked 11 hours in one day and have a real tough time coming up with working 11 hours in two consecutive days. I'll keep trying to remember though. There has to be a one time, right.
Thank you for allof the positive thoughts on the hours that I have been putting in. It's tough, but someone has to do it. The HEAT, the HEAT, it's just beastly I tell you. My guess is that it will end before the long weekend. Sittin' by the phone, waiting for it to summon us to Beantown, have a great Memorial Day weekend all.
Happy Happy Thursday!
Looks like it will be an absolutely glorious day! And I am cubicle confined, ouch! Well I can gaze out a dirty window, sigh..
Did everyone enjoy AI???
enjoy your day....
HOW did I miss the finale of both AI and DWTS? Oh lordy.
Update on the squares reminds me that i have to do the chart. Have all the picks been posted in the blog? Oh yeah, and I'll send my $2 too!
I want May 31st at 11 59 pm. I just had a feeling. I will send my $2.00
Zach got his first hit tonight. 1-3 bb, rbi, rs. Yankees 18 Dodgers 6
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