To all the fathers out there, but especially my Dad. Chas F. Holtz, Jr. The man the myth the legend. The best role model a guy could have as he starts to raise his own children. If I could do half as good a job as you, I know my child (children?) will turn out fine!
Nice job Adm, very well said. I wish I had a daddy. Nah... I kid. Mr. Fixxit just gave me one of his choc. eclairs yesterday. And you know what chocolate eclairs mean to my father.
Happy Father's day to all deserving. And to you Adm, enjoy your first official Father's Day.
Thanks son, and you are doing, and will do, a great job. Obviously some good things have been done by our forebearers to get us all to where we are today. Giving up a choc. eclair?? Wow, that is impressive. I have seen what Mr. Fixxitt does when dessert is around. Talk about love. Did he tell you at any point during the day to "go in and get the stink offa ya"? Enjoy YOUR day Dads. Get those grills a goin'.
great picture Adm!
Happy fathers day to all!
Here at 431, no special celebration, as everyday is fathers day here!
adam only said that because I (#1 daughter) told him to.
did not
did too!
Happy Fathers Day to one and all! How exciting it is to see the snip its of Oliver on his blog, but I am noticing that they are being posted earlier and earlier.
The Rices had a VERY nice picnic at Fort Niagara today. It was good to see everyone and Zach and Emma quickly made friends with their cousins. The grilling conditions were tough but we perservered and delivered and edible meat like product.
Did anyone see the question of the last blog re: the baby stuff?
Happy Father's day all!
a picnic at old fort niagara, now that sounds like fun, hot dogs and history, who could ask for anything more.
LOVE Oliver's BLOG!!! can not wait for the meet and greet!
The fixxits are gone, and JT leaves this week.
SIGH, everyone has something fun going on!
Enjoy Monday one and all!
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