As the family grows and continues to change, we use our family blog to keep in touch, remind each other of who we are, where we came from, and where were going.
Those are absolutely, beyond a doubt the most amazing pictures! amy, you look wonderful, mommyhood agrees with you! UC, holding a newborn agrees with you! Oliver is one lucky little fella! nice shirt adm... just being polite...
Back in EA after an all too short trip and a way too long drive thru the remnants of trop. storm bumpus, or whatever it was. Need to get caught up on all of the local news and updates. Stoibers are heading for Fla. tomorrow, rotten Rodney Bunts turns 85 on Wed., and it seems that the Pilafs have a similar fla. journey in the near future. Looks like it will be my version of Joe vs. the volcano tomorrow, called Chuck vs. the lawn. Tuesday HAD been my golf day, but it looks like that will go by the wayside. Hang in there all.
those pictures are just awesome, whether it is the million dollar smiles or the intensity with which AP is going over every inch of Oliver! Just trying to capture every single moment... Happy Happy Birthday Rod!!! Party Hearty!
One-third of the lawn done with nary a beer consumed--YET. Rain and Temp dropped from 62 to 48 while I was cutting. Thought that I was in Boston. Talked to mrs fixitt last nite and found out how bad the "plague" was at the Cookie household. That was one bad siege. Hope that you guys are feeling better.
Man, it's cold outside. It's tough to go from 85 to 45 in a matter of days. Brrrrrrrr... Bring the parka back out. Back to 80 on Thursday maybe.
I get the opportunity to see the Jupiter Hammerheads (Florida Marlins affiliate) play while I'm down in Florida. Can't wait for that one. They're in town the 27th thru, so I have my choice of a few days. Sandra will love me for that one.
Unckie, did I loan you a book about different baseball landmarks by state? It's by Chris Epting I can't find it here. I'm just wondering.
Everyone stay warm. Everyone that is except KDH in Hot'lanta.
Oh, BTW Unckie AKA Gramp H... I'm done with that Sports Illust. baseball book. Those were awesome pictures. Thanks. I have a book for you. "The Summer of '49". I have two of them.
I have one baseball book that you loaned me, but i don't think it is that one. You talked about the cities/landmarks book, but the one you gave me you have two copies of, the Ken Burns book. You Gotta do the minor league baseball when the chance arises. End of this month for the pilaf clanin Fla? Guaranteed that it won't be 40's and drizzly when you are there. Better weather is a commin'
Its so great to have a Grandpa Holtz back! Oliver is so lucky!
Not quite sure what infected the Cookie household, but I think Thrillie made a early exit. At least she hasn't been seen from since this all started.
Were all onto week 3 where our health insurance is being put to use. The good thing is none of us have an appetite to eat, so hopefully we will lose a few inches.
Happy Wed all.. Oliver Oliver Oliver, I just like saying it! Please dont let him watch sportscenter, willis maggayhee is all over it.. Happy Birthday Rod! I dont believe I have any baseball books??? I do have the new people though. Does that count? Do we have any idea when the holtz may be coming to WNY? Can hockey season mercifully come to an end tonite!
have not checked on my favorite family blog in awhile. Are you all still mourning the loss of the stanley cup by the sabres? I see new babies and new business's which is good. Have you all renewed your bills seasons tickets? They should be exciting this season. congratulations on all your good fortune.
Thanks Anon, very kind of you. I found my book, Yeah me. Auntie B, I do have two books tthat I think are Uncle George's... George Will's Book and a book about the owners in baseball through the years "Lords of the Realm". That was a good one.
Both of those books sound good. I remember when the george will book came out that i wanted to pick it up. Whoever has it, hang on to it and I will gladly put up a book of equal value to ensure prompt return if I can borrow it. Auntie B. is correct. There is WAY TOO MUCH Ravens and willis on espn. Oops, happy one week b-day grandson of mine. Thanks anon for dropping by. Once that we get past all of this family Schmaltz, we will get backto the wny sports stuff. Go ducks and end this disappointing season. Any chance that thrillie will resurface at plague-manor before her official move out day? Glad to hear that nphw found lost book and that Sndr is now fully informed of vacation itinerary.
Both books are set aside for you. I found Lords of the Realm better reading (translation: easier words to read). Sandra thanked me prefusely for setting up our vacation plans with a Hammmerhead game.
Hello Family and a very special hello to OLIVER!! When will oliver be making his official first comment on the blog?
3 out of the 4 cookies are sick. How does that make any sense? I must be doing something right. Superhuman strength or all those fumes I breath in at the Depot have me immune.
Apartment hunting has been quite a journey. I am starting to fully understand the difference between a 600 sq. ft. apartment for $500/ month compared to a 1200 sq. ft apartment for only $390/month. Im sure you can all guess the difference!
Well, its thursday and in WNY means thursday in the square, and the corporate challenge race is also tonite. Not that I am attending either, but I do want people to think I am a well rounded community person. About one month ago, a virus entered 431. And life has not been the same. We all feel like we have been on a transatlantic flight with a TB patient. GG is feeling better. Not sure what that was all about. I hope rod had a great birthday! enjoy the day family
And I totally agree with my most precocious grandson. God, he's brilliant already. Nc jll, stay clear of 431 until further notice. Nice pic of Stanley Cup champion DUCKS on sportscenter today.
Jff, have you seen thrillie, she still is not home from Thursday in the square? She must have just gone right to work? Poor little worker bee that she is! have a great friday all..
Hotter than.... today. Mightknow that i would be scheduled for an unairconditioned gym for the entire day looking at senior projects. Better off than my son tho who is currently part of the first teacher strike in 12 years in Mass. Where is jimmyhoffa when we need him. Nc jll is still at thursday at the square? You go girl!!!
She parties hard and still has enough strength to overcome any illness. The League of Justice may be calling.
Looks like it's going to be a glorious day. San Diego weather, 73 and sunny. Perfect for little league baseball. Gametime is 1PM against the Mets. I'll be eating hot dogs allllllll dayyyy.
You go nephew!! Get them dogs. Beautiful day. Gotta do somethin' fun. We suffer for 8 months waiting for weather like this. Cookies need to get outside and bake those viruses OUT.
That a good idea. I think they should just soak up the sun down by the river. That'll get rid of that nasty bug. 1 hr and 15 minutes til my first hot dog.
Glorious day! We are all very busy today! Thrillie has returned from Thursday in the Square and she is off camping.. Jnna is doing the Race for a cure walk this AM.. Geo is working Im gardening.. I heart saturdays!
Hey it's me again, 15 hours later. What a day. I'm watering the lawn and enjoying a cup of java outside. While 2 out of the 4 Rices are still sleeping.
Emma had a "big" 7th birthday yesterday and had a awesome time. I thiink Gram hhad a nice day too. Everyone waited on her hand and foot, including me.
HAPPY B-DAY EMMA!! Hope you had a great day watching your dad eat hot dogs and your brother play baseball. Today will be tea party day to make up for it. Nothing new here. Have a good one everyone.
what a glorous weekend! Happy Birthday Emma!!! The big 7! That was Mickey Mantles #! Did anyone win any big money on the belmont??? A filly won for the first time in a 100 yrs! GG did have a most enjoyable birthday party time! What is new with Oliver????? I am sure he has changed, new pictures please.. KDH, what is new with you??? Enjoy Monday all...
Had the filly in the tri, but needed either the 3 or the 6 to win so no big money. Great weekend weatherwise but the blackflies are still around so any attempts to enjoy the outdoors resulted in lots of bites. Half day of work today so I have to go and get mentally prepared. Last day of classes for the kids so it should be a challenge. Checking out the schedule for the "Niagara Power". Not really minor league baseball as such, but it sounds interesting. Plus games in Brockport, Scio and points east. Auntie will be thrilled.
Zach and I just played 1 on 1 baseball for an hour and a half. He was pretending he was different ball players from his play station game. Honestly, I've never seen him swing the bat better. Too much fun. I hope he does that in the game on Thursday.
1. thing you can do with a burlap sack. Wear it, while your waiting for your clothes to dry.
I think a post on burlap sacks would be great, especially since the new parents aren't stepping up with updated baby photos. What could they be doing with all their free time??
Things are chugging along nicely down here in Atlanta. The excitement yesterday related to an eviction within eyeshot (complete with cops supervising!) and then the rains coming before the former renters could gather up their stuff. Do you think a mattress dries out ok?
Well here it is tuesday. Anastacia called my sister yesterday to tell her she could not breath, then my sister calls me to tell me that she could not breath, thank goodness during all these phone calls she was actually breathing.. KDH, Atlanta is always in the news, something is always happen there. It is just the cutting edge of everything. burlap sack uses, mmm lets see Lucy made a dress out of one, when Ricky would not let her buy a new frock one episode, and Laura Ingalls found puppies in a burlap sack one episode.. So TV has numerous uses for burlap sacks. Did anyone watch the last episode of the Sopranos? I can honestly say I never totally got into that show, and I am a TV junkie, but everyone is complaining about it, so now I feel bad that I missed it. Warm and sunny such a beautiful day, and I am stuck in my cubicle. no justice, none what so ever. new oliver picture please!
Talked to Mom yesterday and she was talking/breathing at that point. She said that mrs. fixitt told her she was better. Hmmm, burlap sack? I am thinking of some of the middle school lads that I dealt with today. Been awhile since we have played a round nphw; hope that it has nothing to do with the outstanding debt from our last round. Need a new blog. Back on the cutting edge of where we were. Glad that I enjoyed the Yanks during the month of May. Looks like Abreau has rediscovered his swing and they are a better team without the steroid guyon first base. Let's see, if they make up a game a week from here on they win the east by seven.
We're definitely due for a round of golf. How about when we return from vacation, we hit the links. I may be back with nothing to do on the 3rd of July, can you keep that date open? I always pay my debts (even if a penelty charge is involved).
What a day outside. I love global warming!!!
More things that can be done with a burlap sack: There good for transporting body parts.
Bobby Abreu rocks, and it seems like only yesterday I called him a bum..probably was another nice day in our corner of the world, how lucky we are! I will have to check out the boston globe for strike news. can you carry your clubs in a burlap sack? or no? Tomorrow is flag day, make sure you all fly the red, white and blue. That is something I always wondered about, Mr Fixxit does not fly a flag? Is he communist? Or does it get dirty in the elements? I am guessing the later. well enjoy your day all, my boss is in chicago, so I think I will read gardening articles all day at work. wonder if I can get away with that???
Have you all heard about the man in DC suing his dry cleaners for 65 Million dollars because they lost his pants? The estimate is that its costing each dc taxpayers $1260 a day for this lawsuit. And that goes for me too! I will just buy him a new pair of pants -- pretty nice ones even....
Play 18!!! Man o man I so have to refax my resume! My dry cleaners shrunk my favorite red sweater, what is that worth! I think stupid people who inconvenience others and cost us money should be sent to Irag, with only a burlap sack, that would eliminate stupid lawsuits, and people who get in the grocery line with more than the allotted items. That is my soapbox
Sweet!!! Congratulations. Is it by a cemetary? When's the first party? We've got stuff for you. Call me and you can pick it up with the rent a truck. We leave for Fla. on the 19th and won't be home before the big move.
Well here we are at Thursday, Happpy Flag Day to one and all, I hope you proudly displaying your flags! I think our next blog should be the rice itinerary for there adventure that is looming, and then one of them packing the car! Packing a car, and putting up a christmas tree I personally feel are the two most critical times in a marriage, forget about death, disease and catastrophe's, nope its car packing and the christmas tree. My sister and mr fixxitt leave for asheville on Monday. So it sounds like summer is in full swing. After much thought and consideration, the Yankee coach I would most like to have lunch with is Larry Bowa. have a great day all...
KDH...thankyou for bringing that up! Because I asked my mother if we were having one and she seemed to think we weren't! Was the first one really that bad?!?!?! I vote yes to Holtzapalooze II!
JFF, call ya later. And yes out living room window looks out at the cemetary.
I was under the impression that Holtzapalooza II was scrapped because we will be having an Oliver-Meet-Greet. We can turn Oliver's meet&greet into Holtzapalooza II. But there seemed like very little interest generated into Holtzapalooza II. There was no clamoring from the masses to continue. I think anytime we all get togother and gary cooks chowder and beer is involved is Holtzapalooza!
I was "out of the loop" yesterday with a 14 hour golf/steak roast/cards marathon (auntie/gramma really liked that idea a lot) and I did not have a chance to enter into all of the discussions, so in no special order: Congrats to nc jll and her new, can we call it "pad"? Safe and fun trip to the pilafs--you still have a few days to recruit Aunt Edna--alias gg--she loves to travel and will not bring a rocking chair; I think that there was some reluctance to associate little Oliver with "the mystique of the Palooza", but I would agree that anytime that we can get together in a picnic type environment, we will be thinking "looza" without saying it. Fixxitts to N.C.??? Does that mean that the new car will leave Niagara county for the first time?? Nc jll, you need to provide a list of wants/needs for the new place and we will look to see what is here and we will deliver it. Our major furniture items made a one way trip to Mass. a while ago, so there isn't much in that area but we may be able to plug some other holes. Another great day weather-wise and an early Happy Father's Day to all of the dads out there.
just to let the family know, I linked Oliver's blog to the main page. So, if you ever want to check it out, just click on the link that says "Oliver Holtz's blog" and that'll take you right over.
Jll~You could make curtains for your new "pad"(how does Unkie keep coming up with these antiquated terms)from burlap. I'll help.
Just waiting for the word as to when the new parents feel brave enough and strong enough to make the trip to EA and we will have the Oliver Meet and Greet.
Happy Friday!!! 69 comments, LOL!!! Ok I went to Mr Oliver's web page, and that young man getting his hair washed yesterday, looked way to big to our newborn!!! Again 2 blogs, I will so have to go part time! Nphw and brother, do not golf at Oakmont, Tiger says its a very fast course, what ever that means. We had an unexpected death in the NH this AM, quess that is an oxymoron, but she was a little lady that when you asked her how she was doing, she said, good I am on the right side of dirt! And we are out of shrouds again, fathers day picnic looming ya know, can we replace a burlap sack for a shroud, I am quessing no.. Way to go Zach, at least you took the bat off your shoulder, no shame in swinging and missin. But at least ya swung! HAPPY FATHERS DAY TO EACH AND EVERY ONE OF YOU! May your day be filled with what you really love to do surrounded by the ones that mean the most to you!!
I think someone clever should do , a burlap sack rhyme like green eggs and ham, a burlap sack I am I am, Oh what can you pack in a burlap sack can you pack a snack in a burlap sack? Can you carry a rack in a burlap sack? Can you stack all your stackables in a burlap sack? OK time to go home and start my weekend YEE HAW
OK so I am a frequent visitor to Oliver's page, HOWEVER, there is that whole logging in issue that I am having difficulty with, so I will just visit and comment here! LOVE ALL THE UP TO THE MINUTE INFO! Thank you Al gore for inventing the internet!
Oliver parents &/or mom just returned a pack-n-play play pen that has an attachment/screen over the top for outside use & it is in near perfect of those bouncy seats also with an outdoor attachment screen either of you want them or are they visiting the far corners of my attic?
Father's Day for the Rices will be celebrated at the 1st Rice family reunion somewhere up north by a fort...I think we are supposed to bring something...not sure what, however...Mr. Fix-it is so excited!
God morning on Father's Day Eve, looks like it's going to be a beautiful day.
The family truckster is washed and waxed and ready for the ocean salt air. Unfortunately for Aunt Edna she'll be unable to make this arduos trip. Maybe next time when we go to Wally World. We can drop her off at Cousin Eddie's mobile home.
Enjoy the day all, I'm off to pick up some zap-a-snacks.
Looks like all the plans are in place for a great father's day weekend, and it should be at least a weekend in length. Me, I got to accompany auntie to the outlet mall yesterday. Looks like that will be the high point. Auntie b, you are well onthe wayto a great burlap poem Your appointed task for the weekend is to complete for publication. Tiger said that a 10 handicap could not break 100 at Oakmont. I think that would put me in line for about a 150. Enjoy the weekend all.
It looks like an absolute gorgeous day!!! rice reunion,now that sounds like a lot of fun! Enjoy rice clan! Love the pix of Oliver online! What was up with all the suxfans and the asterisks??? hope to hear all about the rice reunion mannana.. Enjoy the sun, the breeze, the day!
Those are absolutely, beyond a doubt the most amazing pictures!
amy, you look wonderful, mommyhood agrees with you!
UC, holding a newborn agrees with you!
Oliver is one lucky little fella!
nice shirt adm... just being polite...
At first I did not get AP's pix, got it now!
Amazing absolutely amazing!
Thanks so much for sharing!
Those are great pictures. What an awesome time. Everyone looks wonderful. Thanks for sharing those with us.
My favorite part of those pictures is the GIANT smile on my dad's face. Everyone else looks happy indeed, but its rare that a Grandpa H beams!
Back in EA after an all too short trip and a way too long drive thru the remnants of trop. storm bumpus, or whatever it was. Need to get caught up on all of the local news and updates. Stoibers are heading for Fla. tomorrow, rotten Rodney Bunts turns 85 on Wed., and it seems that the Pilafs have a similar fla. journey in the near future. Looks like it will be my version of Joe vs. the volcano tomorrow, called Chuck vs. the lawn. Tuesday HAD been my golf day, but it looks like that will go by the wayside. Hang in there all.
Good luck mowing the lawn, if you do it in sections you can probably down a six pack by lunch.
those pictures are just awesome, whether it is the million dollar smiles or the intensity with which AP is going over every inch of Oliver! Just trying to capture every single moment...
Happy Happy Birthday Rod!!!
Party Hearty!
One-third of the lawn done with nary a beer consumed--YET. Rain and Temp dropped from 62 to 48 while I was cutting. Thought that I was in Boston. Talked to mrs fixitt last nite and found out how bad the "plague" was at the Cookie household. That was one bad siege. Hope that you guys are feeling better.
Man, it's cold outside. It's tough to go from 85 to 45 in a matter of days. Brrrrrrrr...
Bring the parka back out. Back to 80 on Thursday maybe.
I get the opportunity to see the Jupiter Hammerheads (Florida Marlins affiliate) play while I'm down in Florida. Can't wait for that one. They're in town the 27th thru, so I have my choice of a few days. Sandra will love me for that one.
Unckie, did I loan you a book about different baseball landmarks by state? It's by Chris Epting I can't find it here. I'm just wondering.
Everyone stay warm. Everyone that is except KDH in Hot'lanta.
Oh, BTW Unckie AKA Gramp H... I'm done with that Sports Illust. baseball book. Those were awesome pictures. Thanks.
I have a book for you. "The Summer of '49". I have two of them.
I have one baseball book that you loaned me, but i don't think it is that one. You talked about the cities/landmarks book, but the one you gave me you have two copies of, the Ken Burns book. You Gotta do the minor league baseball when the chance arises. End of this month for the pilaf clanin Fla? Guaranteed that it won't be 40's and drizzly when you are there. Better weather is a commin'
could you guys stop with the baseball book conversation and continue talking about my son please????
Its so great to have a Grandpa Holtz back! Oliver is so lucky!
Not quite sure what infected the Cookie household, but I think Thrillie made a early exit. At least she hasn't been seen from since this all started.
Were all onto week 3 where our health insurance is being put to use. The good thing is none of us have an appetite to eat, so hopefully we will lose a few inches.
Sorry about your sickies Cookies... I hope you guys are back to 100% soon.
Totally bizarre, I can't find that book. Rats. That Ken Burns book is yours. Enjoy it.
Sorry Adm, sooooo... what's Oliver been doing lately? How's Amy feeling? How's puppy dog gettin' along with his new brother?
Happy Wed all..
Oliver Oliver Oliver, I just like saying it! Please dont let him watch sportscenter, willis maggayhee is all over it..
Happy Birthday Rod!
I dont believe I have any baseball books??? I do have the new people though. Does that count?
Do we have any idea when the holtz may be coming to WNY?
Can hockey season mercifully come to an end tonite!
Hmmm.You are going WHERE when you are in Florida? News to me...funny how it is posted first...hmmm!
Yeah Oliver!
have not checked on my favorite family blog in awhile. Are you all still mourning the loss of the stanley cup by the sabres?
I see new babies and new business's which is good.
Have you all renewed your bills seasons tickets?
They should be exciting this season.
congratulations on all your good fortune.
Thanks Anon, very kind of you. I found my book, Yeah me.
Auntie B, I do have two books tthat I think are Uncle George's... George Will's Book and a book about the owners in baseball through the years "Lords of the Realm". That was a good one.
Both of those books sound good. I remember when the george will book came out that i wanted to pick it up. Whoever has it, hang on to it and I will gladly put up a book of equal value to ensure prompt return if I can borrow it. Auntie B. is correct. There is WAY TOO MUCH Ravens and willis on espn. Oops, happy one week b-day grandson of mine. Thanks anon for dropping by. Once that we get past all of this family Schmaltz, we will get backto the wny sports stuff. Go ducks and end this disappointing season. Any chance that thrillie will resurface at plague-manor before her official move out day? Glad to hear that nphw found lost book and that Sndr is now fully informed of vacation itinerary.
Both books are set aside for you. I found Lords of the Realm better reading (translation: easier words to read).
Sandra thanked me prefusely for setting up our vacation plans with a Hammmerhead game.
Hello Family and a very special hello to OLIVER!! When will oliver be making his official first comment on the blog?
3 out of the 4 cookies are sick. How does that make any sense? I must be doing something right. Superhuman strength or all those fumes I breath in at the Depot have me immune.
Apartment hunting has been quite a journey. I am starting to fully understand the difference between a 600 sq. ft. apartment for $500/ month compared to a 1200 sq. ft apartment for only $390/month. Im sure you can all guess the difference!
Well, its thursday and in WNY means thursday in the square, and the corporate challenge race is also tonite. Not that I am attending either, but I do want people to think I am a well rounded community person.
About one month ago, a virus entered 431. And life has not been the same. We all feel like we have been on a transatlantic flight with a TB patient.
GG is feeling better. Not sure what that was all about.
I hope rod had a great birthday!
enjoy the day family
And I totally agree with my most precocious grandson. God, he's brilliant already. Nc jll, stay clear of 431 until further notice. Nice pic of Stanley Cup champion DUCKS on sportscenter today.
Good mornin', feels like it's going to be a hot one. Stay cool all.
Son Volt was awesome last night at Thursday at the Square. You have to love free concerts by great bands.
Jff, have you seen thrillie, she still is not home from Thursday in the square? She must have just gone right to work? Poor little worker bee that she is!
have a great friday all..
Thrllie, thrllie... where are you?
What a day today. Gorgeous.
Hotter than.... today. Mightknow that i would be scheduled for an unairconditioned gym for the entire day looking at senior projects. Better off than my son tho who is currently part of the first teacher strike in 12 years in Mass. Where is jimmyhoffa when we need him. Nc jll is still at thursday at the square? You go girl!!!
She parties hard and still has enough strength to overcome any illness. The League of Justice may be calling.
Looks like it's going to be a glorious day. San Diego weather, 73 and sunny. Perfect for little league baseball. Gametime is 1PM against the Mets. I'll be eating hot dogs allllllll dayyyy.
You go nephew!! Get them dogs. Beautiful day. Gotta do somethin' fun. We suffer for 8 months waiting for weather like this. Cookies need to get outside and bake those viruses OUT.
That a good idea. I think they should just soak up the sun down by the river. That'll get rid of that nasty bug.
1 hr and 15 minutes til my first hot dog.
Glorious day! We are all very busy today!
Thrillie has returned from Thursday in the Square and she is off camping..
Jnna is doing the Race for a cure walk this AM..
Geo is working
Im gardening..
I heart saturdays!
Sounds like all the Cookies are back to being healthy and happy.
The Yankees win ... the Yankees win. Yanks beat the Mets today 13-3, Zach went 0-2 with a bb, sb, and a rs. Yeah Zach!
Hey it's me again, 15 hours later. What a day. I'm watering the lawn and enjoying a cup of java outside. While 2 out of the 4 Rices are still sleeping.
Emma had a "big" 7th birthday yesterday and had a awesome time. I thiink Gram hhad a nice day too. Everyone waited on her hand and foot, including me.
HAPPY B-DAY EMMA!! Hope you had a great day watching your dad eat hot dogs and your brother play baseball. Today will be tea party day to make up for it. Nothing new here. Have a good one everyone.
The Cookies are slowly but surely getting back on their feet.
Way to go Zach! Your on your way to the little league world series!
what a glorous weekend!
Happy Birthday Emma!!! The big 7! That was Mickey Mantles #!
Did anyone win any big money on the belmont???
A filly won for the first time in a 100 yrs!
GG did have a most enjoyable birthday party time!
What is new with Oliver?????
I am sure he has changed, new pictures please..
KDH, what is new with you???
Enjoy Monday all...
Had the filly in the tri, but needed either the 3 or the 6 to win so no big money. Great weekend weatherwise but the blackflies are still around so any attempts to enjoy the outdoors resulted in lots of bites. Half day of work today so I have to go and get mentally prepared. Last day of classes for the kids so it should be a challenge. Checking out the schedule for the "Niagara Power". Not really minor league baseball as such, but it sounds interesting. Plus games in Brockport, Scio and points east. Auntie will be thrilled.
She just loves making the baseball rounds with you. We have to hook up sometime Unckie. I have a lot of books for you. And... a baby playpen.
Gorgeous weather again. It's great to be us!
I'm thinking of doing a blog on the many things you can do with a burlap sack.
Happy Birthday, Emma! I love your party dress. You look so grown up I hardly recognized you.
Zach and I just played 1 on 1 baseball for an hour and a half. He was pretending he was different ball players from his play station game. Honestly, I've never seen him swing the bat better. Too much fun. I hope he does that in the game on Thursday.
1. thing you can do with a burlap sack.
Wear it, while your waiting for your clothes to dry.
I think a post on burlap sacks would be great, especially since the new parents aren't stepping up with updated baby photos. What could they be doing with all their free time??
Things are chugging along nicely down here in Atlanta. The excitement yesterday related to an eviction within eyeshot (complete with cops supervising!) and then the rains coming before the former renters could gather up their stuff. Do you think a mattress dries out ok?
Don't answer that question.
Well here it is tuesday.
Anastacia called my sister yesterday to tell her she could not breath, then my sister calls me to tell me that she could not breath, thank goodness during all these phone calls she was actually breathing..
KDH, Atlanta is always in the news, something is always happen there. It is just the cutting edge of everything.
burlap sack uses, mmm lets see Lucy made a dress out of one, when Ricky would not let her buy a new frock one episode, and Laura Ingalls found puppies in a burlap sack one episode..
So TV has numerous uses for burlap sacks.
Did anyone watch the last episode of the Sopranos? I can honestly say I never totally got into that show, and I am a TV junkie, but everyone is complaining about it, so now I feel bad that I missed it.
Warm and sunny such a beautiful day, and I am stuck in my cubicle.
no justice, none what so ever.
new oliver picture please!
Talked to Mom yesterday and she was talking/breathing at that point. She said that mrs. fixitt told her she was better. Hmmm, burlap sack? I am thinking of some of the middle school lads that I dealt with today. Been awhile since we have played a round nphw; hope that it has nothing to do with the outstanding debt from our last round. Need a new blog. Back on the cutting edge of where we were. Glad that I enjoyed the Yanks during the month of May. Looks like Abreau has rediscovered his swing and they are a better team without the steroid guyon first base. Let's see, if they make up a game a week from here on they win the east by seven.
We're definitely due for a round of golf. How about when we return from vacation, we hit the links. I may be back with nothing to do on the 3rd of July, can you keep that date open? I always pay my debts (even if a penelty charge is involved).
What a day outside. I love global warming!!!
More things that can be done with a burlap sack:
There good for transporting body parts.
Bobby Abreu rocks, and it seems like only yesterday I called him a bum..probably was
another nice day in our corner of the world, how lucky we are!
I will have to check out the boston globe for strike news.
can you carry your clubs in a burlap sack? or no?
Tomorrow is flag day, make sure you all fly the red, white and blue. That is something I always wondered about, Mr Fixxit does not fly a flag? Is he communist? Or does it get dirty in the elements? I am guessing the later.
well enjoy your day all, my boss is in chicago, so I think I will read gardening articles all day at work. wonder if I can get away with that???
My company has a policy that when I'm on vacation, everyone left behind has to play 18 before getting down to work for the day. I'm just saying ...
Beautiful weather here in the ATL -- 90s during the day and then a whomping thunderstorm at 6pm. Ahh, summer.
Have you all heard about the man in DC suing his dry cleaners for 65 Million dollars because they lost his pants? The estimate is that its costing each dc taxpayers $1260 a day for this lawsuit. And that goes for me too! I will just buy him a new pair of pants -- pretty nice ones even....
Play 18!!! Man o man I so have to refax my resume!
My dry cleaners shrunk my favorite red sweater, what is that worth!
I think stupid people who inconvenience others and cost us money should be sent to Irag, with only a burlap sack, that would eliminate stupid lawsuits, and people who get in the grocery line with more than the allotted items.
That is my soapbox
just an fyi.... new blog at
i wanted to separate my boy from general family talk...
can't say as that I can blame you!
2 blogs to keep up with, I will have to go to part time
Law suit is down to 54 million and rumor has it the guy left the court room crying. Incredible. I wish I was on that jury.
Copy and paste that blog over here cousin... come on. I can't keep up with two blogs.
You can't put a blog in a burlap sack.
Two blogs? I can barely keep up with the one!
Signed the rent agreement tonight for my new apartment with Summy!! Move in day is July 1st...we got a place in the T of T off Delaware.
Sweet!!! Congratulations. Is it by a cemetary? When's the first party? We've got stuff for you. Call me and you can pick it up with the rent a truck. We leave for Fla. on the 19th and won't be home before the big move.
You can put toiletries in a burlap sack when moving.
Well here we are at Thursday, Happpy Flag Day to one and all, I hope you proudly displaying your flags!
I think our next blog should be the rice itinerary for there adventure that is looming, and then one of them packing the car!
Packing a car, and putting up a christmas tree I personally feel are the two most critical times in a marriage, forget about death, disease and catastrophe's, nope its car packing and the christmas tree.
My sister and mr fixxitt leave for asheville on Monday. So it sounds like summer is in full swing.
After much thought and consideration, the Yankee coach I would most like to have lunch with is Larry Bowa.
have a great day all...
wow! I would say there is a LOT going on! congrats jill! and have a great trip, rices!
Are we having a holtzapalooza II? What's the status of that? Updates please.
KDH...thankyou for bringing that up! Because I asked my mother if we were having one and she seemed to think we weren't! Was the first one really that bad?!?!?! I vote yes to Holtzapalooze II!
JFF, call ya later. And yes out living room window looks out at the cemetary.
I was under the impression that Holtzapalooza II was scrapped because we will be having an Oliver-Meet-Greet.
We can turn Oliver's meet&greet into Holtzapalooza II. But there seemed like very little interest generated into Holtzapalooza II.
There was no clamoring from the masses to continue. I think anytime we all get togother and gary cooks chowder and beer is involved is Holtzapalooza!
I clamor! I clamor!
I second the clamoring!
I love to clamour (ooh... I'm from Canada).
I can do a car packing blog. Excellent idea Auntie B.
Zachary's Yankees got no-hit tonight by the A's and lost 0-5. They also struck out 16 times. Zach at least struck out swinging. Yeah Zach!
You can't pack a car in a burlap sack.
but you can pack burlap sacks in a car!
I was "out of the loop" yesterday with a 14 hour golf/steak roast/cards marathon (auntie/gramma really liked that idea a lot) and I did not have a chance to enter into all of the discussions, so in no special order: Congrats to nc jll and her new, can we call it "pad"? Safe and fun trip to the pilafs--you still have a few days to recruit Aunt Edna--alias gg--she loves to travel and will not bring a rocking chair; I think that there was some reluctance to associate little Oliver with "the mystique of the Palooza", but I would agree that anytime that we can get together in a picnic type environment, we will be thinking "looza" without saying it. Fixxitts to N.C.??? Does that mean that the new car will leave Niagara county for the first time?? Nc jll, you need to provide a list of wants/needs for the new place and we will look to see what is here and we will deliver it. Our major furniture items made a one way trip to Mass. a while ago, so there isn't much in that area but we may be able to plug some other holes. Another great day weather-wise and an early Happy Father's Day to all of the dads out there.
just to let the family know, I linked Oliver's blog to the main page. So, if you ever want to check it out, just click on the link that says "Oliver Holtz's blog" and that'll take you right over.
Jll~You could make curtains for your new "pad"(how does Unkie keep coming up with these antiquated terms)from burlap. I'll help.
Just waiting for the word as to when the new parents feel brave enough and strong enough to make the trip to EA and we will have the Oliver Meet and Greet.
Happy Friday!!!
69 comments, LOL!!!
Ok I went to Mr Oliver's web page, and that young man getting his hair washed yesterday, looked way to big to our newborn!!!
Again 2 blogs, I will so have to go part time!
Nphw and brother, do not golf at Oakmont, Tiger says its a very fast course, what ever that means.
We had an unexpected death in the NH this AM, quess that is an oxymoron, but she was a little lady that when you asked her how she was doing, she said, good I am on the right side of dirt! And we are out of shrouds again, fathers day picnic looming ya know, can we replace a burlap sack for a shroud, I am quessing no..
Way to go Zach, at least you took the bat off your shoulder, no shame in swinging and missin. But at least ya swung!
HAPPY FATHERS DAY TO EACH AND EVERY ONE OF YOU! May your day be filled with what you really love to do surrounded by the ones that mean the most to you!!
I think someone clever should do , a burlap sack rhyme like green eggs and ham, a burlap sack I am I am, Oh what can you pack in a burlap sack can you pack a snack in a burlap sack?
Can you carry a rack in a burlap sack?
Can you stack all your stackables in a burlap sack?
OK time to go home and start my weekend YEE HAW
OK so I am a frequent visitor to Oliver's page, HOWEVER, there is that whole logging in issue that I am having difficulty with, so I will just visit and comment here!
Thank you Al gore for inventing the internet!
Oliver parents &/or mom just returned a pack-n-play play pen that has an attachment/screen over the top for outside use & it is in near perfect of those bouncy seats also with an outdoor attachment screen either of you want them or are they visiting the far corners of my attic?
Father's Day for the Rices will be celebrated at the 1st Rice family reunion somewhere up north by a fort...I think we are supposed to bring something...not sure what, however...Mr. Fix-it is so excited!
God morning on Father's Day Eve, looks like it's going to be a beautiful day.
The family truckster is washed and waxed and ready for the ocean salt air. Unfortunately for Aunt Edna she'll be unable to make this arduos trip. Maybe next time when we go to Wally World. We can drop her off at Cousin Eddie's mobile home.
Enjoy the day all, I'm off to pick up some zap-a-snacks.
Looks like all the plans are in place for a great father's day weekend, and it should be at least a weekend in length. Me, I got to accompany auntie to the outlet mall yesterday. Looks like that will be the high point. Auntie b, you are well onthe wayto a great burlap poem Your appointed task for the weekend is to complete for publication. Tiger said that a 10 handicap could not break 100 at Oakmont. I think that would put me in line for about a 150. Enjoy the weekend all.
It looks like an absolute gorgeous day!!!
rice reunion,now that sounds like a lot of fun!
Enjoy rice clan!
Love the pix of Oliver online!
What was up with all the suxfans and the asterisks???
hope to hear all about the rice reunion mannana..
Enjoy the sun, the breeze, the day!
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