I agree with Auntie B, we are cutting edge and Unkie's Pope comment reminded me of something.
The Pope today made changes. Now, I'm Lutheran, not Catholic, but I'd be willing to try it this way. Or maybe with a little mustard.
What's the record for most posts in a day?
I may have to start going to mass again!
Simply classic!
My nephew was a little upset that this religious Icon only rec'd two comments. And we all have to admit that we are all searching for validation, and Blog entries that are creative, and innovative, thought provoking and are making a statement about ourselves, should be recognized for the insightful art that they truly are!
I have taken up the cause to boost the Pope Blog where he is consecrating beer and pretzels as opposed to the "body and blood of christ" to get the comment count up to a respectable number!
Come on People!
See the Humor! If you find it offensive say so!
If you find it funny, say so!
But you have to respect the effort!
I find it offensive!
I do see the humor in it, but I am a little put off by it.
I think any challenging of the archaic values of the Catholic Church is refreshing.
I also think Marijuana should be legalized, so if you could post the Pope smoking a doobee, that would be even better!
shame on you!
Say 10 Hail Marys and 10 Our Fathers.
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