I know...I know...This blog is about a week early, but I felt I needed to pick up the slack and breathe some new life into our blog (and because it's pretty slow at work today). After many attempts and failures to try and get the username and password correct, Dear ol' Jff walked me through it.
Ahhh Floyd..He became a member of our family back in November '05. Who can forget KDH's magical cab ride with him?! "JeeeeeeeSUS", he says -- "if you're from Buffalo, you must be wanting to run around with a buck nekkid keyster on a day like today -- it must be like summer for you!".
Some of us from the fam became first time home owners!

And who could forget October 12, 2006....

A new company was started. I am pretty Sure KDH received resumes and applications for future job employment from all Holtz members.

Thanksgiving 2005...The year Ruth ran out of hearing aide batteries and we all lost our voices trying to talk loud enough for her to hear.

Ahh the real reason why we get together every year at Christmas:

A couple true Yankees fans....
Below you will find my pictorial essay on two years of blog making history:

Lou's has gotten a lot of free advertising from this blog. Gram with her favorite waitress, the quick witted, Cozy!
Some of us from the fam became first time home owners!
And then there was Jff......

And who could forget October 12, 2006....

A new company was started. I am pretty Sure KDH received resumes and applications for future job employment from all Holtz members.

Thanksgiving 2005...The year Ruth ran out of hearing aide batteries and we all lost our voices trying to talk loud enough for her to hear.

Ahh the real reason why we get together every year at Christmas:

A couple true Yankees fans....
Yeah!!! I'm the first to comment. Awesome post Jllie, you basically summed everything up. I was a lil' worried at first after you told me "not to worry about it" and then slammed the phone down on my ear. I was kind of hoping to see Adm's picture from Holtzapalooza with the whip cream on his beard and face. That one always makes me smile.
oh my goodness -- I'm so excited! A "highlight reel" of the family blog AND I'm the first to comment. Talk about a major prize! Great job! whoo hoo!
Dagnabit! Jff beat me by 7/10ths of a second!
Great Job!!!
Thrillie, time at work to get a new blog done, and your boss gives you sabre tickets!!!
Now that is a dream job!!!
And to think I was going to ask everyone to write an essay on what their favorite blog was, and post them, and grade them of course, and a+++++++++++++ would have abounded!
Now THAT is one great blog! It makes up for the missing San Antonio blog and the one where my sister and nephew realize the error of their ways and renounce their allegiance to the evil empire. Way to go nc jll, you deserve all of the Sabre tickets that you can get your hands on.
Happy Anniversary Holtz Family Blog. Just in case you were not aware your Blog lasted longer than:
1. Stinky Gas prices
2 Supreme Court Hullabaloo for 2005.
3. Top Ten words of 2005, it was Tsunami btw.
4. Rafael Palmeiro.blogspot
5. Michelle Wie webpage/webcast
keep up the good work
wow, it got a little dusty in here reading that post. sniffle sniff sniff.
To celebrate the anniversary of the blog, Unkie and I are going down by the river to watch the submarine races!
Great Job Sissy! Thank you to Jff for coming through after I forgot my password. :(
Softball begins this Sunday.
I went back and reread it. It was even better the second time. There has sure been a lot going on and I am guessing even more really good stuff to come.
Happy Saturday all, how nice of Anon. to mention all the things we've outlasted. Kinda surprised about the Palmiero blog though... that was a good one.
Have to change brakes today, hopefully it won't rain on me.
happy chilly but sunny saturday!
Jnna is babysitting for a friend, thrillie is off spending her gap coupons, geo is working and I am on gramma duty..
Loved what we outlasted! The top ten words, now who would have thought that! I am quessing the top ten word for 2007 is JOBA!
brake replacement??? that sounds like a lot of tools will be involved, my rotor is warped can you unwarp it?
enjoy the day all!
Good Morning! Well softball begins in the Koch household as we have a DH at Walden Ponds at 12.
Have a great Sunday everyone!
What a great Sabre game last night!
Sorry, you can't "unwarp" rotors. You can replace then though.
As it turned out my back brakes were fine. My emergency brake shoes (which I never use) were not fine. AND... the emergency brake cable was severed. ALSO... my rack and pinion was leaking and would not pass inspection... $860 later, everythings in the pink.
Joba, definitely has to be a top ten word of the year.
No word on Gary's extremely soft hands (Jll's BF, not my dad)... that surprises me.
Bills' didn't lose today.
Happy Monday.. I dont really mean that.
Kind of a lost weekend. Did not really do anything to blog about.
Thrillie is going to download my pictures of San Antonio, so I can post them.
Jff, sent me nice pix of Sandra in Denver.. thanks for those.
I concur, the bills did not loose, nor did the Yankees, so it made for a bearable Monday.
Steinbrener handing over control to hank and hal, mmmm wonder what that is about?? Possibly they will keep Torre?
Rockies, the team I am rooting for in the month of October 2007, will not be on til 10PM tonite, now I will never see that game!
My bosses day gift from my secretaries and part time gal friday in here, a Yankees mug filled with Hershey Kisses! Now that is a gift!
Go Rockies!
Jff, so surprised you think Gary, my BF has soft hands. I always thought they were dry. Are you sure it was Gary' s hands?
trying to avoid responding to the soft hands and the Rockies and yankee kisses. you guys make it way too difficult. All of my good intentions. Craig Nall back in camp taking snaps at today's practice? I am really confused. Boy did the Pats look bad yesterday!
Jll, I can only assume it was Gary, but it was dark and he did have me from behind. So no, a jury would not convict him.
Rockie kisses??? Kind of an oxymoron.
so how about that hockey game! how fun to watch the maple laughs score in there own net!!!
and then of course watching big pappy getting hit in his little package! and of course manramwoman hitting into double plays, sighhhh, made for a most enjoyable evening!!!
Of course my colorado rockies the team of October 2007, sweeping!
WOW, how long have us rockies fans waited for that one! I cant even say that convincingly!
Thursday marks the two year anniversary of our family blog, who wants cake!!!
Great Oliver, youtube blog of him eatin his cereal! catch it if you can!
enjoy tuesday everyone!
Conundrum of the day...How to get to Kalispell, Montana? I'm thinking this will be another 3 flights there, 3 flights back.
I don't think that it is possible to get to anywhere in Montana without at least five connecting flights. Glad to hear that auntie b has finally seen the light in terms of her allegiance and that old NY hat will be replaced by a CR hat. I am betting that Sandra saw that and grabbed one on her trip to take care of the pirate exchange. Darn that Sandra. Back to lint brushes. And a bit more concern about Big Papi and his groinal contusion please.
What a day, what a day. I think I just like saying that. "A River Runs Through It" is a great Montana read if you're interested Jll.
I'll have to agree with Unkie, def a 5 stop flight trip and a car ride to Montana. And make sure you bring your side holster.
Montana!!! Go BobCats!
That sounds like fun, I think you should take the tent and camp!
Ah yes, Montana and Texas. Two states where they don't enforce either the speed limit or the open container laws in the rural areas. i think, in fact, that it is mandatory that you have an open container. What's not to love?
I do not have a shot glass from Montana!!!!!!!!!
It's tough to watch Biron and Briere in Flyers jerseys on Versus right now. The Flyers are playing the Thrashers and Emma is swooning over Briere.
Do they have carabou in Montana?
I know they have dental floss farms.
Good Choice Emma! I will be swooning over Trent Edwards on Sunday from Ralph Wilson Stadium!
Good ganme last night, right Adm? Go Indians!!!
Okay, okay, that's enough of that.
Where's Auntie P been llately? I miss her.
Off to Ro-chacha (Rochester) for a FMA conference today. Hopefully they'll have good food, that's the only reason I go to these. Enjoy the day everyone.
I think I'd rather see Losman in there this week.
Well here it is Wed already! Do you believe it. Have a safe trip to Rochester Jff, that is a tough drive down the thruway! Yesterday, we had a luncheon for my boss, for boss's day! Happy Boss's Day KDH, belated as it may be, so if you own your own company, and you are your own company do you still celebrate boss's day? Just one of those questions that keep me awake at nite!
So were at this luncheon, and the person sitting next to me, spilled her water all over my bosses cards, it was pretty funny, the gift certificate inside was soaked, funny!!
quess you had to be there..
my new favorite name, Asdrubal!!!
have a great day all
Not enough leaves to rake. No subbing. Golfed yesterday. Looks like car shopping today sincethe mechanic explained how oil and antifreeze were not supposed to be together in the same place. Montana, Rochester? Doesn't anyone ever stay in WNY? Do you have a Rochester shot glass jnn? I know that my son is distraught, even tho his son is now turning over (see related blog), but I can't get upset about the Indians. Bob Feller was my first favorite player, and almost all of these guys came thru Buffalo. The important thing is that you know who has not been playing for awhile.
ooh Montana! Big sky country. Keep your eyes peeled for the "not even once" anti-meth campaign and let me know what you think. Really hard hitting tv, billboards, radio -- AND they spent so much money on it that they claim every person in Montana sees an ad at least 2x per day. They also spent so much money on it that they could have just given people 1K each and told them not to use a drug made of battery acid and antifreeze, but I digress. Safe travels!
And yes, I was VERY nice to myself on boss's day!
the above mentioned link is one of the funniest articles I have ever read! It is a little lenghty so read it at work.
At work, Auntie B? Now come on. you are dealing with family members here. The Holtz work ethic is legendary.
Adm--package on the way for Oliver--Keep an eye out--gotta get that sports boy dressed right Buffalo style! Found some of Zach's favorites!
So here it is, 2 years later. Look what we have done in 2 years. Did you know 2 years is equal to 63113852.00000 Seconds ( I did the math).
We took grandma out last night. She called and wanted to go visit Lois (her BFF) in the hospital after she had her hip replacement. I had to pull Gram out of the room after Lois kept telling her that she is 94. I thought an argument would ensure, so we bolted out.
Happy 2 year annivarsay! Thanks for the laughs and keeping me busy during the day.
Happy 2 Year Anniversary!!
WOW!! Who would have thought we would have kept this going for two years!
To our Fans: I hope we have made you laugh, smile and maybe even shed a tear or two! I hoped you have learned that families dont have to agree on everything( for ex: our misguided redsox fans, and all our political beliefs are not the same)but in the end, we are all we really have.
To My Family: I hope this has entertained you as much as it has me! I have learned something new about everysingle one of you. And a day does not pass that I dont talk about the BLOG!
May this site always be available to say hello to all of you, and to let you know I am thinking of you!
From Gramma to Oliver, I can not think of a better family to call my own!
Stay the course!
WOW an official Congratulation from Pres. Bush...Where does he find the time???
What a boring night yesterday...TV wise. No baseball game, or hockey game.
Happy anniversary and bless us all everyone. And that came from my heart and game leg.
I just had the unfortunate news of informing my mother that Joe Toree has turned down the Yankee's offer. This is a sad sad day!
I am unconsolable!
Adios, Jorge!!!
See Ya Mariano..
Hasta la Vista A Rod
Kisses, Andy...
enjoy your 3rd retirement roger!
Def a sad day indeed. Now we can talk about the next Yankee skipper... Donnie Baseball???
Had fun in Rochacha and learned about identity theft... there's no hope, we're all doomed. That's basically what I learned.
To quote my brother John at the b-day party: "I wish someone would steal my identity". So you see, no matter how dark and foreboding it may seem, there is always a silver lining somewhere. Now that joe t. is gone, is there hope that my family will desert the dark side and resume life with the forces of good? I had hoped that my sister had made strides with her new allegiance to the Rockies. Nphw jff, what sayeth you??? And nc jll?? With all you have seen and done; is there still hope for you??? Nc jnn?? It's time to break away. I am here for you all.
Funny Sabres video
Just some random thoughts as we face friday:
a storm is brewing, so what else is new
The radio is all over the bills playing a "home" game in Toronto?
I quess my question, is how can that be a home game??
willis macgayheee returns to jeers and sneers on sunday, now that should be fun!
other than that, nothing else
enjoy your friday
Nothin' on Josh Beckett? Have a good friday all.
Kenny Lofton doesn't like Josh Beckett, that's for sure. Great game last night. I announce Beckett as Mr. Playoff.
What a day outside. Gorgeous!
You guys have to check out that you tube video on the Sabres... it's very good.
I would comment on JB, however, the very mention of his name, or being forced to look at his boondoggle necklace, cause me to suffer through throw up burbs, which causes bile to collect in my mouth, where at my age, it just causes what little enamel I have left on my teeth to corrode.
Made my flight arrangements to Kalispell, MT for Tuesday. As expected it will be a 3 flight trip. I will probably never be going back either seeing how a trip to London, England would have cost less!
a package filled with bills, bisons and sabres paraphanalia just arrived from the rices. Thank you very much for thinking of Oliver. Can't wait for him to fit into them!
You're welcome. I'm glad they arrived safe, Oliver is going to look great in them.
Well, 15 hours later and I'm back.
Sandra and I are continuing to watch last season's "Heroes" episodes on DVD (trying to get caught up with this season). I'm not surprised I like it so much. It's a really good show. Does anyone else watch it or like it?
Go UB!!!
That's all I got.
Went to go see the movie "Into the Wild". A++++++++++
Who's in that one?
Does anyone have ESPN U? I wanted to watch UB beat up Syracuse. I guess I don't get that with my 71 channel "basic cable".
Kind of a nice saturday??? I quess?
It is cookie's birthday weekend, so Jnna and I went shopping today
With the looney overtaking the dollar each and every store, every mall, every everything is filled with canadians and their cars! And at every store, they apply for a credit card so the lines are crazy, seriously it looks like two weeks to christmas! I am trying not to be bitter as they boost our economy, but trying to explain to minimum wage cashiers that they do not have zip codes they have province codes, cheesh too much!
I am remaining optimistic this evening that shilling will cave and the world series will begin and end quickly and Joe Torre's farewell tour, well will be short and sweet.
I am keeping my fingers crossed that don mattingly will be hired, and the world will return to its rightful order, so say all???
cookie, gary (her BF not her uncle) had a birthday lunch with GG today, details mananna...
I hear AP was giving flu shots and budways???
Auntie P giving flu shots at Budwey's? How'd I miss that one. I wanna recount!!! Oh, wait, that was 7 years ago... never mind.
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