Jenna and Jill were appropriately dressed for the weather. Jenna is a little red in the face, but thats from the Smirnoff.

The choppers going overhead were completely unexpected and definately gave me chills!

I believe these boys started tailgating the night before. It was a balmy 33 degrees out so I guess it is understandable that they were hot and needed to take their shirts off.

The snow was definately coming down, but that deter from the excitement of the crowd. Not an empty seat in the whole stadium.

Some of the Sabres warming up....Ya I wish our seats were this close. Nice zoom on the camera!

The game begins....This is probably where Pitt scores with 20 seconds into the game.

Unfortunately, we all know how the game ended. Overall the experience was awesome minus trying to leave the parking lot after the game.

The snow was definately coming down, but that deter from the excitement of the crowd. Not an empty seat in the whole stadium.

Some of the Sabres warming up....Ya I wish our seats were this close. Nice zoom on the camera!

The game begins....This is probably where Pitt scores with 20 seconds into the game.

Unfortunately, we all know how the game ended. Overall the experience was awesome minus trying to leave the parking lot after the game.
And I get to be first?? GREAT blog jnn, and a family first! A direct report from an event that had world wide acclaim. And YOU were there. This is our new direction. We need to have a family representation at any and all events of world attention. Next event will be??? What will it be and who will volunteer to be the family rep? Great job jnn and jll!
Awesome job! That was so fun to watch on the TV -- I really wish I had been there. And now I feel like I was!
I volunteer for the ProBowl in Hawaii.
Rats... I was going to say Pro Bowl... double rats.
Awesome pics and thanks for the report. You can be our official Larry "Bud" Melman reporter.
Ggreat pic of Ales Kotalik in the SO ... he scored you know.
Welcome back Auntie and Unckie.
OMG!!! Great Job!!
Our internet has been down at home and I have had auditors in my office so my "blog" activity has been suspended!! UGH
Lets see what will I cover, mmm, I could do the ummm ummm, lets see where would I want to be to witness and report a world event??
How about at the belly flop competition in California? I may be there anyway. I'm getting post-holiday big.
I can't take the credit for the blog. Great Job Jill!! The internet is back up and running. Were all set!
I'll take one for the team and cover the olypics in Beijing. I can learn mandarin from my students!
I could cover the flocking competition. I think it's in Key West this year...AGAIN!
Maybe I will cover the primaries, are they going anywhere warm and sunny?
I would pass on the New Hampshire gig. Is there a Hawaii primary?
Lets go Ron Paul!
So another heart breaking loss, that makes 7 in a row. Just an FYI, if you are talking to rocket on the phone he is taping the conversation!
Flocking competition??? How does she keep on pulling that assignment?
Roger, Did you know Andy Pettite was taking steroids? "No, the conversation never came up". That's classic. Ummmm... Roger could you pass that needle please? Sure Andy, what's it for?
I'd like to cover the pig calling compettion down in Alabamy.
I remember when the Sabres won, sometime back before Christmas right? How could anyone doubt Roger. When Mike Wallace said: Swear? He said yes, swear. That was all that I needed. Plus, he and Pettite never worked out together so how could he know? March 16 for the annual celebration of the buzzards returning to Hinckley Ohio is mine.
The Hinkley Hollow Buzzard Trot? Sweet. That goes back generations.
Way to grab that one Unkie. Now I have to look online to find obscure events around our country. This has taken a competitive turn. I can see this now.
No hockey game for me tonight (byeweek) and I'm actually not going to miss it.
After a quick online reference and a event calender scan. I'll be attending the Green Groves pumpkin toss and squash run next fall.
Honk, if you see Jenna today!
BD celebration tonite with the birthday girl, part of her gift today was filling her truck up with gas!!!
mmm I smell a do you one better, I too will google obscure worldwide recognized celebrations! did'nt AP and KDH do the hot air balloon festival in New Mexico 2 years ago???
I will be attending the Woolly Worm Festival in PA next October. My Woolly Worm is the fastest in all the land.
I didn't mean that to sounds dirty!
Happy Birthday Sissy!
And a most happy b-day to my favorite nc jnn. Here's hoping that you have one great day. Sounds like it has already started great, what with the gas and all. Enjoy your day!
sure you didn't mean for that to sound dirty, jll.... hee hee
Happy Birthday Jenna!
I think I'm a shoe in to cover the annual bourbon festival in kentucky. Can't WAIT for september!
Fast woolly worm... hehe. It's okay, you were young, you needed the money.
Happy Birthday Jnn. Congrats on the tank fill up. I ask Sandra to fill my tank every year and all I get is a tie. Oooh, did that sound dirty?
Happy Birthday,Jenna!!! Did you go to the Globe for the Buffalo special?
Thank goodness for the weekend. No big plans for us this weekend, but it's good to be on the last day of the work week.
Jnn and other casino participants, how was the buffet last night? I hope you had fun.
Good Morning...I am so happy it's Friday. I would only be happier if it was 4:30 this afternoon.
The buffet was yummy. We had a slight delay in eating because Jenna didn't take her ID out of the car and then we lost the car. Good Times at the Casino Buffet. Good people watching too!
Casino buffet? Sounds good. So who was the lucky one that won enough to pick up the tab for the evening? What about gg? She loves the casino. Anyone else get hit up to help spring mrs. fixxitt from the charity jail?
great hockey pictures! any idea how I can print them to use and say I was there?
Mrs. Fixxit wanted money from me but more than I was willing to part with (that's just another way of saying, I wasn't going to bail her out of jail with my donation alone).
She's fine, father told her to walk it off.
I'll say it again... TGIF!!! Let the family weekend begin.
Enjoy Friday night everyone. Let's get together for a evening, drinks are on GG.
Okay, it's almost the middle of January so we have to start planning our NYC/ Yankee trip. All interested in attending the last year Yankee Stadium will be in existance start sending in your preferred weekend/ preferred team. Let's get'r dun.
Ooh, Ooh, that sounds awesome! I'll take 10 tickets. ANyone interested in coming to see the sox hoist their 2007 world series champions banner? I could probably swing some tickets for that. Antie B? Cuz Jff? Jllie? Bueller?
Maybe another day, I'll leave that special day for all the people that worship the underworld. But thanks for asking.
Actually, I do have to go to Fenway Park, but I was hoping that two other teams would be playing when I was there.
Thank you all for the BD wishes! We tested out the casino buffet dinner and unfortunately I could not gamble because I did not have my ID on me! Then yesterday, Gram took me out to lunch and shopping. Before we left she popped a codeine in and drank a few beers with lunch. Our day was cut short since she was slurring her speech and walking funny. So I dropped her off at home. I am sure she is fine.
She wanted me to report on the blog that her and Dorothy received Army enrollment papers and apparently they filled them out since you get a free ARMY watch.
Looks like gram is going into basic training.
I can't stand the Patriots! Will someone beat them already?
Count me in for NYC. It just can't clash with the cANAL fest. That's where I go guy fishing.
Insert carni joke (here).
I am just going to go on the record and say, we are the funniest family alive!!!
today was literally a blow off day, due to schedule conflicts jnna did not open her gifts until today. so it is homemade meatball sub, gifts and cake day. And we all have our fingers crossed that the sabres pull out a win some where!!
I think I will be covering the Seafood Festival in Apalachicola Florida, no special reason just sounds like lots of good food!
Nephew, I am all over our road trip to Manhatten!! Cookie is in charge of the hotel, cheapest and easiest to find and get to the bronx. As soon as schedule released we need to do a conference call, get tickets etc!!!
Road trip!!!
OBTW. Gramma wants to go to Atlanta cuz she has never been, KDH if I put her on a plane can you pick her up????
I'd love to see Kristen standing outside the airport with a black coat, limo hat, gloves(ya gotta have the driver gloves), holding a sign that just says "gramma". That would be priceless.
How many days has it been since I last said the Red Sux stink? I heard on the "world weekly news" that Jason Varitek is secretly in love with Manny, the funny thing is, Manny already knew. Heehee.
I've never been to Rio. If you put me on a plane to Rio, will somebody pick me up? Hey, jff, when's the last time the yanks won a world series? The sox are 2-0 this milennium. Put that in your pipe and smoke it.
Happy gray, rainy, snowy, bleak and dreary monday.
I am going to go out on a limb, and say since adm moved to quincy he has gotten mean, put that in your pipe and smoke it geesh, that was harsh!
so tony romo what a big fat homo went on a vacation with jessica simpson and that is why they lost?
mmm interesting, so who else thinks it will be green bay and I hate to say it, ne??
its monday, grin and bear it!
Good Morning...Watching the snow blow on this cold dark Monday Morning. I got nothing.
so yesterday cookie and I went to barnes and noble, and she made a bee line to the "wedding" section, checking out the books and magazines??? Could a major announcement be looming soon???
film at 11
My sister gets arrested tomorrow, lets all of us chip in and get her out in a timely manner, Mr fixxitt says by March!
so notice cookie and I posted at the exact same time. do do do do do, sung to the theme of the twilight zone
I would like to go on record as reporting that my check is on the way to bail out my poor sister. I don't recall seeing too many other such posts. Where is the love???? Instead of taking cheap shots at each other's favorite teams, we could all be out searching for empty cans to raise money to free James Brown, I mean Sue. When her own husband is predicting March, that does not bode well. I know that if it were Auntie P. or Uncle George being held for an indefinite period, that my sister and I would be out, leaving no tern unstoned, doing whatever necessary to get them released ASAP, right sis? Come on people!!! And as far as nc jll's shopping, I will leave that for another time. I am emotionally drained.
Let me clarify my mother's previous post. I was in the wedding section looking for a book for my friend Angie, who is getting married in August. As a good bridesmaid I was looking for ideas for her bachelorette party.
My mom came over, saw that I was in the wedding section and she started to freak out. I of course had to play along and torture her by saying I was engaged. At the point her face went white. Well the strange woman next to me got a real quick out of it. I started laughing, but I left my mom with heart burn all day!
LOL Jill!
Hey Unkie--just so you know...I bucked up for Mrs. Fix-it...dispite her son's whining--
Way to go sndr, I knew that you would be there for your m-i-l. And the rest of the family??????????????
Sandra's a suck up, I wanted to give my mom only $2. I remember when I was young and she pushed me down the stairs when I asked for my bi-monthly allowance. She had a mean streak an hour wide.
Jll, that was LOL funny. I usually don't do that.
Okay Adm, let's make nice. There's no reason for me to go into every WS the Yankees have won, I have the coat I can do it. Let's put our collectice witch thoughts together and concentrate on a Sabres win on Wednesday night.
how bout the bandits? can we find common ground on the buffalo bandits? when does their season start anyway?
Its tuesday
I see Mass got a lot of snow
Its Primary day in Michigan, is anyone covering that? Yea, me neither
Its 17 below in Fargo BRRR
Brian Campbell wants out, who doesnt.
Carrie Ann vs Bruno, now that is an hour of your life you will never get back
what else is left, 'cept have an exceptional next 24 hours
Any volunteers to attend the GB-NYG game this Sunday? supposed to be a nice day. How about our intrepid ice-bowlers? You guys are used to outside games. Looking out the window it seems that it will be me and the snowblower--yuk! Tomorrow we are half past Jan. Hang in there all.
Any word if ms. fixxitt got sprung. Seems like gg wound up coming up with checks from herself, betty and dorothy to help the cause. Snowblower never did start and it snowed here all day. Ugly on a lot of different levels.
So many things to cover today,where do you even begin??
Mitt Romney, who knew, as a diehard baseball fan, ya gotta love a guy who's first name is Mitt!
Seeing a new dentist for the first time today, angst angst. I litterally change dentists every presidential election year, not sure what the corralation is?
Heard nothing about jailbird sister? For ex did she make any friends in the big house? Was she forced to wear a jumpsuit, cuz that would have just been wrong!
AI debuted last nite, entertaining.
Who will watch the sabres vs rangers tonite???
Andre Reed, HOF!!!!
who has there hand in the air to participate in Wed, yea me neither.
I believe thrillie is in Raleigh for the day.
Unexpectedly pressed into service to teach 7th and 8th grade math at last minute today so I never got a chance to work on snowblower, which was probably a good thing for both me and the snowblower. Heading in to Luther Manor tomorrow to get full story on gg's new career in the military. update promised.
PEOPLE -- it is completely snowing here in the ATL. I may choose not to leave my house until the temperature goes back up to 50 degrees and the driving situation returns to the normal level of chaos.
Hotlanta??? I thought that it NEVER snows down there. You had better get that city straightened out before next week.
So cookie was to be in Raleigh for the day and then was informed she immediatly had to head to fort myers. So last nite we get a text message from her that she has been stranded on the runway in HOTlanta for 3 hours
Below is her account of what transpired
Good morning.
"I am in ft. Myers after sitting on the runway in atlanta for 3 hours. No lie! Apparently the busiest airport in the WORLD doesn't find it a good investment to buy de-icers for the few times a year when its cold and snowy.
But nevertheless I made it to ft. Myers. It is already 72 degrees here at 8am. Its supposed to get up to 80 today so good thing I am out of here at 130pm. Should be back in buffalo at 530pm. thankfully I am not going through atlanta again!"
ouch to atlanta!
Yeah... that seems about right.
Wow, a blow by blow account of a disgruntles traveler. This blog offers it all.
I can't wait for Unkie's update on GG's military career. HHopefully, skeletons don't fall out of the closet.
Apparently Mom and Dorothy filled out the papers expressing their interest in a military career. Apparently at no point was an age required. They did insist on "the buddy plan" at least thru basic, probably at Fort Dix. They are still waiting for their watches. I will be curious as to any follow up by "military intelligence" on this escapade. For now gg's larder is reprovisioned with potato chips, boiled ham and ice cream. Should last for awhile. on the down side, Auntie had the stuffed cabbage at Athena's and is apparently paying somewhat of a price for a delicious meal. I only hope that her "price" does not involve me later in the evening.
I'm sure it will... you better find an evening activity tonight and quite possibly tomorrow.
Mrs. Fixxit is out of jail, unfortunately I'm a lil' dissappointed in the pictures that were taken.
Here's Rick's radio station, he put a picture up of a half, quirky smiling Mrs. Fixxit.
Good Morning Family..I eventually made it home after a long two day trip. Wednesday was the day of firsts for me For example: 1)I was in 5 airports in 1 day (BUF,BWI,RAL,ATL,FT.M) 2) I read a 500 page book in 1 day (the 3 hour runway delay in ATL helped out on that) 3)My rental car in Raleigh was a Mustang, first time driving one, but then my rental in Ft. Myers was a "Stang" too. 4) I spent a total of 13.5 hours in airports/airplanes on Wednesday.
Thursday went a little better, and I stress "little better". Flew back to Buffalo from Ft. Myers with a short stop in D.C. to pick up people, so I didnt even have to get off the plane. That was a mistake! We landed in D.C. at 2:15pm and we didnt take off until 4:50pm (the flight was supposed to land in BUFF at 4:30pm). D.C. had snow/freezing rain so we had another de-icer issue, although not as bad as ATL. However, then we got stuck for another 40 min because they HAD to bring the snow plows out! By that time I was still emotionally drained from my wait in ATL that I had no energy to get mad.
Ironically, the weather in Buffalo was beautiful compared to ATL and D.C.
Now nc jll is beginning to appreciate "the Miami of the North" that we have up here. The pic of Ms. fixxitt in cuffs was not the most flattering that she has ever had taken, but you have to give her a shout out for acting for a good cause. A snowy, blowy and windy day. Stay warm all.
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