How Mrs. Fixxit Spent Her Day Off
An Unauthorized biography
By JT Pilaf

I guess what goes around, comes around. Ask Rick, the quiet one, to elaborate. After years of mentally and physically abusing her children, the law (or fire department... whatever), finally caught up to her and gave her what's been coming. As you can see she barely is squeaking out a smile (always the optimist). I'm sure my meager donation to get her out jail was helpful in her release from the slammer 30 minutes later (sound familiar Lindsey Lohan fans?).
And trust me, that's not her first time in hand cuffs. There was a reason Rick (the quiet one) and I stayed out til mornings dawn. We wanted to be sure our parents (the Fixxits) were asleep and no wierd noises were coming from the adjascent room.
Wow! There's a whole lot more info available here than should probably become public. I thought that it was interesting that she had to find 25 contributors, which she did, but only raised $32.20. I guess that says it all about her family and friends
How'd you get those #'s? That info wasn't coming out until the next quarter at the stock holders meeting.
So much for handing her cash!
Anyone know anyone at the Bisons? Wouldn't a box for a game be a great (next) Holtzapalooza? Anyone retired with a computer that can get on that?
Was she arrested for wearing that bumble bee sweater set, black and yellow, if not she should be!
Sndra, always HAS the best ideas!
A bison box! how fun!!
OBTW, our labor day excursion, not so much, no box in the bronx..
Did everyone hear that once she was sprung gramma wanted her money back. I thought that was pretty comical.
Enjoy the day all
Hope you all enjoyed the scoringapalooza from yesterday!!!
10 goals, WOW, I think I saw 2.
As I was watching the Niagara BB game.
for anyone who needs a pick me up, check out Oliver's blog, his cuteness will put a smile on your puss!
stay warm, healthy and happy!
Good mornin' fam,
Man, it is cold outside. I think it's a "stay inside and keep warm" kind of day. Maybe I'll saddle up with my favorite beverage and a steak sandwich and watch the Packers game. That's a long wait though. Is there any Harry Hamelin movies playing today?
That's classic, GG wanted her money back. Totally classic.
The good news is that I do NOT have any tickets to any football game today so nothing outside for me. stay warm and comfortable all. Hope that you all have plans to celebrate the holiday tomorrow.
I spent the day yesterday with gram as we went to Zebbs for lunch and she told the waitress she was in heaven, because they now serve chips!
I was sworn to secrecy that I wouldn't tell anyone this, but oh well here goes:
Apparently when Unkie and her went out, Unkie bought her lottery tix and if gram won they had an aggreement that they would split the winnings. Well gram told Unkie that she only won $5.00, and since I was the won who cashed her winnings in, I can tell you that was not the truth!
So now I have to take gram to confession!
So unkie ask gram what she did with her winnings yesterday!
I don't understand the disception. What is that teaching our youth today? She'll probably vote for Hillary in November too. I need more cowbell!!! I gotta have more cowbell!!!
My sainted mother deceiving me on our scratchoffs??? My nphw uddering something about a cowbell??I am confused. Hey, that was clever! Auntie and I are off to Hot?lanta and hoping that our airline experience is somewhat less eventful than nc jll. I have a 110 page book, but I read slow. Enjoy MLK day all. It is a holiday for everyone, is it not?
It is more like I wish I was dreaming, than I had a dream day!
brrr, it is way to cold, and windy, in case no one noticed.
super bowl, does anyone care??? I do have a plethora of squares though.
Went and saw the movie 27 bridesmaids dresses with my girls yesterday, very fun.
have a safe run to hotlanta UC & AP
enjoy the day, its ours!
Have fun down in Hot?lanta. The temp should be a balmy 30 degrees (or 25 degrees warmer than us)... enjoy it.
well here it is tuesday already, kind of hard to believe isnt it??
sabres UGH!
so I quess the giants fans are all going to hold up masks of tom brady's baby's momma to taunt him?
now thats kind of fun.
any ideas for gramma's 91st???
Jff, went on line and looked at ticket availability for seattle, since we are bringing some young uns I am quessing no bleachers? correct??
Big adventure day in the ATL yesterday -- explored the Margaret Mitchell House (of gone with the wind fame -- do you know she got run over by a taxicab?), Centential Olympic Park and even did a drive by of the "TED" and the real Olympic flame, not that fake one you can see from the highway. The intrepid travellers were up and on their way to warmer climes by 830 this morning after loading up their cooler (my cooler) with all my beer, pop and wine. Based on what's in their car they're going to have a good time!
Did you know gone with the wind was the only book she ever wrote. And she always wanted Clark Gable as Rhett Butler, but wanted Bette Davis as Scarlett Ohara, mmm I think no!
Bleachers are fine with me.
I'm not feeling very funny today, not sure why. Maybe it's the February blahs? I may need some sunlight.
The kids are outside playing and the dog is with them barking her bloddy head off... maybe that's why I'm not feeling jovial?
Bette Davis??? I don't see it.
bloddy??? This is a very unforgiving keyboard.
Good mornin', let's get over the hump day. Not much going on, kids have AWANA tonight, so it's off for a few cocktails for us at The Brick.
Floor hockey is nearing the end and then I'm done. Done I tell ya. Soooo, more golf for me in the summer and golf dome in the spring.
Making our tentative summer plans includes minor league stops in Altoona, State College, and Harrisburg, PA this year (7/24-26). Should be fun. It's only 7 months away.
Bleachers??? are you sure, with the kids??
7 months, seems like so long from now!
the sun is out, so that is good news... Geo has been at deaths door for two days, thrillie has a cold, I have a cold, the sabres are in dallas, its wed..
I'll sit anywhere except a boxseat (can't afford that), but anywhere is fine with me/us.
Good Morning...Another cold, snowy day. I tried to think of a topic to spark a little discussion after our poor posting performance from yesterday, but I got nothing...
sitting here grading essays from my 11th grade standard american history class. wow. I should write a book.
I am up for essay reading!!! pass em along Adm!!
Had dinner with gramma last nite, when I asked her what she wanted to do for her birthday, she proudly announced nothing, but for her 95th, she wants a huge shindig??
I wonder what would qualify for a huge shindig for a 95 yr old??
so we need to all put our thinking caps on and come up with a huge shindig outline.
KDH, power point presentation please.
Jnna, programs will be your assignment.
Sndra can you sing for the event?
Gary, Jills BF not mr fixxitt, whose birthday is tomorrow BTW, can you tend bar?
Thrille, find a caterer, or pre order at KFC.
mmm looks like a shindig, job done.
Nice job, how about hats? You can't call it a huge shindig without hats.
So much for handing her cash!
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