The last time the Bills were in the Superbowl I was 14 years old.
No one will ever forget that infamous night of Jan 27, 1991 where Scott NorWIDE missed a 47 yard FG that would have defeated the NY Giants in Superbowl XXV. Little did Buffalo know that was just the start of four consecutive Superbowl appearances.

We also will not forget the heartbreaking loss to the Washington Redskins in Superbowl XXVI held in Minnesota in 1992.

We all try to block out the embarssing XXVII Superbowl loss to the dreaded Dallas Cowboys. This superbowl appearance was voted as being the most embarrsing moment in Buffalo Bills history. I am sure I could have thought of other embarssing moments. But, I was never polled that question.

And the fourth and final consecutive Superbowl appearance for the Bills also ended in defeat. The bills again lost to the dreaded Dallas Cowboys 30-13.

Well like every Superbowl, I will be in front of the tv in anticipation of KDH's commercial. Do I root for the New England Patriots who will go down in history as what some "experts" are saying is the Best football team ever, who was caught cheating during a conferance game. where Randy Moss is a teammate. UGH! Or, do I root for a team that defeated the Bills in a loss that I still haven't recovered from.
Well, I am just rooting for one of my six football pools to come out on top and the singer in the halftime show to keep her shirt on.

KDH did you take part in the sales genie.com commercial? That was absolutely genius!!
Did you see it did you see it?
And WHAT is up with Bele-upchuck's outfit? Does he do that just to torture me? A short sleeved SWEATSHIRT??
Did you know that all four years of my undergraduate career were years the Bills lost the superbowl? Boy, that was tough.
Can someone let the Pats fans that celebratory parade they wanted will take place in NYC.
Poor Belliupchuck left the game early because he can't stand defeat!
Did anyone else happen to notice Mustafa had his superbowl commercial debut?
I think that was very bad sportsmanship mr. belle-upchuck. You should stay on the field until the game is actually over to congratulate the winners!
Who saw THAT coming? Wow!
What heppened last night? I was at the Hanah Montana 3D movie? Was there a good game going on?
She better not yell at me when she's a teen.
Nice commercial again KDH... I'm never taking an aspirin again.
KDH, great commercial!! What did it take to get Timberlake to do the project???
mmm lets recap, I won bubkus!
but the game had a great ending!
A new fashion trend a short sleeve hoodie, I see it catching on now!
who is less attractive, eli or payton???
KDH, I am quessing keggers took the sting out during undergrad to get you through those tough times.
tomorrow is super tuesday, is everyone voting, lets see a show of hands??
well here it is MOnday!
just do it
The trip down Bills memory lane was painful, but it helped a little bit to see the Pats go down. Did it have to be to the Giants though after what they did to us? I am sure that the Hanna Montana movie was quite good tho, especially in 3-D. What do we do now? We wait for the college draft?We hope that the Sabres catch fire? That the men's purple eagle bb team can somehow win the MAAC? At least the baseball schedules are out so I can start looking at those. And I guess that I can let the cat out of the bag. K's contribution was the casting of Carmen Electra.
I am glad I watched that game. Because I honestly had no interest in the Pats. Did everyone count how many time the camera panned to Giselle Bunchen? I also noticed that every time they showed her, her wine glass was empty. Hmmm!
I must have watched the wrong commercial because I didn't see Timberlake or Carmen Electra in any of them.
I saw Mustafa's commercial though.
How did I miss mustafa?
How did I miss Carmen Electra???
I have never had a more fun day working and living in new england. From the newscasts last night, to the talk radio this morning, to the 50% absentee rate at qhs, it was a wonderful day.
What is the consensus in New England cousin A? Do they want to do a best 3 out of 4 matchup?
Can someone please tell Mr. Fix it that Canon sent their deppest apologies for sending me a piece of junk camera during our vacation?
They have replaced the camera with a "refurbished" digital camera.
Great let's see how long this lasts!
Adm, inside you must of been grinning like an expectant parent. I wish I could've been there with you to share in and the glow.
Jnna, at least everything's done and you have a different camera,, sorry, that's all I got.
So, now what do we root for? Great draft picks for a Campbell trade??? The Sabres to run a hot streak.... again??? Pitchers and catchers meet in a couple weeks... that'll be cool. I've started researching my minor league baseball trip and it's taking me to Altoona to see the curve and ride a roller coaster. So at least I got that going for me.
Enjoy Tuesday everyone.
Spent yesterday checking all the minor league schedules and I have one that starts out in Eastlake Ohio for the Lake County Captains, moves to Columbus for the clippers, across the state to Niles, ohio for the Mahoning Valley scrappers, and concludes in Charleston, wv with the W.V. Power. And the best part is that it coincides with my birthday weekend. I can't imagine auntie being opposed to anything like that, can you? Better not tell her yet. Best bet from altoona nphw would be a short jaunt to Hagerstown for the Sun and on to Frederick for the Keys. Only problem is that both towns are rollercoaster less.
dont forget to vote today.
Thank goodness the saga of the premature shuttle closing reformating camera has ended!
On to the next crisis
Waiting for spring training, rates right up there with waiting for christmas! Its a countdown.
cookie is in McConnellsburg.
UC, did my sister call you about your moms birthday? she and i both decided you needed to plan it.
nut it..
QHS absenteeism was high??? Maybe it was related to Ash Wed eve, I usually take the day off too!
What happened with Super Tuesday? McCain took over, it's clearly him. But, what about that "dark side"? Who took charge last night?
Wednesday, over the hump day, we'll be at the Brick Oven at 6:30 if anyone's interested.
Have a great day all.
happy wednesday to one and all.
Thank goodness for a sabres win!
Have tickets to sunday nites game, courtesy of my boss, who just retired, I think I will inform her replacement, that I get all sabres, bisons and bills tickets. that would be better than a raise, well maybe not.
My sister wants to take our mother to salvatores italians garden for her birthday, no seriously!
The primarys, I hope all voted!
so we vote at the city of tonawanda housing authority, AKA the projects, and the big discussion while I waited in line yesterday was why do we have an electoral college, why isnt it a popular vote. I usually open my big mouth when people are talking loudly, I feel then it is an open forum, but even the voting inspector chimed in, so when the most vocal supporter of the popular vote pulled the curtain, I reminded the voting inspector, that in the immortal words of Thomas Jefferson, such an important decision can not be left to the common man. And I assured her, that I am pretty sure, TJ was a whole lot smarter than all of us.
That shut her up, by golly.. Oh and that quote was just on the learning channel, not sure if it applied to voting though, in the immortal words of Charles F Holtz Sr, its not what you say, its how you say it!
so I am saying, have a great day one and all....
Super Fat Tuesday yesterday people -- I chose to eat gumbo and have my own parade instead of vote.
Tornado watch for metro atlanta this morning -- my goodness the weather is strange out there!
the only "birthday word" that I received was fishfry on the 22nd. Salvatore's never entered the conversation. Based on what happened to the locale of last year's party, I would think that anyone who wants to stay in business would prefer that we stay away.
stay safe daughter. that film coverage of the storms in arkan, tenn etc. looks horrible. Can't believe that Idaho democrats preferred obama 5 to 1 over hillary.
The "word" I got on Gram's D-day was dinner at Loughrans' (she's looking into getting the back room) and gambling at our house. This is all just so interesting. Maybe there's three party's going on? Are they all on the 22nd?
Another "big game" tonight Can the blue & gold do it again?
Keep safe KDH, our thoughts are with the good people of Hot'lanta.
Is Jllie still alone in the corner?
Thursday!!! whew...
we made it!
so much to commment on!!
May Ralph Wilson stand at the pearly gates and wait to get in as long as we have waited for a championship, that senile old coot!
How vile were his comments.. UGh that got me fired up.
Great sabres game, Yea Hank!!
And did anyone see Eli on David Letterman or at least catch the quips on ESPN, pretty humerous little feller!!!
I thought Gramma wanted to go to Fangers Tavern for the "fry" mmm maybe not
Have a great thursday cuz that leads to friday and then we all know what that means...
Dinner at Loughrans at 4:45. Mrs. Fix-it made the call & dished out the info. LRC at the Rices estate after--bring your spare change.
What does LRC mean?
Why does she have to use code?
Well, TTFN to you.
LRC??? Liberals, Republicans and Conservatives? Is this a political rally?
I have to admit, I am a little disappointed that Mitt dropped out! How can you not vote for a guy who's first name is a piece of sporting equipment!
Played my first Wii session last evening. Have to admit it was very fun! Took the Wii test to tell you what your age is in Wii athletic ability and capabilities, I am 80!
KDH, are we a confirmed Holtzapalooza for '08???
Adm, are you guys coming in this summer? I thnk maybe gramma's birthday party could also be a Holtzapalooza re run planning meeting? Show of hands???
Well here it is friday, kind of a busy weekend planned. Sabre game sunday, mmm thats about it, so I quess I dont have a busy weekend planned.
Enjoy FRIDAY! It only comes once a week!
Back home...after a fun filled 3 day trip to McConnellsburg, PA.
I landed in Buffalo last night at 8:30pm and wasn't able to actually leave the airport parking until 9:30pm because my car was completely encapsulated in ICE! It was so thick my scrape broke off my snow brush.
Dinner @ Long neckers??? (As my mom calls it)...What day?
I think LongNeckers would make a great rest. name. I like it.
We went sledding today and then went out to eat at Applebees or as Auntie B might call it. AdamsApplebee. That's all I had. Now, we're at home drinking and watching the Sabs. Sandra has her Heiny light and I'm sucking down some Southern Tier Porter. Mmmmmmm... good. Oh, and now the Sabs game is off and Zach and I are playing Playstation Hockey '08.
Wish me luck.
I won. Vanek got two for me and first star.
I wish Vanek would have gotten 2 against Boston last night, then maybe we would have won.
Gooooood mmornin' fam, looks to be a decent day today a comin'. What happened last night? They ran out of gas in the third period. And Miller once again lets us down in the SO. Now, if you had your choice of Miller or Auld in a SO, who would you pick? Yeah, me too.
Enjoy you day all, and remember, "be good to Buffalo".
Happy Saturday.. Not to cold out, and I think I may see the sun!
Spent some time with my mother last nite, We had to go get groceries, as my mom put it she has not gotten groceries since last saturday. And still her cart just had 3 loaves of rye bread and puffed rice! She must have given up chips for lent! But she is very worried about number 1 son. and I have noticed no blog comments so, I hope you feel better soon number 1 brother.
Our wonderful cousins who host us in San Antonio, are taking a trip to Poland in May. They are tracking the Fronczak/Grazyck family tree. But can not find what city Victoria Rose Grazyck came from in Poland. Her date of birth is Dec ? 1884. So does anyone know? I told them I would ask around.
Driving ban in Fargo, UGH
I hope our friends and family in Fargo are OK, let us know that you are OK?
Is it my imagination, or is ESPN playing the Manning family tour commercial of them in the ESPN studios more? maybe not
I can't stand to watch the Sabres lose in another SO.
I can't stand to listen to Ralph Wilson tell us things we already know about Buffalo.
But with my day off, I may just catch up on some reading.
Have a good day everyone and Stay WARM!
We had dinner with the Fixxits tonight (their treat... sweet) and heard that Unckie was on his death bed. Hopefully not, I need to win back some golf outing money. Hey, walk it off Unckie. You're fine.
Unkie, I hope your feeling better!
I am taking gram out to lunch today. I told her to pick, since it will be her pre-birthday lunch. So decided on Sawyer Creek. So I called to make sure they gather all the troops up and do a sing and dance to her.
I am taking my refurbished camera, so there will be a post!
Although, at my age, most anything, up to and including a hangnail, is potentially lethal, my current condition, gg's reports notwithstanding, is not that dire. After a week of md and dentist it is either a slow developing abcess, a cracked tooth, or possibly even TMJ, very uncomfortable, very annoying, but probably, at least at this point, not fatal. That this erupted upon return to WNY is not really surprising. I do need to regain full capacity since next weekend calls for babysitting with the Big O in Quincy. Hope that today's weather allows for a safe trip to HSBC tonite. Bad as it is here, it's still better than conditions in Fargo.
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