After a much heated debate this morning, mother and I decided to attend today's hockey game. We were going to sell or auction the tickets, simply due to the frigid weather. But, instead we bundled up and paid a little extra money to park closer to the arena.

Ryan Miller was clearly shaken up and wanted the team to meet at center ice to reflect. As many of you have already heard the tramatic incident with the Florida Panthers forward Richard Zednik .
Thanks to Kaleida, we had excellent seats. We were 20 rows from the ice. We had a clear view of the skate going to the throat of Richard Zednik. Clear silence filled the arena as medical personnal attended to the injured player. A trail of blood followed his every move.
Everyone stood in disbelief for the 15 minutes of delay.
When the announcement came overhead that Richard Zednik was in stable condition and en route to Buffalo General Hospital, the arena erupted.
The Sabres escaped a 5-3 win; but on the minds of the fans and players was the unfortunate accident on Richard Zednik.
This is a picture of the medical personnel being rushed to the locker room to treat the forward.
The staff quickly responded to Richard Zednik as he skated to the bench after teammate Olli Jokinen was flipped by Sabres Defenseman Brian Campbell. Jokinen fell head-first to the ice. His right leg flew up and struck Zednik directly on the side of the neck.
The faces on the fans and players said it all.
Happy frigid, brrr Monday AM..
Is everyone aware that Jenna had nothing to do this weekend, 2 blogs in 2 days, I do believe that is a record.
Seriously, the whole ordeal at HSBC last nite was surreal. I am taking a swig of my beer and I look down and and am watching what looks like a slasher movie. It was very scary, but not as scary as walking to our car after the game. I got hit in the shoulder with some SUV's rear view mirror, and jenna pounded on some canadian's car. Apparently pedestrians did not get the right of way!
stay warm family and friends of the blog, its cold out there!
Other than a needed win that game meant nothing after Zednik's injury. That was great news when I heard (on TV) that he was in stable condition. It easily could've been fatal. And of course it reminded mme of the Clint Milarchuk neck injury too.
Enjoy Monday everyone.
Was that really Unckie posting or does he have a posting proxy because of his failing health? I'm very concerned... can I have his 3 wood?
Jeffrey, LOL!!!!!!!!
All it takes is a near fatality at HSBC and Mom and her pathetic pleas for birthday cash are immediately relegated to ancient history. I had been watching the game but got mad when they surrendered that goal in the last minute of period 2 and came upstairs for computer play when Qunicy son called to report the incident. glad to see that it all ended ok. Too bad that nc jnn didn't capture the hit and run canuck smacking auntie b. Stay warm all.
Good Morning everyone. Zednik is talking and doing just fine. What a relief!
My 2008 vacation spot will take me to Atlanta. Only because I want to see the largest aquarium in the world. Have you ever been there KDH? Is it worth to see?
Jenna must have been watching the Today Show this morning.
Not much going on...Another COLD day in Buffalo with the looming threat of Snow.
Happy Tuesday. Today is the 43rd day of the year, only 323 more to follow.
So I got my follow up phone call from my sister, re plans for the birthday party. I did not realize this was a 2 phone call event? But it will be fun, I am certain.
so very much going on, I just can not pick a topic.
so enjoy the day, stay warm, snow is on the way UGH.
I know I work in an office but you can never be too safe. I've been wearing my neck protector all day. And although a little uncomortable... I admit, I do feel safer wearing one.
I love it when Jll tells us where Jnna gets her info from... way to keep your sis real.
I took the day off today so I could take Grandma out to lunch.
But there are to many good things on tv to leave!!!!!!
Oh oh the choose an identity looks different. what is open ID?? And then some pictures? I hate it when they update our web page, you so know it is big brother watching!
Let me echo those sentiments. ???
Sabres on the warpath... Ooooh Ahhhh...
Remember the good 'ol daze? Hopefully this means we're making a march to the playoffs, but what to do with Campbell, what to do?
One more day until Friday. Can we make it?
Okay, the million dollar question... Who do you believe? Roger Clemens or Brian McNamee???
Happy Valentines Day to one and all!
May you get something special from some one special!
YEA Sabres!!! Glad I hung on til the third!
Tomorrow I have my job evaluation done by someone who does not know me at all, and that may be a good thing! KDH, how do you handle annual eval's for your staff. You have celebrated your one year anniversary correct? Do you give the obligatory 3.5% or do you go as high as 5%??? Just curious, maybe I can tell them I have other opportunities??? Yea but that never works.
Its thursday, so enjoy..
Yeah Sabres! WHat a game.
Happy Valentine's Day!
I dont know about Roger. It is awfully incriminateing if there is a syringe and bloody gauze with his DNA all over it. But that could just be calling his bluff.
Happy Valentines Day!
There's been so much going on it seems -- lots of cold weather and many questions.
First off, I have no idea what anonymous was talking about either, but he sounds paranoid and may want to up his meds. Just saying.
KDHRC just ran its first payroll and there may never be another one -- so raises are OUT!
The aquarium here is very cool -- the question comes up, though, of what ELSE to do with your time in Atlanta. That's really the highlight, and it only takes an hour or so to see. Ask Mom and Dad -- I took them to the grocery store for fun last time they were here.
The grocery store??? Well, at least it's safer than Wegmans.
Happy Valentine's day everyone. I got my treats. Yea!!!
Doesn't look good for Roger, does it? I watched a lot of it yesterday and I'm not one to judge... but... well as KDH said earlier, "I'm just sayin'". How does his wife get shot up without him knowing? Whatever.
Auntie and I promised each other many years ago to never inject ourselves with heavy duty drugs unless the other was there. I think that is the basis of all meaningful relationships. Happy V-day all. Auntie sprang for a root canal for me as my gift. I hope that everyone else was as fortunate. Off to Quincy tomorrow.
Well here it is Friday, and a much needed one I might add!
I did my self evaluation for work and I plotted myself as outstanding, with an 8% raise, I am quessing I will be told I can improve and get 2%, but as my late father would say, it sure beats a poke in the eye with a sharp stick!
his words were always so comforting!
So after work today, Jnna and I have to pick up fish fry's for ruth and gramma, along with beer and wine, I also grabbed from the nursing home some big band cd's and swing cd's, and I think we'll grab a movie too, how about happy feet! And I think we will replace the blog, with a re cap of our friday evening, maybe a snappy title, like "swing music & slaw,"
this weekend, its geo BD tomorrow, but he is working so we will be celebrating on Monday.
Thrillie is off to Minnesota, next week, every time I say that state in my head, I add the swedish accent, kind of funny..
I am just going to go on record and say, I absolutely one hundred percent believe ....
Way to leave us hanging Mom...I know I will check back numerous times today to see if my mother finishes her sentence.
Headed to Shakopee, MN on Tuesday. It's -8 degrees there right now,
-21 with the wind chill. How exciting!
So kind of an interesting turn of events, so gramma waited and waited for Ruth, and she never showed. It appears she was dropped off at 1:30PM, and Gramma never answered the door, so she left. So there was no swing, no slaw, no ruth, no blog material! But gramma wanted to go out anyway so it was off to the dome for fish fry's, and a stop for scratch offs, brr its getting cold out there!
saw my sister today, rumor has it the fixxitts are jumping on this internet bandwagon and getting a desktop! fun times, fun times
happy nice sunny saturday to one and all!
Getting some chowder from the Niagara Hose, they make the best!
today, and then its up in the air
Happy Birthday georgie, just think one year from today you can retire! You just cant stop working!
looking forward to our birthday party for the birthday girl on friday, she said she did not know she was having a party??? always seeking the attention!
I absolutely one hundred percent believe... Andy Petitte
Mother is so silly! She wants to take all the credit for getting the chowder. I do believe her very helpful and lovely daughter, (the older one) is going to get the chowder so she has a nice lunch to come home to.
GO SABRES! Big game against the Rangers!
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