Sunday, April 27, 2008

Ways Grandma Distracts me.

The previous post by Cousin Jeff inspirated me to post ways Grandma distracts me. But I forgot where I was going with this, since I was distracted by the Arby's 5 for $5 commercial.


Anonymous said...

I love gramma blogs!
But why is gramma making an obscene gesture at jnna in pic #1?

Anonymous said...

Amy apply here:


Anonymous said...

we had chicken for dinner last nite, it was very moist!

Anonymous said...

EEWWWWWw Mom!!!!
Happy rainy gloomy Monday. I was glad that a new blog was up so i didn't have to look at those vulgar words that my Unkie C wrote, but I see that my mom will not allow that to happen.

Anonymous said...

Just in case anyone needed to know the young lady with the purple brush was Katie who was painting the TikiHutt, getting ready to open!
And the last 2 pictures of gramma finishing off her ice cream, was her " I am a little sad, and I need ice cream day"
Adm, lots of principal jobs in the paper this weekend. Can you be a principal?

Anonymous said...

So my fantasy team goes 1 for 30 yesterday with no runs, no rbis, no nothing, allowing me to drop all but one point to my little sister. On top of that, my attempt to corral Kevin Youklis was nixed by someone, who shall remain anonymous, who claims to be a yankee lover and redsox hater. I think that I will go outside, sit in the crotch of my apple tree, and feel sorry for myself until I feel my eyes moisten. Nice blog nc jnn. You captured the true essence of the woman. Theonly thing missing was a string of scratchoffs

Anonymous said...

Is Unckie using vociferous language on the blog?

Excellent blog Jnna, you captured the raw essence of GG eating and finishing her ice cream. What was left out though, was the fact that GG can finish a bowl of ice cream in one HUGE spoonful. It's kind of impressive and disturbing at the same time.

Anonymous said...

I just wanted to say "moist" and "crotch of a tree". That's all. I'm done now.

Anonymous said...

Just when I thought I have seen and heard it all on the blog.

Anonymous said...

Heard it on the Blog, that is a great line!!!
Happy Tuesday to one and all..My official depart date from the Deaconess is 05/16. I am thinking a new job with more responsibilities will cut into my blogging activities. But I hope not..
Notice all the pictures jnna takes of gramma are the same, walking to the car, eating and hugging jff!
I did beat my bro in the HFBBL, which was a hard fought victory.
Of course the fact that his team went 1-30 helped immensely!
enjoy this sunny, yet nipperly day

Anonymous said...

You said nipplely :)

Anonymous said...

Why not take Gram to Niagara Falls & the casino overnight--you can sit back & relax & let her do all the work...just stayed at Holiday Inn with my fam--great prices & breakfast & Skylon dinner included (never made it to the casino but it was across the street)

Anonymous said...

Is that where you were all week? Sheesh...

Anonymous said...

So the first dinner date, georgie and I ever had was at a restaurant in Lockport called Danny Sheehan's. So we decided to celebrate our anniversary at this restaurant again, it was very good 33 years ago, so we decided to go back. The food was excellant, but during dinner we definately showed our age. A tooth that I had been babying and taking care of broke in my onion ring and geo lost the feeling in right hand and dropped his fork full of food in his lap. classy couple, yup thats us!
happy anniversary tomorrow geo

Anonymous said...

I remember you guys going to Danny Sheehan's (steak place, right). Congrats on your Anniversary, 33 years, that's great! Lost feeling in his right hand and dropped his food? That's classic. His lip doesn't droop now, does it?

Anonymous said...

Happy Annivarsary Mom and Dad. If only there was an MD and a dentist at the restaurant. Mom needed a heart attack and dad had a near seizure.

Okay, so Adam keep in mind that I am actively searching for employment opportunties for you and Amy; so go easy on me this week.

Anonymous said...

Happy Anniversary! Seems like only yesterday. Sounds like an eventful meal. guess that's why our age group tends to get more carry out than dine out. Enjoy your Wed. all

Anonymous said...

Unckie, 6:07 AM??? Good Lordie... someone's getting ready for golf season.

As UG's seizure was happening, he wasn't eating soup was he? That's a very unbecoming look (having soup drip down from your sagging lip as you grab your arm in hopes of regaining the feeling back). I'm just saying.

Anonymous said...

Happy Wed.
No nephew, UG was eating dressing laden salad, still messy.
Who else is enjoying the rangers down 3-0!
Have a great day one and all
Have a great day on the course, UC!
Yes, dont you wish! the only club you will see today, is your sandwich at lunch!

Anonymous said...

Did Unkie George remind you at all of Cristian de la Funte when he grabbed his arm? If he did, that would have made for one sweet anniversary celebration;)

Happy Anniversary!!!

Anonymous said...

Who is the Cris la Funke that Auntie is talking about. Me, I was on my way to work at 6Am nphw, no golf for me. Just work, work, work. Somewhere out there is someone enjoying themselves. What about the "jt days" that we all heard about before. Are they a thing of the past?

Anonymous said...

Just brought the bride and groom dinner from Touch of Italy. I am happy to report that no teeth fell out and the heimlich was not needed.

Anonymous said...

Emma's teacher wants to know if Jenna is "responsible" enough to go on the field trip with her next week...hmmmm....

Anonymous said...

Happy May 1st all...waking up to a balmy 34 degrees. What happened to those 70's from last week.

Anonymous said...

4 more daze until cinco de mayo (translation: mayo in the sink).

The JT Daze have been upgraded to a new and imprived way of living. Unfortunately, big brother may be reading so I can't divulge my latest way of making a day or week "all about me".

Next week I'm off to Cooperstown for a week long conference that I'll completely ignore and spend my entire daze with the locals quaffing drafts in the pub and enjoying the Hall of Fame.

Anonymous said...

The Daze of JT. Sounds like great blog material. I think your on to something. A week long conference to Cooperstown?? I am lucky if I get McDonald's lunch!!!!

Anonymous said...

Leave it to nphw to find a conference in Cooperstown, a place that most people don't think of when it comes to convention centers and the like. Enjoy the Friday all. I am dropping Auntie off at the airport for her trip to meet up with bourbon swillin' daughter as they spend the weekend meeting baby Zachary and attending the big wool festival. Blog certain to follow.

Anonymous said...

Sounds like a fun weekend for the two laides. Wool festival! I'm not sure if it gets much better than that.

It's been two years since my last Cooperstown conference, hopefully the locals will remember my rendition of "Blue Velvet" on Kareoke night. Not a dry eye in the house, I left them wanting more.

Anonymous said...

That's the way to do it my boy, always leave them wanting more. When word gets out that you are back in town....I just can't imagine.I can just guess what spirited debates that you and sndr must have over who has the best conf. destination, you in cooperstown, or she in wisconsin. Me, I never got sent anywhere. I guess that they knew

Anonymous said...

Hey, its friday, can you believe it!! Its friday! I am so jealous! A wool festival??? Not quite sure what that is?
very little on the calendar for the weekend, a trip up to monteagle on saturday, and sunday??
hope the weather is nice
have a wonderful friday one and all

Anonymous said...

Sndra can't get enough of Wisconsin, she always leaves there wanting just a lil' bit more. NOT! Hands down, Cooperstown wins... yea me!
For this year's conf. I'm singing a lil' dity by the band Simply Red just for Lou (the guy at the end of the bar with the red hat and flannel shirt). I hate to single anyone out, but Lou's special.

Anonymous said...

We took Grandma out to dinner last night and had a great time. That's all I got. It's to early to pop a joke out.

3 days til my field trip!

Anonymous said...

Zachary was the opening day pitcher for his Reds team today. They unfortunately were beaten in a rain shortened game to the Yankees.
What a feeling to see your boy out there on the mound tossing the first pitch. Sandra barely held back vomit as Zach struggled to get through the first inning with little defensive help.

Anonymous said...

He's not kiddin' ... I was not well!