An Opening Day Blog
By JT "Proud Parent" Pilaf
It was a very exciting morning at the Rice household this AM. But, because of time restraints I didn't get to do my morning ritual of donuts from Paula's and a paper with my 3 cups of coffee.
That said, Opening Day in Little League Baseball is always a special day with ceremonies, team pictures, and all you can eat hot dogs for the low, low price of $1. Needless to say, my pockets were lined with $1 bills. I came home with nothing.
We left at 8:30 this AM to get to the field and Sandra was kind enough to get a picture of Zach in her pajamas before we left.

Team pictures happened immediately and then the kids ran off to get dirty.

They ran around and played pickle-in-the-middle for an hour before opening ceremonies.

After the opening ceremonies (a lovely rendition of the National Anthem blared from the speakers), both teams took the field to practice. That's when Zach got the word he was the opening day pitcher. Go warm up kid.

First pitch is an exciting time. I literally told Emma to Shhhh... before Zach delivered it.

After a stint in right field (a position he's very familiar with), Zach was moved to shortstop ( a position he's unfamiliar with) . I kept pinching myself and also wondered if he had something on his coach that he was using as bribery.

They only got to play 4 innings because of the rain and field conditions, but he had a blast playing even though they didn't win the game. Emma got her fill from the candy stand and even now is still running around the house.
GREAT BLOG!! Yeah I am the first to post. I can't help but notice the gentlemen in the port o potty line.
Was that Jff in line? Ah, great times. Fun to be a parent. Lots more games to go and I am planning on grabbing Zach for fantasy as soon as he becomes available. Form alone shows that he is better than anything I currently have. Enjoy the dreary day. I was thinking about the Bisons, but it is currently 40 and I don't think sitting there for a doubleheader would be all that much fun.
Adam, Amherst School District is looking for teachers. You can apply online at
Check out that website I just came across! It lists all the teaching vacanies in all WNY areas.
Looks like nc jnn is taking over as Adm's agent. You are certainly on the ball as far as the job quest is concerned. Way to go nc!!
I think she wants a cut from his salary... be careful Adm, she has ties with Tony Soprano.
Gram mentioned that another Holtz was getting ready to hire some employees. I seriously think I should be a head hunter.
Where can I send my resume to KDH?
I didn't use that port a potty that day, I was using the filled in shrubbery behind the T-ball diamond.
It's very private.
GREAT BLOG!!! I love opening day!
I love the candy stand! I hope everyone had a great weekend. Spent saturday with cookie and good gary on monteagle, catching sr day for the purple eagles. They swept both games, and finished just before the deluge!
Sunday was a shopping day with cookie. As she is standing up in a wedding in august, in Port Coburg, and this weekend is the stag and doe, apparently canadians dont have showers they have fund raisers called stag and doe's and you buy a ticket and you can go to this party and eat and drink and win prizes. mmm so anywhoo cookie shopped for door prizes..
enjoy monday, is that possible???
Adm--if you are really interested in Amherst, we have a very good friend there--
Beatiful day outside.
Stag and doe daze??? Interesting system up there. You figure drinking and donuts have to be involved somehow though.
I know Satish Mohan, even though he is changing affiliations!
Thanks GW for the Direct Deposit today. The money went to good use. I bought a High School Musical lunch box and dinner for my parents.
of course I'm interested in Amherst! I applied there last monday. I haven't heard anything back yet. Should I take it personally?
You're admitting to knowing Satish??? Very few are doing that lately.
We have to wait until July when we get our GW money. The horror, the horror... no, no the wait, the wait... Unfortunately, we already spent half of it on Sandra's van.
Enjoy Tuesday all. I'm off to Cooperstown today to take in the "booming" town (one street town) and enjoy the HOF for a day. Followed by meetings, presentations, and overly priced dinners.
happy tuesday, down to single digits at my current cubicle! very excited for that move!
the sun is shining, jnna is off to a field trip with ms emma today!
Jnna did buy Carraba's with her GW check, so that was very nice!
Adm, there are also 2 jobs in Wilson, or is that too far???
Loved Oliver snoozing on his mom, too funny! When geo does that I pull his hair, seriously my legs cramp up!
K & I are back from the Sheep & Wool Festival. BAAAAAAAA
mmm sheep and wool festival??? spill aunty, was this a fabric festival or a livestock gathering?
You will have to fill us in!
Blog on the sheep and wool festival forthcoming -- don't you worry!
Anybody have a Sabre jersey? The stag -n- doe is hockey themed. Go figure. Those Canadians can't come up with anything more original. And the wedding party has to wear a hockey jersey.
No way am I getting stuck wearing someone's Leafs jersey!
We have a black & red Hasek one--best we can do in the Rice house-- Jeff has one of those blue & yellow I love (Buffalo) hockey t-shirts but he is gone until Friday--not sure where it is...both would fit you fine--probably big on you--
It is lonely here...
I have an old fashioned blue and gold Drury and a new fashioned blue and gold briere jersey, and a red with black blank jersey. Probably worth about $5 these days. It'd probably be hard to get it to you, but they're here in Quincy if you feel like picking them up.
that was adam, by the way. Not Jna
You know just when you doubt your abilities as a Mom, you child does something to just make you smile!
You go cookie, just say no to the leafs jersey!! I am so proud!
Adm, any word from Amherst??? BTW, the buffalo schools superantendant, not sure how to spell superintendant?, is leaving, jnna faxed your resume over.
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