Since my whole crusade began, I have travelled near and far in hopes of bringing the Boston Holtz's home. I have even made a few friends on the way. But if butt kissing gets me what needs to be done so be it. This blog is about all the travels and friends we made along the way.
As I am driving in WNY, I see a sign that says "Skool" (one of Adam's future student's playing a prank). I pull up to the school and can't help but notice the grass needs to be cut. So I quietly put his resume on the step with a rock on top of it. The perk to the job is it's on a bus line, with gas at almost $4.00; it might be an advantage.
The bus driver said he is planning on retiring soon, so I gladly handed his resume over. I am a firm believer that in order to get the perfect job; you just have to get your feet in the door first.
After I left there, I quickly realized that WNY has many fine schools that are looking for a great teacher. So my search continues.....
As I was aimlessly walking down the streets of WNY, I was practically stampeded on by a High School track team. I attempted to keep up with the track team and tell them all about my cousin. The class president said they need a new track coach, and I thought to myself; hey he would be good at that. So I gave him his resume. (There I am in the blue outfit trailing behind)

As I continued my journey, I saw a bunch of teachers on a school yard talking. I joined in as if I was a subsititute. They invited me in for lunch, in which I had to tell them the truth.

They were so happy to take the resume and even offered me cake for my journey.
I was more determined than ever to find the "perfect" teaching job for Adam. I approached a golf course and I quickly heard, "Niece Jnn, get over here!" It was Unkie on the golf course and his team needed just one more player.
I had a great time, but golf is to hard for me. I will continue on with my mission.

Very creative daughter!!! And very true. No stone has been left unturned in her quest to bring her cousins back to WNY.
The kochclan is all off today as we are traveling to Geneva, as it is number 1 grandsons 13th birhday, well tomorrow is, he does not know we are coming and this will be a surprise.
so we are packing up birthday cake, balloons, roller blades(his requested gift) and are off to wine country for the day!
Did anyone catch the office last nite??? Well it was Toby's going away party. Now just having been thrown the cadillac of going away parties, I do have to admit there was no roller coaster, the new girl was not hazed and no one attempted to get me an anti gravity machine , and here I thought they cared!
The entire Koch clan is not off today! How quickly my mother forgets that I am toiling away at my desk...surfing the internet.
Geez- with all this work being put in on my behalf, I'm really going to feel like a loser if the phone remains silent!
Off to Geneva, have fun,
The Office was classic last night topped off by security heading Toby out the door. Too funny.
Poor Jim.
Great blog Jnna! I laughed, I cried, I became "one with the blog".
That didn't look like a track team though. It looked like a bunch of kids chasing... nevermind. I'm sure it was a track team.
Never has a single blog so captured the spirit of the creator. Everything you have done, and more. Adam and the navy? Good benefits, but I can't see it happening. Nc jnn, this was one of your very best efforts and you even did it without Mom making obscene gestures. Well done! Travel safely almost all of the Kochs and give the newly annointed teenager a congratulatory hug. It may be the last for awhile, given the age. Sorry to hear of Zach's team's fortunes. Kind of reminds me of my little league days.
I think Zach's team needs a road,they say road trips can bring teams together.
I could use a hug.
Jff is definately having issues with this Little League thing...and I have been inspired by Jnna--Adm's resume has gone to a Ken-Ton principal, A Buffalo principal, a Niagara Wheatfield principal, a Clarence couple that both teach at the Central school & the Amherst one has been delivered to the "hiring guy" (or so I've been told)--that's all I got!
The Kochclan returned safe and sound from our AMAZING trip to see the birthday boy. (Thrillie was there in spirit). He was VERY suprised to see us as we spent the whole day together.
As we were sitting down to dinner tonight at Capt Bill's (his fav restaurant overlooking Seneca lake) we heard all about yesterday's baseball game. The Dundee modified team was losing 10-0 in the 3rd inning, well Dundee scored 6 runs in the 5th and 4 in the 6th. But Austin is not sure how the game ended because he was stuck in the bathroom as he could not pry the door open. He had to go to the bathroom and when he finally got out, the teams were shaking hands.
I had such a great time today.
Sndra we need to start our own head hunting business!
Niagara Wheatfield- GOOD CHOICE!
FYI- No matter how thick a piece of paper is, it can only be folded 7 times. I just learned that today!
I love birthday's let's see a birthday blog!!!
Nc Jnn, I read the blog again and LOL again. that was exceptional. Sandra too out looking? that is great! Won't be long Adam.That story about Austin's game is a classic. Enjoy Sat. ALL. go Big Brown!
did we miss a birthday? Whose birthday is it?
happy saturday, I am at work today UGH because I took yesterday off, and of course I had to complete my 4 weeks! I think I work for dunder miflin!
Adm, it is Austin's 13th Birthday!
Now I am not sure if everyone is aware of Austin's absolute laid back attitude nothing and I mean nothing riles him. sometime I check his pulse because nothing phases him! so at daughters insistance we all took the day off (cept cookie) to go see him. We pulled up to Dundee High School, dropped off Adam's resume, and waited, and waited. So about 2:45, he strolls out of school, walking slower than slow, his Mom said we would be able to see him right away, he was the only one without a back pack, and she was correct, not that he does not own one, he just does not use one. So jnna is infront of her car, and all of a sudden a smile that would lite up the universe comes across his face, and he starts running!
Moral of the story, time is to spend it with the ones you love, not at a desk. So why am I here???
Well the Koch family PC crashed as I have spent 4 hours trying to save it. All pictures are lost except the Disney ones.
Morale of the story, COPY ALL PICTURES TO CD!
Sorry to hear about that.
The port-a-potty story is classic... only Les Nesman could have pulled that one off.
We (the kids and I, no Sndra) went fishing this AM, alas no catches, but Zach swears he was getting bites all morning.
boy. How dumb a question was that? I swear, I read every post. Sometimes I just can't keep up with the Holtz stream of consciousness.
That's okay, we're here for ya.
And, when did you add an 'A' to your name?
Good mornin' everyone, looks to be a decent day today. Last night we rented Mr. magorium's Wonder Emporium (I took a chance despite poor earlier reviews that I remembered) and it was classic. The kids and I laughed through the whole movie (except when we cried a lil). I highly recommend it.
Afternoon IRONPIGS game at Dunn Tire today. I can't go, Zach has bball practice.
Hey, the Ironpigs are on fire lately, winning 6 of their last 8 (not including last night). Their 11-33 now. GO IRONPIGS!!!
Rick's blog page on his radio station site.
Interviewing NASCAR legend David Pearson
Happy sunday one and all, I am putting in my last 2.5 hours of deaconess time " owed" sheesh!
I litterally took out 4 boxes of "stuff" and had 7 bags of garbage in my office after I cleaned everything out. I actually found the first Yankee article/picture I had ever hung up, it was sept 1993, and Jim Abbott had pitched the no hitter against Cleveland! too funny
kind of gloomy, but I would love a baseball game diversion today!
The rain atapppin at the window just put out any minor thoughts of Bison basebll today. Looks to be quiet day at this end. Hope that someone is doing something fun. Looking for yesterdays visit by Adam, Amy and O to the "teddy bear's picnic" on the O blog, but nothing yet. Come on Adam, get with it.
Opened up the Sunday newspaper and was amazed at the coaching opportunities at EA HS. Unfortunatly no softball coach needed. But cousin A, here is what I found:
NCCC is looking for a director of planning and research. go to
Villa Maria College is seeking a VP of academic affairs. go to
Holland school district is seeking teachers go to
Go to or send resume to (Not sure what this school is but they need Social Studies)
First, Congratulations, Antie B! It sounds as if the people you worked with thought very highly of you! What a nice way to leave. Have fun shopping!
Second, Happy Happy Birthday, Austin! Thirteen?! Wow, a full fledged teenager!
Third, Good Luck on your new job, Antie B. I'll be sending good vibes your way. If your new office needs any flocking finishing touches, I'm your girl!
There is a standoff in North Tonawanda (COPY CAT). All roads on Niagara St, Falconer, and Pinewoods park have been blocked off. All nearby residents have been evacuated.
Don't worry gram was standing on her front porch with Betty when we pulled up.
should be a new post up on MY blog any minute now... you won't believe what I'm up to now!
Good luck today Auntie B on the new assignment. I know that you will be "up and running" as per job discription on day one. The good news is that your boss should be in a good mood given the current AL standings. Take advantage. Let's all have a good Monday folks.
Amazing Oliver Blog. I had to watch it at least 3-4 times this morning before work.
Just wait until Auntie B tells you all about her morning and she hasn't even started her job yet!
Tough morning to look at the AL East standings, but I seem to be getting used to it.
What happened on your first day at a new position... by Jnna's introductions something HUGE must've happened. Did you get a raise!?!?!?
Or was there a HR goof and Seth Cook was supposed to get the job?
Can't wait to hear the story of Day One. Bet it will be better than any first day of school story. Go Auntie B!! And what's wrong with those standings, by the way. They look fine to me.
I am not quite sure what I was thinking??? I had my old job down pat, could do it in about 5 hours, could spend the rest of my day, doing whatever...which meant basically working on the next great american novel.
NOW, I have meeting after meeting after meeting, after seminar, after inservice, after conferance call after luncheon with the board and this is only day one! SIGH the climb up the corporate ladder just got a lot tougher!
I did have a rough AM, got stuck in traffic, got stopped by a train, picked up some goodies for my office at TOps which only had one lane open and some customer with a months worth of groceries,
but I survived!
Day 2 tomorrow, only 12 1/2 more years to go!
Wow! That's sounds like a nasty day. If you want my advice (and I don't advise that) what I do during conference calls is put my brain on cruise control, put my feet up, and get caught up in a good book. Usually a romantic comedy.
Root canal #2 today, wow! their expensive.
My sympathies nphw jff on dental adventures. I am still trying to finish up the r. c. that I had back in Feb, and no, they are not cheap.Not a lot of fun on any level. at least thru your discomfort you can take your mind off it by watching reruns of last nite's Red Socks game. And the best part is that Lester is one of my fantasy pitchers. Do I get extra points. Congrats to Auntie B for finally slowing down the U. G. Fantasy Express that was kicking everyone's butt. Have a good day all. Is today the day that the gas station at Delaware and Knoche turns $4?
I watched the no-hitter last night ... it's deeply wounded me.
My only satisfaction was the Yankees didn't play last night, so they couldn't lose.
Did the Bisons and Ironpigs get their double-header in?
Have a great day all.
Well I have rearranged my office so no one can see my monitor, and I can blog away, I have godlike IST privileges with this position, and can access the blog at will! So everyone was very excited to see me for day 2, thats a good thing right??? God is just, of course the kid struck with cancer was going to throw a no hitter, against KC no less, no one could bunt to get on??? gheesh!!
enjoy tuesday all
Unkie, the Mobile at Delaware and Knoche is still holding at $3.99. Tomorrow may be a different story.
$3.89 at kwik fill on delaware
The 3.99 one is the one I watch, even tho I don't buy there. I see where arod is back so all is about to change, right?
Unfortunately no, the powerhouse known as the Baltimore Orioles... wait, did I just say that.
I can't go on. 12-2? Are you kidding me? I'm disgusted. I'm officially an Ironpigs fan now.
On a refreshing note, Zach hit the ball last night(the play was scored in the books 6-3), he figuratively was carried off the field by his teammates in a rambunctious, yet unified parade. The ump had to call the team back on the field to continue the game. The parents, bundled in parkas or whatever was lying around, thought that was a good opportunity to call the game. Man, it was cold last night.
Emma had her piano recital last night. After Zach's game I asked her how she did. She responded with, "I'm came in second place". She cracks me up.
so happy gray rainy cold wed. It feels like thanksgiving, mmm turkey, dressing YUM!
So today is the first day I dont have a bazillion meetings, I am now remembering why I left the acute side for the long term care side, meeting after meeting after meeting. So today I am going to get to know my staff, who does what, what are there gripes, yadayayad..
Someone once said, the trick to being a good manager is keeping the people who hate you away from the people who are undecided. Lets hope they are all undecided.
And it was Casey Stengel who said that..
the yankees, sigh, someone right that ship!
Mom don't forget to use your 4 management functions: PLAN, ORGANIZE, LEAD, CONTROL.
UGH less then 6 weeks til my SPHR.
Adm, this website lists NYS jobs.
I get it emailed to me twice a month or whenever a new "exam" is listed. But they always have teaching positions listed.
check it out it may have something
I think that we need to look at the bright side of things: ie. A-rod homered, the chances of it remaining 40 degrees for too much longer are not real great, the 4.04 gas price today is lot "sleeker" than that old awkward 3.99 price, and I am guesssing that Auntie B's new boss is in a real good mood this week which is always good for a new employee. G-nphw Z is now officially improved upon my little league record of hitting the ball. I was personally shocked at the outcome of DWTS; I don't know about you but I never thought that all of the "girl power" stuff meant anything.
I know about the powder puff girls... I know about girl power, because of Baby Spice (always liked her), and I know about Power Grrrrl, because she whooped me good in volleyball when I was in 6th grade.
Baby, it's cold outside.
$3.93 at the Sunoco on Kenmore and Delaware... I'm sure that'll change tomorrow.
I'm filling up everyday trying to stay ahead of "the man".
Unkie...Mobile at Delaware and Knoche is now at $4.04!
So I had a great conversation with an HR consultant today that kept suggesting we "take a timeout, Kristen" everytime I asked her a question she couldn't answer. She also used my name at the end of every sentence. Are those topics covered in your SHPR Jnna? I'm not sure that particular communication technique worked the way she was hoping with me.
I sure hope you didn't pay this HR consultant, you can use me for free!! A timeout!!! FOR WHAT? What did you do wrong? Oh, she must be one of those HR generalists.
KDH, Seriously call me with questions. Right now I am learning about Organizational charts and models and FYI- KDH in HR terms your at the "top of the food chain"
anxiously awaiting the AI???
Who do you think it is???
David or David???
Yankees up 6-0, jeter OK the Universe is starting to right itself I can smell it!
Let's just "take a timeout" before we assume the Yanks are righting the ship. I just had to get that in there.
Joba's getting ready to start. Bad decision.
Exxon at Maple and SweetHome, does not even list a price for gas!
Today is thursday, and in my world it is once again non stop meeting, conferance call meeting, UGH
I think people talk to hear themselves talk.
Enjoy this gray gloomy cold rainy thursday, brighter days are ahead!
$4.19/gallon for me for gas this morning. Good thing I barely leave the house.
I think we all need a time out! Do we have a naughty corner? (No, Jff, not that kind of "naughty".)
Filled up yesterday at a mere 3.99. I guess that I should feel good about that. Off to Quincy tomorrow for the official celebration of Oliver's Big One! hard to believe. Enjoy the weekend all; better weather is supposed to be a comin'
Big 1!!! HHas it been a year already? Incredible.
Zach got a single tonight (official scorebook would be by an error) but, come on... give the kid some love. His next at bat he got a fielder's choice rbi. That means he hit the ball two times in a row. One more miracle and he can be sainted.
Welcome Zach to the world of "the batting average". Way to go. Scoring is loose at the MLB level, so don't worry. Dads are always the official scorers. Enjoy the holiday weekend all and may your weinies be just the way you like them.
Mario Mendoza woould be proud.
4 starting pitchers went for me last night and they all took the loss. Are you kidding me? Nice job Unckie, obviously you paid them off. I want an investigation.
I finally found my wii fit last night courtesy of Thrillie!
did I ever tell you how much Oliver's been bugging me for a Wii? its all he ever talks about.
It is???
I... I like Wii too.
Looks to be a really nice weekend, enjoy it everyone.
The Mobil on the corner of Delaware and Knoche jacked the gas price up to $4.09 today just in time for all those Memorial Day travelers.
Sunoco at Delaware and Sheridan still at $3.99 tonight... don't expext that to last very long. I filled up and let it pour over the sides.
Good mornin', Zach has a morning game and then we're off to PA. Enjoy the day.
Happy Memorial Day weekend everybody!
Headed to a friend's cottage on Lake Ontario tonigh after Good Gary gets out of work. Enjoy the weekend. Its gonna be a good one.
Finally think I fixed my pc. Now back to playing my Wii fit.
Whirlwind weekend for the kdh. I'm in Montreal tonight to give a conference talk tomorrow, and I just learned that there's no such thing as bourbon in Canada. The horror! Then off to Boston lickety split to see Oliver for his big Birthday, then a day in Atl then off to San Fran for another conference.
And wouldn't you know it, my suitcase handle puller thingie broke on the flight here. I can't collapse it, which means I take up the whole overhead compartment. That tends to make fellow passengers mad.
KDH, If only you were in Toronto I would have no problem smuggling alcohol over the border to you. No problem at all.
Thrillie can probably chime in on passanger disaster stories too. The only one I can mention is the time when Aunt Sue spilled her drink all over herself and the passanger next to her when we were en route to Disney.
KDH, travel safe!
It looks like it will be a very nice sunday. Off to work to do payroll and then home for some gardening! enjoy the day one and all!
Bourbon swillin daughter made it in from Montreal and the celebration of the Big 1 for Mr. O. went very well. Good food and good fun. Looks like we will be staying around for an extra day today so I will have to usethe first of my personal days for work tomorrow. Will need some tips from nphw jt on how to do this. Enjoy the holiday all.
Unckie, don't mention the war... I mentioned it once, but I think I got away with it. Sorry, sorry, I've been watching Fawlty Towers all weekend.
We're back from PA and had a wonderful time. Weather was great, we went letterboxing, and had campfires.
Back to the daily grind...Great weekend, but it was too short. Good Gary is on vacation all week, I am a little jealous!
What's Good Gary doing? Big plans? No plans? Man plans? Is has to be something.
I agree. One more day would have been great.
Last time I talked to Good Gary (this afternoon) he was over his parent's house scrubbing windows. Lucky him!
Now that's a blog.
Oh, I like it a lot. We haven;t had a window scrubbing blog yet, have we? Time for an update, and since the fixxittts are not contributors, it's time for Good Gary to become a regular, and what better way than a good window soaping. Oh yeah, back in WNY and found out that Hizzhonour is no longer with us. Him and Dick Martin gone in the same weekend. Bad times. Just remember that tomorrow is Wed. already. Sounds like MOM had a good Mem Day weekend. thanks to all
Jff, so I am doing the research on renting a car, gas will so be 4.50 by 4th of July. I will let you know what I find out. The hotel in fort lee, the first person I talked to had no idea on how we would get to yankee stadium, with no confirmed mode from the hotel, I have not booked those rooms yet? Should I just go ahead and book???
feeling a little overwhelmed in the new job... I had forgotten all the little intrincasies of the acute side.
Unkie I would so take a personal day to stay one more day with "O"!
wed is tomorrow, be glad!
Yeah, I was thinking it's time. Call me. I was thinking we could just pile into the van for a short trip to the subway and park it there.
Wednesday, hump-day, week is going fairly quickly. Big plans for the rest of the week... Zach has a couple games , Emma has dance all week. Busy, busy, busy...
4 weeks from today, I will be taking my SPHR. I need some great study tips, since I am only on page 211 out of 700. KDH, you had a perfect STA score, I mean SAT score; Got any pointers?
Jff, sorry I did not call you, but we will definately touch base sometime this week to finalize our trip!
Cookie is off to whitesfield, Arkansas today. It is the heart of Clinton country! I hope she returns unscathed!
Happy First Birthday Oliver!! I can not believe how quickly that year flew by! Hugs and kisses to you from all of us!
as a matter of fact, hugs and kisses to everyone
Enjoy Thursday!
I just looked at the calendar and saw it was only the 29th, not the 30th.. so happy first birthday eve, mr O!
Zach pitched 2 inn. last night (3 K's and one 1-3 grounder for 4 outs outta 6) and did really well. The Reds lost 22-0 last night but Zach only gave up 1 run in his 2 innings of work. That means 21 runs were scored in the other 3. Not bad Zook. He also hit the ball again! (PO-4) on the score sheet.
Emma starts her ruun of dance daze today. Wish me luck.
Ah the Pilaf clan, always something on the front burner. Me, nothing. Mowing the lawn in segments to find something to do. Tomorrow is Friday and a good week it was, 3 days long. they should all be like that.
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