I sat at the airport, admired the giant dinosaur in concourse B and waited for my flight. I watched as other flights around started to become more delayed and cancelled. And I felt sorry for those suckers who were going to have to site around the airport and wait.

Then my flight got delayed more and more. 5pm became 6 then 6:45. I didn't see what the big deal was. The weather outside looked like perfect flying weather.

Then they cancelled my flight! I couldn't believe it. I watched as other planes were landing and I couldn't understand why it was cancelled.

Oh well, it was now time to race to the customer service booth and try and get on a new flight.

I guess a lot of people were in the same boat as I was because the line was pretty long. I was re-booked on a 9:30pm flight, so all there was left to do was wait. A trip to the bar sounded like a pretty good idea.
The prospect of the 9:30pm flight leaving on time wasn't good. The departure time changed to 10pm then 10:30pm then 10:45pm. People were getting pretty angry.

It became obvious that the flight wasn't taking off so I called it quits and went to a hotel for the night. And it was worth it. They had the most well stocked mini bar I had ever seen. for $10 you could get any 3 oz. bottle of liquor you wanted!

The one thing I love about our blog is the little insight it gives me into the worlds of people who mean the most to me! Cookie thank you for sharing your Chicago experience, it makes me want to go to Ohare!!! ASAP
I think KDH, and JEK should compare experiences, like a throw down of who has the had the worse experience todate!
You travellin' folks get to have all of the fun.Thanks for sharing all of the fun moments nc jll. hope thatyou enjoyed some of those 10 bucks apiece pops. Just topped 90 upstairs here in computer territory so this will be short and sweet. No sense even checking fantasy bb. It just goes from bad to worse. There is NO justice. Maybe if I started YELLLING ON ALL OF MY POSTS IT MIGHT HELP!!!!Stay cool all. Off to help Rotten Rod celebrate b-day numero 86
What a glorious saturday it will be, enjoy one and all!!!
Mowing is done; meeting Marlins in batavia for dinner this evening. Adam and Oliver at Barnes and Noble kid center this am while Mom works.Seems that since the youngun discovered he can walk, that is all he wants to do. Stroller does not fascinate him. Good workout for daddy. Stay cool all.
its a scorcher down here in the ATL too -- heat index of 112. I skipped the day game at the Ted but went the next night and got to see Chipper hit his 400th. All and all a good producive week.
I can't top jll's O'hare story -- and I don't want to tempt the fates by trying to. I did call security on an airtran gate attendant once though -- that was kinda something to see.
GREAT BLOG JILL! Spent the day at the library studying up for my exam then took gram out to tops and lunch and brought her home to her nice air conditioned apt.
Have a great weekend!
4.16 at Tops on Niagara street. What is going on here????
Great blog Jll, sorry to hear Chicago wasn't being kind to you. Did they ever give you a reason for your flight being canceled?
Sandra and I had fun in Rochester on Friday night. We had dinner at the Dinasaur Bar (I highly recomend it) and then scurried back to the hotel for some HBO.
Yeah, Hillary is officially back to being obscure as the #37 ranked Senator (even though "Operation Chaos" almost worked). Now, if only NY can find someone to take her place I'll be done with her.
I have considered running for Senate. I mean skip the school board and go for the big dance. I just have 4 more years to wait until I can actively pursue my lifelong dream. After that, I only need a slogan. Does anyone have any good ideas for a slogan?
Morning family.
Looks like its going to be kind of an iffy sunday.
off to work to do payroll.
So cookie stopped by yesterday for our weekly lunch get togother and catch up.. Everyone remembers Summi, correct?? Cookie's roommate, hotlzapalooza part one??
So summi and melissa sue take a road trip on friday down to see another friend in Pittsburgh, shannon. In Erie Pa, summi's car breaks down. And they are kind of stranded. So they call Jaime's Dad, Mike, a very nice guy, he arranges to get the car towed back to buffalo, but summi and melissa sue are still stranded, not to worry, they made a friend at the truck stop, who drove an 18 wheeler who told them he would take them where they needed to go, so they both hopped on board his 18 wheeler and off they went.
Last time I checked they were not bludgeoned and left half dead on the side of the road.
have a great one, because we all know what tomorrow brings!
UC, what is the official count down???
New Mr. O blog!
Happy Monday, sigh another start of a work week! Kind of a scorching weekend. The big hulabaloo of course was that no one in Luther Manor got their Tonawanda News on sunday! I know I know!
Can you imagine that scene!
Other than that, just a gardening, same ole same ole trying to stay cool weekend!
enjoy monday!
Try teaching in an "ethnically diverse" urban school on a 97 degree day. mmmm, the aromas!
mmmmm minty...
Why did they swab your bag? I'm confused, do they have a bulk box of swabs on the ready?
Who do you suppose anonymous was? So weakened from his experience that he couldn't identify himself? Me, all of the heat is causing me to "melt away". I know that soon I will be just a shadow of my former self. It's gonna take awhile before i get over the whuppin that I just took at the hands of my formerly favorite nc jnn. the only way that i can feel better about myself is seeing what happened to jt's gotteroterdang whatevers. Auntie is heading for boston tonite. Let's hope that she doesn't hv a nc jll experience
adm---check your email today re a high school opening
If you get the job...do I get dinner?
19 days until the big exam. UGH! Wait, make that 18 days since it is now 12 am. WOW TIME FLIES.
happy tuesday one and all!
Jr hits 600!!! congrats Jr!
The best first name in baseball got sent down to the Bisons, ASSDRUBBAL cabrera! or as cookie likes to call him assdribble!
quite the thunderstorm last nite!
Not sure if everyone is aware of this or not but it is 242 days til analog TV, was everyone aware of that??? Yea I thought so.
So I am sure everyone is aware of my new job?? Yes it is going well.
However, there is a flyintheointment! It seems a project that everyone has been working on for over a year, will go live the week of July 21st, and all vacations have been cancelled. That is the week I was to go to Yankee Stadium with nephew and his family, so UC I am offering you and AP, our tickets to the Yankee's Minnesota twins game.. Very sad I cant go on the road trip to the Cathedral of Baseball, sigh, the price I have paid to climb up the corporate ladder!
Enjoy tuesday one and all, its here for you!
that was me??? I was pretty sure I had put my name in??
I am quessing Anonymous is Adm. What does cultural diversity smell like???
Good Morning everybody....I was apparently unaware of the ominous weather we are supposed to have today and I am left without any provisions. No rain coat, or umbrella.
I am watching the lightning strike out on Lake Erie...pretty cool.
two things- cultural diversity: Imagine taking indian food, leaving it on the hot sidewalk for a week in the baking sun. That's what my room smelled like.
Sndra- If I get the job, you get free dinner for a week. Same deal goes for you jnna. First one to get me a job wins!
Go Sandra... play dirty! Daddy's hungry!
I took one on the chin last week, as my team the Oh-my-gang Losers have fallen in to a mid season slump, last seen in September of '07 by the NY Mets. I'm below the Mendoza line in everything (and he didn't even pitch). I've recently fired my manager, Dallas Green, my hitting instructor, Mario Mendoza (previously mentioned), and my pitching coach, Three Fingered Brown. So if anyone is interested in managing or coaching please apply.
Adm, run to your nearest union rep, no one should be forced to work under those conditions! Hot spoiled Indian food on concrete, UGH!
I had to tell a gal in the office to go lighter on the Jean Nate, as she was giving her cubicle mate a headache!
Food is my motivation. Adam apply at www.mcdonalds.com. There I got ya the job now whats for dinner!
I got no Auntie P, no food, and the leftovers are running out.I;m starvin" All of that and my sainted Mother was told by a certain individual, who shall remain nameless, that she, my mother, was supposed to give me all sorts of %$$#% about how badly I was beaten in fantasy b-ball last week. Any takers on that?? Kinda of stiffed Mom. Could not remember if I turned off the coffee pot this morning when I left. Momm took a raincheck for dinner at another time after the bank and al quaeda. Enjoy the cooler weather all
I could have ran over on my break to check on the coffee pot so you could have spent hours and hours with grandma.
Who ever could have fed grandma that awful truth about fantasy baseball?
"No Auntie and no food... I'm dying" That's sounds like a cry for help.
During these times, gas prices, wheat prices (which directly effects beer prices). Are we going to let one of our own suffer like that? Isn't somebody going to help that boy" (one of my favorite lines from Blazing Saddles).
I made the requisite phone calls tonight to make sure 1) mom was still standing in Boston and 2) dad wasn't asleep at 8pm. Good news family -- all is well. At least for tonight.
Did everyone see this article? http://www.nytimes.com/2008/06/08/travel/08baseball.html
Was the coffee pot left on? Were left sitting on the edge of our seats wondering if it was left on or not.
For anyone that wants to play a game with Grandma, go to www.yahoo.com and type in word of the day and call her with the word of the day. She will look it up and call you a few minutes later. Now she is calling me with words to look up!
Adam, FYI, When I went to www.hotjobs.com (Buffalo News source of jobs) and type in Education, a Family Dollar store manager came up.
TEACHERS: Springville CSD is currently seeking applicants for F/T teaching positions to start this fall for: High School math, Social Studies, English and Special Education, Elementary Teachers and Elementary Guidance Counselor, and P/T Middle School Phys Ed. Applications for instructional personnel available at: www.springvillegi.org or contact (716) 592-3228. Application deadline 6/18.
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Job ID 336003
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Date Posted June 1, 2008
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is seeking candidates for the positions of:
School Guidance
Counselors (RB-07-57)
Grades 7-12 Teachers for the Academy School Beginning September 2008 in the areas of: Special Education, Spanish, English, Science, Math, Social Studies & Physical Education (RB-07-38A)
You must refer to
RB number when applying.
For job specifications, qualifications, and
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District website:
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Buffalo, New York 14202
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Financial assistance of up to $10,000 for the purchase of a home may be available through the Move to Buffalo
The Buffalo Public School System is an AA/EEO Employer.
The Frontier Central School District seeks highly qualified candidates for the position of High School Principal.
Information related to the position and application process can be found @
www.frontier.wnyric.org under Jobs. The minimum starting salary for this position is $95,000. EOE
Source - Rochester Democrat and Chronicle - Rochester, NY
Please refer to the Job Description to view the requirements for this job
FYI, It's all about dinner
Good morning one and all! Well here it is wed, my least favorite work day of all.
So I hear my brother blew off my mother yesterday with some lame excuse that he left the coffee pot on, now we does that???
I did not see that article in the NY times KDH, but it is a good one!
Adm, let us know how the job hunt is coming??
Thrillie is off to Baltimore today.
so lets hope that goes better than the chicago fiasco.
enjoy the work day one and all!
I'm off to Bonnaroo!
Got home to discover that I had turned off the coffee pot and now I am on the hook for an extended visit and a trip to Walmart, of all places.Damn coffee pot
Zach's team FINALLY pulled one off!!!! A 13-5 win for the Reds over the Mets!! (and Jff wasn't there to see it!)
Bonaroo, I was not aware that Jff was going to Bonaroo???
YEA to ZACH!!! Hip Hip Hooray!
Walmart, now who wants to go to Walmart??? Your Mom? She wont make it past the greeter!
Now I am not accusing anyone mind you, but someone who shall remain nameless put all my pitchers on the bench yesterday??? Now who could that be? mmm someone is a cheatercheater pumpkin eater!
rest assured my password has been changed, and is now protected!
have a great day!
Congrats Zach!
the heat finally broke down here in the ATL -- its 82, not 97. Windows are open at KDHRC!
Poor antie B -- that's lower than low!!
Since my poor dad doesn't know how to blog, he can not defend himself. But, I assure you his actions were not intentional. I don't think that he meant to do it mom!
Took the day off today to study for the big exam. Grandma is joining me at the library for an hour or so, should make for an interesting day.
Mom, I'm up and getting ready to study.
Yeah Zach and the Reds! Boo Unkie G and the abuse of power from the office of the Commissioner!! Yeah to nc jnn and all of her studying!! Yeah for open windows at KDHRC!! Yeah for me, I took a day off!! Yeah for sn adm coming this way on Sunday!! Safe travels nc jll, nphw jff, and son adm. Enjoy the friday all. And if Auntie P is not too exhausted to read this, hugs and kisses to Big O
Happy Friday to one and all, phew I am glad that I made it, as it was touch and go there for awhile!
Just so everyone is aware, the cheatercheater pumpkin eater is my daughter, who tried to sabotage my team, and give herself an unfair advantage!
Happy Fathers day weekend to all our Dads! Adm, have a great first fathers day!
get through the workday so you can do what you want to do, when the day is through!
Happy Friday the 13th.
I got nothing....Jff is off having fun. Jenna is off. UC is off too? And here I am at work!
Mother! Stop blaming me, I told you it was yahoo experimenting with your team.
FYI- It's Adam's second fathers day since Mr. O was born May 30th.
Getting ready to go get Gram and spend the day with her at the library. She is so excited, she is bringing her dictionary and note pad to help me study.
RIP Tim Russert.
very nice saturday, weather wise, but I am very sad about Tim R passing!
Off to the Bisons game tomorrow for fathers day.
hope all enjoyed the day!
yes, its true. I will be jetting in to buffalo tomorrow for a grand total of 32 hours. The kiss ass reason is to spend the day with my sainted father. The real reason is... Oh, I don't want to jinx anything. Lets just say that I would love to become a "quaker".
Let me be one of the first to wish you luck!!!!!! Even though I am a warrior, I will be pulling for the quakers to pick a great teacher! GOOD LUCK!
I have fingers, toes and eyes crossed! I will pray, meditate, and sacrifice that you may be the one chosen!!!
Break a leg!
OBTW, can we drop off "O"'s BD gift, as it is still sitting on the table! MEA CULPA!
Happy father's day to all the dads out there! Hope you do exactly what you want to do on your day.
Mom, Jill, and I are taking Dad to the 1:05 Bison game.
Just got a call from my A man as he is counting down the minutes til graduation from the 7th grade. Although, he is scared to go into the 8th grade because he "heard they give you swirlies."
So far not so good. Got a call this AM that Adm's flight to Buffalo was cancelled and they are sending him via NYC. Hoping that this does not turn into a nc jll adventure since the lad does not handle airlines well. The plan was to go to the Bisons game but depending on arrival, that may or may not happen. With gas prices the way that they are, I wouldn't worry about o's gift. enjoy the day all.
So very sorry to hear about the diversion. After watching Meet the Press this morning, I can honestly say it gets me seeing grown men cry.
What a wonderful day at the ball park!
The beer was cold! And the pitching good well til the 5th anyway!
I hope all dad's had a special day!
Happy Belated Father's Day to all the Dads out there.
Good Luck Adam on the interview!
well, I got the interview out of the way with a minimum amount of damage. Now just keep your fingers crossed that I can get back to boston tonight! Severe thunderstorm warnings be darned!
Adm, how did the interview go?
Good vibes??? fill us in and travel safe back to beantown!
I'm cautiously optimistic about OPHS. I'm also trying to work some angles at Sweet Home and Amherst. I'll keep everyone updated. So far my flight's been delayed 1hr 15 mins. Ugh! I don't know how you do this with such regularity, Jll!
We will keep our fingers crossed as well. Ohhh, Sweet Home and Amherst. I believe I sent those your way!!!
KDH, I am rooting for you this week, so we can oust the commissioner off his first place throne.
Is Jeff still waiting for Kanye West to take the stage? Is that why we have not heard from him?
I am just concerned, I believe Bonaroo ended on Sunday? Sandra, has he not come home yet???
Should we be concerned?
heres to our chilly tuesday!
Free tickets to the Dave Matthews concert tonight!!! WOOHOO!!! Free limo ride down to the concert!!! WOOHOO!!!! Free food and beer in the limo ride down! Double WOOHOO!!
WAY TO GO JLL!!! All of those good things are worth way more than a double whoooo hoooo. got adm to airport last nite for his 2 hour delayed departure and didn't get a call to come back and retrieve him, so I have to assume that he got there. Auntie is due back this evening so I will be spending the day undoing all of the mess I created over the last week. Watched a whole lot more golf over the last two days than I ever do, but have to admit it was enjoyable. Was rooting for the old guy but not to be. Still nothing from nphw jff??? He hasn't decided to leave our world behind to become a full time roadie, has he??
I trust Adm eventually made it home last night. 2 hour delay is considered on time lately as far as airline punctuality is concerned. I will say that my enthusiasm for reading has grown 10 fold since taking my current position.
Speaking of...headed to O'Hare tomorrow (hopefully). Should be pretty interesting if I even get off the ground.
The Bonarookie is back!!!
What an amazing experience. I saw everything I wanted to and more. I was really, really surprised how much I enjoyed Willie Nelson and Metallica. A more creative blog to come, but right now I barely know my name. Sleep is on my agenda next.
That's awesome Jll... have a great time and bring a parka.
I am hoping that somehow the weather is better at the concert for nc jll than it is here right now. Good luck
Just when you thought you saw it all.
Happy wed to one and all!!
Hope everyone is on track for the week
grateful nephew jff has returned to the fold! was getting kind of worried..
other than that just putting one foot in front of the other, and plugging ahead!
I think we can all say none of us have ever been fired at 3AM, poor willie!
cookie off to chicago today.
other than that, I got nothin!
Auntie back in town looking a little frayed around the edges after a week of chasing a one year old who's sole purpose in life is now making sure that poor Lucy never gets a moment's rest. Can always tell when summer is set to arrive in WNY--a week of rain and 50. Wonder if Fargo has made her move yet? Wonder if b-s-d in Hotlanta is packed and ready to make her move?Stay dry all
Poor Auntie, I bet she sleeps for a few daze... don't bug her Unckie.
I can say with a proud, puffed out chest that I've never been fired at 3AM before.
I'm feeling much better today than yesterday and I can actually say that there were a few moments down in Bonnaroo that putting one foot in front of the other was quite taxing.
Zach ballgame tonight... that's it for us.
Hmm, did anyone watch celebrity circus? Not sure what the point of the show.
Where is KDH moving too? Is she moving to Buffalo too? NEED MORE DETAILS!
well here we are at Thursday!! Yea!!
Have a luncheon meeting scheduled at Chef's today! whoo hoo!
So Unkie's message was a bit cryptic??? First of all it took me all day to figure out B-S-D was KDH! and where is she moving too? Is the hotlanta weather too much? Or the fact that there was a homicide next door to her, force her out?
cookie had a positive OHare experience yesterday, so that was good news! Enjoy thursday all!
Happy Thursday all. I am so glad to see JFF has joined us once again. I am patiently waiting for his blog.
Dave Matthews was pretty good. I brought my rain coat and I definately needed it while I waited in the mile long line for the one port a potty within site! Our seats were AWESOME! I am going to give the concert a 7. Tim Reynolds was playing with them and he sounded great, but they definately left out some songs that I would have loved to hear.
KDH, where are you moving too?!?!?!?! We need answers!
Flew in and out of O'hare successfully yesterday!!! I even got on an earlier flight back to Buffalo and was home 4 hours early.
Thank you for the welcome back, Jll... I'm no longer a Bonnarookie.
ZZach graduuated the 5th grade today and now moves on to his middle school years.
Is it cold outside or is that just me?
I highly recommend Kung Fu Panda.
Didn't mean to get everyone all in a dither. KDH is just moving down the street, well, quite aways down the street, but still hotlanta. I always get cryptic when I have an nt trip ahead of me. Did discover a great new dollar store, thanks to Uncle Gare, plus mom got me for lunch/dinner, an extra scratchoff, plus change in various places to round off her payments. Glad to hear that Ohare went better this time and no report on Zach's game. Could it be that the Reds "jinx" is back in town? Tomorrow, day one of summer? Watch the temps soar.
Ummmmmhhhh Chefs==redsauce, chicken livers! Auntie B is livin' the good life.
yes yes -- just moving down the street about a mile, but into a much more liveable neighborhood, with places to walk, hopefully nice neighbors, and a lower likelihood of homicide (fingers crossed!)
Yep, the jinx is back in towm. And Wow! The Reds get pummelled upon my return 28-4 and Zach gave up two grand slams in the game. Ouch. At least he was smiling on the mound afterwards, I would have been crying.
YEA it is friday, I am so very happy about that! Ok Chef's was very nice yesterday, but eating spaghetti parm with meatballs before a 3 hour computer meeting about scanning, was just wrong! Cuz I literally wanted to put my head on the table and snore!
So did everyone see the Staten Island Yankee's game vs the Cyclones where the pitcher was ambidexterous and the batter was a switch hitter, so yes that was pretty funny!
So KDH, will you have a backyard? And can you Hostess HOLTZAPALOOZA part 3???
I so think you should.
Today is my work's annual boat cruise on Lake Erie. Free booze and free food. Too bad we are experiencing fall like temperatures. Oh well, I am sure I can still manage to have a good time.
there seems to be an ongoing theme in .the life of nc jll. Seems as tho she learned well from cuzin jff. I hear of no such outings from KDHRC. Seems there is an employer who doesn't provide the kind of perks that would attract loyal employees. A dinner-booze cruise on the Chattahoochee Rivier just might be what you need to attract quality employees KDH. On the other hand, I have never had good red sauce in Ga. A Georgiapalooza? It has a certain ring to it. I think Auntie p. is on the comeback trail. She mustered enuf strength last nite for Shea's and "wicked" while I was at the dollar store with Mom. another great day weatherwise. Enjoy
there's no water in the 'hoochie, dad, for cruising!
peachapalooza III can so be in my backyard. I'll get the guys that drive around the neigbhborhood towing a smoker to do the catering.
KDHRC is in florida today for a sum total of 6 hours, just to give a conference talk and fly right back to move. Boy I wish I had employees I could delegate things to!
HAPPY FRIDAY!!! I see my brother is posting at 8:30AM?? Does that mean school is out for the summer, sung to the toon "schools' out for the summer" I thnk KDH should review her schedule with Jll, and if the city is one that jll is on her way too, she can extend her visit, fulfill the contract obligations of KDHRC, and return home. I see a win win situation for all, KDH can cover more ground for less money because jll will do it on her employer's time, lets face it all her flights are delayed anyway, so why not make those delayed hours productive hours, and jll can learn a new job skill...
PEACHAPALOOZA, I love it! I am making the t shirts!
I love the sound of Peachapalooza... now, picture that ala mode... mmmmmmm...
Friday, thank goodness (I have a growler of Dawn Patrol for the evening), if I told my week to you all, you'd think the week just flew by.
I ate at Duff's for lunch today with my posse. Hot wings, fries, a salad for rufffage, and some cold drinks. Now that's a lunch. I don't need the fanciness of Chef's. And for the record, I did take a fiver.
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