By JT Pilaf
I was as giddy as a school girl, my nipples were so hard they could cut glass, these were just how high my emotions were flying a day before we were to leave for Manchester, TN, home of the Bonnaroo Music Festival. Wednesday the 11th 2:56 PM, I lock up my office door at work and sprint for my car in the back parking lot (unfortunately, running over an 85 year old lady in the hallway doing PT). She's fine. I get home, pack the van, and cruise over to the Isle of Grande to pick up my brother in law. After loading his stuff, we're off to Butler, PA to pick up my other Bro in law. Soon, truck packed, camper tightly sealed, we leave at 9:31 to embrace an all nighter to the promised land. Luckily it was an uneventful trip (going fairly quickly) we arrive in Manchester at the Holiday Inn to pick up our press passes at 11AM. We set up camp in the press area and take a quick fiver before the activities begin after dinner.
That orange fence you see... yeah, that didn't keep the ticks from burrowing into our soft flesh.
Thank goodness we had a camper and not a tent. Thunderstorms made life and sleeping difficult for a few Roo-goers.
Thursday's main event was Dark Star Orchestra and Lez Zeppelin.
Friday afternoon :45 minutes into Drive By Truckers set, I dehydrated and passed out into the steel rail you see in the picture. Only my nose and pride (and sunglasses) were bruised. Thank goodness the folks around me had a bag of ice they donated to my neck, 20 minutes latter, me soaked, the ice was gone. Both Mike and Bill attended to my wounded party image. Only after the show was over though. They were having to much fun to let me spoil it.

As you can see, it was more important to get a few of the fans, rather than focus in on Willie. Willie, BTW, just turned 75 in April.

There were a few bands that I didn't know about and totally loved. The Avett Brothers were awesome, high energy, folk-rock. They blew me away. That's hard to do to.

At the end of the set they were all soaked.

Another band that blew me away were Metallica. I was never a fan, but what a show they put on. High energy with a pounding sound. No pictures... sorry.

The talk of Sunday was Kanye West. First, he wanted to be on the big stage so he requested he start at 2:45 AM and play until 4:45 AM... BUT, and a big butt, he didn't arrive on stage until 4:45 AM, he made everyone (and I'm sure there were very few left) wait 2 hours until this royal prima Donna took the stage.

What a festival Mustafa, take care.
Im speechless. But darn a pre cooked bacon bagel sandwich sounds great!
Exceptional Blog, nephew!!
As I have said a billion times, the best part of the blog is gettin a glimpse of what everyone else is up to, forging ahead, and just getting by!
Maybe HOLTZAPALOOZA 3 should be at Bonaroo??? Thrillie loved it!
It looks like a spectacular saturday brewing, enjoy it one and all!
You took the words right out of my mouth sis, but perhaps a two-part palooza; starting in tenn., which is on the way to hotlanta, and finishing on peachtree daughter's new digs. Lots of luck on your move today kdh, Hope that all goes well with the illegals who you hired to move you. Gotta say that nphw jt knows how to live, and thru all of the adversity he still found it within himself to hoist that poor young gal to his shoulders so she could see the performers better. hats off to yu jt, your nobility knows no bounds. It's Saturday, enjoy.
Nothing about Pearl Jam?!?!?!?! I am disappointed.
What a blog, whata blog. I felt like I was there ... and that only solidified my sincere desire to never go to another outdoor music festival again. :0) But the precooked bacon bagel sandwich sounds GREAT!
in other news -- and in the interest of keeping it real, family --- holy moly I hate moving! There's something so dissettling about watching all your stuff get hoisted about. The old house is nearly cleaned out (except for the computer, of course!) and we're about to take the trek to the new house. Whoo hoo!
Cousin Jeff will be very happy to note that I reserved a room at the Best Western in Fort Lee. My confirmation # is 085BYO
dissettling. Is that a word? That ranks up there with "misremembered". So here's the question... should i keep my mouth shut because sis scored a perfect 700 on her SATs, or should I call her on it knowing that she often goes unquestioned because of her broad base of vocabulary knowledge?
KDH, said dissettling and hoisted in one comment, I think that is a HFB first!
FUSE, channel 111, on your time warners system is playing the Bonoroo 2008 music fest. Jff, did you wear a baseball cap, cuz if you did I so saw you!
Missed my date with Anastasia, as pat took her to get her hair done!
she said UC&AP are off to Mississipp??? have fun
enjoy this gorgeous day all
Kdh, I hope the move is a successful one! I am taking a break from studying to go and babysit for a few hours.
Kdh, What can I do to help you win this week?
I, for two, am also dissettled. My daughter is in the midst of "the movings";mustafa finally resurfaces and appears to have picked up some bad habits from unsavory friends;I haven't gotten any more details on the potentially "bonnarrooo ending" injury suffered by jt; nc jnn is willing to forego studying for babysitting; my son is convinced that 700 is a perfect SAT score; and I read where the semicolon may disappear from usage; I; for one; will do my best to see that doesnot happen; careful all; storms are on the way.
I never knew how to use the semicolon correctly, But if a 700 is a perfect SAT score, then why did only NTRIP accept me?
I must've gotten extra points on my SAT for spelling my name right, because I got a 705. I'm a gene-eeus!!! AND semicolons rule, I had mine cleaned out last week and I feel sooooo much better now. Definitely less gas. So now I'm free to use it whenever I can.
Pearl Jam was awesome despite Eddie Vedder's liberal rantings, which were a little dissettleling.
Auntie, I had a baseball cap on the whole time... along with 50,000 other Roo attendees. But, if you think you saw me, then it must've been me.
I'm not even sure I spelled my name right. If that be the case, I would find that very dissettling.
Unk and AP are you planning on attending the July 3rd parade in EA?
You gotta expect that out of Eddie...His best friend is Ralph Nader. He is a big supporter of the Green Party and I don't think its because of their environmental work.
my work's booze cruise was a lot of fun. The weather turned out to be beautiful! And the top shelf liquor was going down quite well!
Sounds like fun Jll and I'm glad the weather held out for you.
Has anyone won 10-0 in our fantasy league yet? I don't want to jinx myself... but, I'm just asking.
I've got nothin'
I dun wanna.
My dad refuses to contribute to the blog. I think he's nervous.
What a day today, I ate like a pig. Breakfast eggs and bacon, lunch; nachos nuevos and onion rings from Applebees and then for dinner sloppy joes at the rents house with apple pie for dessert.
I dun wanna??? Is that like Tonawanda??
I am glad that UG just wants to contribute! Thanks for keeping tabs on us UG!
UGH to Monday!
KDH, I hope you are enjoying your new address!
Get through the day people, unscathed!
Good mornin', looks like we're in for a rainy day. Let's get by this one so we can enjoy Tuesday and Wednesday.
Have fun decorating your new digs KDH.
Took the rest of the week off to study and concentrate for my exam.
Ah to have the house to myself all week long.
Have fun studying...
I think I 'll have a cold refreshing beverage instead.
Good luck on that exam nc jnn. Are you allowed to take Grandma in with you as a consultant? To quash all rumors, contrary to Mom's belief, we are not going to Mississippi. Actually Auntie is beside herself with glee since we will be heading tomorrow to catch the Lake County Captains vs. the Delmarva Terrapins in what will be a classic battle. As I am sure you are all well aware, the "Captains" edged the Terrapins for the northern division title in the Class A split season, and even tho it is only game 5 of the second season, there will, I am sure, be a lot of bad blood. I was a bit nervous about this, but you know Auntie. Once she gets her mind made up about baseball...There will be a few more stops along the way--Hannibal, Mo among them, if it is still above water--That's where Mississippi came in for Mom==but I have my sights set on Monroe, Mo. the home of the white squirrels, no they're not, to my knowledge. a baseball team, but this MUST be checked out for obvious reasons. there may be a side trip to the second biggest ball of twine (not string, twine), in the world. There will be a full report later. Enjoy Tuesday. I will since it will be my last school day, for now at least.
I would love to bring grandma with me. At this point, since she has looked up a majority of the words for me and memorized them she may do a better job than me.
Started studying this AM and told myself I would take a break at 11:30. I stopped by the Tiki Hut to see if my good friend needed anything. When I returned with Wendy's food in tow, I saw 25 people standing in line.
Needless to say I worked today.
No summer school for Austin this year! He passed the 7th grade (it was touch and go for awhile there).
Yeah Austin, that's awesome.
I'm jealous, I wanna go see the epic battle between Troy ... and (that other place that was mad at them). OR in this case the Terrapins V. the Captains. Bad blood indeed... They'll probably hand out brooms, rags, and baby wipes at the turnstile so you can help clean up the mess of severed limbs. I'd be surprised if the game continues past the 4th inning.
That Auntie, she knows her rivalries.
Yeah Austin!! Will he be attending the palooza?
Nc jnn, you needed a break from studying anyhow. Youre a good friend
I told Grandma on Monday that I would be off all week and would call her to do lunch on Tuesday. Well Tuesday came and at 11:00 am, I started to call to see what she wanted to do. After 4 rings, I was forced to leave a message. As I became busy, and my services were needed elsewhere, my next call was placed at 3:00 pm. After 4 rings, I was still forced to leave a message.
Gee thats odd, I thought to myself. Then I quickly began to worry. So I called my LM 2 resident, Dorothy to get the inside scoop. Dorothy who keeps close tabs on Gram did not see her leave all day.
I kindly asked Dorothy if she could check in on Gram as I was somewhat concerned. After a minute and a half waiting (it honestly felt like a minute and a half), Dorothy called back to inform me that Gram was "snoring" in her bedroom.
At 4:30 Sleeping Beauty finally arose and called to ask me what I am doing having people wake her up? It was her nap time!
That Gram! Nap time at 4pm? That sounds like a great idea.
Have a good Hump Day everybody
5 hours of napping... sounds more like bedtime to me more than a fiver.
Well here it is Wed, and it is almost over! I started my day at BGH, went over to the Larkin Building on Exchange St, to do some computer work, and they were calling a firedrill there, so I left , stopped at the Tiki Hutt for lunch, saw Jnna behind the counter, got my lunch for free!
Enjoyed the people watching and then headed back to suburban where I promptly found on my desk 2 union grievances! Apparently you can not force union employee's to change locations????
KDH, is KDHRC a Unionized shop?? Because if it is, please disregard recent application!
so Mr Austin comes on Sunday, for his tour of duty at 431!!! Can I tell you how much fun that is! It is baseball games, camp, stopping the mr softee truck when he goes by, smores on the grill, bike rides, going to the drive in and so on, when mr austin comes it is a true reminder of what summer is!
Enjoy this beautiful evening like it was the last day of school!!!
If you opened up the refrigator at 431 you would know that Mr. Austin will be in town. Drink boxes, pudding, lemonade, cheese sticks, jello, icecream, gateorade, has taken over the diet gingerale and water.
Have we decided if we will be playing the Pirate game at Holtzapalooza II?
What happened with my sis taking off the week so she could study??? At last count, I believe she worked the Tiki Hut 2 days in a row!
Last day of work for me! Headed to Hartford, CT bright and early tomorrow for the Peal Jam concert!!
Pearl Jam WHAT??????????
Austin's team lost the championship game yesterday. They play 6 inning games, but this game was tied after 6, so as he says; they were forced into "overtime." They ended up losing 17-9. I feel bad for the losing pitcher.
At least he wasn't stuck in the port o potty this time.
Happy Thursday..
One more day, can we make it, not sure if I can..
Adm, any word yet???
Taking gg out for fish tonite, as promised. She reminded me she has not seen Jll since May 11th, ouch!
enjoy the day all!
May 11th... Ouch indeed. '07 or '08 ???
Muggy day today, but I'm fine... the basement, where I type at, is very cool. I love my lunches.
Zach is all done playing LL baseball for the season. His team, with one game to go, is currently 1-18 and missed the playoffs.
BUT, they got back their best player last night after he broke his collarbone at the beginning of the season. So the kids were really happy to see him.
Was there a dirty play in LL? Is that how he broke his collarbone? OUCH! Good Luck Zach! When is his last game?
no word yet. Although I was supposed to find out LAST WEEK. Maybe the HR types in the family can tell me what THAT means. ANd apparently, they have told some internal candidates that the job is not going to them. So, as an HR expert what does all this mean? Nothing? Something? OPHS is driving me batty!!!
As an SPHR hopeful, I wouldn't read to much into it. Do you know how many candidates they interviewed? Feel free to contact the individual or individuals you met with to "check on the status of the vacancy." Let them know your still very much interested in the position at OPHS. See if they need anything further from you. (Letters of recommendation, certificates, license, educational information, etc).
Did you send them a thank you note? That's old fashioned, but still goes a long way.
The administration could be very busy with wrapping things up. No news is good news. They may be positioning with the school board for an appointment, or developing an appointment letter.
Greetings from scenic Danville, Illinois. Fresh from a Boy's Big Boy gourmet dinner--I don't skimp when I travel--I feel bad that I left my bib overalls home. Just don't fit in without them. Sounds like all is well in WNY. We'll see if we can make it over the "big muddy" tomorrow. So far, so good.
I wonder if my bro will be checking his HFFB team from dansville???
As I am giving him an old fashioned whooping!
It is only June, how can LL be over already???
so waiting for friday!
Yep, for Zach his season is over... a b-day party with his buddy takes priorities over baseball for an 11 year old (oh, how the times have changed). It was really good to hear from Unckie, especially since he's safe and full from a big boy meal (I do like those overalls). Did we know he was going to Illinois?
I thought he was going to Mississippi, at least that was the rumor.
Hip Hip Horay for Friday!!
Hey, that rhymes! I crack myself up sometimes!
So thrillie and good gary and her friends are off to see pearl jam this weekend. geo and I are hoping to catch the Bisons tonite, and jnna will be hitting the books!
so thrillie and I took out gg for a fish last nite, and she totally cleaned her plate, I know, me too!
Then it was off to buy a singing birthday card for her baby boy! and then the obligatory trip to Al Queda for some lottery tickets!
GG did look very cute last nite, she has changed her shade of lip stick to a bit of a darker red, maybe AP can talk her into a more of a pink tone for the summer, just a thought!
Enjoy friday...
travel safe bro and have the best birthday ever!!!
Well here it is the day before my exam. I will be taking a dry run to the testing site to make sure I know where it is today. So I must explain this certificate if anyone wants to listen. There are 3 levels of certificates that an HR can obtain: PHR, SPHR, and GPHR. I am testing for the SPHR, which is the 2nd level. I am kind of kicking myself for testing for the SPHR and not the PHR.
I'd pay a bbuck to see you kick yourself and you could probably make more outside of the zoo. People are very generous there.
Thank goodness the work week is over and I'm into weekend mode already. It doesn't take me long.
Have fun in Idaho Unckie and AP...
I really hope M&D are NOT in idaho, because I'm meeting them in Kansas City tomorrow. Nothing like planning a trip to the biggest flood devastation zone this side of KAtrina. Whoo hoo!
Good luck on your test tomorrow Jnna. IF you're going to be a bear, be a GRIZZLY!
good luck on your impending exam- please someone explain to me why your former running back/murderer/thief feels the need to visit fargo- i have to admit this is the most media attention we have gotten since perhaps our tornado in 1957
So OPHS called... I'm out of the running there. Depew, Sweet Home, AMherst, Clarence, Buffalo, Springville, Akron won't return my phone calls. Jnna- that position for McDonalds shift manager still open?
Sorry Adm, we'll get ya here one way or another. I'll bug my buddy from Amherst to see if he knows anything.
Idaho, Missouri, it's all a big city to me... Ummmmm... yeh.
So, Sandra, Emma, and I got some culture tonight at Norty and Seymore's place on Elmwoood across the street from Buff State (my ol' stomping ground). Maybe ya heard of it... the Art Gallery. Good times. Did you know they have a restaurant there? Emma had fun, she really enjoyed the fact that a guy would paint cans of soup.
Adm, I am so sorry. Please know I will use every opportunity to bash the OP school disctrict and there hiring practices every chance I get and may the person who made that decision to pass on you have a piano fall on his head!
Just know something will come along that is meant just for you, Amy and Oliver! I just know it!!!
Today is indeed test day! all fingers crossed and candles lit, check
So we headed off to the bisons game last evening, let me just say it was soooo enjoyable, blinding fog and all!
Jff, shelly says Hi, cuz he litterally talked to everyone!
Why is the birthday boy celebrating his birthday in what president bush has called a disaster area??
FARGO FAN!!!! lovely to hear from you. Please be more specific about the running back??? Who is in Fargo?? Cuz our current running back just ran over a canadian, but hey who would'nt given half the chance!
enjoy saturday!
LOL Mom cracks me up. I never knew there was a restaurant there. I may have to check it out! Do they have chicken sandwiches, because that is all Gram will eat.
Yes today is test day; pass or fail it is here. I have failed (miserably) all the practice tests I have taken; except for the one I took last night.
After the test, I am headed to Dundee NY to pick up Austin to spend the summer with us. He wants to get together and hang out with Zach and Austin (and Oliver), so well have to plan something before Holtzapalooza 2.
Adam, so very disappointed in OP school district. Your calling is out there. Keep your head up.
Adm, have you looked at this web site? Not sure if you have or not?
This was from the previous link,
Depew High School is looking for a Social Studies Teacher
Well it was not meant to be this time around. Figures holtz luck failed by 2%
I got that website, and applied to depew. How was the test, jnna?
We leave town and both my son and nc take a hit from the powers that be. So sorry for both. Planned on doing the KC baseball game tonite,but who would figure that the team drawing the second fewest fans per game in the majors would sell out tonite. Damn St. Louis fans bought all the tickets. We are on for tomorrow's game, which is, of course, the 6th anniversary of Dad's passing. made it past the big muddy OK and AP was not impressed by downtown Hannibal. I did get my Missouri round of golf in tho. Bourbon-swillin-daughter made it in and it looks like we are heading out for KC bbq for dinner. Enjoy the weekend all.
Test was the hardest exam I have ever taken. But, maybe next time I suppose.
I have some no good terrible news. Austin is a newest member of the Red Sox LL farm team. Practice tomorrow at 10am.
Happy Birthday Unkie! Enjoy your day. I know there is a suprise waiting for you when you return home.
CONGRATS EMMA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Jeff and Sandra if the weather is nice tomorrow do you want to meet up at the bisons game?
Sunday June 29th..
And it looks like a nice one..
I have to go into work today for a bit. Jnna and austin are off to bisons park, no word from thrillie.
Glad to hear that UC had a nice birthday celebration! That will make his mom happy who was most distressed that she missed his phone call! As she rode shotgun to p/u Mr A.
Jnna did call and say she was picking up her grandmother, but marilyn monroe got into the car! I am telling you its the red lipstick!
enjoy today..
mmm 6 yrs, whats changed.. a lot, I can tell you, a lot!
That previous post was from my mom. What an adventure with Gram leading us to Avon, NY yesterday. She told me stories of Grandpa from the tolls all the way to Avon. It was great.
She was very disappointed that she missed a call from Unkie.
Heading into work after being off for a week, UGH then to Dunn Tire park, then taking Gram to the dockside (if there open) to toast a drink to Gramps.
Jeff and Sandra if you plan on heading to the game, give me a call! It will be fun I promise.
Howdy folks, we had an enjoyable day at Long Beach yesterday with our friend and his family. A big storm hit after during lunch, so we just waited it out and then ventured down to the beach and spent two hours in the lake riding the crashing waves... good times, good times indeed. The only casualty was my sunglasses and that was after Sandra told me to take them off.
We're probably not going to the Bisons game tonight. But, give us a call to get Austin and Zach together.
The last day of June and a monday no less!
kind of gray and gloomy.
Seize the day and all the opportunities presented to you!
So, unfortunately I had to terminate an employee today due to their terrible time and attendance, at which point this individual proceeded to call 7 times in a span of an hour and threatened me. So I am accepting applications for a body guard.
Were heading to the bison game on Sunday, if you want to join us.
Well here it is July 1st or as our neighbors to the north call it, canada day! So happy canada day to all you canadians, yea whatever.
So today I have big plans, big aspirations, big dreams, awww who am I kidding I will just be grateful to get through the day!
enjoy tuesday one and all
Don't get depressed on me now, keep that head and celebrate Canada Day with a donut and a coffee, ay.
I really get bummed out when the Yanks can't get runs accross the plate after their pitchers do well.
Zach's baseball season is over, but he wants to play fallball.
Lil' Ricky will be in town next week and I lleave for a four day camping trip with the kiddies down in Allegany.
Sunday Bisons??? Possibly.
House will be going up for sale. Miami, Oklahoma will be our new home. 10 casinos within a few miles and, what's best, a guy at the golf course introduced me to "red beer". It's actually bud light in a 16oz can that is made with clamato juice. Cold, ummmm!
Off to Springfield, Mo and the springfield cards tonite as we have reached the westernmost point and start heading back. Happy July all!
Have a safe trip back now that you've reached Auntie's apex of her annual baseball trek. It's amazing that you can still keep up with her.
I think the heat may be getting to you... beer and clamato juice DOES NOT sound good. But, you may as well get your fill until the sun-craze wears off. Enjoy and cheers.
It's eh? A polite way of asking for a repeat. Not gosh as in huh? You Americans are as ignorant as overbering. viva la canada!!!!!!!
Anonymous next time use spell check before making a comment on our blog, EH?
It's overbearing.
Jeff, I got my room for the 2nd day. Were all set! I can't wait!
Awwww... we're just having some fun. I love Canada! Fish and vacation there all the time. Good Lordie.
Yep, I have my second day too... we're going to have fun, fun, fun.
Enjoy Wednesday all. Go Yankees!!!
Viva la Canada??? Elvis? Is that you?
Happy Wed!! It looks to be a gorgeous day! Enjoy it one and all.
Today's activities at Camp Spirit, is a field trip to Kohler pool for swimming.
Elvis posted on our blog, that is awesome..
Again no runs scored with a superior pitching performance! so disheartening!
Counting down to the weekend!
Eh is not polite either! How about pardon, I believe that is the more polite word to have someone repeat themselves!
Why do these strangers insist on posting on our blog?!?!?!
Jealousy... that's all, they're just jealous.
I couldn't take it any more. I only worked a half day. I'm going fishing.
I had an enjoyable off day, despite the fact I didn't golf or fish. I instead stayed home and painted a bit and then when Mr. Fixxit arrived, we worked on Emma's room. So, I accomplished a few things. Good day indeed.
I just got home from Austin's game. (It ended at 8 but I immediately went to the bar). The Red Sox (Austin's team) played the Tigers. When I told Austin I would give him $5 if he got a hit and got on base; he asked if that had to be at the same time?
I am not sure who won, as I was more interested in the 5-6 age group picking the grass and throwing gloves at each other.
Ahhhh T-ball, good times.
Good morning, I would just like to say that it was all nice knowing ya, before we get hit with this storm that is a comin'. Man, is it dark outiside. Hold me.
It is quite the gloomy Thursday!
so jenna is in the EA 4th of July parade held on the third in EA.
And last nite at 10PM she decided we needed to go to Walmart, and buy up some of there 4th of July gaudy apparatus, that is probably made in china, to wear in the parade, so she got the obligatory flag shirt, the light up red white and blue head gear, and the automatic waving flag that plays 3 count them 3 patriotic songs~
Karen, our cashier thought we were very patriotic!
18 count em, 18 runs!
no comment on the red sox tigers game, at the BGC. The hot dog special was good!
Get your fireworks on, its the 3rd!
Counting down to the big holiday family! I suppose I should look around and see what's going on here in the ATL for the big day. The weather here has been downright balmy -- pretty nice, as I get to keep my screen door open while I work!
Happy 4th of July family! I will be planted inside the Tiki Hut for the duration of the fireworks. Our driveway will be clear for anyone who wants to park. We will also have Gram over for a BBQ party.
So stop on down.
Happy 4th of July!!! Planted at the Tiki Hut??? Is that a 60's drug reference?
Looks to be a beautiful day today, let's hope it sticks around.
HAPPY 4th OF JULY to family, friends and fans of our blog!
Hoist your flag today!
So today as my father used to say is the last day of summer, its all down hill starting tomorrow!
Picking up my mom at 1 PM, we'll picnic and watch the world walk by!
Other than that have no other big plans. Thrillie is camping with good gary.
From the bottom of my heart, GO YANKEES!
Just getting home from a very productive day at the TH. Our best day in 4 years of business.
Austin worked his first full shift today, he was in charge of smoothies and icecream.
Relaxing tomorrow and headed to the Bisons game on Sunday.
We had an all day-er out on the river on Bill's boat, skiing, boarding, swimming, and just lounging around. It was a beautiful day... yeh, I got alittle red in the hard to reach places, but I'll be fine after a few aloe treatments.
Another day of partying for us, we're going back out to the river to ski, kneeboard, and swim. Enjoy the day all.
Happy 5th! That makes me chuckle, 5th, teehee
So yesterday, yea, what a circus, first of all. I picked up my mom at 1PM. we did lunch at the TH, watched the world go by, cookie joined us before she packed up her camping gear. Came home, I weeded she watched TV, did the obligatory 4th picnic food, chicken, strawberry shortcake, etc.. Got her home around 7:30PM, not sure if she was ready to leave or not, but traffice and fatigue had set in and I was done.
Today, mmm not sure what the day holds, but it does look like a Bailey Building and Loan Red Letter one!
Ahhhh... the ol' Bailey Building and Loan.
We had another river fun filled day eating subs and watching the enitire boating community enjoy themselves in a 1 acre area.
Happy sunday one and all!
So jnna and austin have been on a whirlwind of activity, the movies, bowling, swimming, manning the TH, very very busy!
Can I just say how lucky we have been the past 2 days with our weather, it has been spectacufabulous!
And here we are sunday and ready to face the world again
Enjoy this day, and every day!
Eli or Peyton-ing the Tiki Hut??? I'm just wondering. Because, if they're Eli-ing the Tiki Hut, that's a more inconsistant job, but it's with with great rewards. Peyton-ing the Tiki Hit, they're doing a great job and having fun too, while teaching kids how to break into a car. Big difference.
Jff, LOL!!!
Adm, The redhook school district is looking for a ton of teachers!
we used to have a blogger fan from RedHook, who used to comment on the price of beer, remember??
Other than that nothing brewing, BGC baseball game tonite, hot and steamy.... enjoy the day
back in EA after LOTS of driving. Found out from Mom that our phone(our new timewarner setup) was out for the entire time we were gone. So was tv but not internet. Called technician and everything was back on line quickly, but no explanation asto why it happened. Should I stay with time warner telephone? Looks like everyone survived the weekend in good fashion. Where did all this heat come from. I could sure go for a bud lite red! who says that travel does not help one to learn?
Welcome home! I hope you guys had fun.
I'll be contacting the Bisons soon to get our 20 tickets to the game. Also, we can fit up to 32 people. So, let's talk. There's some room left.
Also, should we start talking about food or is it too early?
yes your mom was very funny about that, call your brother and tell me what message you get?? Pretty much every day, to just about everybody!
Look at jff and I 60 seconds apart!
It is never to early to talk about food for Holtzapalooza!
where is redhook???
Adm, the heart of Yankee Country!
RedHook, New Jersey!
Now who would'nt want to live in Jersey!
Happy hot and sticky and muggy and unbearable, well not unbearable tuesday. All would be happy to know that I lead the "lets go redsox" cheer last evening. And the Boys & Girls Club Baseball league had a classic match up last nite, Yankees vs RedSox! What a match up, the Yankees came back to tie in the bottom of the 7th, 12-12, went into the 8th and the yankees walked in 6 runs, Redsox eventually won the game 18-17!
phew!!! And austin started the rally with a single down the first base line! Off to the Larkin building for the whole day, I like going there they have an awesome cafeteria!
UC, I thought you had takers for the other tickets to Holtzapalooza?
Will we need a wheelchair for mom to get her into the game?
Have a great day!
KDH, mmmmm its going to be a barnburner this week!
Going to be another hot one today! Enjoy it.
Gary and I also attended the clash of the Yankees and Red Sox, but had to leave when we were being heckled by a 12 year old boy who dislikes the Yankees.
Very few things worse than be heckled by an uncreative 12 year old. It's not like you can pick them up by their heels and dangle them over dog poop until they give. You can't do that, right???
Rick and Stacy arrived safely in town.
We only get 20 tickets. So we would need to buy the other tickets.
I am glad to see, thanx to Austin, that more and more are being moved to the "Red Sox nation". As it says in the tract that my sister mailed to me for my birthday: " and a little child shall lead them". What about the palooza? Where do we stand now?
KDH how far do you live from Newnan, GA? Can you please go to the Bachelorette's house and tell her I think she made a HUGE mistake?
Will we be playing the pirate game at Palooza?
To quote the immortal line from caddyshack ... "newnan, you can do it...". Although I think that was spelled noonan. Anyhow, its only a spit and holler away. I'm on my way jnna!
Jnna, can you email me the blog password again, please? I sure would appreciate it!
Does that mean KDH is doing a blog?!?!?!
Yeah new Blog!!!
Bisons Game/Palooza
Rice's 4 tickets pd.
Koch's 4 tickets pd.
Rice's 2 tickets pd.
Holtz's 4 tickets pd.
KDH 2 tickets pd.
Jll 2 tickets pd.
Gram 1 ticket (pd for by fam.)
19 tickets spoken for.
11-13 avaialable.
Sandra's parentts want to go and possibly Bill & Cathi.
FYI: we get $100 credit towards food.
Where is Oliver's ticket?
What if gram wants to bring a date?
What if I want to bring a date?
What if Austin wants to bring a date?
Erica should come and bring her family!
No one has told me if were playing the Pirate Game. Do we have to buy those 11-13 tickets?
Taking Awesome Austin home tomorrow for the week as he is going on field trips and has football camp. But were picking him back up on the 19th, in time for Canal Fest.
Well breaking news family.......
Since it has been made official, I can report it on the blog. The last season of the Tiki Hut will be this summer. What a ride it was. What a ride! But the saying, all good things must come to an end. Katie has decided to pursue a teaching career as well as raising a son who is expected in January.
Happy Thursday one and all and in the Kaleida world it is payday! Yea to payday!
Yes awesome austin does return home today for a week, and then back to us for 3 weeks, then home.
Jnna took gg clothes shopping last nite, I have not heard how that went as of yet, but I am quessing I will.
Enjoy this day and every day!
As much as I love the bonaroo experience I was kind of hoping for a HOTLANTA move blog! Or a " I toured the flood damaged midwest blog" or mmm anything else going on in my life blog...
So much to respond to. Glad to hear that Austin will be here for palooza and bringing a date. Is the good Gary coming? Kdh paid for two, is she bringing a date? Can't imagine trying to do a pirate game while counting the over/under for Bison errors, but that is up to the group. By the way, bring quarters for "brown ball", details to come. Is gramma getting a new outfit for palooza? Sorry to hear about the end of "the Hutt" but you are right: time to move on. Trying to work up a "see what big mosquitos we found in Missouri" blog but Auntie won't help. I think that it is much too soon for her. what about food? the looza is only 3 weeks away. Enjoy our nice day all before the heat returns
We need to buy those remaining tickets. The cost of the suite was divided by 30. That's what made the tickets $21, $22 for family members (to cover gram).
I'm off to Allegany with the nippers leaving behind my beautiful bride to take care of the farm. It's that time of the year for the father's annual camping getaway. The car is packed and I just have to take the kids to the Dr. before we leave.
Enjoy all.
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