Subtitled... reflections on a midwestern trip to a flood soaked land
Recently, I joined my beloved parents in a Midwestern junket, to celebrate my Dad's birthday. Here's a few snapshots of the trip, showing the many moods of Antie and Unkie.
Kansas City is the smallest airport I've ever been to -- you should try it sometime. Each gate has its own security, and the only refreshments available is Quiznos. No mattter on the flight in -- M&D cruise by in the Impala and pick me up right on time. It always amazes me to meet up with people I know in strange places!
Once in the car, I met M&D's new best friend, Gabby the Garmin. Gabby is loud. And very instistent. And she gets very, very angry if you ask to pull off the highway for a Dunkin donuts. But if you listen to Gabby, she will get you where you need to go -- even if you're tempted to throw her out the window on the way.
Next up -- trying to find the best Barbeque in town and baseball tickets. We were successful with the Barbeque, but not as much with the baseball tickets. Who knew that there was so little to do in St. Louis that 50000 baseball fans would drive 250 miles to see an away game!?!
Along the way, Mom found a new hat....

Dad got a national park stamp AND some culture -- and luckily the 1pm, 2pm, 3pm, and 330pm tours were sold out so we got sauced in an Independence Mo. basement bar and snacked on some fried gizzards while we waited for the 4pm tour. Doesn't Dad look happy and full of fried gizzards? The poor park ranger certainly didn't expect 3 giggling adults on his last tour of the day, one of which has read a biography of every president up to, and including, Harry Truman!

Mom and Dad discussed renewing their wedding vows for their upcoming 42nd wedding anniversary...

And we FINALLY saw some baseball! Check out the look of relief on Antie's face -- she was starting to go through withdrawal from peanuts and cracker jack, and you DON'T want to see Antie coming down off that high!

It was a great trip. Kansas City was a very fun town, with lots to see and do, very nice people, a lack of floodwaters, and the best dang barbeque prime ribs that a girl has ever tasted. I tried to hold on to those memories when I spent 4 1/2 hours in the KC airport waiting for the thunderstorms to clear out in Atlanta so I could catch my return flight. There was no bar -- and 5 teams full of high school wrestlers!