Recently, I joined my beloved parents in a Midwestern junket, to celebrate my Dad's birthday. Here's a few snapshots of the trip, showing the many moods of Antie and Unkie.
Kansas City is the smallest airport I've ever been to -- you should try it sometime. Each gate has its own security, and the only refreshments available is Quiznos. No mattter on the flight in -- M&D cruise by in the Impala and pick me up right on time. It always amazes me to meet up with people I know in strange places!
Once in the car, I met M&D's new best friend, Gabby the Garmin. Gabby is loud. And very instistent. And she gets very, very angry if you ask to pull off the highway for a Dunkin donuts. But if you listen to Gabby, she will get you where you need to go -- even if you're tempted to throw her out the window on the way.
Next up -- trying to find the best Barbeque in town and baseball tickets. We were successful with the Barbeque, but not as much with the baseball tickets. Who knew that there was so little to do in St. Louis that 50000 baseball fans would drive 250 miles to see an away game!?!
Along the way, Mom found a new hat....

Mom and Dad discussed renewing their wedding vows for their upcoming 42nd wedding anniversary...

Yea!!! I am the first to comment!
Seriously I have not been the first in ages!! I absolutely love the color and symbolism of this piece. The purple floweres, the purple shirt, well just the purple.
The totally empty row of fans except for UC and AP, alone with there thoughts. Its deep, very deep...
And of course the talk of snacks and libations, and a little history sprinkled in with some baseball. It looks like a wonderful adventure was had by all, thank you for sharing!
tick tock tick tock to friday, sigh!
Yeah! I am the second to comment. What a great blog! Love the picture of Auntie and Unkie at the game.
Holtzapalooza around the corner, what can I help with? Do you want me to scalp tix? Invite random people to the suite? We can put an ad out in the Buffalo News, for a good time come to our blog for details.
Before Holtzapalooza Deuce we have the trip to NYC. Do you want me to bring snacks? sandwiches? pixie stix for the kids? an apple for emma?
Thank you daughter for helping to take the pressure off from a trip blog. KC was a surprisingly lot of fun. Easy to get around, a real nice stadium and definitely good food. Sorry about all of the airport problems, but that seems to be the ongoing family slogan. We do need to pitch the extra palooza tickets. Could Auntie B. convince her boss that the redsocks are playing that day. Maybe Auntie could invite her new boss just for extra points. I know that he/she would definitely be impressed after spending some time with this family. It would do wonders careerwise.
Great blog KDH! I just might have to go so I can try the fried gizzards...YUM!
while its nice to have a new blog, I sure do miss having to scroll down past that hottie in the aqua bikini and the star on her butt to see new comments. Can she become our mascot?
LOL Adam!
Had a wonderful evening last nite with the fam, and wings and beer!
Thank you all for attending, it was most enjoyable!
enjoy saturday, sigh, just because!
Lots of fun last nite and good to see everyone in our "pre-palooza" get together. Still can't figure out what I did to the waitress to justify denying me food. After awhile you get used to this sort of thing happening though. Looks like a hot one today, stay cool
Kind of a gray and gloomy sunday in our neighborhood and the yankee world!
got an update this AM, UC is ahead of number #1 UG, how did that happen and I am ahead of kdh.. lets see how the day plays out!
took anastasia out for breakfast yesterday, she loved our get togother on Friday nite! Jnna has some great pictures!
Today is the start of C Anal fest in the tonawandas. enjoy the day one and all..
Awesome blog KDH!!! You captured every A&P emotion (I wish I was there when the giggling fit started at HST).
No picture of Gabby the Garmin??? You know I need visual aides.
New Oliver blog is the bestest!
Looks like nphw jt is back in town after his camping adventure and I am sure that he is eagerly back to work this AM. Wondering if the ref. to C Anal fest was a slip of the space bar or an intended commentary. Difficult to believe that we spent Sat. nite at the 50th wedding anniversary party of one of my friends. Not real happy what that implies. I see that UG has HFFF up and running for the fall. We just transition from one season to another. Proud to say that I was able to put a bit of a speed bump in UG's baseball speedway. 3 days without games will be tough to handle. enjoy what appears to be a nice day.
Happy Monday to all... Whats the plan for Holtzapalooza Deuce? Are we just doing the game? Or meeting up before?
I'm signed up for (the new moniker) HFFF and I've already edited my rankings, I've got Travis Henry ranked third just behind Cedric Benson. I'm expecting a huge year out of Henry (he's healthy and motivated) and I suggest that everyone rank him that high or higher to make sure you get him.
Full day at work today... yuck.
We can meet here before the HoltzaPalooza II/Bisons game and have a few refreshments.
I am working until 12 on Holtzapalooza day! But, I am game for anything!
happy tuesday one and all..
took a stroll through the c anal fest last evening, seriously is there anything better than people watching!
rumor has it the HFFBL has a tie for first??? this bit of news certainly has increased the activity at 431..
thanks nephew for hosting our pre holtzapalooza tail gate.. figure out a menu and assign tasks, OK??
great, another thing to cross off my list..
other than that, not to much else going on... hope R&S got home OK??
So very nice to see them, to see all, because hey we are good people, off to work...
Josh Hamilton... that's all I'm saying... what a story.
It's the beginning of the hot weather starting today... time for me to melt and just bury myself in a den somewhere.
Enjoy your day.
It was nice to see the NYPD beating the everloving crap out of anyone who dared step foot on the black bleachers. ESPN cut away from that action pretty quickly. Police brutality would never happen at "America's Most Belove Ballpark". That's all I'm sayin'.
Adm...Stirring up trouble at 7:30 in the morning! I'm sure that Red Sox fan had it coming...And its called "maintaining order", not police brutality silly.
I just hope that if it comes to the top of the 9th with the AL ahead in the game, that Manager Francona has enough sense to go to the closer with the most saves this year, and not submit to a lot of silly "fan pressure". Not that I am trying to cause any trouble or anything. Tailgating before the Bisons game has possibilities. Only 3 more weeks. My big victory last week pulled me to within 25 games with only 11 weeks to go. Come on Unkie!!! That was one costly vacation.
Class act by Big Puppy "Osama" Ortiz last night, trying to get some attention while Josh Hamilton is banging out 11 dingers in a row. He's walks out to home plate for a lil' recognition...Nice move Puppy...
Off to see Blue Rodeo tonight... enjoy the evening.
Rice's 4 tickets pd.
Koch's 4 tickets pd.
Rice's 2 tickets pd.
Holtz's 4 tickets pd.
KDH 2 tickets pd.
Jll 2 tickets pd.
Gram 1 ticket (pd for by fam.)
19 tickets spoken for.
We need to sell 11 tickets so I at least break even.
charlie, should we all just buy the rest of the tickets? And sell accordingly so jff, is not left with a bill?
Why dont we all just bring a dish to pass, for our tailgateing? Jff, do you want to do some dogs on the grill that day? or no?
off to the beer tent for canal fest, it is parade day
film at 11
Had a great time at the beer tent with the fam. We even spotted a look alike of Unkie there! After confirmation by the gentleman it was not in fact Unkie.
While at work yesterday, I received a phone call from one of our advertising agencies. She offered me suite tix to this Thursday's Bison game. I couldn't refuse. The woman who dropped the tix off yesterday at the office was a very very very good family friend who we lost touch with over the years. Her daughter and Jill played softball together.
But the ironic part of the story was, Betsy called her a few weeks ago to do lunch after Mom and Jill saw her Daughter at Galleria Mall. Needless to say that invitation went unanswered and they can do dinner instead at the Bison game.
Suite 30? Is that close to ours?
Divvy the tix up and that will be the incentive for us to find ways of disposing of them. My "double" at Canalfest? Let's see, Slobodan Milosovich is in prison, Tip O'Neil is dead, so who is left? Tweren't me. My Mommy warned me about staying away from Canalfest after she and pat got caught up in the traffic on Monday. Enjoy the day all. Looks like we will be taking a ride down to the lake for lunch. Only 2 weeks til August. Rumors in the southtowns have Bret Favre looking for a place out here. Drew Bledsoe's is still available. I want them both in fantasy. any chance?
bad news for you pop. I think good ol' slob is dead too. SOmething about the Hague being to drafty.
Jff, take remaining tickets price due, divide by 3, and my sister, my brother and I will find takers.
The longer we drank in the beer tent, the more people looked like people we were related too.
Who made it to 1:36AM, yea me neither.
CanalFest traffic is horrible, stay away people.
tomorrow is thursday, YEA!
Sandra's parents are going to the game so we're down to 9 tickets.
Ask your friends if they want to go.
Muggy day today and tomorrow, I'm not sure if I'm ever stepping outside again.
Grilling and beverages sound great before the big game. Everyone can come over anytime after 4PM. I'll have some iced up beer and we can throw whatever we want on to the grill.
No comments all day? Was the site down? Does everyone have a life other than me? Apparently.
Sandra, can you supply me with a grocery list of items to bring for our trip?
Had a wonderful evening at the ball park! Compliments of daughter jnna and the buffalo news, great game, cold beer, and a win!
Yeah beer!!!
Jnna, Just bring up snacks.
Muggy day today and it's gonna be worse tomorrow. I may have to move slow and sloth-like. Is that even possible?
Looks like the plans are well under way for the NYC trip. I can't let Auntie look at this cause she will start making a fuss and demand a baseball trip somewhere, immediately. Looks like we are heading for Canandaigua for the day to meet the Marlins. Try to stay cool all.
I am under strict instructions by my dad to pay attention to my fantasy team this week as I am playing his rival! Sounds like UG is getting a little nervous w. KDH on his tail
Goooooood mornin' all, man, it's already hot outside.
Today's plans: never move from an operating fan.
Just claimed 3 of the remaining tickets from JT. I will locate 3 social unfortunates and provide them with an opportunity to join us in my own little attempt to make this world a "kinder, gentler place". Gonna be a warm one today sports fans. Gotham could get real hot and sticky this week for our family travellers. Better take lots of juice packs. Is the canal still "festing"?
If anyone can do it Unckie, you can.
NYC trip will include lots of water and those lil' fans. Will I get laughed at???
Thundering and raining this AM (we did need it though). The tent is set up outside getting a mother nature bath and the kids are up in their beds sleeping. Ummmm, Sandra too.
We had a nice meal with the Fixxits last night, steak, chicken, and corn all out on the grill. Delish.
Enjoy your day everyone.
Sorry to hear you're all suffering in the heat, fam -- its down right balmy here in the ATL, and the front porch door is open at KDHRC international headquarters. We're all a little upset that the tropical storm eschewed us for our neighbors in SC -- we really needed that rain!
wish there was something fun to report, but just work work work over here. I'm looking at office space though -- THAT is very exciting indeed! (And very scary).
Have a great day!
Happy 07/20 to one and all..
Kind of a gray day.
Jnna picked up Austin yesterday so he has returned to the T Wand.
Mercifully, today is the last day of canal fest! My traffic patterns will return to normal.
Went shopping last evening, got our gotham fans the appropriate Yankee attire!
Office space for KDH??? Now that is exciting!
Thrillie had a stagette north of the border last evening, I wonder if we will ever hear from her again??
Other than that, avoid the rain drops!
It's almost 10 am and my little buddy is still snoring and drooling. So sad to see another year of the Canal Fest end. Hopefully the fireworks will go off tonight, but it doesn't look to promising.
I have a question. All you females can berate me if you want, but... I just saw that the WNBA held a "Liberty Bowl" last night. Outdoor stadium, 90degree heat and 25 or so fans. Why would a sports league that is struggling for attendance demand a game in an outdoor arena that they could only fill to .5% capacity? Who are the ad wizards that came up with that idea?
Jll could be enslaved by a Canadian bean farmer... there down right sneaky. I hope she's okay.
Office Space??? Funny movie.
We were more than pleased with last night tremendous turnout unfortunately some bad chili had circled the crowd and most spectators were in the bathroom.
WNBA spokesperson??? Is there such a position? Shouldn't they be feeding the kids and milking the cow?
I was nervous that the WNBA had singled me out as a "nefarious character", but upon reading that post again, the curious lack of punctuation points to Aunt Sue trying to pull a fast one over on poor ol' adam.
I think you may have nailed it Adm.
Three more Bisons tickets are gone. We're down to six. Get 'em while they're hot.
BTW... Mustafa has not been seen since Bonnaroo. I'm a little worried. I fear he may have hooked up with some Ralph Nader's people and gone west in search of hemp-wear.
As I walked downstairs to finish up the packing, I heard Austin mumbling Yankees players names in his sleep. It's not cute when my dad does it thats for sure!
Excited for the big trip this week. A blog to come. KDH, OFFICE SPACE?!? WOOO HOO!!!!!!
Big trip, big trip... yep, Sandra too, but she was saying only Jeter's name. Kinda like Mmmmmmmmm Jeter...
What does that mean?
Okay Unckie, I'm counting on you to keep it fair during our week long battle when I'm gone.
Sorry nphw, but no quarter will be given in your absence. This is a battle for 4th and it may get bloodier than a WCW pay per view. So what's happening now in T-town now that cfest 08 is only a memory? Things are pretty quiet in the Southtowns, except for Auntie in a shopping frenzy awaiting the arrival of the Big O. Yesterday's purchase was some magnetic animal thing that sticks to the refrigerator and talks to you. Can't wait to see what today has in store. Travel safely all.
Have fun on your trip Yankee Bounders. Should be a great time!
Yay for KDH and Office Space!
I may not have enough clothes, but I have the tickets!
Feel free to text or call me with any updates.
travel safe bronx bound family!
so as I am slaving away, trying to bring our project to life, all you people will thank me one day when the electronic medical record appears! But am very sad to miss the cathedral to baseball!
KDH, any office space???
WNBA spokesperson, its still just womans basketball and who really cares??
Video of the WNBA brawl with Rick Mahorn being attacked from behind is troubling to say the least. Leave it to my son to publish his observations and then have this happen in an effort to gain more viewers. Had a nice drive in to NT yesterday as Mom called with"desperate cry for help" to get her rx picked up. Figured out that basically she was lonesome. Looks like our travellers brought the skanks good luck last nite. Hope that the ironpigs game is on for today.
What a great game the vacationers got to see yesterday!!!! A sweep of the Twins!
Have a good day all...looks like more rain here in Buffalo.
I was lookin' at the Bisons as a possibility today, but once again the weather does not look good. Can't believe that it is July and I still have not seen them play. Maybe I'll do canalfest today instead. Is that still on?
Wait -- hold up there. you haven't been to a Bisons game AT ALL this year?? You need to rectify that situation immediately father!
I wish I was doing just about anything other than writing a proposal today. Did you know that the last Fedex drop off for next day delivery is at the ATL airport at 1015pm? See ya there, fedex!
Still "Bisonless" for the season. Wet grounds did me in today, but apparently there was a call from the iron pigs game while I was gone. GO PIGS!!
We had an awesome time at my first and LAST visit to NYC. The Yankees game was everything I hoped for (a Yankee win) and the stadium had the lingering smells of everything Babe Ruth ate. Our seats were nosebleed area 51, but were right behind first base (so I'm told, I had to trust the guy, he seemed nice, he took a picture of us and then insisted on getting the camera cleaned and did that for us. He's sending it back to us when it's done).
The Ironpigs game was great. The stadium was really nice, clean, and open and we got to see two games.
Next stop: Toronto v. Seattle on Sunday.
Ah, those New Yorkers. always so helpful. Glad that everyone enjoyed the trip. Anyone able to identify that big shiny, bright object up in the sky? Haven't seen anything like it in a long time. Enjoy the day all.
If good Gary falls down in the woods, does other Gary hear him?
If Jenna falls in the subway, does anyone else know her?
Blog will be up by 12pm Saturday.
If Jenna falls in the subway, does anyone else know her?
Blog will be up by 12pm Saturday.
Did nc jnn fall twice in a subway? And no one heard her? twice? And a new blog? twice?
happy saturday one and all!
sigh, isnt the world just a better place after a yankee win! I know, me too!
so will it rain, or not rain, that is the question?
after working 21 straight days to get our project up and running, we actually had a breakthrough yesterday, buffalo cardiology called needed EKG's from that AM, we found them on line and faxed them, taaa daaa!!! Now for all you untrained professionals this does not seem like much, but in the paper world of health care trying to find EKG's among hundreds of ER visits is a nitemare! scanning is the wave of the future, we should all do it!
Heard all about NYC!! so jealous..
Glad a fun time was had by all!
Lets plan our pre holtzapalooza party? Where? What time? What should I bring?
And a special shout out to the Pilafs!!! J&A had the time of there lives!!! Hugs and Kisses to you!!! I cant wait to meet andrew!
Emma gave me a personalized palm reading on the way to the Iron Pigs game. She saw in my future; blue cotton candy, a ball park hot dog, great seats, and a guy named andrew who will become my husband within the next few years.
She got the cotton candy, hot dog, and seats right. Now were just waiting for Andrew!
Andrew?? More info must be forthcoming. A blog?/
Wheres the new blog?!?!?! You said Saturday at noon it would be up!
The Yankees win again!!!!
It's 12pm somewhere. I am trying to download the pictures.
as happy sunday turns into ugh monday, I hope each and everyone of you enjoyed it!
The battle for the fifth, is what I am calling UC & Jff's squaring off this weekend. clever, isnt it.
As July is slowly turning into august, I hope everyone is checking off their to do lists each week of what was to be accomplished this summer?? Yea me neither.
looking forward to holtzapalooza 2, jff what do I need to bring??
enjoy monday people...
Everyone is invited to our house after 4PM on Monday the 4th for pre-Holtzapalooza. Bring a snack and what you want to throw on the grill. I'll call the Bisons tomorrow AM and get our tickets.
We just got back from Toronto and had a blast. The Blue Jays lost to Seattle and Ichiro (continually booooooo-ed by the fans) hit a triple and a single.
so there's a new blog up on Oliver's site... just saying.
Jt, how many tickets are still unaccounted for, after I took my additional 3? Enjoy Monday all, I am off to Tonawanda for a little work, get that work during the summer, and then to Mom's. report to follow
Can't sleep... RATS!
Unckie, Do you have people really going? I e-mailed the Bisons yesterday and no reply, so I'm calling them this morning from work to work out the rest of the arrangements. If you don't have anyone going then don't buy the tickets. But, there's 6 tickets remaining that can be bought. We currently have 24 people going. I also need to tell the Bisons how we're using our $100 food credit.
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