Mostly pictures, no text. Thanks for a great time. Sorry this took me so long to post. The pictures took forever!
The ride down was fun. Plenty of DVD movies to watch and plenty of snacks to eat.

Some of us managed to catch a few ZZZZ's before reaching our destination.

We stopped off in NJ to have a little fun.
One of these pictures may be our Christmas Card. So act suprised when you open it.
After our stay in the NJ tourist center, it was on our way to the hotel. We went to bed early so we could be well rested for the big day.

I just had to end the post with this.................... More pictures to follow.
DEREK JETER!!! (then you clap your hands) DEREK JETER!!
where are the pictures of the rick and stacy wing fest??? Our family photog is falling behind!
great job, more pictures!!!
Nice pictures... it brings back all the summer colors and smells I remember from our trip.
5 tickets remain... to answer Unckie's question from the previous blog. BUT Unckie, if you don't have three people going, then don't buy the tickets...
The Fixxits threw in some money for the suite's food drive. Thank you Fixxits.
I just vomited last night's chicken tikka all over the keyboard.
I elect we spend the food credit on beer and chips. WHo doesn't love chips with their beer
Great blog except for the last pic. Made the trip to see Mom yesterday with lunch and errands. She even made a new friend while waiting at the bank. Looks like the gauntlet has been thrown down for a grudge golf match between Chuck/Adam and JT/UG for next week. My son had better bring his A-game to town. Enjoy
Great blog! I love road trip pictures!
I never would have guessed driving from Buffalo to New York City involved New Jersey. You know, since they're in the same state. Is that my lack of geography knowledge or a wrong turn?
Ummmmmmmm... errrrrrrrrr... ahhhhhhhhhhh... story to be told a a later date and definitely over a beer. Can't wait to see ya.
I'm having the hardest time just trying to reach a person at Dunn Tire Park (phone calls, e-mails, carrier pigeons, etc...). I may be taking a rooadtrip on Thursday.
Adm's going to bring his A-Rod game??? Does that involve a 60 year old pop princess too?
5 tix remain. Comeon people, we know at least 5 friends that would want the opportunity to party with us!!!!
Let's get rolling on the food now. Count me in to contribute. Just let me know how much.
I think during our road trip we may have also toured Ohio and Michigan. Not quite sure. I was to involved in the DVD movies.
I might put a wager on the golf match coming up. I just need to consult with my friend, he is an NBA ref and he will tell me what to pick!
Enjoy the hot one today.
Is there a way to edit the blog so that last picture is not right above the comments? Having to go there to click on comments is both troubling as well as inaccurate, given the last two days. Anyhow, I do want 2 of the remaining 5, as I told JT. ENjoy the day. It's the only one we have.
The Tickets are coming!!!
27... close enough.
Sorry to hear KDH won't be there in person (of course in spirit), so I'll do my best to make her proud. I'll try and bring a flask past security.
Unfortunately once the blog has been created there are no options for edit. It's perfect the way it is. And they of course won today.
What a trade!!!!!
Not sure I'm all that pleased with the trade. Farnsworth was pitching very well and you can't beat Molina's defense. Pudge is 37.
I think the last picture is awesome!
so excited for our get togother on monday!
I bet farnsworth was mad!
I have a bobblehead of pudge, so I am happy.
did the sux find anyone to take manram off there hands??? no takers, I am shocked by that!
KDH isn't coming to Holtzapalooza?????
No, and I'm very sad about that. But I have proposals due on the
4th and that pesky office space thing, so I have to stay put. I will miss you all horribly though!
I love that picture, possibly as good as the picture of Al Pacino as Scarface... "say hello to my lil' friend".
We'll be thinking of you Kristen.
Manny lands in LA
The Dodgers have acquired Manny Ramirez from the Red Sox, according to SI's Jon Heyman.
Our View: Jason Bay is going to Boston as part of the deal. More details to follow.
That's from I love Jason Bay, the BlowSux aren't losing much other than clutch hitting (which is huge).
I do not think we can call this Holtzapalooza without KDH.
No it will be called something else, when we are all together its Holtzapalooza, so this shall be known as the PrePicnicBallGameBashwithsomeoftheHoltz'sbutnotallextravaganza.
will that fit on a shirt?
Who will call KDH when the big surprise is revealed, I think AP should??? dont you?
I like the name, but not so sure it'll fit on a t-shirt.
Can we just call it Holtzapalooza (-1)???
Good mornin' everyone, TGIF... No big plans for the weekend, we're just going to enjoy it.
Headed to Letchworth today for a little camping excursion. Should be a beautiful weekend!!!!!!
I had an AWESOME day today! While listening to the radio, I won 2 VIP tickets to Taylor Swift and James Otto's concert on Aug 11th. I also won backstage passes.
Hopefully this luck will carry on to brownball on Monday!
Hopefully the rain didn't flood Jll early this morning.
We enjoyed last evening, we just sat outside had a few beers and talked the night away under the stars. I wish I could bottle those nights.
No big plans today, a lil' work, and then join some friends for some swimming in the evening. Enjoy your day everyone.
Way to go nc jnn, and let's hope that all of the good luck on Mon. nite is saved for your dear old unkie. Since the flight of our travellers from Quincy is not scheduled to arrive until tonite, looks like Auntie and I will spend the day looking out the window. Have a good one all.
Just returned from the championship game of the redsox vx the tigers, it was a grudge match to say the least!
However the tigers prevailed winning 12-8, and are the champs of the boys and girls club league after 4 hours and 10 minutes.
very excited about our monday madness!
Isnt all our Holtzapalooza's minus 1?
If KDH is not coming, can I have her ticket?
I have just 11 quarters!!
travel safe our Quincy family!
Yankees Old Timers Day... nothing better.
SO jetblue cancelled our flight a mere 12 hours early. At least we didn't have to take the trip to the aiport to find out that news. So hopefully we'll be coming in tomorrow morning. Keep your fingers crossed!
Travel safe and sound. So sorry to hear that your flight was cancelled.
oh I am so sorry your flight is cancelled. I bet AP & UC are so sad... I just know they had Oliver plans tonite, I just know it!
talked to gramma, her concern is no one will pick her up. I told her not to worry... someone will find there way to her..
Theoretically the Boston flight is on time and should be in at 11ish. One never knows with Jetblue. Auntie has been pacing since yesterday. can't wait for palooza!!
My dad and mom are picking her up from "the manor"...
Beautiful day outside, so I'm taking advantage of that... yep, you guessed it. I'm suckin' down some Blue... oh yeah, and putting my feet up.
Someone brought there 'B' game to fantasy baseball and is still whoopin' my butt.
Another countdown has slipped down to d-day!
Happy baseball bash at the pilaf's day!
I am in a bit of a jam, someone must have paid the paperboy with my quarter stash???
anyone wanna sponsor me??
Cant wait for our 7th inning stretch!
Quincyites are here. Looking forward to this evening. have to find a way to amuse the birthday boy until then. Enjoy
Happy Holtzapalooza Day everyone! And of course, Happy Birthday Cousin Adam! So excited for tonight. I am all set and ready to go. I just need a nap.
Thinking of you KDH. I will take lots of pictures for you.
Holtzapalooza: A gathering of family and friends to share, laughs, food, beverages, a common interest, (whatever that may be), held not frequently enough, but just enough to induce anticipation and excitement.
Root Word: Holtz, you have to have a little in you!
What a fun time was had by all last nite!
Thanks for all the hard work Jff, getting all of together is never easy but always worth the effort.
I think I owe the green bag brown ball winner some money! I just found my ticket
Thanks to all who participated in our Holtzapalooza day.
It is truly like no other!
KDH, we called during the 7th inning stretch, so you could sing with us!
I'm Ready....... depression. Spoken by Spongebob in the Spongebob Squarepants movie. What an amazing time I had last night.
The white brown ball bag contained $26.61. Not sure who threw the penny in but thanks! I may have won that much, but I sure paid a lot to Magic Messager, LLC.
Thank you Jeff for organizing such a great time.
Summer is over, Austin goes home today.
What an awesome time last night... thank you everyone.
Did Buffalo win??? Oh yeah, 5-4 almost forgot.
I got creamed in bubble hockey by Oliver... I think he saw the movie "Color of Money". He conned me into a second game and then toook all my brown ball winnings. Also, a lil' off with and ending number of 3... Gary?
The only one with any energy in this house today is Oliver. he got to sleep early. the rest of us were up way past our bedtimes. Great evening last nite and my first, and prob ably last and only chance, to hobnob in the suites with the rich and famous. Lots of work jt and much appreciated. i can't believe an entire evening without a single "brown ball" Enjoy the day all
Sounds like a heck of a party! I got the full run down this morning. I hope pictures were taken and a blog forthcoming. I missed you all!
We missed ya too, sorry you weren't there.
We're going camping this weekend and it looks like rain the entire trip. I guess we'll have to bring plenty of movies for the kiddies.
Enjoy today, it looks to be the last one for awhile.
The quincy holtzes are back in eastern Mass. and auntie and I will be in recovery for the next few days. Chasing that little kid was like doing wind sprints. Great time but way too short. have a good one all.
I have told anyone who will listen about Holtzapalooza, and each and every person that heard about it, thought it was a grand idea!!
So kudos to the pilaf's for one heck of an idea, planning, and hosting, and everything else!!
I can not think of anything more painful than saying good bye to Oliver!!! How sad! As he just get cuter everyday!
KDH, just so you are aware, before we awarded the brown ball bags, we voted on where to have Holtzapalooza 3, and it was voted on by the masses that it will be a destination palooza and oddly enough it will be in Hotlanta, TAAADAAA you were voted to host Holtzapalooza 2010. What an honor!
I will bring chips.
Jnna--got a chance to look at the rest of your pics today--awesome job! I enlarged the "thank God I was a Yankee" quote & framed it for jff!
What happened to our last 2 comments?
What is happening to all our comments?
I go to bed and Favre gets traded to the Jets... I've been watching the story unfold now for weeks and just like that I miss it... darn you sleep!
Work picnic today... I hope I stay dry.
Let's hope the blog is back up and running ASAP.
That's great! Did Jff see the pictures?
I don't know. What is happening to the comments? And K, based upon the reactions of the people in the suites on both sides of the palooza group, you had best be out of Hotlanta before 2010, with no forwarding address, chips or not.
Just lost my comment. Hmmmm! Anyhow, I just said that based upon the reactions of the people in the suites on both sides of the palooza group, that if KDH is smart, she will be out of Hotlanta before 2010 without leaving a forwarding address,despite the offer of chips
Just lost another one. Better wait and see where all of these are going.
Each time I comment, another one appears, but not mine. this is really cool. who will show up this time?
OK, so they are 3 behind. All of the remaining are mine.
I think that the blog is still tired from palooza
ok the blog is like an alternative universe this morning. All these comments asking where comments are. how existential!
Why do I need to be out of ATL by 2010? My lease in the new building will run through 2012!
you better be out of hotlanta by 2010, chips or not, kdh!
you better be out of hotlanta by 2010, chips or not, kdh
you better be out of hotlanta by 2010, chips or not, kdh
i was just trying to make fun of dad, but probably just came off as being lame... that's the holtz sense of humor. Just keep throwing crap out there, hoping that something will stick!
Big storm going on, the kids are freakin'. I'm luvin' it.
LOL. Each time someone new posts a comment, the person who commented before said writer's comment appears. Then the said writer has to wait until someone else posts for their comment to be heard.
Very tricky blog, but were on to ya. I think that's a sign that we need a new blog.
What a storm in Tonawanda!
Palooza 2009 in Hotlanta!
LOL. Each time someone new posts a comment, the person who commented before said writer's comment appears. Then the said writer has to wait until someone else posts for their comment to be heard.
Very tricky blog, but were on to ya. I think that's a sign that we need a new blog.
What a storm in Tonawanda!
Palooza 2009 in Hotlanta!
When do you think the blog will get caught up?
Chef George is outside cooking in this Thunderstorm warning because we were craving Mineo and Sapeo sausage.
New Blog!
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