Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Hee hee...

Some things just make me giggle.


Anonymous said...

Great new blog! And I am the first to post. I have so much to report .

I must say, Happy Belated Birthday to my sister! She came over and we had cake and icecream. It was a great time.

The travellers are safe and sound in Texas. As of 7:30 pm, Grandma was up $50 on a scratch off and mom and aunt sue pounded 3 beers and 3 glasses of wine.

Needless to say, gram will be holding both their heads over a toilet tonight.

BUT, Jill has a story about today, and I will let her tell it!

Off to get dinner........... Touch of Italy pizza.

Anonymous said...

happy birthday jll! Hope it was a great one. Bring on the stories, please!

OK, the blog is slightly possessed this morning. This is KDH, no matter what the blog tells me I can and can't do!

Anonymous said...

got the normal screen back, but kdh is right, something is wrong

Anonymous said...

Happy belated birthday cuzin' Jll! I hope you had an awesome day.

Zach's school, St. John's, won the soccer championship today 2-0 on a lot nicer day today than on Tuesday.

Anonymous said...

Back from MN & The Mall of America--not enough time to shop BUT just enough time to ride the Spongebob Squarepants Rock Bottom Plunge roller coaster!! It was awesome & well worth the rediculous amount of money I spent on it!!. The first hill/drop was a 90 degree, straight up, four floor hill thingamijig followed by tons of upside down loopy doops---I was soooo glad that dinner was AFTER the ride! As for the mall...I am so depressed---I could have spent days in there...between the Bubba Gump Shrimp Shop & The Field of Dreams Shop & Lego Land & the Caribou Coffee house--I was dyin'! Not only to the mall was an Ikea (no I didn't see KDH in there)---Who spends 750.00 on a plane ticket for a SpongBob ride?! Guess that would be me!

Anonymous said...

Hello Family...Back in the office after a couple days of traveling.

Coincidentally, I was on San Antonio bound's Atlanta flight on Wednesday. I surprised grandma at the airport. I was going to try and sit next to her, but they had bumped me up to First Class. No way was I giving that seat up. (You know what I mean KDH). Unfortunately, the flight was a little late into Atlanta due to some flurries in Buffalo and the first de-icing of the season on the plane.

Had a nice quiet Birthday. Nothing special since it landed on a Tuesday! Boo!

Anonymous said...

Yeah it's Friday and I've got my growler of oatmeal stout already. LLet the weekend begin.

Anonymous said...

Sorry, welcome back Jll. Pretend your birthday's tonight and go crazy. That's what I do.

Anonymous said...

Let's hear it for Friday!!!! Sorry that your b=day wasn't of the weekend bangup variety, but I think that nphw jffs advice is good. Days are interchangeable. You can "officially" celebrate whenever yoo want. I can't believe that you were able to hang on to first class with a grandmother, mother and aunt all casting envious eyes. I think that there was a Seinfeld episode on that topic. Is soccer season officially over now that the champs have been crowned or will the Pilafs continue to go out and stand in bad weather just out of habit? How about a pool to see if UG or Good gary is the first to break into the hffb win column. After 2 weeks of bret as my qb and my first 2 losses of the season, I am off his band wagon

Anonymous said...

There's a report out of the Holtz Family Football site saying that Brett Favre had been seen talking to coaches of the Dundee Scots team and was discussing ways to beat West Falls.

Thank goodness fall soccer is over. Bring on the indoor sports that serve hot cocoa.

Anonymous said...

That doesnt suprise me one bit.

Lake Effect Snow on Sunday, what's that all about?

Anonymous said...

Lovely day out there. Can't decide what outdoor activity first. Just an update that there is a new O blog, but don't go there if you frighten easily. He is pretty scary. Enjoy the day all and go Bills tomorrow

Anonymous said...

What a tough loss today! That was a gift to them.

So the travellers will return to the WNY area tomorrow night at approx 841pm.

Anonymous said...

Check out the Buffalo News Article:

Good Gary has been pretty busy at work. The article failed to mention that 2 HD employees (one whom I won't mention...Good Gary) followed the vehicle in their own car driving on the shoulder of the 190 trying to catch up to the Budget Rental Truck.

Anonymous said...

I am so proud that I know Good Gary!

Waiting to pick up the Travellers. Little do they know, that the temps are supposed to drop this week.

Decided to take a few online classes one of which is Latin America 1821-present. I might need some tutoring Unkie and Adam.

Anonymous said...

A short but sweet story from the Buffalo sNews... nice job Good Gary!!!

Welcome back weary travelers, whatcha bring me?

Anonymous said...

Hellooooo Family!!!
Yes we are back safe and sound, but what an adventure, film at 11.
First let me put to rest the biggest rumor..
On Tuesday, 10/21 Happy belated birthday daughter, gramma came over for cake and ice cream to help celebrate the day. On the way home she wanted me to stop and buy her, well you know what, so I ran into wilson farms bought her 28 dollars of scratch offs, and off we went. On Wed we left for San Antonio, on the plane gramma was scratching off her tickets, and all of sudden her and Barb were very quiet??? We get off the plane in Hotlanta and gramma announces in a hushed tone that she has won 20,000$. Sue and I look at each other, and Barb confirms, no she won, she won.
For the next 6 days she hugged her purse for dear life!
Upon landing, jnna took us to wilson farms to verify her winnings, and other than the 20,000 they paid her for her other 84$ in winning tickets. Upon further review, it was not a winning ticket, you see gramma thought the "S" was an "E" and hence she had her 10 words. So she is not the big winner.
NO 20,000$, NO big Christmas presents, NO turkey hash, etc..
But we did have a lot of fun, and she had a lot of fun thinking she had a lot of MONEY!
We had a great trip, and I will work on the SA blog toots sweet!
Jff, I reminded your mom repeated to bring you home something, and she repeatedly said no... sorry!
What happened to the Bills????

Anonymous said...

Glad to see that our travellers are back safe and sound, but it would be even better with the 20 grand. I did try to explain to mom the letters that verify and I thought that she had it but I guess not. Does that mean that like nphw jff I don't get a present either? Found the story on good gary in the NEWS and I think that its time he started packin' so he could shoot out the tires of these fleeing vehicles. Yes auntie, the Bills went down but you became the 3rd consecutive team to pound me in hffb which is at least some reward for you. I woke up today expecting something more decisive in the world series than a suspended game. Me, I'm still at work with an afterschool meeting. don't like these long days, but I may take advantage of the 2.99 gas being offered locally, the price I paid 3 weeks ago in Boston. so far no snow in the air. What's it like coming back from the 80's in San Antonio?

Anonymous said...

Just in from SA says this about the weather BLEECH!
Gas in SA? 2.16

Anonymous said...

Just got back from San Diego...where it was a beatuiful sunny 90ยบ. We had to drive about 120 miles east along the border to El Centro, CA. During the trip we got stuck at a Border Patrol checkpoint where the officer took one look at my lilly white skin and waved us through.

Then we saw a Border Patrol helicopter circling around and several unmarked cop cars on the side of the road with their doors open and nobody around. I am guessing some illegals were on the run.

Anonymous said...

Jll, did you stop off at Kendra's mom's house when you were in SD?

Nice day outside today and hopefully a nicer one tomorrow when the kiddies are out T&Tin'. Once again we'll be jammin' outside to some early Floyd and servin' up candy to the passerbyes. How's GG preparing for tomorrow's eve?

Anonymous said...

Are the Sabres even playing tonight???

Anonymous said...

I can not even compare to my sisters story, however; I was granted a half day today to take a road trip to ERIE, PA to see; you guessed it, VP CANDIDATE SARAH PALIN!

20 rows from her, what a great day I had. I took ton of pictures and was even on the 5pm news on Ch. 4.

Anonymous said...

I was unlucky enough to go to the Sabres game last night. BRUTAL! I want my 30 bucks back!

Anonymous said...

Oliver's costume is the best!
I wonder what the folks at Luther Manor will be donning for their favorite holiday???
I think GG will be dressed as a cowgirl!

Anonymous said...

That's a good costume to wear with her bright red lipstick.

Kids had a fun time last night as did the older crowd. Gorgeous, gorgeous evening. Fire pit, cold oatmeal stout from our friends at Flying Bison, and Pink Floyd in the background for ambiance, what a nice evening indeed. I hope everyone else had just as nice an evening as ours.

Sandra and I are off to Dannny's tonight for dinner to celebrate her birthday. Feel free to raise your frosty glass in her honor tonight.

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Sandra!!!
I hope its a day like no other!
Very quiet halloween, only about 30 kids, I think I ate more candy than I handed out.
Hoping to download the SA pix to do our annual blog.. well semi annual maybe.
Lets go BILLS!

Anonymous said...

Sandra's b-day is on All-Saints day... she always reminds me of that.

We drove up to Lewiston last night and had dinner at the Water Steet Landing Restaurant and had a very nice dinner, with an awesome view overlooking the gorge. The sun was setting and just made for a nice evening (w/out the kiddies).
Then we drove to Niagara Falls to catch a movie and saw "Burn After Reading" (very Fargo-esque, which I love... Coen bros.). I liked it. And that was it for us, Sandra asleep as soon as the news started.

Anonymous said...

No San Antonio pics yet? Don't make me do a blog abo0ut Paul Maholm.

Anonymous said...

A bills loss, what a tough day. Tough day.

Don't forget everyone get out and vote (MCCAIN). Polls open at 6.

Anonymous said...

Yep, we'll be there at 6... 6 PM.

No responses to my Paul Maholm threat.

Anonymous said...

So I totally wanted to do a blog on Sunday but no one would help me!
Maybe tonite I can get the pictures up tonite, hint hint hint.
Go vote all...
For Ralph Nader!
Great Sabre game last nite!
Other than that nothing really going on.
who else is voting for baby joe mesi, hands in the air???

Anonymous said...

Been out of the loop for a bit and a hppy belated bdy to nc sndr and the hopes that you had a great day. Auntie and I decided that we were going to fly to hotlanta to make a surprise visit to the ribbon cutting ceremonies at KDHRC on Monday so we were trying to stay under the radar, hence no recent blog action. I guess that we were successful in making it a surprise, at least that is what kristen reported. So we are back in town and ready to vote early and often as they say in Chicago. Beautiful day and no excuses for not voting. Enjoy

Anonymous said...

Congratulations KDH!!!!

Anonymous said...

Had the ribbon cutting been last week, we totally could have been there!
How exciting, I dont believe I have ever been to a ribbon cutting or a ship christening
I thought my brother was busy filling out his absentee ballot!
Ribbon cutting pictures please!

Anonymous said...

Congrats KDH, that's great to hear!
Early and often... too funny Unckie.

I'm off to the UB game on a gorgeous evening.

Anonymous said...

Congrats KDH!!

Anonymous said...

The best thing about the election is that its over! Surprise of the night is Baby Joe Mesi lost! What will he do now???

Anonymous said...

I can honestly say in all the years that I have been voting, since I proudly pulled Richard Nixon's lever, have I ever been an 0 for like I am this AM
I did not even get the DA right!
Oh well, what can I say!
For the record the first person Gramma ever voted for was FDR, the first time!
Great UB game to watch on TV!
The best news of the day is that the Yankee's are not exercising the option on Carl Pavano! Yea to that!
Enjoy Wed one and all...

Anonymous said...

I kept my record intact of never voting for a presidential winner as I gave my vote to Ralph and the Green Party. Results made for a lively day of class discussions. Poor Baby Joe. It's amazing that everyone says how unhappy they are with the present situation and look at the results as 90 + percent of the incombents got reelected. Go UB!! My fortunes in hffb seem to mirror the Bills as I like them are going into the tank weekly. Enjoy the rest of a beautiful day.

Anonymous said...

Beautiful, beautiful day. Do we, as western new yorkers, derserve such a gorgeous day?

As far as politics go, I may be to conservative for even my party.

Big slot car race on the isle of Grande tonight with first-timer Emma burning up the drag strip.

Great UB game to be at last night. Big UB conference win, beautiful fall evening, and only the roar of the non-property owning students to put a damper on the evening as NBC kept giving us electoral updates.

Anonymous said...

Zach had the fastest car last night. And Emma made it to the finals only to be beat ut by her brother and then couldn't finish in the top three after that.

Anonymous said...

Since the elections have died down, I think it is appropriate to annouce to my family my intent to run for School Board.

I have made the contacts, I have formed my committee (grandma), and I am in the process of filing the paperwork.

Vote Koch for real change in school board. Something that involves change, it worked for Obama.

I need a slogan! Help me out!

Anonymous said...

I think you said it... Vote for change, It worked for Obama!
What are you going to change? Actually, it doesn't matter.

It was great to hear today that the government is going to take over my 401K at a whopping 3% increase every year... Yahoo!!!
That's so much better than the 12% the market's been averaging for the last 50 years. Thanks Obama... What else can we change?