So we were graciously invited back to San Antonio, to the Eagle Ranch Bed and Breakfast, and so we packed up our wares and headed south. Cookie was flying that day also, much to our surprise!

Flying with Gramma is never really a challenge as long as you bring her scratch offs and we have a wheel chair!

Notice we are all in jackets, sweatshirts, etc. It was snowing that day on our way to the airport and our plane was delayed as it had to be de - iced!

Of course it is common knowledge that Gramma thought she had won 20,000$. No she was convinced she had won 20 grand! Here is Cousin Barb holding her "winning" ticket. Barb was pretty much the only one, Gramma would let touch her golden ticket!

Chores are a part of each day on the ranch, Gramma and Barb were given the job of "stuffing" our scare crow for our Halloween decorations. Gramma was pretty much stationed in her rocker for the duration of our stay.

Here is my sister, busy at work on the porch of the quest house. Notice the bright sunshine, sigh!

This is just one of the many photo's I took of the garden. Notice the 15 foot high plant in the middle of the garden? It is a century plant, it blooms once and only once at about 10 years of age, it is getting ready to bloom, unfortunately it did not happen while we were there. But the local paper did come out and take pictures!

Gramma, cousins Pat and Barb after our pumpkin hunting outing. Notice the "jug" on the truck!

One of the fun things I like to do is, put different hats on Gramma's head and take her picture! She fusses, but she is always a good sport. I find this picture one of the better ones! You can fill in your own caption.

In addition to the Bed and Breakfast and all the community organizations the Col and Pat belong to, they also have the Corny Colonel Business. This is a food vendor stand that is set up at local fairs and festivals. They sell corn dogs, popcorn, fried snickers bars, funnel cakes, pop and water. This was the Fall Harvest Festival that Sue and I helped with. It was a gorgeous day, and a lot of fun, but whoa, a lot of hard work.

I am not quite sure what she is talking about? But she does have a captive audience.

The Col was paying no attention to what Sue was talking about. Come to think of it, I don't think any one was....
All in All, Gramma at 91 years old, is pushed and pulled from pillar to post, shoved and wheeled all over, kept up late to take our money at poker, and is one of the best seasoned travelers! We thank from the bottom of our hearts our gracious and generous hosts, we had a ball!
What a great blog! I had to In-service mother on how to post pictures up.
In case no one read the last comment on the last blog, I have decided to run for the City of Tonawanda School Board. I have formed my committee (Grandma), declared my intent to run, in the process of filing the necessary paperwork, and all I need is.............
A slogan, and some voter fraud.
Who can help?
I always need an inservice on picture posting!
Jnna, I think everyone is aware of your lofty ambitions for school board. And no I dont think anyone will help!
happy friday, one and all
Good Blog!!!!
Congrats Jenna...First stop School Board, Next stop the Presidency! How about that?
Yay for Friday and it being Pay Day! However, after today I only have 3 pay days left til Christmas. EEK!!!
I forgot to include that the Col is one of our Blog Fans, and he told me his favorite BLOG was Jff's about the squirrel!
I did remind him he would have to be more specific as I do believe Jff has done quite a few blogs about a squirrel!
Now that is one GREAT blog. Great pix and really captured the essence of their place. I am envious. Mom is still pretty amazing. Is there any chance of any of us making it to that age let alone..... Finally, a politico in the family. Yeah nc jnn. You go girl!! I will see if I still have my voter card from 237 Grove and if I do we are well on our way to a little voter fraud. WE SHALL OVERCOME!!
Yeah, I'm 6th!! and I love funnel cake!!!
Great blog! Auntie B it kept me rivetted and wanting more. I just loved the part about the colonal. He always makes me laugh.
And how come Jll only thinks is a "good" blog?
Voter fraud??? That's a Holtz first.
I had to read the blog again, nice job... even a second time around.
Okay, so what's everyone doing today? The kids and I (Sandra's at a women's retreat) are going to see Wall-E at the Riviera in NT this AM (Lumberjacks lost last night to OP). So that'll be fun. I love their popcorn.
On the news front: Sandra got hit from behind yesterday, she's doing okay, her back was a lil' sore and the back-hatch in the van got pushed in. So nothing major, we'll just have to get it fixed.
Enjoy your weekend everyone. Big game against the Bruins tonight.
Good Morning! Austin is in town this weekend, so we of course are trying to do things to keep him occupied.
I am so sorry to hear that Sandra was hit! Isn't this the second accident? Poor thing.
Love the blog mom. Voter Fraud, I love it!
OMG so sorry about the fender bender! Glad she was not hurt! most impt thing!
Mom is amazing, when I tell you what we put her through to get her on a plane and off a plane and in a cab and out of a cab, and she only fell once! amazing!
brr, enjoy leaf raking one and all.
I love that Jll has soooooo much energy that gramma still has to put her hand on her arm to settle her down.
I could smell the funnel cakes...
Felt as if I were therew with you!
Nothing like a hit-and-run to start off you weekend! Jll can you do something about that?
The kids went by the accident on their bus waving out the window "Hi Mom!" too funny!
Ugh. UGH!!!
I agree! Why does billacheck wear those have sweatshirts and blow in his hands?
Why didn't Jauron throw the red flag in the first quarter sooner?
Trent Edwards needs to get his eyes checked out!
Hi AP, we have not heard from you in ages! How are you???
The line of demarkation for the snow is Sheridan drive!
TRIPLE UGH to the BILLS.. It is bad enough that we have to deal with the bills, the snow and billbellichuck was the front page of the sports yesterday, what was up with that!
Just a reminder that on Nov 27th, dinner will be served to one and all, probably around 1 as George has to work at Degraff that day. I say that now, and around 3 we are still eating cheese and crackers! But please know there will be enough food, drink and forks for all. All are welcome, and if you have someone who has no where to go bring them too!
try to get through the next 7.5
Sndra, sorry to hear about the fender bender. Seems to be a lot of that going around. K, and since she hasn't been around here much lately I will tell the story for her, had an interesting incident while she was in LA with a rental car, where she was sideswiped in a hotel traffic circle by a new Escalade. The driver, after being taken out of a meeting in the hotel told police that she "deserved it". Me, I had a first yesterday as I went for a long walk in the rain during the second half. I was looking for a dentist who might have allowed me a walk in root canal, which would have been a whole lot more fun than the Bills game. The "lack of flag" incident, combined with the utter stupidity at the end of the first half of letting the clock run down to onesecond and THEN taking a timeout, which only left two after NE was pinned on the two so they could run out the clock, I couldn't handle any more. About two inches of snow here (lots of twos today) and a stopover to Mom's for a library run. Looks like a busy day. Stay safe. Thanks for the invite Auntie B.
what does one do to " deserve getting hit" in a traffic circle?
I would have flown out of the car, and well, it would have required western union bail money to save me!
I agree with Jeff, lets all become Detroit Lions fans, they loose every week, play lousy, no surprises! Being a Bills fan, not for the faint of heart!
one other plus of being a bills fan- no worries that your franchise will relocate in the near future.
We need more pictures of Jnna passed out in Germany. I miss those days.
Emma sick, poor lil' girl.
Unckie, seems kinda extreme. I just took a nap... geesh.
well here we are at tuesday, Veterans Day. Is it appropriate to say Happy Veteran's Day? I am quessing that would be a no. So if you have today off, kudos to you. If not plug ahead.
Other than that, not much else going on. It was wonderful to see AP on the blog, and UC did refer to KDH, so I think her getting referred to is almost like her posting? right?
enjoy the gray cold day
This is the second time in fantasy football I've scored over 100 points and still lossed. This time coming at the corn eating hands of the PigSkins. Nice job Jll. Congrats.
I'm home today and off all week as we prepare for a mini-vacation down in that swing-state hotbed known as Lancaster, PA. I should bring my golf clubs.
Anybody have today off? Me neither. Judging by the lack of cars in my parking ramp, I am guessing a lot of people do. Oh well! I shall overcome!
I am among those enjoying a day off work as is Auntie. No flu clinics on Vets day. Got Mom's books and groceries yesterday and listened to her vent over the fact that people were not appreciative of her vets day lobby decorations. 90th anniversary of 11:11 on 11-11
pretty amazing that Mom was a mere year and a half on that day. Nphw jff, do take the clubs to Lancaster. Overlook golf course in Manheim/Lititz=good value and fun to play. Thank God the Bills play on Monday nite and I can go to bed.But then again, they do have the same record as the Eagles and nobody has written off the Eagles and if they win on Mon. and I watched the 49ers butcher the clock last nite and we play the 49ers, and KC who we play has worse luck than us with a former pitcher Bobby Thigpen q-bing, and with the Jets and Pats playing each other this, I need to stop myself here I am regaining hope.
Just like a true Buffalonian.... if the Browns turn the ball over 6 times this week... listen, other Gary has already said their not going to make the playoffs... that's it.
Is "Other" Gary like Puxatony Phil, if he sees his shadow..... Ah whatever that saying is?
Unkie, I couldn't help but recall a post you had this week about EA getting 2 inches of snow. I know I am only a few blocks away but not a covering from my work to Gentle Dentistry.
Auntie P probably covered their front lawn in styrofoam peanuts just to freak Unckie out. She's like that.
Jff, LOL!!!
Can you not picture AP out flocking their front lawn, so UC grumbles! And then fires up the snowblower! too funny!
If I didn't know better I might think that I was being made fun of. Point of FACT, there was a measureable amount of snow, looked like at least 2 inches to me, but as the THS girls always knew, I was not always the most accurate of measurers since I am part Irish, right Adam? and that was on the bench on the back patio. Admittedly there was no accumulation on the roads or driveway, but nevertheless, snow it was. Now that I know that I am being held accountable I will try to be more accurate. styrofoam on the lawn indeed!
How is everybody doing on their search for the perfect pirate gift?? We already know about yours Unkie. I got mine last night and it's a good one.
Flocking the front lawn...Hmmmm, interesting idea.
It was nice to know I was missed! Those darn flu clinics really cut into my time. It's sort of like working again only at a 1/3 of the pay and more days. Oh well, it will all be over after next week.
Hi family -- sorry for the long absence. Things here at KDHRC corporate headquarters are swimming along. After only 2 weeks, the computer technician is gone and the IT infrastructure (knock wood) is functioning. He was starting to be like the painter on Murphy Brown he was here so much -- he had his own coffee mug and could sign for packages and such.
Glad to hear that the San Antonio trip was a good one and that all is well, even if the Bills are losing and there's snow on the ground in EA.
I can't BELIEVE its time for the pirate game -- that's some big pressure!
We sure missed you KDH! Please let me know when we can buy stock in your corporation.
Pirate gift? I think I need a recap of the rules please.
On vacation starting the 24th for 10 days. What does one do with all that time?
I want to know where Jenna gets all this vacation time?? It seems like she is off more than Jeff! I used the last of mine on Vegas so I will be working through the holidays.
So much excitement in the world!
Well our corner of the world anyway!
The "bowl bound" Bulls! Yea, did all see that game?? mmm yea me neither.
Sears is now offering layaway!
KDH, LOL, yes I remember Eldon very much..
AP busy busy busy with protecting the masses from the flu.
It will be a very busy weekend as we prepare for the Bills on Monday nite.
Enjoy friday one and all
Wow, everybody, well almost everybody, back in the mix. UB bowl bound? And I opened my mouth back on labor day saying that I was in for a bowl trip if they made it. This could get exciting. Does the MAC play in the Rose Bowl? Nc jnn with big time vacation days. sounds like a trip in the offing. Yes, it's a comfort to know that my pirate gift is already taken care of. Enjoy, what appears to be a nice day. Me, I am home with "THE FLU' which is causing me to miss a day of teacher training. I hope that someone tapes the session so I can find out what I missed. Enjoy
I can't believe that nc jnn has dragged 56 pts out of 2 players, and b oth the hated pats to begin with. Poor nc jll!!
The Rices are back safe from Sandra's conference in Lancaster, PA and we had a really nice time staying at the Willow Valley (check it out online). The kids got to go swimming and enjoyed that and I got to eat and drink. During the trip we went to see PA's Railroad Museum in Strasburg and then on the way home the Little League Museum in Williamsport (pictures galore with our new Christmas present). I'm sure a blog could be coming. BTW, Rt. 15 is major for sightseeing... Little League Museum and Bucknell College, who knew?
How did Jnna end up with more vacation time than me? Bite your tongue, that's blasphemy.
What a gorgeous day yesterday!
How does one prepare for an impending vacation? Jeff, help me out!
With 10 days off, I must focus my attention on the best, the greatest, and the most sought after Pirate Gift. Any suggestions?
How does one prepare for an impending vacation? Jeff, help me out!
With 10 days off, I must focus my attention on the best, the greatest, and the most sought after Pirate Gift. Any suggestions?
Why not have Jff take a day off with you and you could "shadow" a day off Jff style--I'm sure he could find the time!
#1. Your obviously in the wrong frame of mind if you want to prepare for vacation.
Prep work is done at "work". Your on vacation now, you don't do anything. Rookie.
Is it nice outside?
Do I have to watch the game tonight?
Happy Monday nite football monday!
Is everyone so excited for the game tonite,yea me neither.
So how was the weekend for everyone, good? productive? relaxing? thats good to hear!
Got some great pictures back from Jff and his lovely family and there time on their mini vacation.
Got my flu shot, lets see thats about it! Enjoy Monday one and all
I am currently staring at the bumper to bumper traffic on the Skyway from my office window. What a pain game day traffic is!
That's great! I saw some guys in their game jerseys (does anyone remember Malone #24?... yeh, me either) loading up the mini-van. I did have a chance to go tonight, but too late and too cold. I remember when I used to go sleepless nights waiting for these games. Now I'm just a slug.
So I thought I would start a little christmas shopping at, as I refuse to go to the mall. And quess what they were advertising at MLB. com, a Boston Red Sox toy chest??? Now who would make such a purchase?
Well just so everyone is aware that will not be my pirate gift, but they Yankee gardening shoes, now that is another thing!
I was on and saw these wonderful Yankee his & her nose hair trimmers. I'm buying it for Sandra and me for our anniversary. She'll love it!
3 interceptions! Bring in Losman!
I think I would rather write about Latin America's "long dark night of state sponsored terrorism." But, I have no idea what that was! So history buffs; if you know, share the knowledge.
Well here we are, the ground covered in snow,
Our faces grim,
Our hope looks dim,
The wind and the Buffalo Bills just blow.
the end
That was a wonderful Haiku mom!
I stayed up way past my bedtime for THAT!!!!!
I don't know what I'm most upset about.
1) That Edwards threw 3 interceptios in 4 possessions
2) That Tony Kornhole just HAD to mention scott norwood and wide right 300 times before Lindell's field goal
3) that Phil Dawson rose from the dead to boot a 56!!! yard field goal
4)That I stayed up to watch the horrible excuse of a football game
5) That my wife woke up just as the failed kick hit the ground and yelled at me to "shut that sh!& off
6) That I have absolutely nobody to commiserate with at work today. Its tough being a bills fan in new england
Wide right wide right why is it always wide right?
Sorry Adm, but it's better to be at least 200 miles away ... or more, than be here today after a Bills game. Has it ever been greyer out? It's almost like someone is trying to punish us for something we didn't do.
PS I loved the haiku! (close enough to a haiku without proper training)
I went to bed at the half after they butchered their timeouts once again. Spent the nite dreaming about the game so I might as well have stayed up. It was too late to go for a walk last nite during the game. the obama administration needs to hire Jauron's agent to work for our country. That guy is really good.
The New York Police are cracking down on speeders heading into Buffalo .
For the first offense, they give you two Buffalo Bills tickets.
If you get stopped a second time, they make you use them.
Q.. What do you call 47 millionaires around a TV watching the Super Bowl?
A. The Buffalo Bills
Q. What do the Buffalo Bills and Billy Graham have in common?
A. They both can make 70,000 people stand up and yell "Jesus Christ.”
Q. How do you keep a Buffalo Bill out of your yard?
A. Put up a goal post.
Q. Where do you go in Buffalo in case of a tornado?
A. To Buffalo Bills Stadium - they never get a touchdown there!
Q. What do you call a Buffalo Bill with a Super Bowl ring?
A. A thief.
Q. What's the difference between the Buffalo Bills and a dollar bill?
A. You can still get four quarters out of a dollar bill.
Q. How many Buffalo Bills does it take to win a Super Bowl?
A. Nobody knows and we may never find out!
Q. What do the Bills and a possum have in common?
A. Both play dead at home and get killed on the road
Its funny how quickly Dolphins fans find a thrown to stand on after winning only 1 game last year!
Was that abuse by a Miami fan?? Wow! Probably someone who hangs out with Ricky Williams
... or Mercury Morris.
Seriously, who woke up the Dolphins fan... they've been sleeping for the last 6 years.
And at least we have 73,000 fans showing up to our games. It's a miracle if half that show up for a Dolphins game and that's just to receice the Dan Marino bobblehead.
A dolphins fan crashing our blog site! Just counting down the days to December 7th arent ya? Guess what, your coming to our turf. Well more like our dome.
Well more like Canada's dome.
Only 2 more working days until my vacation; which Gram has already told me she has me booked on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday. So is it really considered a vacation?
just wait til we get dem dolphins dere in our parlour, eh? We'll show them all the x, y, zeds of playing the game. And nc jnn, according to gram, you are looking to get out of the house next week for fear that your mom has got chores for you.
any truth?
sometimes you just have to scratch your head over the ways of the world! For example today, George Steinbrenner turned the New York Yankee's franchise over to son Hal, and Snoop Dog was the guest on Martha Stewart Living.
SIGH, the stars are mis aligned somewhere???
Unk, you are correct! I can't be trapped at home, my mom will put me to work.
I am hoping my aunt and uncle in NT want there house closely monitored and I can stay there.
Or I might end up at Jill's house.
Do you know its really hard to get the work done that you need to get done while your away from the office.
I realized my comment was posted, and I didn't finish my thought. So here goes...... I meant to say it is really hard to
Someone's got some freetime... sigh... the good ol' daze.
I love Fridaze! Sandra (even though she has a cold) and I are going out tonight to eat, drink, and beer merry at Sawyer's Creek (now known as Rico's cafe).
Yeah Fridaze!!!
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