by JT Pilaf
The stockings were hung on Mickey Mantle with care...
I can do this anywhere (we have documentation) it's just nicer to do when there's no worries about.

After the pool time we drove 20 minutes down the road to Strasburg to see PA.'s Railroad Museum. It was a really nice setup. They had an inter-active area for kids and adults and then a huge warehouse filled with old passenger cars, engines, freights, everything from years past. They even had the Engineer Hall of Fame. I didn't see any woman engineers in the HOF and that got Emma mad.
They also had a gift shop there... hmmm... pirate gift???

The kids got to play and spent close to two hours in the inter-active room going from one diisplay to the next. Sandra and I saddled up to a bench and just watched them for ever.

Then on the way home on RT. 15 westopped off at the Little League Museum in Williamsport, PA. The price was right and we had a good time there. They had a Jackie Robinson display, early LL world series displays, when it started, who's been in it, what countries have won it, very informative. Did you know Pierre Tourgeon is in the Hall of Excellance for Little League? Neither did I.

The kids got to play and spent close to two hours in the inter-active room going from one diisplay to the next. Sandra and I saddled up to a bench and just watched them for ever.
Adm, doesn't she look good in that hat? CC would look almost as good in that Yankee hat... almost.
Usually Emma has to stand back as Zach dominates the display, but there was enough to go around for everyone here.

Then on the way home on RT. 15 westopped off at the Little League Museum in Williamsport, PA. The price was right and we had a good time there. They had a Jackie Robinson display, early LL world series displays, when it started, who's been in it, what countries have won it, very informative. Did you know Pierre Tourgeon is in the Hall of Excellance for Little League? Neither did I.
And I get to be first!! Yeah! With these last two blogs we should be able to get a gig on the Travel channel. An excellent effort nphw jff. Informative, filled with touching hallmark family moments,and not a beer bottle to be seen anywhere. An engineer's hat? An autographed baseball from the 1983 Taiwanese team? Everyone will be on pins and needles for the next month. Enjoy the Sat. all. Better here than Mayville. Looks like I am bowl committed for the Bulls. Miami? Orange Bowl?
I wanted to call you last night immediately after they scored. It's time to start planning.
On a side note, I read today it's the first bowl since being invited to in 1958 down to the Gator Bowl where they were told to leave their two black players home. The UB Bulls refused and did not go to the bowl game.
Toronto, Detroit and Mobile are the possible destinations according to this morning's paper. Auntie is beside herself with joy, I never really understood that expression, but is already making plans.
Just checked the dates. Detroit on friday 12/26 won't work for me, Sat. 1/3 at noon in Toronto would be a definite, and tuesday, 1/6 in Mobile won't work so the International bowl it will have to be. I was not aware how many bowl games are scheduled for after we go back to school.
Jff, how was Rico's Cafe?? My mom told Grandma yesterday that Sawyer Creek is extinct and I swear I saw a tear run down her face.
Did she hear taps playing in the distance... slowly??? I believe it's still called Sawyer Creek but on the receipt is says Rico's Cafe, so who knows. Either way, the food and beer were delicious (I had plenty) and the barmaid was very friendly. Highly recommended. Two forks up.
And I personally will not stand for any more Bills bashing. There is NO question that Trent is the second coming of Jim Kelly. First the trip to the Bulls bowl game, then to Fla. and the Bills in the superbowl!!!!
Jff, awesome job! Great arm extension for Zach! Great concentration from Emma!
so yesterday I started thigpen over edwards, who knew!
Hope everyone has a great Monday!
Good day everyone only three more daze until I eat my face off on Thanksgiving... Zach will be selling tickets.
I'm with ya Unckie; Trent = Kelly = HOF, UB in the Rose Bowl, the Bills in the Super Bowl, everything. I'm right next to ya.
Bring singles to the holiday get togethers--we need help selling Zach's candy bars for his class trip--helppppppp...I need them out of my house!!!!
I will take 15- a variety pack. Can you wrap them up for me and put pirate gift on the box?
Great blog! You have an amazing talent Jff.
I can't believe all the breaking news stories I miss while I am at work.
The beloved bunnies do "A Christmas Story" enjoy.
Aren't you on vacation?
Today was my last day of work before the Turkey Holiday. AND the only thing I could think about was imitation frozen squash and canned cranberry jelly. Do I have a problem?
On the political front:
Big surprise from Obama today, after further review... no tax cuts can be given. Gee, didn't see that one coming. I hate to say I told ya so, but...
And how many ex-Clinton boys are on his staff now?
This is CHANGE???
Of course I am on vacation and glued to my tv on
Heading to Dundee to pick up Austin up tomorrow.
Happy Turkey Day one day early all! At work...but only til 3. I don't expect to be doing much today. Just staring at the horizontal snow coming off the water. Stay dry all.
What a nice way to spend a day at work. Good thing you have a window with a view.
I'm painting in the AM and then I'm off to the DMV toget my enhanced license. Then... maybe a sandwich. Turkey Bowl tomorrow, I need to get up to my playing weight.
Well Happy Thanksgiving Eve family, friends and fans of the Blog. I did not get my usual time off pre thanksgiving, so I am a little rushed over here, but no worries!
Jnna and GG drove down today to get Austin, so he is here helping which is more than Jenna is doing!
FYI, the door is open, there will be enough food, drinks and horsdvores for all!
I have to admit, when I see pictures of my thanksgiving table I am a bit embarassed. The chairs dont match, nor the dishes, and sometimes the table cloth is not the right size. And then I realized its not the table, its the people that sit around it.
May God Bless everyone, may you be safe and sound, where ever you may be. May you enjoy the day, count your blessings, until we can all be together.
We'll see ya after the big Tukey Bowl for a little while at least.
Happy Thanksgiving everyone!!!
I love the holidays, family time, good food, good people, befuddle-ing conversations, and I'm thankful for it all.
Here is to the most happy of thanksgiving days to all. Things are a little different this year as Mother Bunts has passed the torch over to Linda and we will be using "black" friday as a driving day to quincy. Hope that everyone has a great day. Enjoy
The food smells wonderful. I am upstairs shopping, as everyone else is cleaning. Happy Thanksgiving to one and all. Hope to see everyone who can make it out for some great food and laughs!
Happy Thanksgiving family -- much love to you all today -- I will miss you! Have a great day ... and eat a LOT!
Antie B's post brought a tear to my eye --
A few questions:
Enhanced license? What the heck?
Since when does Jenna use the "e" in her posting name? Someone is getting fancy!
Breaking news?
I'm going out to decorate my house for xmas. its going to be 65 here today!
poppin in to say happy turkey day gobble gobble
Good Point KDH! Thank you for getting me back on track.
Pirate gift ideas, I need them! I want something creative, something no one has ever done before, and hopefully it is a door buster item at Kmart!
Good morning on Black Friday (what a gloomy title).
I'm trying to shop on-line and changed their rules. Can they do that? I just want my Wii for $99. Rats!
Hi KDH have fun decorating today and to answer your one question regarding the "enhanced" license. It can be used as a passport for international travel by ground or by sea to bordering countries and a few off shore isands (Not too Europe though)AND it's only $30, unlike the $100 passport.
I'm off to the UB game today with Zach and my friend today.
Have a good day.
Happy Thanksgiving day +1.
It was a most enjoyable day yesterday! Thanks so much Rice's for stopping by and spending time with us! It was most appreciated.
I did recieve the hightest compliment from my husband, that he felt my oyster dressing was better than my Mom's! Phew that is the ultimate compliment!
Drive safe, UC & AP, and you were missed yesterday! Hope you had a nice day !
KDH, have fun decorating today. mmm 65 that does sound nice!
have a productive black friday everyone!
The oyster dressing was out of theis world!
I forgot to say safe travels to AP & UC in my previous post.
OIFTM ( oh I forgot to mention)
1) cookie and good gary announced last evening how tired they were, so of course the whole triptophan theory was re - explained, which brought to mind that great Roseann line, (when her show was funny) " Yea it was the turkey and not the 10 beers!)
2. I did set off the fire alarm's at 4 AM baking my pumpkin pie, UGH to spills.
3. Just a reminder, we do have business to discuss at Christmas
A) Do we want the game room again this summer at Bison's Park?
B) And what ever will we do for Anastasia's 92nd Birthday???
to let you know, the intrepid travelers made it to quincy before 11:30 this moring. In the car before the clock struck 4. Missed you all at turkey day yesterday! From the immortal words of Mr. Peterson of wkrp in cincinatti- "as god as my witness, I thought turkeys could fly!"
ADM!!! Good to hear and hopefully the long trip was uneventul for them. We missed you guys too.
Two funny lines about Thanksgiving.
Good mornin', what to do, what to do today?
saturday offers so much potential, doesnt it??
Sorry you say a losing game yesterday Jff and Zach!
Good Sabres game!
Enjoy the gray day, good day to put up christmas lights!
Adm, Amy and Oliver, hope you had a great Thanksgiving!
Still makes me laugh, that WKRP episode with the Turkey drop!
We ended up leaving at halftime (very windy and cold) and coming back to my house for an hour, but were fortunate enough to catch the end of the game on TV with a cold Edmond Fitzgerald porter at our siide.
Cleaning day at the Rice's (I'm hiding).
Back in EA after an "eventful" trip back. Going there was great and we really enjoyed our "O time". Coming back, snow started about Albany. covered 2 miles in 90 minutes outside Canandaigua with traffic at a standstill for 5 minutes at a time. No sign of an accident and this is one that I will never figure out. It was worth giving the thruway authority 15 bucks for the privilege of using their stopped traffic. Back to work for all tomorrow. The only good thing was I was forced to listen to the bills, not watch them
I have my pirate gift, finally! Go for the lint brushes people, they will be wrapped like a 6 pack, but its really lint brushes.
Austin went back home today. We had the unfortunate pleasure of watching the bills today.
I think its safe to say their playoff hopes will have to wait another year.
How did the drive with Austin go? That could not have been fun. And have the Bills been mathmatically eliminated yet?
Welcome back home AP & UC. Sorry to hear about your "white" return on the 90. That could not have been fun.
December 1st today. Can you believe it? Where do the days go?
Unfortunately, I had to watch the Bills yesterday (I had seats on the 50... trust me they still looked horrible even up that close). But, and a big but, I left early... I just couldn't take it anymore.
The drive wasn't so bad with Anastasia as my navigator. I always wanted to get her a captains hat. I can just never find one. It was touch and go for awhile when she told me to head towards Erie PA. But we managed. He is home safe and sound.
I think we can rule out the bills from making the playoffs this year. But Chris Berman still has hope.
Perhaps they can beat Miami in the dome on Sunday!
Here we are tuesday the 2nd already, it just seems like it was monday the 1st..
Lets see what is happening.
Had Mom over for pizza on Sat, she was sick of turykey!
Still have not heard from my sister and BIL, have they returned?
kind of a gray day, but no snow at least, it was just starting to snow a little on maple, be careful Jff!
still grappling about a pirate gift?
How does jam of the month sound??
yea, me neither
I saw Albany posted, thought they retired to Florida??
So they are thinking byron brown for hillary's job?? At least we would have a voice!
enjoy tuesday all!
It's snowing like crazy here so I'm going to decorate for Christmas. I'll start with the flocking!
Jnna~I'm trying to do a new blog but It says I need a google account or some such nonsense. Is there a new secret password?
Flocking??? Alone??? I guess that's alright.
Yep, new ID and password. Jnna, help her out we need a new blog.
Snowing like crazy here too. Enjoy the evening everyone.
I am still in school awaiting the arrival of parents for conferences and I read on the blog that my wife is home flocking? Strange that she waits until a day when I will be gone until 8 pm. Is there a message here?
Ouch! At least the living room will be clean and smell great.
I love new blogs!
AUntie, I lef the information on your machine, make sure Unkie doesnt delete it. He might still be mad at me over my squeeker win this week.
Thanks, Jnna! Got it as you can see.
Flocking was great!
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