We are so glad everyone is coming to East Aurora for our family celebration. We know it won't be easy to be here by 10ish and appreciate the effort. PJs are acceptable attire. With that in mind, we decided to do brunch instead of dinner. Don't worry, there will be lots of delicious food so come hungry. We will mix our champagne with a splash of OJ and Bloody Mary's will be availble for those who dare. The 'nog is fermenting.

It's time to make more memories! Count down starts ....NOW!
Sweet first to post! We can't wait for the big day and appreciate you offering up your home. I'll try to stay calm and not run arond the table. But it is Christmmas and sometimes I just have to run and shake. ~ Casey
I'll try not to run too. ~JT
Not sure why there's an (amp) there.
yay! I love new traditions! And I wonder if I can mix eggnog with champagne, or if I should just double fist it?
Very excited to celebrate in EA this Christmas! Are we drawing straws on who is getting Grandma?
You know it is never to early or late to start drinking!
Great Job, and an exciting countdown!
10ish will not be hard, we are camping in the highschool parking lot and tailgating til 9:59AM
Mamosa's sound yummy!
Just assign us whatever needs to be done!
We are very excited, jumping up and down on the couch excited!
Oh and my Pirate Gift will be the most wanted, and Cookie will be bringing a cherished family heirloom for all.
Just to keep things interesting!
11 days ....
Decided that I could not rely on WNY for golfing weather so I flew down to DC today for a round. Even a bit nippy down there but it was well worth it as I was able to pick up what will undoubtedly be the most coveted pirate gift of all. Hint: it will be REALLY COOL to have this for the third tuesday in Jan.!!! Is Casey bringing a pirate gift too?
I hope I get a pink bunny PJ outfit so I can wear to the Christmas party in EA.
Gud morgin', ack
That's totally awesome that you flew down to DC to play a round. You're my hero. Did you fly back too?
The kids are bouncing off the walls lately, quite unlike them actually. Lord, give me patience.
Sandra and I both took off tomorrow to wrap and finish our gift buying, not a reason I would take off, but hopefully I can earn some points.
Big game against Unckie today. Good luck.
Bills??? I'm speechless.
I love brunch! Please let us know what we can bring!!
What a hard loss to swallow.
How do you even muster up the strength for the day??
The Bills UGH!! Double UGH! for anyone on the brink this season, they would have put you over!
Gloomy rainy day, another UGH
Had my mom over for dinner last nite! She is very excited about the Christmas Brunch in EA and of course wants to know who is bringing her??? Not it!
10 days...
I didn't get the chance to watch the Bills game yesterday as I was too busy dismantling my tree after it fell down. Boy did I manhandle that thing. But in the end the tree won! It is currently leaning up against a wall in my dining room. Just to show who is boss I am refusing water it!
Nice. That'll teach that rotten tree.
If extra time is on my hand Christmas AM, We can pick up gramma.
So Sandra and I our not working today, our goal, to finish buying presents and have them wrapped by the end of the day. But you know how frisky Sandra can be in the morning. So we'll see what happens.
I also just finished painting the kitchen ceiling. Done.
our??? Geesh. Sandra knock it off I'm... I'm busy.
Can you believe an Iraqui reporter threw a shoe at our president?
I am going to throw a shoe at Dick Jauron!
Wrapping, frisky and painting, sigh the holidays!
I swore that I was done letting the Bills get me upset, but that was then and, no, I will restrain myself. Only down 50 to nphw jff going into tonite's game. Can Donovan get me 51? My last work monday of 2008. Way to go nc jll, teach that tree a lesson. I guess I will keep my JP Losman autographed football that I was going to make my pirate gift. I will wait until he makes the pro bowl for another team. can he hook up with donahue somewhere?
Winter storm watch
Fort erie race track closing
caroline kennedy wants to be a senator, I wonder if she wants to be a ballerina and a princess too!
Now for the good news
Great new Oliver Blog! Arent they all!!
Thats about it.
9 days...
So in Sunday's paper, there was an article about a german family that carries on a 100 yr old tradition, and one member of this family is hosting Christmas this year, his name is Kevin Holtz, no really
And there 100 yr old tradition is they sing a certain song???
Maybe we can sing this yr!!! And just tell everyone we have been doing it for 100 yrs.
The other news worthy to mention:
Gramma is on the hunt for the state quarters, I'm not saying, but some lucky soul will be the proud owner of that collection on Christmas Day! So she needs 12 more, and she can recite them in alphabetical order when you ask her what she needs! Amazing
I cant remember my login at work on a day to day basis!
Good Post mom. Grandma can taken Ohio off the list, it is in my possession.
Singing a song once a year for 100 years landed them in the Buffalo News??? Thats weak!
Bad news! Unkie spilled the 'nog last night so we're down a quart!
In my defense, let me say that, as usual, I was trying to be helpful and as I remember it Auntie bumped into me, causing the bowl to tip and spill. And it was, maybe, a couple of ounces at the very most. Maybe I should stick to ceiling painting like my nphw and stay out of trouble. Besides, YOU PEOPLE, don't need that much nog anyhow.
NO WAY!!! WE are down in Nog!
Thats wrong, thats just wrong!
We've got 9 days, can we replenish?
Bad hands and no verticle jump, the story of my brothers life!
Who is making me Mickey Mouse pancakes--I love breakfast food!!!
I have some quarters I can share with GG...
I'm hungry--bye!
can I just say that the phrase painting the ceiling has a completely different meaning to the adolescents that I teach? can we move on to a different subject please
In my wildest imagination I can not imagine painting the ceiling meaning any thing but that paintine the ceiling.
Tell me in pig latin, Adm
I am hungry to emm, whats for dinner? I think we have cheddarwurst???
I miss so much when I work until 7 pm.
Oh no, the egg nog!!!
I think we should mention that the same person who won fantasy baseball won fantasy football, does anyone know who that could be?
Could jnna be more obnoxious
Nothing like winning in Fantasy (twice) and having NO CASH PRIZE--hmmm...who's kind of luck is this??
One of the few advantages of getting old and losing your hearing is that you are unable to overhear adolescent conversations and thus blithely continue to believe that painting a ceiling is just that. As far as I am concerned, fantasy ended last week.
Are you assuming that yyou'll win football this week? Excuse me Mr. Owens, can we play the game first?
I have to paint another ceiling soon. Sandra's all over me about it.
I did not even realize that I had one more game to go. Well just like the Bills, I probably jinxed myself.
Lossman got demoted for Sunday's game, Rumor has it the water boy is going to start.
Soooo...Since all of you are asking, here are some things we could use for our Christmas brunch. Polish sausage, oyster dressing and champagne. Perhaps you could talk amongst yourselves and decide who does what. I have limited oven space but can do a quick warmup in either the oven or microwave. K & I are trying to keep it simple but we really want you to be able to just enjoy and take a much deserved year off. Does Sue read the blog or should I call her?
AP, not sure if my sister reads the blog or not, but we will coordinate with her, and bring what is asked.
We can put stuffing and polish sausage in crock pots on low, so all we need is an outlet..
I am so excited!
I will ask my sister to bring Champagne! cookie and I will do Polish sausage and oyster dressing!
8 days away
Can jill still do her corn?
8 days away, and still no pirate gift for me..
Just got home from a 70 hour work week, and I have to begin shopping!
We'll bring the watermelon... nuttin' says Christmas like watermelon.
After further review I believe I'm the favorite going into this week's championship game. Good luck Jnna.
Jenna i will make corn on christmas eve. A whole pan just for you. Merry Christmas!
Got into work just before the snow starting falling. How come all the kids get off today and none of the adults????
speak for yourself :)
My starter rope broke on my snow blower (Holtz luck??? Mmmmmmm.... yeah). Well papa always saiid be prepared, so at least I have a snow thrower as a backup. Still, it couldn't break in September when I was checking it out? Sheesh...
Happy hour at the Rice's starts in 5,4,3,2,1,... signing off.
So a normal 15 minure ride was tonite a 2 hour ride home.
Phew to all this snow.
But the good news is I got the best Christmas cards today, Oliver, Emma and Zach were the cards, does not get much better than that!
mmmm beer or baileys and coffee???
What to drink when the weather outside is frightful???
Does it really matter?
Can you tell everyone is super busy???? No blog activity whatsoever!
cant wait
5 more days
...or just recooperating from last night's happy hour.
Good morning, loooks really pretty outside right now. Is that the calm before the storm? Hope not, the kids have a Christmas show tonight at church.
Another storm a brewin' so I'm off now to grab some provisions from Budwey's.
4 more days!
Sorry Family and friends, I just mailed out my Christmas Cards today!
So asleep at the switch!
Chopped down the tree yesterday, and it looks like it's going to need some love. Keep that in mind. Looks like the storms are lined up, but as long as they provide windows for travel on tuesday for Kristen, and thursday for the rest of the clan, it will be a white xmas. Anyone watching the bills today? Take care all now that winter is officially here. 4 days to go.
It does not look good for the Tiki Hut Titans this week, as cousin Jff decided to bring out the heavy hitters this weekend. I guess it goes to show, not to talk it up.
4 days to go, and still no pirate gift.
I can't waste anymore time watching the bills, I jumped off the band wagon.
11 minutes into the game and its already 7-0, so I think I will do laundry.
Went to Premier today, and access was denied, as they had a power outage, so in a blinding snowstorm quite a few people were waiting in line to get into Premier Liquor!
Nothing says Christmas like a trip to premier!
Woke up at 4am today so i could be at the airport at 5am to catch my flight at 6am. Only to find out after I go through security that my flight has been cancelled. Fine with me!!!
Ah, the Miami of the North. There will be snowshoes placed at the end of the driveway for those who make it here xmas am to use to get to the house. What a winter wonderland!!! Aren't we blessed to have a white christmas?? Just think of all of those poor people in south florida. I pity them. I think that nc jll deserves a special award just for getting to the airport. How did you do it amidst the driving bans and closed roads??
I made it safe and sound to work today. Wow that was some bad driving!
I don't mean to rub it in, okay maybe I do; but does the champion in baseball and football get double the prize?
No...In our family only losers get rewarded, not the winners. Extra glass of egg nog for everyone, but Jenna!
LOL, cookie!
I love the picture KDH posted!
I am trying to decide who has the best smile, Is it Jff, Jll, Amy?
Lets vote! I vote for Amy, because her smile look like it came right from her heart! Jff always smiles, so that was a no brainer, and cookie only smiled because some one told her too!
happy christmas eve eve all!!!
I think I was smiling because Sandra was behind me (that's all I'm sayin').
Heavy hitters = a lot of dissapointment and more points on the bench I could have used. Congrats Jnna, quite impressive winning both leagues.
Can't wait for the egg nog with the rest of the losers.
I vote for Amy too. She always has a nice smile.
Oh wait, that's Adm behind me... now I'm curious.
Airtran brought in KDH safe and sound and the only reason it's a good pic is that it is of the grandkids. Me, i hate egg nog and it is all that I can do to keep auntie and k from sampling the nog into non-existence. And thanks a lot yankees. Since they spent a half billion on 3 players, he claims that he is staying in Boston and not celebrating the holidays. Congrats to nc jnn anyhow even tho I deserved to win both.
Thank you Hank, Hal and George!
God Bless Us Everyone!
Cheer up Adm, maybe manram will return to beantown!
I was quite impressed there was a sweep in football and baseball, but we don't have to keep bringing it up. It's in the past.
Nothing was mentioned about KDH, mine, or Sandra's smile. I was kind of hurt about that.
I will be at work tomorrow, practically around the corner so if you need help taste testing anything; GIVE ME A CALL!
Why don't the Yankee's want me?
Heading down your chimneys tonight I just wanted to give you a few Santa reminders:
1. Please make sure your chimneys are clean and free from debris. I went to one of your houses last year and my red coat got dirty.
2. I am not fond of the oatmeal raisin cookies so please stop leaving them out for me. Let your friends and neighbors know this.
3. No matter what I give you for Christmas, unlike the stores Santa does not have a return policy. You will have to like it.
4. I received my last briefing on the Holtz children, grandchildren, and great grandchildren. I am happy to report that all of you are on the nice list so keep up the good work.
5. As your Santa I am fond of your family website and I check often. I have to take a position on a debate that has struck a cord at the North Pole. I am neither a Yankees or Red Sox fan. My team is the North Pole Reindeers, I have petitioned the MLB to hopefully enter them in the American League.
I bought a North Pole Reindeer hat online in the summer and I love it. Go Reindeers! I think Jose Canseco played there for a season.
Merry Christmas Eve everyone, can't wait til tomorrow and welcome Kristen. Can't wait to see ya and taste the nog.
Waster dripping in the kitchen so I'm off to the roof to chip away at some ice.
Who else is working today??? I am! Merry Christmas...See you all tomorrow. Save some egg nog for me and Good Gary
That's just awful... is there anything I can do to save you from this injustice?
Waster dripping? Isnt that a town in Tennesee???
poor cookie, having to have to work today!
So I am just finishing up, and I think it will be a red letter year for the bailey building and loan!
So very excited for tomorrow, no really, the smile just does not go away!
any one need a ride tomorrow??
I am doing my best but seem to be fighting a losing battle protecting the nog. Everytime I leve the kitchen I return to 2 milk moustaches and giggling. May xmas hurry along. Less than 24 hours and a good report from santa. All is well.
I don't smile Jff -- ever.
Except when I'm drinking nog!
Merry christmas -- can't wait to see ya'll!
will there be travel mugs provided tomorrow to take Nog on the road trip home?
Or should I bring my own?
Just dont want to be caught with nog to go, and no to go mug!
DONE! We are so ready for the big celebration. There's something for everyone and then some more so come HUNGRY. It is a good nog year-a very fine vintage.
Santa says and to all a good night
Well here it is the big day, the day to end all days.
The koch family has a schedule and we are sticking to it, by golly
Had a wonderful christmas eve with good gary. cookie and gramma.
Santa came just before everyone arrive and lets just say I will be watching #2 in High Def!!!
Merry Christmas, see you all shortly
Can't believe that the Big Day is finally here. All we need now is YOU PEOPLE!! Merry Christmas to all.
Had a glorious holiday gathering at my brothers!
The food, the drink, the family and friends, were all that any one could ever want.
Many thanks EA holtz's, Christmas was beautiful in your exquisite home!
Gramma is coming for leftovers in about an hour, she wanted to go home and take a nap. Not sure what I will serve, but I think I will need to put vinegar on my table!
May God bless each and everyone of you and keep you safe!
In case you wanted to know, we are still on our first game of A Christmas Story monopoly, and its the old man on the $100
i need a blog from the big day! somebody post some pictures or something!!!!!!!!
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