As the family grows and continues to change, we use our family blog to keep in touch, remind each other of who we are, where we came from, and where were going.
Wednesday, December 03, 2008
Unkie & Antie's Big Adventure
Being the world wide travelers that we are......we decided to surprise Kristen on the opening day of her new office. What a surprise it was! We booked our plane flight and a room in Atlanta, packed our duffel bags and off we went. We had a VERY hard time not letting the cat out of the bag, so to speak. Neither Kristen or Adam knew what we were up too. We spent Sunday sneaking around Atlanta and resisting the temptation to call Kristen, which would have ruined the surprise. FINALLY, Monday morning came and we hurried to the new office checking out the location on the way.
This is a very old and famous, or so the sign said, hotel about 2 blocks away from KDH R&C.
This is the world famous FOX Theater, a true masterpiece (think Shea's only bigger) which is about 2 blocks away.
At last we spotted the building.
Yup, this is it.
We took the elevator up to the 7th floor, excitedly knocked on the door of the office one was there! I mean, no one! Now what? Down we went to wait in the car and as we stepped off the elevator, there stood Kristen. The look on her face was priceless. She was SO surprised. We laughed, we cried and finally we noticed people were looking at us strangely so back up we went.
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YAY first to post! It pays being a slacker at work! How exciting KDH. AP and UC thanks for the glimpse into KDHRC.
On another note: A Christmas Story is on TNT tonight at 8pm and 10pm.
What a wonderful adventure!!!
AP & UC have the best times, dont they!
KDH, I love the neighborhood, I love the view, I love the proximity to history, it must be a pleasure to go to work every single day!
However, UC & AP, no restaurants were mentioned, where do we go for lunch, happy hour, early dinner, libations to drown our sorrows?
Just wondering in case a road trip is looming??
Great job, so proud of you KDH, my office is in a basement!
If you press the side of your face against the window and look out of the corner of your eye you can see Stone Mt. And yes, you guessed it, no champagne for me. That was "red beer". Love them Georgians.
I am so proud of you KDH! I am so thankful for the blog, without it we wouldn't have these opportunities and the opportunities to help name KDHRC.
We can't help but notice your desk is missing something.....
What a view. My office window is to the resident's patio where they smoke.
I had to read this blog again. I just find new things:
KDH if your looking for staff to occupy your reception desk, I know a 91 year old who would like to enter the workforce.
oh YAY! I'm so happy this blog is up because it helps me remember one of the coolest days of my life. I just couldn't believe -- SERIOUSLY couldnt' believe -- they were there for me on my big first day. It really made the day special.
The pictures also help me notice how much progress we've made fixing up the place. I could do a video tour of the place now -- want one?
How much longer to christmas? I can't wait!!
Just ret;urned from tonawanda with the required stops at the library, squires, tops and the dollar store. Looks like mom has her shopping out of the way. wish i could say the same
That was SOOOOO awesome!!! Thanks for sharing and congratulations KDH on your new digs. What a step. Totally awesome! I'm speechless.
Red Beer??? Is that a step up from Billy Beer? You should have spent the extra .35 cents and gotten the Pabst Blue Ribbon. Haha.
Happy Friday!
Just 20 days to christmas and I think I have my pirate gift all figured out! I will share because I can not keep a secret! On tv they are offering for only75 days the Barack Obamma coin! a 29.95$ value for only 09.95$! fits in the budget!
Go Bulls tonite!
I have an 8 AM meeting with a Rabbi, shalom!
Antie B are you converting? I had this vision of a seinfeld like moment for you this morning for sure ...
I was going to ask the same thing.... immediately I thought of George.
Happy Friday indeed, Sandra's home from the land o'cheese safely and we're ready to start our insane weekend (well, not so much me as it is for everyone else). Close UB bball game last nnight v. UCONN... that would have been amazing if we won and a big football game tonight on the deuce. Go Bulls!
Home--yeah! Congratulations KDH!
If anyone would like to get in the Old-Fashioned Christmas Spirit...our candlelight concert is Sunday at First Trinity 1570 Niagara Falls Blvd.--one is at 4pm & the other at night at 7pm--both of my sisters (if PA has no snow) will be singing with me this year & my mom is directing. Jeff & kids will be at the 4pm.
Seems to me that a few years back there was a blog inquiry as to whether or not we were Jewish. The answer then was no. Is that about to change? Did you all see the news this morning--front page--happiness is contagious? I knew that! That and incurable optimism have been the codes that I have lived by.
Excuse me?? I seem to have missed your happiness and optimism...
Ahhhhh... Christmas. (Big Smile).
Who needs the Bills when we have
DA BULLS!!! Turner Gill for President!!
What a game last night, I got to watch the whole game and never wanted to turn it off. Everything that has happened to this area with sports over the years (wide right, no-goal, music-city game, 4 outta 6 defensemen hurt) was wiped away for a clean slate last night after two fumble returns for TD's by the 93rd ranked defense in the country. Incredible.
Emma's off to a B-day party and Sandra's at FACES and Vespers for the day. That leaves Zach and I to get some beer for tonight at Flying Bisons. I've got it rough.
What is up with all this snow?
Is Tonawanda the new East Aurora?
We must have at least an inch!
I have finally purchased my pirate gift, and I must say it is one of the better ideas!
enjoy the day
It's official, the entire Rice family is off to Toronto on January 3rd for the International Bowl; UB v UCONN. Tickets go on sale on Wednesday at UB.
Bills stink... that's all I'm sayin'.
UGH to Monday
UGH to the Buffalo Bills, no make that a super duper UGH to them!
Geo has infected the house once again with some Degraff virus, so it was a Lysol spraying weekend.
YEA to UB! finally something to cheer about!
Today went by fast at work... I love those kind of daze.
I'll give an ugh to the Bills... I'm disgusted in them.
I have my pirate gift all set and wrapped and ready to go. A share in both the Buffalo Sabres and Buffalo Bills, seeing as both the teams are looking to be sold and relocate.
Beyond disgusted with the Bills. Time for a new leaf at one bills drive.
Looking forward to the "Big Day".
Yeah, 23rd commment... Donnie "Baseball", what a great baseball nickname.
We had our Christmas party at work and Santa stiffed me. And I'll be honest, a little tear curled up in my eye and found it's way down to my chin... ever so... slowly.
Who am I playing this weekend?
Will there be an announcement on the Blog, re the Holtz Family Christmas Celebration?
- Will there be snow for Christmas?
- Will the Bills win another game?
- Will the Sabres be sold to Hamilton?
- Will Jff finally get his pirate gift?
- So many questions, so few answers
Still without a pirate gift (at the time of this writing) but at least now I know what I'm getting. Baby steps, baby steps.
Still didn't get my secret Santa gift at work. I'll just wait patiently.
Can't wait for 10 AM on 12/25. We'll be there at 8:30... we like to be early.
It/s obvious. Bill Clinton will be the new Sabres owner. With him in town it's a done deal. This plus hillary in the state dept, caroline kennedy as our new senator and me playing nphw jff this weekend, all is well. I may even start Plax. Thanks to Joey Porter I now understand why all NFL players should be required to carry handguns. Looking forward to the 25th and already am planning the menu. Amazing how many different kinds of porridge are available. it;s going to be truly an old fashioned christmas.
So very excited for the 25th! You know, I have to work Christmas Eve, so if you guys need any help, I am moments away! Or, I could tailgate outside after work with KDH's famous egg nog.
Unk, your comment made me laugh. Although, you have failed to mention one particular democrat that is "stealing" the spotlight.
Well 2 weeks from today is Christmas, now that is very hard to believe.
All I want for Christmas is my alphabet soup, CC and AJ! Yee Haw!
Taking Mom out Christmas shopping tomorrow.
Enjoy thursday one and all
Now that's a thought. A Christmas Eve tailgate party down in EA. Tents, bon fires, the works. It'll give me a chance to test out my new one piece red thermals with secret back flap.
Whoo hoo! Christmas is coming. I think this calls for a double batch of eggnog. Speaking of which, I'm hosting my four new employee and their SOs for holiday cocktails on the Friday night of their first week of work. Will the egg nog scare them?
I disagree. I think it's the perfect Christmas drink to loosen up a party. Cheers.
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