AP, UC and I took a little trip to Puerto Rico last week. We had many adventures and many, many laughs. One of the hardest parts was getting directions to different places on the islands. Most people we asked gave some variation on the title above ... and you're going and you're going and you're going and you're there! All about process I guess -- forget those pesky details like right and left turns.
Along the way we sampled the local food.....
And the local drink of course ....
We did all sorts of wonderful things ... except use the hot tub!
I need more! More info, more pics, more more more!
I wish that I had a picture and sound recording of my wonderful daughter leaping from the rental car to verbally "rip a new one", in Spanish yet, for a person of the streets who was interfering with her backing down an alley way. The alley was another story. And the lizard, not shown in that pic, proceeded to do his business, an impressive amount, right at the entrance to the spa. Kinda diminished the atmosphere.
I love waking up to a new blog! I love disecting what people ate in pictures, I love the picture of AP and UC in a poncho.
What a great blog. Definately laughed out loud seeing AP and UC in those ponchos.
How was the food and more importantly the beer>?!?!
The local beer, Medalla, was ok but a bit overpriced. Beer is never bad.
Awesome blog, but I agree with Adm, we need more info. We are talking about Puerto Rico the country right? Not Puerto Rico, Mississippi?
Sounds like you guys had a fun trip. No alley pictures? Now that's a story I want to hear.
it was Puerto Rico the country, and I did have a spectucular moment in an alley way with a garbage picker (that really doesn't sound right)!
The other highlight is when we pulled up to the rainforest entrance gate and I told them we needed three tickets -- two seniors and a grown up.
Dad won't let me forget either!
quick, who can name 3 famous puerto ricons??? mmm Ricky Ricardo, no he was cuban?? Jorge Posada?? Nope cuban?? I quess I cant?
GREAT BLOG! I do believe this Blog holds the distinction for 2 things? 1. Lizard picture, awesome.
2. Unkie in a Poncho obviously not long enough for him. Another first.
This just inspires me to go, how about you??
KDH, why did you need to ask directions? NO GPS? No Garmin?
How was the dollar conversion? Same as canadian? What minor league ball park did you go to?
It sounds like a heavenly diversion in the month of Feb!
Did Unkie golf?
did AP get her obligatory SPA treatment?
sigh, I quess I will have to read the book!
I loved that lizard. I thought he would look good on the mantle after I flocked him.
hmmmmm.....maybe I should rephrase that. You guys know what I mean, right?
Poncho in the rain forest--just strikes me funny!
Unckie, it's looks like your poncho is cutting off your air source.
Flocked Lizards??? Oh wait, I'm thinking of a Flock of Seagulls... nevermind.
I would like to go on record that when it comes to ponchos, one size does not fit all. Pressure is on today to come up with a suitable b-day celebration for Auntie. She seems to have flocking on her mind so perhaps something along those lines.
I still have my poncho, so maybe I will put it on and chase her around the house. Any other ideas out there?
It's AP's B-day???? Happy Birthday Aunt Patti!!!!!!
Anybody watch the Sabres game last night??? What a heartbreaker!!!!
It's Friday and it's payday! Now if it was only 4:30pm I would have nothing to complain about!
Happy Happy Birthday AP!
May you only deal with the people today who put a smile on your face!
Just an FYI, borther, Absolut of Aurora is having a job fair and they have coffee and cookies available if you fill out an app, you could AP there for desert, free of charge!
just a thought on a rainy rainy friday!
Happy Birthday mom! I wish I could buy you a birthday mojito in the PR.
Happy Birthday Aunt Patti!!! Have a great day and enjoy it, with or without the flocking poncho-boy.
Sandra and I are off to Niagara on the Lake (minus kids) to enjoy dinner, wine, and hopefully a lil' poncho sharing of are own.
You Go Poncholess Nphw Jff!!!
Heading to the Bandits game tonight with Austin, Zach, and Jeff. That should be a great time! When I told Austin we were going, he said okay but what team are we rooting for? Oh so much to learn!
Austin has a big moving day today as he will be the newest kid at Lockport Junior High School next week and along with Gram, a proud resident of Niagara County!
50 on Thursday, 20 on Friday- Only in Western New York.
I think the poncho picture, would make a great Christmas Card.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY AUNTIE. I HOPE you had an amazing day!
Our hotel room had a jacuzzi in it--and no ponchos were needed...
Happy birthday Aunt Patti!!
After further poncho review... are you sure you're wearing the right ponchos? Something seems amiss.
Fun time last night at the Bandits game despite the team's only home loss this season. Typical. The fried bologna sandwich was excellent.
It's kind of wierd looking at the posts and seeing it go from the 28th to the 1st.
Monday, March 2nd..
Hope everyone enjoyed that supershort weekend!
So my sister arranged a brunch meet and greet with cousin Barb and her daughter Tricia at the Marriot on Sunday for Mom's birthday! I was working that day and I got there around 1 to find my sister and my mom in the lobby. Said sister was concerned that barb and tricia were not there yet, and asked me to call her on my cell phone, as my sister's cell phone is always off. So I called and lo and behold Barb and Tricia were sitting at the table my sister had reserved. Apparently they snuck by them! Very nice brunch, nice staff that sang to mom and gave her a mini cake, which she devoured!
As we were saying our good byes, I said to Barb good luck on your scratch offs, and a very familiar voice came from the table next to us, yes, good luck on your NYS scratch offs. It was Yolanda Vega, who was in town to do a lottery promotion, she gave gramma an autorgraphed picture and encouraged all of us to buy the mega tickets, as it is 212 million!
It was a very nice Sunday!
KDH, is your office closed today, bad snowy weather in Chillanta today!
stay warm all!
Yolanda Vega?? Wow! We were busy putting the finishing touches on AP's b-day weekend and trying to keep up to date on the mega-storm covering not-so-hotlanta to quincy, mass. Back to work and there ain't nothin' good about March. 31 days and no days off, boo!!!
SNOW! it was kinda crazy here -- 4 sloppy nasty wet inches of snow here in Dixie. The phone calls from my staff wanting the day off started last night around 6. Every school district in a 100 mile radius was closed today, but KDHRC was open open open!
Do we need another team for FBB? Are there any contenders? I can ask a friend if we're stuck. I want to get to that draft!
KDH--give them ponchos & send them off to work!
Jff wants to know why we weren't invited to the brunch--is it because he chews too loud?
A brunch hosted by my mother and me none the wiser about it. How interesting. Interesting indeed.
Was Rick invited to the brunch? Talked to Mom and we did the official count of b-day related lunches/brunches and dinners and it seemed to come to 10 for the "birthday season". Not too shabby. I think that yesterday spelled the end of the celebration season, unless there is something else going on that has not yet been mentioned. Enjoy the day all, a good driving one it was.
i like it when dad talks like Yoda!
Did AP have a nice birthday??
I hope so, she earned it!
So raise your hands if you are going to the USA VS Canada, Saturday March 7th in the Rogers Center? Lucky Ducks!
Me! I'm going. Good seats too.
Yoda. LOL
ME! ME! ME! I have pretty good seats too. 1st base side, 18 rows up. Close enough so I can heckle Pedroia!!!
Seriously how adorable was DJ yesterday playing for team USA??
And hitting in 2 runs! I think I am going to invite him to Holtzapalooza, is that OK with everyone?
Have fun all you peace bridge bound travelers!
Has everyone watched Oliver's latest blogs 1 & 2???
Let me just say how gosh darn adorable they are!
It's been a few days, has the poncho loosened up a bit yet Unckie?
A lot of funny news reports regarding the Market collapse... LOL...'tear curlin' up in the corner of my eye'... good stuff, really good stuff.
I used the word adorable in 2 consecutive posts, now that has never happened!
It is Friday, family, friends and fans of the blog and you all know what that means!!!!
Sounds as if there are lots of plans out there for the weekend. It looks as if the better weather will give me a chance to start the yard cleanup. I don't know about you, but there sure does seem to be a lot more tree debris than usual. Me, I would much rather be in TO. for bb. We need a blog, someone!! Enjoy the weekend
Nascar weekend in the ATL. You all know where to find me, family.
Aw KDH, I'm jealous. Rick offered me tickets to the Martinsville race on the 29th but I can't go. I'll be Nascar lacking this year.
Putt-Putt fun last night.
I love it when the word adorable is used. I think the first time it was used on this blog (KDH, correct me if I'm wrong) Auntie P was describing Unckie eating noodles... either that or Sandra sarcastically describing me as I was trying to fix something, not sure though.
I don't know the first time adorable was used, but I do know that Auntie did, and still does use it, regarding me and my pancho. Remember to turn those clocks ahead tonite. Ah yes, Monday comes an hour sooner this weekend.
TO to Buffalo????? Is this one of the signs of armageddon?
TO! I guess they find any way to increase ticket prices and ticket sales.
I thought that I saw nc jll in the stands during yesterday's 8th inning. Is that possible? I admit that I was stunned to hear of TO's coming, but having read today's sports columns, why not? Could he make things worse? Maybe 6-10? 5-11? Plus, he is usually on his good behaviour (Canadian sp. in honor of yesterday's travellers) for the first year.
Hard to believe TO coming to be a BIll.... do I cry or boo?
Sorry Jll that I didn't contact you yesterday. I didn't have my phone on me, my dog ate my paper, I got a flat tire... anyway, Sandra told me you called for my number. Hopefully you and good Gary had a nice day. We sure did. Good seats, cold beer, and an excellent Montreal sandwich.
TO to Buffalo!!! ADORABLE I tell ya ADORABLE!
Ix NAY on asking cookie about her Rogers Centreeeee experience, it seems that a group of university students were behind them, taunting, from everything that included but not limited to "what a rat hole Buffalo is, how crappy healthcare in the US is, Oh and they felt the need to expound on the fact that we can not go to Cuba! Oh Man Cookie is fired up!
And good gary once he got back to American soil turned over all his canadian money to the border and said he is not coming back!
At least TO has not ran over a canadian, maybe he still can!
It's Monday, Is TO still a Bill?
Unkie, In the 8th inning??? Nope! Not Possible! We were on the Gardiner Expwy by then, or at least close to it.
After missing 2 innings because I was standing in line for a beer! I seriously stood in line for 30 minutes!!
It took all my strength not to say something to an ignorant Canadian who was trying to get a rise out of the only 2 American fans sitting near them. I held my cool when he talked about Americans not being able to go to Cube (Why would I want to give them my money anyways), our health care system, and the list goes on and on. This guy apparently was determined NOT to watch the game. But when he called Buffalo a trash can and the portal to hell was when we started to lose it. So we left.
The game was great, we had great seats, and Dunn is a monster!
Today is Monday March 9th, just in case no one was aware.
GREAT Niagara game last nite! Double overtime win no less.
And great team USA game! Team Captain, Derek Jeter once again was awesome.
kind of a gray gloomy weekend. Was condusive to just sitting and watching TV, all day long!
Just so everyone is aware the creek is really high!
I hear grover rd is closed, is UC & AP OK??? Maybe you should put your life jackets on now?
KDH, note to self, do not run out on the course to grab a stray tire, the guy that did that got in big trouble!
And its kinda sad to say that the guy running out after the spare tire was about the most exciting part of the race yesterady -- that and NOT getting stuck in traffice getting out of the parking lot!
Can't complain about watching a sport in 73 degree weather though -- whoo hoo!
Sounds as if there were adventures to be had by all this weekend. Me and Auntie, not so much. Enjoy your Monday all--that does seem like an oxymoron doesn't it?
Yeah, way too many cautions yesterday, very, very boring. But seriously, you can't complain about the weather.
I would've ran after the tire too. He probably was bored.
So I had to call my brother cuz I was very confused by something??
Now it is safe to say I am a few years removed from a Geography class, but I did recall that the Netherlands was a Nordic nation, you know blondes, blue eyes. Agreed?
So where did this baseball team from the Netherlands come from, seriously not one blue eyed blonde to be found! Oh and there pitching coach, Bert Blyleven??
My brother did confirm that there was some hanky panky with teams, and players, and jumping teams.
Glad that is cleared up.
It is nice to have a big brother to clear up those things in life, that just seem unanswerable!
Kinda like the Italian team. If nobody that you would like to play for wants you, if you ever ate spaghetti at some point in your life, you're elgible to play for Italy. Happy?? Tuesday.
Nobody called me to play...
I have absolutely nothing funny to say today. What a shame.
It's not that I'm outta jokes, it's just that I'm watching Italy and Venezuela play and I bored stiff.
Anybody watch the Netherlands knock out Dominican Republic??? It was awesome!!! Apparently, "If you ain't Dutch, you ain't much!"
I heard about it... wish I'd seen it.
If you ain't Dutch, You ain't much!
thats awesome..
This could be a fun game lets all play, me first... mmmm OK
If you're a Pollack,
You're hearty stock! hows that
If you're a german you're vermin???
your turn
Check out my brothers website... he stole my Chuck Norris blog... classic.
BLOG thievery???? Now thats a punishable crime!
Too funny!
Have a great Thursday everyone!
Not to much else going on...
Sabres have to win tonight, which means, they'll lose.
We're off to Butler, PA tomorrow to enjoy a PA weekend with family. Hopefully we'll have decent weather.
Blog thievery indeed.
Off to Butler -
Cookie is off to Charlotte -
Me, I am grateful, I am just off!
Great Basketball game last nite, syracuse and UConn, who stayed up til the end?? Yea me neither, but I did catch the re cap on Sports Center, does that count?
And a good Sabres game too.
Its Friday, enjoyed best at 5:01PM!
Off to Quincy for some Oliver time this weekend. Looks like lots of travelling this weekend. Stay safe all and enjoy what seems to be some nice weather in the offing.
Glorious weather day yesterday!
the sun was shining, just a nice day to be outdoors!
Hopeeveryone had a great weekend
Picked up Anastasia on Sat for dinner, and she walked out of her building, quite regally I might add, with a cane in hand!
Thanks AP for putting safety first!
I do have to tell you though, that when I dropped her off, and the lobby was full of people, so she attached her purse to the cane, and carried it like Huck Finn, you had to laugh! She will never let on that she needed any kind of assistance, too funny!
Enjoy the dreaded Monday!
Not too much activity over the weekend. Well, we're back now. Gorgeous weather yesterday.
Time to go buzz my head. Who else in this family can say that every six days.
Happy St Patricks day one and all!
As you all know there is a bit of Irish in us all!
Even barackobama is part Irish!
Oh does everyone know that gramma has been writing him, yes that is correct, the postman from luthermanor does pick up and deliver mail addressed to 1600 pennsylvania ave, now that is scarry!
Wear green today everyone, or black ,blue or brown whatever is clean!
Happy St. Patrick's Day family! hope everyone has green beer in their future!
Good US v. Puerto Rico game last night. When is our draft?!?!?!
And a big HBDay to my Sis! Question for nc jnn: How is your work place for geriatric rehab? AP's father, Rod, is going to be in need.Any info/ideas would be a great help. Went back and forth last nite between Niagara and the Sabres. Became depressed with both and went to bed. No green beer yesterday, but did have a few of the regulars. 26 hrs. til march madness begins.
I will personally make sure that AP's father is well taken care of. Unkie and Auntie if you would like, I can set you up or whoever with a tour..... Mention my name and the company pays me a $150 referral, I will split it with ya!
Let me know, do you want my work number?
Guinness alllllll night long. AND boy, were they needed with that crap I was watching called a hockey game. I was so disgusted with the Blue and Gold, I too switched over to the NU game only to be disappointed by the outcome, at home no less. At least I wasn't disgusted.
I'm really starting to be concerned about the tightness of that poncho. Is there anything we can do?
It's madddnessssssss!!! Thank goodness I didn't have Butler going too far... just the Final Four, so I think I'm okay. Come on Mocs! I've got Chattanooga going to the Elite 8... there's no way they were going to the Final 4.
So I had to call my brother cuz I was very confused by something?? Now it is safe to say I am a few years removed from a Geography class, but I did recall that the Netherlands was a Nordic nation, you know blondes, blue eyes. Agreed? So where did this baseball team from the Netherlands come from, seriously not one blue eyed blonde to be found! Oh and there pitching coach, Bert Blyleven?? My brother did confirm that there was some hanky panky with teams, and players, and jumping teams. Glad that is cleared up. It is nice to have a big brother to clear up those things in life, that just seem unanswerable!
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