Look who we ran into at the Chicago Airport..it's always good to see a familiar face.

Unkie had made reservations at this charming, yet rustic villa.

Antie was having no part of it and this is where we ended up staying. A real "step down" as far as Unkie was concerned. Get it? Step down? I crack myself up sometimes.

Sedona, on the other hand, was a step up-way up. See Unkie pointing? He's a little acrophobic which he blames on the years he spent on ladders and on top of roofs.

Antie kept driving and we were rewarded by this view. Where does someone get enough money to buy a whole mountain and build a mansion on it? Thus destroying an otherwise natural vista and changing the ecological balance! Not to mention blocking the view of lovely Sedona. Didn't mean to sound bitter.

Antie climbed all those stairs just because Unkie insisted, and you know how he gets when he's being insistent, that we follow in the footsteps of the honorable John McCain and Sarah Pallin (John and Sarah who?) and eat in the same restaurant they ate in when they were campaigning. Unkie even ordered the same lunch that John ate. Want to know what it was? Yeah, me neither.
Then Antie had to climb all the way back down. (This place was an insane assylum at one time and a bit creepy not to mention a mile above sea level. huff, huff, pant pant.)

Antie took this picture from the patio of "our" condo. At this point Unkie was getting a bit demanding and Antie was kept busy throwing him beer to keep him happy. Oh Yeah, Unkie insists on mentioning that this was his 131st consecutive month of golfing. Do you care? Yeah, me neither!
What a great blog to be greeted by when the outdoor thermometer is below zero! and factor in the wind, well lets just say its cold and leave it at that!
Those are awesome pictures, I actually want to go now. I have always been iffy on Arizon, although geo and I did take a very misguided trip to the grand canyon in 1978.
Anywhoo... loved the pictures, loved the fact that my brother and John Mccain enjoy the same food! See you really are a republican!
sigh, just something to dream about on a very cold snowy day!
02/05/09 259 great numbers to play!
Butternut squash soup and a BLT.He is definitely a man of the people. UG and AB at the Grand Canyon? Now there is a story that needs to be told.
Great Blog! Makes me wish that our Holtz settlers chose a little warmer climate to settle down in.
Awesome, awesome blog. I laughed, I cried... I became part of the story, even the after mentioned BLT and Butternut squash soup. Mmmmmmm.. soupp. Thanks for sharing.
Man, it was cold outside this mornin'.
BBBBBBBBetsy... that's funny.
Received my Yankee Years book in the mail yesterday!!!! I'll get to the bottom of this Joe Torre scandal.
YAY Friday!
I love Zero Mostel references... missed that the first time I read through it.
Joe T. was being interviewed on ESPN by Hanah Storm the other day. Not a fan of him writing the book, but we haven't heard from A-Rod complaining so maybe it's not a big deal. Keep us informed chapter by chapter.
Yeah, that's right, I'm home.
Friday nite, nothing is more relaxing and exhilirating than friday nite.
What is everyone doing? Anyone going to the hockey tournament downtown?
Anyone sledding, tobaggoning?
Anyone just gettin out and enjoying the fresh air? Yea, me neither..
Any ideas for the big 92 coming up???
Wow great blog!I have a similarly great picture of adam at the top of the Jerome grand hotel's steps when we went to AZ on a wacky road trip a while back. Remind me to tell you the "POTtery" story sometime! I think I was talking to mom when she was walking up those steps -- altitude doens't always agree with mom.
And Daddy, I completely care that you've golfed for 131 consecutive months and I'm glad I'll be able to help you get the 132nd.
KDHRC mogul is up very early this saturday????
131 consecutive months?? why thats like almost 3 yrs???
wow, thats commitment! I am very impressed as someone who can not stay focused at any task at hand, be it finish a book or paint a room, I am impressed.
I think we will venture down to the pond tournament today.
it is actually balmy out!
Thank you dear daughter for the acknowledgement and I am relying on you for 132. And it is downright balmy out there today. The biggest problem in Ariz. was understanding the people. They all talked like Gabby Johnson in Blazing Saddles.
What has heppened to this family and their factual integrity. This blog used to be used as a resource for knowledge... now I have to look things up just to verify. 131 months = almost three years??? Almost three years indeed. Thank goodness Unckie came back strong with the Gabby Johnson/Blazing Saddles reference and thank goodness someone was ringing the town bell when Sheriff Bart rode into town. Dag gummit.
The kids and I had great fun at the UB game yesterday destroying the Huskies from Northern Illinois.
THE SHERIFF IS A NHRRHGH!! What did he say? He said THE SHERIFF IS A NGHRRGH!! An all time great moment in the cinema. On another note, could anyone, even Aroid, lie to Katy Couric? Some things are unforgiveable. By the way, it is not snowing at last check. Yeah!
What a Beautiful Day! 41 degrees. That is something us WNYers have to look forward too.
Love the Blog Unkie and Auntie! Did you bring back a catcus?
Did you know that 132 months is equal to 96423.9404 hours?
Almost time for Pitchers and Catchers to report!
What about the rumor about Holtzapalooza tres?
That's totally Sandra... and even if we don't do it.. Just picturing GG doing this is worth price of death by laughing.
Did you guys stay at Howard Johnson's when in Arizona?
I heard a rumor that Yahoo fantasy baseball starts soon very soon! Jna, do you need some help with the comish-duties? Let me know ...
As you can tell, my excitement over fantasy baseball keeps me from my bitterness over the fact I worked all weekend long, right through the 70 degree weather!
Fantasy Fball season will be starting momentarily. George is fully prepared to start the league. Details to follow.
Yeaaaah Fantasy!!!! Yeaaah Driving in the rain this morning!! I never thought that a drive in the rain could be so pleasureable. I guess that it is all relative. Enjoy the 50's all; not quite like the 70's in Hotlanta, but we will take it.
February 50's in Buffalo? I'll take it.
Sandra and I are off to the Sabres game tonight. Hopefully the Blue beats the hated Senators. That'll make that fried bologna taste REALLY good.
I need my fantasy baseball!!! Withdraw, withdraw...
Dad and I are headed to the Sabres game for his 62nd birthday tonight, hopefully the roast beef beats the foot long. And the Blue beats the Pepsi.
Row 100 Seats 1 and 2,Row 19.
Jff, where are your seats? Let's meet up for a drink.
I was hoping that I could rely on my family members sitting around the tv tonite watching c-span in preparation for the celebration tomorrow of Abe's 200th, but I guess that SOME people have other plans. I know that Mom will be with me on this since she claims that Abe was among her favorite presidents that she voted for. I guess that it will be up to me to prepare and deliver a blog report on tonite's programming highlights. I think that I might play hooky today and sit out in the sun. Enjoy the day all. Auntie is in Quincy on Oliver duty and I have to try to find ways to amuse myself.
Yay fantasy baseball! That means spring is right around the corner!! I wait with bated breath.
It's always a little worrisome when dad has to find ways to amuse himself!
When are we signing up for Fantasy Baseball??? I have been thinking of a team name for quite some time!
Aud demo seems to be coming along. I hope at some point they will actually start removing the debris instead of just putting it in a nice little pile.
And, by the way, a BIG H. B. to U. G. After 6-2 there is only one more b-day that really matters. And, I will be on my very bestest behavior in Auntie's absence.
See, if you people had all stayed home last nite to watch Abe on cspan, you would not have been there to help boo the Sabres. A very "interesting" ride in this morning. I love it when I'm driving and hear that the EA schools are closed. I will be interested in hearing how nc jnn did.
Three posts in a row. Where is everyone? Did you all think that Spring was here for good? Maybe I will just keep posting and see how many in a row that I can get. Did you all know that Charles Darwin was born on the same day as Abe? So who was more important? Today's question on Mike and Mike: would you rather be the superbowl winning quarterback or win the Masters? Or, if not those two, what other sports related victory? Joe Carter's walk off world series winner? And, beyond that, would you rather be President than any of the above?
I'd rather be Angelina Jolie than any of those people. Does that count?
72 here this morning. I'm assuming its different in WNY?
Unkie seems to have a lot of time on his hands these last few days. Wait til AP gets back in town.
72 in Hotlanta! phew that is way to warm, mmm who am I kidding!
Jnna took her dad to the hockey game last nite where they met up with nephew and lovely wife, what a klunker they saw! Its a Klunker!
love that line!
Where is AP? I was not aware she was out of town?
I have to take anastasia to the bonton on Saturday, she told me she has to spend her gift card? Will it expire?
Our ER is filled to capacity, apparently there has been a multitude of car accidents, as all the signals are out on Transit, Walden, Maple etc... drive careful
Glad to see that there are still people out there. No, it's not 72 here and I was glad to get to the northtowns and back in one piece. Happy B'day Abe
Sabres stunk last night! BUT, I did have the entire section in 324 chanting "WAKE UP GEORGE" at the end of the second period. Unfortunately it ended like a "stadium wave", with very little fanfare and no response from our unaware victim. I just wish Jnna would have wiped the nacho cheese of his chin and ear before he fell asleep. UGH!
Hey, Unckie and I were writing at the same time.
Woke up to breaking news and quickly found Buffalo in the national spotlight. My thoughts and prayers are with the families.
Thinking of all those families affected by this horrible crash.
What a horrible way to start out a friday.
Whew -- glad to hear all my buffalo people are safely in place. Gave me quite a scare at the gym this morning when I saw the headlines. So sad ...
Friday the 13th no less!
A very sad day in our neighborhood indeed..
My beeper was blowing up at 10:20PM last nite, with a mandatory code orange ( which is a disaster) and I retireved that message at 5AM, so I was useless!
count our blessings!
Our thoughts and prayers definitely go out to the families affected by this tragedy.
Happy Valentines Day!
and good mornin', Zach's last bball game this AM, hopefully he plays well, I'm sure he will. Nothing else planned for the day which might be nice.
Talk about wierd. At the airport last nite about 10"30 to pick Auntie up from Boston. You could have, literally, heard a pin drop in that place as everyone is just standing around staring at the arrival gate. Talk about Holtz timing. Everyone at the Ottawa snoozer, at least for UG, and then last nite's game. And remember that you are all my Valentines. Enjoy the day
That is a awkward feeling isn't it? The stories that are coming out about the victims is quite emotional.
Landed Box tickets to the Sabres game tomorrow and free parking at the news. I decided that since I took dad when they lost, maybe if I take mom and Jill we might actually win.
I heart you all!
Happy Valentines day to everyone!
Wow there was a lot of distinguished people on that plane!
So if alot of people arrive at the Pearlie Gates together, do you think St Peter takes them all? I am kind of hoping that is how I sneak in, by milling by and no one noticing!
NO big Valentines day celebrations here either, taking Anastasia shopping this AM.
Cookie heard from friends far and near checking to make sure she was not on "the plane"
Of course jnna wants to take a ride out to the crash scene, well me too.
At least the sun is out!
Have a great game Zach
And pitchers and catchers report today YEA!
Mom was all excited about her shopping trip and maybe? lunch. Seems that Uncle Gare took her for bloodwork and out to breakfast, so she is having a pretty busy week. Pitchers and catchers, YES!
Zach lost his game yesterday (the team's first loss), but he did score. And then just Zach and I went to Lou's for breakfast. Too bad we didn't run into my dad and GG.
Hopefully I can just work a couple hours tomorrow and be home by 10ish. We'll see how much work I get done.
Happy "Day Off" everyone. Not much going on here. The kids are veggin' in front of the TV and I'm looking to start a project... hmmmmmm... sleep could be a project.
Since it is "Presidents" plural day, I think that we all need to acknowledge our favorite President. I will start it off with a tip of the hat to William Henry Harrison who, in the 30 days that he was president did little damage and left with few people hating him, other than perhaps, the families of the numerous native americans that he killed. Everyone is off today, right. And nc jnn, please let me know in advance of the next Sabres game that you plan on attending so I can get my bets down early
Who is off??? I am hard at work at my desk! Well I am reading the blog though.
So I can honestly say that was the worst hockey game I have ever seen a buffalo sabres team play! They were PUTRID!
I like that word, putrid. It puts the correct spin on things.
Of course the free food and beer in the suite was nice, but and I mean a big but, there was a gentleman who flossed at his seat after he ate. Eats, chicken wings, he flosses, popcorn, he flosses and so on and so forth. those of us in front of him had to be aware of particles flying off the floss! Incoming!
Happy Birthday Dad!!!
Too funny Aunt B.
I don't really have a favorite president (at least as well thought out like Unckie's... that is a good one), but I was always a big fan of Ronny "The Great Communicator" Reagan. Pre-Ronny it was Thomas Jefferson because that was kind of like my name just switched around. I'm also a big fan of Theoodore Roosevelt.
That was a true story by Auntie B! And there goes my sister, trying to suck up to dad again by being the first to post happy birthday dad on the blog. Little does she know, he doesn't check the blog. So instead, I grabbed the card that she sent him, crossed out her name and put my name on it!
My favorite President: Calvin Coolidge. No particular reason I just like the name. Quite Presidential if ya ask me.
Good feedback on the presidents and it is interesting that Reagan's favorite president was Calvin Coolidge. and you can never go wrong stealing someone else's card. I guess that you should be glad that the guy in front of you did not feel the need to deal with his hemorroids.
Happy Tuesday one and all!
So jnna and I have volunteered to help out at the crash site, we have to be at Clarence town hall at 5PM...
Again my favorite president is Richard Nixon, the first president I ever voted for!
When I was in college, my prof. LOVED Herbert Hoover and would mention him every chance he got followed by the spelling! Seriously! "My friend Herbert Hoover...H-o-o-v-e-r- Hoover"...it was hilarious!
I think he wrote a book on him that we were supposed to read...
Hmmmm... didn't Nixon do something infamous? Oh yeah, he was on the show Rowan and Martin's Laugh-In. Sock it to me!
Sandra's parents arrived home safely from Florida via Jupiter Beach. They say they had beautiful weather... so I "forgot" to put their luggage in the back of the van when we picked them up. Then they bought us dinner for picking them up... now I feel REALLY bad.
Jff that is a terrible story, I am sure you felt soooo small. But, I think I might have ya beat!
Let me set the scene; mother and I rarely venture out after we get out of work. Yesterday was a different story. A mass email was sent to all Kaleida employees urging them to volunteer at the Clarence crash site.
Eager for us to pitch in and help, and perhaps get a glimpse of the site (our ultimate goal), we quickly signed up.
We arrived at Clarence Town Hall at 5pm filled out a volunteer application and watched the steady stream of police, state troopers, come in and leave distressed.
The amount of food there was enormous. Our first task was to deliver food to 17 families at a local food pantry.
As were almost done loading the vehicle, they ask us to take 10 more pounds of pasta donated by the Olive Garden. I grab one of the foil bins, and my mom grabs the other.
Unfortunately, only one bin made it to the vehicle, as the other was splattered on the floor as it took two maintanence crews to clean it up. Of course we had to find the nearest ATM to make a contribution to the food pantry.
Next task, serving coffee and hot chocolate to the workers in the permitter. Were happy to report about 80% has been cleaned up.
Sigh, daughter Jnna's account most accurate, I dropped a 3lb foil tray of baked ziti all over the town hall of clarence that was meant for the food pantry, one could not feel much smaller!
The location of the food pantry was a bit of a dichotomy, across from Spaulding Lake enterance??
Isnt that where all the million dollar homes are??
Oh well needless to say, we probably wont be asked back to assist!
Cookie landed safely in Omaha, I told her to bring us all back a steak!
Enjoy Wed people!
Uncle Jay Explains
Good mornin',
Kiddies spent last night at Sandra's parents and we had a lil' birthday bash for a friend of ours.
Tonight, nothing. Sabres n pizza and maybe not in that order.
Happy Saturday!
So today the Koch family has planned a mystery excursion for gramma??
Film, pix and tell all at 11 - Oh you need to be there!
I won't ruin the suprise since Gram could have easy access to the blog. Let's just say a few calls were made, and a few strings were pulled to give the birthday girl a very special 92nd!
I woke up this morning and ran to check the blog, having been promised there would be new pics of gramma. What happened?
Hey Adm, where have you been?
Not much going on at the Rice house, ripped up the dining room rug and now I'm getting ready for pizza and wings. Mmmmmmm... wings.
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