It has been and still is for that matter, a very gray, gloomy cold winter/almost spring. I think we all have been dreaming of warmer sunnier days! Much to my surprise, my daughters gave me a trip to Washington DC to be part of the spring ritual known as Cherry Blossom time in DC. So last Friday we sped down to the Capitol to enjoy "spring".
This picture needs no intro, and how beautiful is this! The blue sky, the cherry blossoms, and of course the famous residence, known as 1600 Pennsylvania Ave.

This was the view out of our Hotel room, we stayed at the Hilton. It was a 9$ cab ride to the Lincoln Memorial, and a 15$ to Union Station. You could see the Washington Monument pretty clear, but not in this picture. Our cab rides were always very interesting, our assorted drivers came from all corners of the world, got us where we needed to be in one piece I may add, and manuvered the busy crowded streets like a Nascar driver! Impressive!
We took the open top bus tour, pretty good deal, 2 days 35$, 30 stops and you could hop off and on as many times as you wish. The down side, it was very very windy on Saturday, and with the Cherry Blossom Festival Parade in full gear, we did not see a bus for 2 hours, which prompted our 10 mile walk from the White House to Dupont Circle.

Cookie and I were trying to avoid low branches.

Funny story on the bus, it was very windy and a family of 6 was visiting from Cincinnati, the wife opened the folder that the husband had so tenderly taken care of and immediately a gust of wind took their 140$ worth of tickets somewhere up 17th street. For the next 10 blocks the wife argued relentlessy for replacement tickets!
This photo is from Ford's Theater.
One of the most riveting programs was the tour guide that went over the days events that culminated with the Assasination of Abraham Lincoln. This of course is the presidential box, re-created to resemble that night, the picture along the bunting is however the original picture that has always hung there since the theater opened it is of George Washington, in a gold guilded frame.

At night, the lights are soft and low at the Lincoln Memorial and when you are climbing the granite steps, you can almost imagine Mr Lincoln, standing and speaking to the throngs of people that are always there. The picture does not depict the enormity of Lincoln, nor how life like this sculpture is..
Quiz? Who carved the Statue of Lincoln?
While touring we saw all of these people??? MMM what were they in line for, a museum, an exhibit, The Smithsonian? Nope, none of the above, it was for the subway! For the record there was the same amount of people on the other side of this p
This is the fountain at the WWII memorial. We threw a wheaty penny in it for Grampa! This is an interesting memorial, the tour guide told us the designer's theme was a dinner party. The design shape is oval, like a dinner table, the "main guest" is a wall of 4000 gold stars that represent the 400,000 soldiers that gave their life. To the right of that is the first state that ratified the constitutions, Delaware, on the other side, the second state, Pennsylvania and so on and so forth. Another must see when you go to DC!

Of course the economy is tough for everyone. Even this Federal City is feeling the pinch!

A sad sad sign of the times for us good Republicans! But bargains none the

I think you would be hard pressed to find a more spectacular building than the Capitol! No matter where you were, nor how you were looking at it, it is awe inspiring!
Quiz? Who designed the Capitol?

Of course this was all about the Cherry Blossoms! Take note of all the people! More than a Bills game, I think..
This was a whirlwind 72 hours, filled with the sights, the sounds and the smells of history! Thank you Thank you Thank you to my beautiful daughters, for this most wonderful gift. I can now cross this off my bucket list. Next on my list?????
I had an amazing time with mother and sissy.However, this blister on my foot just won't go away. KDH How did you ever do it? While we were walking through DC, we were wondering where KDH lived, what soriority she belonged to at GW. Can't wait to go again next year! Great Blog Mom!
We had an awesome time! Yes KDH, we did talk about you quite a bit, how did you manage your way around, how did you learn your way around, what bar did you drink at, the Q's were endless!
One of the best blogs ever. Love the city and all of the great stuff, most of it free, which is so unusual in today's world. I envy your trip. And the Hilton no less. Great Job. What is next on the list? Sounds like you at least walked past/through the GW Campus. What about it K? Lots of questions.
I'm jealous--great pics!
Great blog mom! Lots of fun and yes great pictures. Seeing how Jenna took 300 pictures on the tour bus that never ended, she was bound to have some good ones.
Now that was a news worthy blog. Thank you for sharing your birthday memories with us. And it figures that McDonald's is the one giving out the government employee deals. That's why I go to Mighty Taco and only Mighty Taco now.
I'm jealous! I love DC! Although I didnt think it was possible for so many people to be in one place at one time to look at trees!
Wow, beautiful pictures -- just beautiful. I'm so glad you had a good time! There is no where prettier on earth than DC in the spring time, if you ask me. Its sounds like you had a GREAT birthday -- I hope you had some tasty food too. Remember, I"m always available by cell phone for travel recommendations -- I eat a lot and am very opinionated!
And in answer to your questions: Daniel Chester French, William Thorton, N/A, and anywhere there was a happy hour special.
Who else is SO happy that baseball is back on TV?
Feeling very nostalgic~I'm calling all of Kristen's friends in DC right now to see who wants Unkie and I for the weeekend.
I know one of them must be just dying to have us!! Let you how it turns out.
Auntie got so excited by the pix from that part of the world that she is insisting that we head to Philadelphia tomorrow. I suspect that it has something to do with the fact that the Trenton thunder--yuk--Yanks farm club, and the Lakewood BlueClaws--that's philly-that's OK, are home on friday and saturday. You know Auntie. Once she gets it into her head that it's b-ball season there is no reasoning with her.
I was soooo tempted to buy Trenton's ticket flex pack this year.
Brother, is it not the same distance from EA to Washington DC as it is to Philadelphia??? Sure looks it on google map?
I am sure there are some georgetown shops calling AP's name!
Any one taking in the home opener today? 3:05 start and it should be about 50 degrees??
I have a question, and it is pretty controversial, but I am putting it out there anyway, OK here goes, so who really likes, the New West Coast Sports Center??
Based in the new downtown Los Angeles Studio?? Any hands in the air, I am quessing no!
enjoy Maudy Thursday!
Not a fan... but shouldn't these questions be asked in a bar over a beer?
Yay for Friday, pay day, a catered lunch, and closing the office early for Good Friday!
That's great! Is the office closing early @ KDHRC?
I wish there were more afternoon ballgames on TV today. My day then would be church, fish fry, & baseball on TV. AND I'm pretty sure I'd have a smile on my face as the day came to an end.
A solemn happy good friday to all..
KDH, do you recognize Christian Holidays? or no?
Buffet dinner at 2 at 431 on Sunday.
Yankees play at 4 PM nephew, and before that you can watch the replay of yesterdays game!
So a poll was taken, and I have to admit, I love NYC, but I think I prefer DC over NYC!
DC, Oh the places to go
The things you will see in Washington DC!
I crack myself up!
I was just hoping a 1PM game was on TV before the Yanks. As it tirned out we arrived home from Crazy Jake's at 3:30, just in time for the pre-game warmup. I watched the start of the Yanks game, had a lovely lil' nap around the 2 through the 4th inning and commensed watching the game with no one the wiser to my fiver.
Looks to be like a nice day outside ejoy it all.
Happy Easter, family, friends and fans of the blog!
With a bright sunny day ahead of us, may we all realize what is truly important in this world!
Yup I agree, a Yankee win!
Happy Easter! He is Risen!
Yup, another Yankee win would be perfect.
The kids woke up at 5:54 and insisted on keeping us up. I soon ran out of things to throw at them I decided it was futile effort to get them back to bed. SOOO, After running around the house in search of a major prize, finding it, playing with it, we sat down and had a delicious breakfast.
Happy Easter all.
back from philly and watching OUR Binghamton Mets beat up on the Trentooon Skanks. Got a chance to meet up with the CEO of KDHRC, did the walking tour of Independence Hall area, etc. Reminded me of DC a bit since most of the good stuff is free and the addition is having shops that sell Philly cheesesteaks/beer on the walking route to to the different attractions. Talked to Mom, actually woke her up, and it sounds like there was a good time had by all at 431. happy easter to all and to all a good night.
I sure hope there will be a Philly blog coming soon! Had a wonderful Easter. Austin and I are leaving for our Spring Break in T Minus 16 hours. Were heading to Myrtle Beach with my best friend and her 2 kids. Austin has never seen the ocean, so he is rather excited. Dreading the 14 hour road trip with three kids. But we will manage. Have a great week everyone! I will be out of communication from the world, but hopefully my mom and sister can provide updates for anyone who is interested.
Glad to hear you had a good time in Philly. Did you stop off at Pat's or Geno's for a cheese steak?
AND, did you order it wit or wit-out?
Have a safe, good time down in SC... Enjoy the car ride, it's the best part of the trip. Ummmm... maybe not the best part.
I'll be home working this week so you folk that took the week off, enjoy it. Does KDHRC have today off in honor of Pussy Willlow Day?
And a most happy Dyngus Day to all! Question is, yard work or Bisons today? Not really that tough of a question. Off to M. B. You go nc jnn and drive carefully. Enjoy the day and watch out for the squirt guns!
Happy Dyngus Day to one and all!
Had a very nice Easter, just wish it would have been 10 degrees warmer!
Enjoy the week off nephew!
It is payroll monday, so as you can see I am frantically doing time cards so everyone gets pd! I have til 9!
Philly blog, that would be a great addition to our blog!
will someone please go to the parade today and take pictures for me? I WANT TO BE THERE! It starts at the broadway market at 5pm.
Broadway Market 5PM, I will totally be there, with my instamatic in hand!
An abdomin sonogram, a stomach scope, 2 sets of blood tests and an abdomin CT, two different doctors and another tomorrow and no definate answers...ideas anyone... anyone?!
Well...if any of you can't sleep just give me a call--I'm usually on the couch from 2am-6am! Ugh!
The kiddies and I are off to the Bisons 1P game today, all week long $6 tickets. The weather is going to be tollerable, so that's our plan. Hope to see someone there today.
Sorry to hear about Sndr and all of her problems. Not a lot of fun when you can't get any answers. Hope that our Bisons fare better today. Yesterday was actually a pretty decent day. Not a lot of wind so it was comfortable. Only 4 to park, a senior ticket for 5, and 2.50 beers across at the Irish Times before the game. Unfortunately the Skanks have a lot of talent in their lineup. I like Austin Jackson a lot. Can I get him on my fantasy team? Actually I had my best fantasy performance ever (actually I always perform well in my fantasies, but that's another story) against the hated Bronx Bombers. usually my sister stomps me about 9-1, but I actually got 5 points last week. I thought that nphw jff was working all week? What happened to those intentions? Enjoy!
A few things, sndra so sorry you still are not feeling well! That is the worst! Not feeling well and no answers! With everyone's love, support and prayers, you will be feeling better soon, I know it!
I thought I beat you last week brother??? so I was told..
a stinky performance by wangchung last nite, pee you!
at least boston lost, yee haw!
heard from jnna this AM, they had to pull off the road about 3AM due to the for in W Va, so they hope to be back on the road again shortly!
have a great tuesday one and all.
It can be dangerous to pull off the road in WVa -- hope the travellers are back on the way soon (is WVa between Buffalo and Myrtle Beach? )
Sorry you don't feel well Sandra -- I'm rooting for you.
Dyngus day wasn't an official KDHRC holiday. I did try to explain the holiday to my staff, and got a lot of incredulous looks. Thank goodness for the internet: http://www.dyngusdaybuffalo.com/
Properly celebrated my Polish Heritage yesterday with $2 beers at Peter K's. One of the few bars left in WNY that still allow squirt guns in the bar on Dyngus Day.
With all the squirt guns around the bar I found it amusing that they took the time to plastic wrap their cash register, but left their 50" flat screen high definition TVs open for attack!
Anybody see the cat run out on the field during the Mets game last night? pretty crazy!
Feel better Sandra!
leave it to Cookie to find a dyngus day party with a bargain no less!
I meant to say Fog not for.
West Va apparently is between buffalo and myrtle beach according to jnna anyway!
Maybe she is going back to DC??
I leave for a few days and miss ALL the action!
Just a couple of things. First and Foremost, GET WELL SOON!
Secondly, the travellers made it safe and sound, after a 15 hour car ride. I am travelling with my best friend, her two kids who are 7 and 4 and of course Austin.
When we hit Jamestown, they asked are we there yet? How much longer? and the infamous, I need to pee statement!
We drove from 1030pm-330am, made it to West Virginia and stayed at same hotel that mother and sister and I stayed in for Rick's Wedding. In fact, I think Howard (the bell boy) was still there then. Ahhh, some things just don't change.
Arrived in Myrtle Beach at 5pm after MB state trooper pulled us over in residential area asking me where I was going, what I was doing, and why was I in this neighborhood? I told him to my hotel, on vacation, and I am following my GPS. Apparently, we were in a bad area!
The weather here is BEAUTIFUL! We are heading to the ocean for the majority of the day, and possible Medival Times for Dinner.
Everytime Cookie and KDH travel, they send GG a postcard. Well believe me, we stopped at least a dozen rest areas, so I have a flurry of postcards to send. I will just do it when I am back on Tonawanda Soil.
Kids are up, minus Austin who will sleep until noon.
Now on to read about the latest pirate attack.
Glad to hear that the travellers made it safe and sound. Enjoy the beach. i envy you. Sleeping in when the ocean beckons? come on Austin, get down there and search for the beach babes! Enjoy
Just got a call from the beach bums, seems they wanted to know if the Myrtle Beach Pelicans had a home stance. They do, they have a 4 game series against the Frederick Keys! It will be a battle of the 2 second place teams in the Carolina league. Lets go Keys, just sounds better, than lets go Pelicans!
Attempt to wake Austin so we could take a walk on the beach was unsuccessful. Supposed to be a high of 59 today, so all our activities will be indoors minus our 7:05 ball game.
Pretty excited about that game, not sure who I will cheer on, but nontheless it should be a good time.
Jnna -- I'm jealous too -- a beach house with internet access no less!
Here's an insider tip for the game tonight -- frederick key fans jingle their key chains during "take me out to the ballgame" in the 7th inning stretch. Kid you not! I was at Pelican field a few years ago and remember a good time. Play some skee ball on the boardwalk for me!
As for me, I'm taking a KDHRC holiday (excuse to the staff? all day meeting at the accountant's office) to go to the day game at the Ted. My braves got clobbered by the Marlins last night but I hope they turn it around today! I'm sure my prescence will help.
With daughter at the Braves game, and nc jnn at the Pelicans game, I guess that I will have to go to the Bisons game, even tho it is on the tube today. Better yet, it will help me avoid the temptation of looking in on the Yankees game. Seems like there is something going on there in the Bronx today, probably televised multiple arrests; oh no, in fairness, if it is televised multiple arrests, it probably is the Bills. But like the GM says, we have no "character issues". TO is starting to look like a choir boy. Enjoy the day all; I plan to
KDH, the perk of being the boss, the owner, and the chief cook and bottle washer! Lying to the staff and sneaking off to the ball park!
That is awesome. I too have a meeting downtown, that I would totally love to blow off and sit down the third base line! sigh, but I do not think I can? OR can I?
As the bisonmets are playing scrantonwilkesbarre...
That is awesome about the keys! I will have to remember that. A little scuffle ensued at the outdoor pool today, as Austin and I were talking sports and were very vocal about our passionate Yankees, and one fella (and I use the term loosely) informed us that he was a die hard Red Sox fan. Unfortunately, I was not to equiped with valuable information as my mother, father, cousins, etc are. But Austin told him he should be shipped to a different hotel because he was a Boston fan and a Dallas fan no less! As the gentlmen, okay he was at least ten said Don't worry my cowboys have TO this year. Austin proceeded to tell him that he was now a Buffalo Bison's player. As I had to correct my dear nephew, The Koch's prevailed.
Getting ready to head to the ballpark a tad early as the paper informed us that it is meet the players night!
KDH- We met a softball team here from Hotlanta, if only I had your card I could have drummed up some business for you.
Went to chick a filet for the first time. Austin and I ate for under $10, my kind of lunch!
Did get a chance to catch some of the Yankees home opener on tv and I guess that the best that we can hope for is that all remaining games played in that venue go as today's game went. Enjoy the big Pelican-Keys matchup tonite. We will be looking for a blog, as well as postcards, upon your return. Looks as if things did not go well for the Braves, as they did not for the Bisons either. Go Indians!!
It seems like forever ago when I was here last... off today... again. Obviously my good intentions of working all week is a failure. Just put me in the same category with the other 60% of Americans who feel its best to receive rather than give.
We're off to Sandra's surgery consultation this AM and hopefully a surgery date will be scheduled sooner rather than later. Bye-bye gallbladder. Who needs ya!
I wish I could have been at the Pelicans game last night. Instead I'm pretending to be in my twenties, nay thirties again, playing floor hockey against kids half my age. When will I ever grow up?
Tickets to the Pelicans game= $22, food at ballpark= $60, money spent at gift shop= $150, the lady next to you asking if she can eat some of your nachos= priceless.
Had a great time at the game last night. Unfortunately one team can not complete 6 errors and expect to win.
High today of 67, only 2 more days left. :(
OK, $60 for food and $150 at the gift shop?!?! I can understand $60 in beer but not food. I dont even want to know what $150 at the gift shop gets you.
Happy Friday All! Beautiful day here in Buffalo!
Hmm, no comment about the lady who wanted our nachos? 150 got us 3 shirts, a Yankees and Mets remote control car, 2 baseballs, 2 bats, 2 programs, and a polo shirt for dad.
Heading to Barefoot landing then Medival Times for 6pm dinner.
the nacho lady was just part of the down south friendliness that we have all heard about. I am sure that she was willing to allow you to lick her ice cream cone in return. That's the problem up here in the north, we are way too formal. Vacations go way too fast unfortunately. good luck on getting the surgery done ASAP. Looking forward to enjoying the sunshine today. looks like rain for early next week, but who cares?
My brother makes me laugh, I know he is for a fact a baseball afficionado, and here he is dissing the new Cathedral to baseball in the bronx. I know it is just get a rise out of said nephew and Koch family, I bet he has Yankee Hanes on, does he AP??
Good luck Sandra! Never heard a gallbladder issue dragged out so long??? Usually, over and done with ASAP!
JLL, you must have not ever taken Austin to a baseball game, he eats every inning!
Sigh, I wish Friday work day was over, but not Friday nite!
Wow busy blog day!
The Braves made just about 6 errors yesterday, and no they did not win. Still, a bad day at the ballpark beats a good day at work, so I was pleased indeed.
And that's chick'fil-a to a southerner, Jnna. With a heavy emphasis on the AYYYY.
I heard that Chick'fil-a was the Sonic gas and sandwich bar of the south. Is that true KDH?
6 errors??? Were they fielding with gloves from the late 1800's???
$150 at the souvenier stand??? Good Lordie woman! I can understand $60 on beer and food (as lond as it's a mutten sandwich, where the mutten is nice and lean) but we're talkin' Pelicans here... aren't we? Glad to hear you're having fun and I hope the last two daze drag out for ya.
Unckie is very funny indeed.
It is 1600 hours on a friday, the next sound you hear will be me opening my ice cold beer!
I heard it, I heard it! And then birds started singing, flowers begain to grow, and a rainbow shot into the sky leading its way to a pot o gold. Ahhhhh.... beer.
Our last full day here in Myrtle Beach and how depressing that is! It should be the nicest day of the trip, so we will be heading to the beach until lunch. Tonight were heading to Nascar Speedway and some final shopping. Hope everyone enjoys their Saturday!
what a nice saturday, just enjoy the sunshine and lack of windchill!
I know its gonna come back to bite me, but wow, was that yankees game today fun to watch!
I actually came up to blog in the second inning but thought better of it. Careful there son of mine,this will come back in spades, but it was an enjoyable game. On a serious note tho, what kind of a wind tunnel are they playing in and what is the record for most home runs in a stadium in a season?
Testing for wind tunnels before a stadium goes up... yeah they did that before they built Ebbetts Field too.
Yucky weather comin' so I'm just going to hide out and watch some ball games on the telly.
Kind of a busy weekend.. Well not really. What a gray gloomy monday.
So yea, the yankee game on saturday, anytime you make assdribble cabrera look good you are in trouble! And that was the bisons team of 4 years ago. I am seriously questioning joe girardi's apptitude on this one!
Chin ming should be parking cars in Tampa! Notice no one on holtzfamily baseball has picked him up? I quess an era of 37 scares everyone away!
Enjoy the week all!
I don't know about you, but rainy days and Mondays always get me down. Hope that our intrepid travellers arrived back safely. Based upon the responses in my classes so far, it appears that Myrtle Beach was a popular destination for WNY. I am sure that all of this will encourage my lawn to the point that mowing season will begin soon. At least it isn't Colorado and 4 feet of snow. Hovering around .500 in fantasy after splitting with my grandson. I need some offense. Who has offers??
I don't want to say anything, but it is close to 60 days with out a new Oliver Blog, what is up with that??? We probably will not even recognize him, he has changed so much?
rainy daze and Mondays... ahhh memories.
I don't have too much to offer ya Unckie. But if you see someone oon my team you like I'd at least listen. I have a first basemen by the name of Youkilis I wouldn't mind gettin' rid of.
2 new oliver blogs and I would gladly part with either cecil or gonzalez from s.d. for a first sacker of the youklis caliber. it's only a bonus that he is a sox.
Arrived to WNY late last night and slept most of the day away today. I promise we will have a blog as soon as I have the energy to complete one.
great new oliver blog! I think Cesar Milan could learn a thing or too from Oliver's calm assertive direction he gives Lucy!
A gray tuesday, which is still better than a gray Monday.
And No Jenna really did sleep all day!
Any one have any earth day eve plans? Yea me neither
Earth Day? Do I have to get Sandra a gift or a card, sod? Sheesh, another Hallmark Holiday, I'll say it again, sheesh.
Gonzalez for Youk? Hmmmmmm... Tempting. Then I could yell, Adrian... where's your hat?
A lot of rain yesterday, did we need it?
I am in need of advice from cousin Jff. I have been off of work on vacation for an entire week. How on earth do you get back into the swing of things? I just want to take a nap at my desk.
I think everyone should say earth in there sentence since it is Earth day.
I'm feeling earthy...
That Eartha Kitt sure is (was?) something!
Sorry...I didn't mean to Bearth, but I do have a gallbladder problem!
When my day starts with sportscenter, and I have to be exposed to Justin Timberlake's Top Ten of anything, then it is time to get them out of hollywood and back to bristol, ct. I thought that Snoop Dogg would be the worst, but they outdid themselves.
Notice everyone said earth in a sentence but Unky! Is he always like that AP!
I have complained about SportsCenter too, but no one listens!
" The earth gave way on Ellicott Creek and a family lost 2 SUV's and 2 boats, poetic justice I think, as it happened on Earth Day"
There my sentence with "earth" in it!
If anyone is keeping track, Anastasia is back to 2 working phones, both within 25 feet of each other, it was that pesky charging problem!
thinking of going to catch a rochester redwing game tomorrow, thoughts anyone?
1. Are you in the mood for an Erie Canal song fest? At 6:30 p. m. Wednesday inside the City of Tonawanda Public Library, songbird Dave Ruch will play his mandolin, guitar, washtub bass, five-string banjo and jaw harp. Sing along for free at 333 Main St.
" And people say there is never anything to do in Tonawanda"!
I make it a point to never travel to Rochester with anonymous people. I did try to respond yesterday, but the best that I could come up with used dirt, instead of earth, and my computer here was not allowing me to post. So There! I am not ALWAYS like that ANON.
Friendly skies headed our way!!! Who else is looking forward to a beautiful weekend in Buffalo?!?!?!
I already have weekend plans fishing and hiking with the kids... I'm sure they can hardly wait.
Jnna, your vacation question can be answered in two words... extended vacation. It's the opposite of taking your work home.
I wasn't an E"a"rtha Kitt fan, I was a big fan of Yvonne Craig though, talented actress, huge assets, she made Elvis look good.
Why did I come up anonymous???
well dare I say, Happy Friday to one and all! sigh, the world always seems a better place on friday!
Mr austin is bussing his way to Washington DC, Jenna and I took him to his school last nite, where he boarded a bus, for a 4 day whirlwind tour of the nations capitol! Lots of tears were shed, and lots of goodbyes, and only by jnna!
mmm contemplating how to best utilize my next 2 days off???
suggestions anyone anyone???
Yay for Friday! Looking forward to Beer:30
Hope that nc jll found her beer yesterday after work, the name, by the way, of my favorite team. All's well in the baseball world, at least until this afternoon. Should I invest my afternoon with the woeful Bisons or spend it productively reducing the tasks in my job jar? Big decision, but then, maybe not. Enjoy the day all. What's with this 80 today, 60 tomorrow, 80 monday deal?
What a beautiful day! Let's hope the Bills draft someone today that will get them to the playoffs.
Went out with my best friend last night and this guy who was trying to pick up my friend said he had a talent of reading palms. Who does that???????????
What a glorious day! Its days like today that make January bearable in WNY!
Yes, so last nite we piled into the Rice Van and headed for Rochester to catch the redwings vs SWB! And what fun we had! Rochester Red Wing park is very cozy! There cold beer rates up there at the top! Just a lot of fun, a great game, great hot dogs, and most of all great company!
Enjoy the sun, enjoy the day!
So was that the redwings game that was like 16-15? Or was that a different night? Beautiful out right now> Hope it keeps for the rest of the day. Todd McShay really liked the Bills draft. Why? they're comparing the white guy at center to Kent Hull. You think? No, me neither.
Yankees 6 Red Wings 2 on Friday night, both pitchers had a 1 hitter starting the top of the 6th.
Gorgeous day yesterday fishing, hiking, and catching toads and frogs. Zach even went swimming in a pond. In April!? Incredible!
Look out for Austin Jackson!
Zach turned 12 today, where do the daze go?
Good mornin'
Todd McShey on ESPN picked the Bills as being a winner. Do we believe him?
A Big H-B Zach!! Next year a teenager. My sympathies to your parents. What a WONDERFUL weekend in so many ways, but I have decided to take the moral highground, and nothing about baseball will pass from my lips, thru my fingers, to the keyboard. 80 plus today. A tough day to be at work, but off I go anyhow. Enjoy it all but steer clear of farm animals. not really a funny subject.
Happy Monday, and a glorious Monday it is suppose to be!
Does everyone remember, the swine flu scare of 1973?? I remember everyone getting encouraged to get vaccinated! Must be every 30 years or so!
Glad everyone had a great weekend!
Moral highground? Its April baseball no panic in my world!
enjoy the day, and remember "wash your hands"!
I knew my fantasy pitching strategy would backfire on me.
What a day, what a day, today... Unckie we may have another joining us on our golf excursions. Young Zach got his first set of clubs. 'snif'
So I risk exposure to swine flu by going to the Bisons game last nite and for my money I got: 1. to see them hit 2 balls hard the entire nite=a leadoff homer and then a single the rest of the way. 2. to realize that the left field wall retired numbers ain't going to change in the foreseeable future. there sure is no Lew Keister in those Mets hand me downs. 3. I did see my greatest in person fan catch. The guy is about 20 seats away, he's holding maybe a 3 month old in his right arm, and snags the foul fly in his left hand--magnificent--and that was it for the nite. At least I was home early. Who else has a "greatest fan catch"?
Our blog still amazes me. That question asked by Unkie has never been asked before! I think we all need to ask questions that have never been asked on this blog before!
To answer, I do not think I have witnessed a "greatest catch". One time dad had to save his coffee cup, so he had no choice but to catch the ball.
Bisons game on thursday is eat free thursday! 705 start.
Freddy Garcia pitched last nite, well worth a case of swine flu I think!
Greatest catch, mmmm
Friday nite at the Red Wings game, while Jff and emma were searching for the mascots, a foul ball was headed for Zach and myself, I was pulling Zach over to me by his sweatshirt, and we were preparring to dive under the seat, the ball landed 2 rows behind us, exactly behind us, when zach and I got up and brushed the peanut shell remnants off of us, (geo had peanuts) a baby was holding the ball! Yes sir, greatest catch ever by an infant!
An infant catch? That sure trumps me. Freddie looked more like Sgt. Garcia of Zorro fame than a major leaguer last nite. The poor conehead must have real mixed emotions. On the one hand, he can sure get around the stadium easily because of all of the empty seats, but then again there is no one to sell beer to. I did my best last nite to try and help him out but still.....Maybe they should try free beer nite instead of free food.
I'd go.
Greatest fan catch??? I've seen a few good ones over the years, but none that I would describe as "greatest ever", with a baby in one hand, (or beer, really doesn't matter, you don't want to drop either one) anyone who can catch it with there other free hand has my vote.
June 19th NY-Penn League starts, I'm trying to convince Sandra to go to the Jammers home opener.
Questions never asked on this blog: Ok, you asked for it: Should I fake my .... ?
yes, always. I never give Tops my real id when I buy beer.
Only at the border when trying to get into Canada, because you should not be going anyway!
This is a fun game!
Question never asked before:
Do you all really not have anything better to do?
Answer to last question: no
Anyone heading to the Bison's game this weekend?
I wanted to be the 100th comment! Question never asked on this blog, Did anyone else feel they wasted their time by watching the press conference?
Where is that Myrtle Beach blog you promised us Jenna?!?!
OH and Happy Anniversary Mom and Dad!
ewww to anonymous, what would I rather do than put my thoughts out to the WWW, and talk to my family, so I quess sadly, no I dont have anything better to do!
I'd rather be no where than, right here, right now. Sorry Marv.
Happy Anniversary AB & UG!
I think chone, should be pronounced, KONE! How do you get shawn out of chone?
thank you for the anniversary wishes, 33 years later, who said it would'nt last?
Sorry I was out shopping for the perfect anniversary gift and all I came back with is a Dillybar from Dairy Queen.
MB blog, it's a work in progress. Patience people Patience!
Oh yes, I almost forgot Happy Anniversary Mom and Dad!
Happy Friday one and all, sigh, we made it to another one!
So as you all know I take alot of inspiration from SportsCenter, dont we all, and I am thinking we need our MVB for April, no not MVP, MVB, most valuable blogger!
Now the criteria is pretty simple, who did a lot of living and alot of blogging, that enabled them to share there "life" experience with the WWW, because as you all know we have been blog of choice many times! And we did come close in April:
So Buster Olney has recommended his H-MVB top 5:
5. Koch Ladies, for there awe inspiring, patriotic, humerous, yet touching Capitol Blog
4. Jff, who managed to take in some minor league baseball games, support his under the weather wife, and host a birthday party.
3. Emma, who muscled her way through a crowd to get Kei Igawa's autograph
2. Zach, turning 12, and keeping score for the Rochester Red Wings game
1. AP, well just because, how do you not?
honorable mentions: KDH, as usual running her enterprise, keeping up with HFBB.
Oliver, just because he is so darn cute, and if he had a computer I am sure he would blog
And of course, Sue Rice, no reason given, and I think she falls in the the big poppi category, they keep talking about him and he really doesnt contribute, same with her!
UC, work, golf, baseball, yardwork, blogging, that says it all!
We are your daughters, and we only placed 5th! Where is Fargo in the mix? What about Grandma? I see this list drawing some controversy. What about Sandra? How come KDH is honorable mention? No mention of Adam or Amy?
A question never asked on this blog....
Does anyone have swine flu symptoms?
Even tho I didn't make the cut, I will continue to try to contribute to the blog, even tho most of my observations are as popular as an appearance by Barack at a Limbaugh family reunion. Even tho it is difficult to type with my eyes red and swollen, I will wish my sister and her spouse a belated H. A. and feel secure health=wise knowing that I have nc jnn and all of the health care resources at her disposal a mere minutes away if I were to experience "symptoms". Hey, its FRIDAY! come on M Bch blog. this 100 plus comments is getting tough to scroll thru.
My surgery is now May 8th--Jnna...can you still do the zoo with Emma?
Yes, count me in for the zoo! I am excited!
I second Unckie's self-nomination... his dry blog wit, political sacrifices, and catering to Auntie P's minor league baseball needs deserves the nod.
So the Rice/ Doebler clan traveled to the far reaches of Niagara County last night to enjoy one of the little known delicacies of the world (smelt). The Lewiston Smelt Festival was last night and fun was had by almost all. We had smelt (free), beer (not free), and someone even had a hot dog and fries. Then not wanting to challenge the 30 minute line again for our second round of smelt, father and I (with the help of my bro-in-law's pocket purse, paid for more smelt at the Silo. After finishing the last of the deep fried smelt from the paper boat. Licking our fingers my father and I looked up to see there was no one in line for the free smelt... so we mosied over to the tent and got another paper boat of smelt. In comparison, both smelt (free and not free) pretty much tasted the same. Who'd a thought?
UMMMMMMMMMM!!! Smelt!!! I can recall a time when a certain b-i-law of mine used to dip his own in lewiston and share with his less adept family members. Those where the days. Thanks nphw for the support. I need all that I can get. Auntie is off this afternoon to Quincy via jetblue and some O-time.. She has her supply of surgical masks for the flight. Looks like I'll be batching it for a few days. What to do?? Maybe I will get a chance to do some of the things that I never can when auntie is around; golf? bisons? maybe a little quick draw? A trip to the racino? That was a big move-up for sndrs surgery. It will be good to get that behind ASAP, which is always much easier to say when it isn't you. Enjoy the day all
Just my luck, I had all my money on "I want Revenge."
Blog in the making.
So this morning was the opening day ceremonies for little league, it seemed like only yesterday my brother donned his green knab brothers uniform and headed off to ives pond! UJ not UC
Geo was an honorable mention as being a past president, but it was quite a dignitary laden event with mayor ron pilozzi in attendance, who daughter jnna loudly boo'ed, and other such notables, lets face it, it was the who's who of tonawanda. So that was fun, they also had hotdogs for 1$ and a bowl of chowder for 1.50! Who can go wrong with lunch for those prices!enjoy the day
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