the beach, and of course a bar. Austin was all smiles at the indoor pool as we were nearly exhausted from the 14 hour car ride. The kids swam most of the day, and my friend Kristin and I rested most of the night. Pictured below is the indoor pool right outside out hotel. We had a great time. It rained one night, and was beautiful the rest. We did a something fun every night; putt putt golf, Medival times dinner, Broadway at the Beach, Barefoot Landing, and catching the sun rise and sun sets off the beach. We had a great time and was sad to leave. But, maybe next year for Spring Break 2010. Only next year, We fly!
As the family grows and continues to change, we use our family blog to keep in touch, remind each other of who we are, where we came from, and where were going.
Saturday, May 02, 2009
Spring Break 2009
the beach, and of course a bar. Austin was all smiles at the indoor pool as we were nearly exhausted from the 14 hour car ride. The kids swam most of the day, and my friend Kristin and I rested most of the night. Pictured below is the indoor pool right outside out hotel. We had a great time. It rained one night, and was beautiful the rest. We did a something fun every night; putt putt golf, Medival times dinner, Broadway at the Beach, Barefoot Landing, and catching the sun rise and sun sets off the beach. We had a great time and was sad to leave. But, maybe next year for Spring Break 2010. Only next year, We fly!
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The nations capitol replaced by sandy beaches, ocean breezes and waving palm trees! sigh...
good job!
Yeah! A brand new blog. The travel adventures continue. The only thing missing was all of the great golf courses that they have. Looks like you had a blast. Anybody have the superfecta (first 4 horses in order) from yesterday's Derby? Worth 557,000. Nope, me neither. Every year I tell myself, just pick numbers out of a hat, but I never listen to me.
We missed the race, the kids were to engrossed in a Hannah Montana episode. I was a big fan of Big Brown last year... did he just watch from the sidelines this year?
Great blog Jnna, it really did look like you had fun. Nice pool!
What's on deck for the day? Baseball? Another horserace? Playoff hockey? Me, I'm just sittin' outside with a cold one in hand and Jimmy Buffet in the background... don't hate me because I'm beautiful.
nphw jff w/cold one at 7:48 am. No one could hate that. You are my idol and role model!
Jff don't give dad any ideas -- antie p isn't around to keep him in line!
I'm back in the ATL after a week away -- business meetings in NY and DC. They all went well -- but BOY I'm POOPED!
Good thing I'm "relaxing" by hosting a dinner party tonight for 12 strangers. I decided 4 months ago that would be a good way to make friends and meet people. Today, I'm just wondering WHY I wanted to do that. Any ideas, fellow Holtzs? Could I cancel on account of swine flu snoutbreak 2009?
So here we are back to work! I had very high hopes for the weekend, lots planned to get done!
And then all of sudden I get a phone call from my sister??? Thats odd, she never talks to me?
It seems gramma was sick, mmmm
thats odd she never gets sick??
So over to apt 203 jnna and I go over and it seems like luther manor has recorded there first case of swine flu or somekind of flu that knocked anastasia out of commission. She was down for the count! but happy to report, she had started to perk up last nite, was in her chair, sipping some ginger ale, and saying she may or may not live, and everything I need is in the tackle box! Bait??
I hope everyone had the trifecta!
KDH, fill us in on your dinner party, had I been anywhere within
screaming distance, I totally would have worn the black and white and passed the silver tray of smoked salmon on triscuits!
YEA, its tuesday! how great is that! NC on last nites rain delayed debacle:(
gramma still trying like heck to get better.
other than that, I really dont have much else of anything just plugging along day to day trying to get to the finish line! FRIDAY!
KDH, Birth day plans on horizon???
Anything fun?
Sorry KDH we weren't very helpful with ideas for your party. Did everything go ok or did you play the pig card?
I hate to say this but sitting outside in the sun with a cold one in hand is getting easier and easier as the daze get warmer.
Tuesday, is so much closer to Friday than Monday. Isn't that a song?
Called to talk to Mom last nite and got Mrs. Fixxitt who was there with chicken soup in hand. Couldn't stay awake for the rain-delayed game. Auntie comes home today and seems a bit on the tired side. I need to prepare for my late nite run to the airport. Enjoy the sunshine all.
A Birthday of Note???? Is it a milestone????
anastasia much much better! So I quess there is no need to open up the tackle box!
Nephew, you must ask UC about his upcoming trip! It will be one for the ages!
happy wed!
Hey how about that NBA game last nite, huh, what a heartbreaker!
Zach scored a goal in his soccer game last night! He has another game tonight if anyone wants to stop by...
Called to talk to Mom last nite and this time I had a chance to chat with Auntie B. Later Mom called with a shopping list for me for thurs. so I think that she is feeling better. As usual Jetblue was detained in Boston so Auntie got an extended opportunity to watch the playful mice in Logan. but she did get back and it wasn't too long after midnite. It did give me a chance to watch some bball and I am glad to know that those top seats are down to 1250 for a chance to sit in the rain. I love it when people with money have to suffer. I am hoping that Auntie is awake by the time that I get home.
Was she???
Sad to see no one sitting behind home plate at a Yankees game. The fans have spoken. Good for them.
gray and rainy, how depressing!
I concur with nephew an absolute abomination that the seats behind home plate are empty!
An NHL team in Hamilton, say it aint so???
Gramma is on the mend, so that is good news!
enjoy thursday
Yes, auntie was up when I got home yesterday and seems to have recovered somewhat. She also claims that "she wore Oliver out", but I am somewhat doubtful about that. Called Mom last nite and got mrs. fixxitt again. Must have been her turn. She did say that Sndr is all set for tomorrow and will be coming home the same day. WoW!! Anything at all like that, and I would be hospitalized for at least a month. We will be thinking of you tomorrow.
Looks like AB and I are on the same time schedule.
Who wants to be on my schedule today? Yeah, I wouldn't either. Happy Birthday Eve KDH! What do you have planned for the weekend?
Happy Friday!
OMG, do you believe its Friday!
good luck today sndra, hope this does the trick!
I am thinking we are currently in a parallel universe??? Manny taking estrogen! Mariano giving up back to back!
here's to a guick and speedy end of work day!
Now does this mean that my worthy opponent has to give up all of those "Manny points" that he has been pounding me with this week? Why couldn't they have found this out a week earlier? I tell ya, it's tough to be a baseball fan. Rumors are circulating that daughter is celebrating her b-day with a baseball trip. Maybe she will have more to follow, but I do know that the Bisons are not on her short list. Dropped Mom's groceries off yesterday and got home to phone message that I forgot to take her garbage out. Guess she is feeling better. Good luck today nc sndr, will be thinking of you. An early Happy Mom's Day and hope that the weekend offers all you enjoy and deserve.
I was summoned to pick up said laundry last evening and I was also told, that WE all walked by her garbage??? How much could she have possibly had?
But rest assured she did it herself, took it down the hall to the resepticol and deposited it!
Good thing!
I don't recall having to crawl over the garbage to get in or out, but I am glad to hear that the situation has been taken care of. Do you think that she might be enjoying all of the attention and visitors?
She is totally milking her near death flu experience! Now excuse me while I run her crackers, her clean laundry, scratch offs, and a paper!
Whoo hoo! Let the birthday baseball junket begin! Nothin better -- I'll have an update later in the weekend, family, but let me just tell you that it started with a plane flight where the woman behind me in business class got sloppy, loudly drunk during a 80 minute flight. NICE!
A flight? This suspense is killing me. Happy Birthday KDH! I can't wait for the blog!
May today bring you everything a birthday should have, fun, excitement, the company of good people but most of all CAKE!
I clearly remember the day you were born! How joyously happy we were to welcome our girl after all those boys (jeff and rick)!
I am on a popsicle run for apt 203, so I will blog more later as I have TONS to report!
I too remember that day 37 yrs. ago but probably a bit more fondly than auntie who was a bit "uncomfortable" after K's decision to come feet first. popsicle run??? need an update on nc sndr. How is everything going?? Hope that all is well. Sang to K at her destination and I am sure that she will provide some details later. Hope the garbage problem at Luther has been solved, at least temporarily.
Thank you all for your prayers and well wishes, Sandra's doing fine (other than being really sore). The surgery went without any hitches or surprises and she know begins her mending.
I called the commish and he says because Manny DID contact the fantasy league office and asked permission to take HcG everything was okay. He explained to them that sometimes he gets the menstrual cramps real bad. I feel ya, Manny. So anything Manny has done up until this point counts in this weeks showdown against Unckie's BEER!
Ribs and stout tonight, ribs and stout!
Happy Birthday Kristen, enjoy your special day.
Happy Mother's Day to all out there who are elgible!! Hope that your day is a special one. Auntie is already applying a lot of pressure for a trip to the Bisons today, but I may have to deny her that special treat. Doesn't seem as tho it's going to be one of those real nice weather-days. If Manny had cramps, I guess that makes it OK. Maybe Big Papi has cramps? How did the popsicle run turn out? Auntie B. promised big stories, left for pops and then disappeared. Glad to hear that nc sndr is on the mend.
Unkie, my ploy is to always leaving you wanting more, and wanting to keep checking back, have to keep our fans on the edge of there seats!
I had nothing else!
Today I am on a strawberry milkshake run!
Happy Mothers day...
Bisons game today, brrrr to chilly!
More like lifetime movie day!
I agree AB. I'd love to be at an afternoon Bison's game with Aunt P... but not when the winds are blowin' off the lake like the are today with a 25 degree wind chill. Nooooo thank you. Instead, we're curlin' up under our winter sheets and throwin' in a Cary Grant movie.
Sandra's still sore and General Francisco Franco is still dead.
What a weekend! My lovely daughter's birthday AND Mother's Day!! Not to mention the good news about Sandra.
I'm cold, brrrrr.
Monday Monday... we should write a song about it.
I got more sleep last night than on Saturday night, so we may be making progress... or I'm just ignoring the patient.
Enjoy today everyone and be careful out there.
I love to start the day humming a mama & papa's song!
well here we are back at square one!
Hope KDH survived her birthday field trip?
me, I hope I survive the workday!
So what's the dealio with KDH's birthday bash/extravaganza? Pretty significant number 37... isn't that the peak of the women's .... ummmmm... nevermind, it wasn't (I waited and waited and now Sandra's 40 sumthin). I was lied to.
Can we see pictures of the big hoopla? Wait, will the feds shut down our blog if they're posted?
Twosday! well here we are day 2 of the work week, is everyone OK?
Just checking?
So mrs fixxitt stopped in the dead of night last night, well it was 7:30, just to show me something, was that not so nice of her!
I hope sndra is on the road to recovery! Jff, are you off all week taking care of your wife?
Has KDH returned home? Gramma thinks she is in Cleveland. Now who would go to cleveland to celebrate a birthday? cookie tried to do the math to figure out by air travel time where she would be. Lets see if a plane travels X miles per hour, and you are in business class behind an inebriated passenger, and it is 80 minutes later and you are annoyed, where are you? Cookie says New Orleans???? Is she right??
enjoy the next 24 hours
Celebrated a belated Mom's Day yesterday with our favorite nonagenarian. She was happy cuz she got lunch, her cashword winners $$ and I sprung for her Robitussin. Has she substituted that for Labatts? Plus she got more cashwords to do. She has had lots of company of late and seems real happy with that. Just some random thoughts: Loved the article in the sunday news where the reporter counted 51 people still in the stands for the bottom of the 9th. Remember the days when the bisons led the minors in attendance? If I could be any athlete in the world, it would be Lebron. Your choice? Loved yesterday's column in the News about the interview with Derek Jeter. He and Posada (and maybe Yogi)have always made it difficult for me to universally hate the Yanks. Enjoy the sunshine.
I'd be Shawn Johnson so I could tumble and dance!
Ohh, an athlete game! I love when Unkie comes up with new games. Does this athlete have to be alive or dead? I would say alive, but, I would be..... Anyone on my fantasy team who has managed to show my family exactly what first to worst is like.
Where in the world is KDH? That's almost like where in the world is Carmen Santiago. I will guess, Los Angeles. I know I am wrong, but worth a shot.
LOL AP!!! Great ans! I bet you 2 play little games like that all the time!
First of all let me say, that I am shocked beyond belief that my brother would want to be anyone other than Tiger Woods!
I can not watch the yankee game, listening to all those knuckleheads in the stands is annoying! I am off to watch Idol!
Keep me updated.
An athlete that I would most like to be...mmmm Is cheerleading a sport?
Took a personal day today to spend the day with Emma and her class at the Buffalo Zoo. Now the pressure is on to bring the "coolest" lunch for her.
I talked to Emma last night and she told me a couple field trip rules: (I never knew)
1. You can't wear pajamas.
2. Yes you have to brush your teeth.
3. You are the chaparone.
4. No, you do not have a chaparone.
5. Of course we need icecream for desert!
No pajamas on field trips??? No wonder our children today are frustrated with all of these "rules". Cool lunch? What was the decision? Me, I would have snuck out of the zoo to the bar across the street for a few cold ones and a beef. Guess that's why they stopped me from chaperoning years ago. Come on JT, I need some real answers here. My wife and sister mock me with cheerleading and DWTS trivia. Speed, strength, dexterity, ability to play a number of professional sports well..think Bo Jackson, Dave DeBusschere, maybe (altho I really hate to include him, Deion Sanders), but I really think that Labron is unbelievable--does that mean I have a man-crush? At least it isn't on Barry Melrose.
Gram was completely right -- I was in Cleveland! Indians and Lake County Captains baseball -- very very fun. But it was cold and grey -- I'm officially a southern girl now and was only slightly embaressed that I was the only person at the ballpark in a fleece, jeans, hat and gloves (the more common attire was shorts and a long sleeve t, you hardy great lakes types!)
It was a super birthday!
I'd definately be Annika Sorenstam -- good golf skills, wicked hot, and completely rich and retired!!
Unkie...How about Tony Romo. I hear he has a future in golf???
Or Michael Jordan? He did attempt to play baseball.
For females...I'm thinking Tonya Harding. Nobody can box better than her. She wasnt a bad skater either.
gramma rocks, she knew where KDH was!
Wed is almost over, yee haw!
In case you didn't figure it out, the anon was me. Some good answers out there. I like the Tonya Harding.
I'd be Natalie Gulbis, but for probably the wrong reasons, I'm sure good gary would back me up on this decision. Seriously, it would have to be Derek Jeter, I'm a sucker for green eyes. I'd be looking at myself all day. Ahhhhhh dreamy.
Sorry, I've been amiss for a couple daze. I went to the Tor/ Yank game last night (great seats)and I'll tell ya, those canuckies were loud with AJ disappproval.
My guess is Cleveland... what do I win?
Oh, I would take Ali over Harding any day of the week.
Three in a row from me? Maybe the blog's location on the web is somewhere else? Hellooooooo...
Sandra gets her stitches out tomorrow and I'll need to take a half day off for the event. Show my support and all.
I should have waited 11 minutes.
A trifecta from JT. Sorry I have been glued to my tv as season finales this week.
Plus I am regrouping from my field trip yesterday. It takes a lot out of me!
Big evening last night, Sandra went out for dinner... yeah! No kids, Yeah! We went up to Lewiston's The Brickyard and had a wonderful meal. I got the Three Way Porker and Sandra wasn't even jealous (what a gal), even though she just had a grilled chicken salad.
Well, it's the weekend. I'm waiting. what's going on? A trip to OTB to place a wager on the Preakness for me. Auntie insists that we bet on the philly against all the guys. Barring that she will bet on any gelding in the race. Seems to be a theme here. Other than that it's go outside and feed the blackflies while trying to get some yardwork done. enjoy the day
Jeff, Did you get the shot of whiskey as one of your sides??? Gary and I like The Brickyard too. Good Beer.
Awesome Yankee game last night!
No, I goofed up and didn't see it as an option until after I placed my order... definitely next time. Loved it and the great draft selection! I had a Young's Double Chocolate Stout and a Guinness Anniversary. Both big boyz.
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