Monday, June 08, 2009

can somebody please tell me what this is?

please don't say squirrel.  I thought it might be a hedgehog, but this sucker was big, about 12 inches long.


unk said...

Oh boy, I get to be first, but I am not sure where to go on this. It sure does not look like Mustafa. I was expecting a beer drinking blog, but I don't see any beer at hand, altho this critter looks as if it could certainly handle a 12 ouncer. Where was this spotted? We need more info! Hope that the weather holds for today's Bisons game and further hope that they score a run.

adam said...

it was spotted in urban quincy. to be more specific, it was first spotted by our beloved beagle at 5:50 this morning. As she is a wuss, she let out a series of shrieks leading me to believe that she was being eviscerated by a coyote. I was, instead, greeted by this animal. I thought it was a beaver at first. It was angry.

kdh said...

An otter. Definately an otter.

kdh said...

or maybe a chupacabra. Leave a goat in your backyard and if it eats the goat, that's what you've got.

May want to hang some garlic over your doorway, just in case.

unk said...

chupacabra. Now that is funny! I thought that this was something from nphw jff. i never anticipated that it was indigenous to eastern new england. A mink? If you get enuf pelts is it coatable? What a great pirate gift!

kdh said...

oh that's awesome -- adam could set a trap line in his backyard!

Are the holtz's holding down the blog for a little while now? Where are the kochs and rices? Did we finally scare them off?

KDHRC's 1st annual Braves Bonanza this evening -- Nothing like a block of 12 seats of people totally not watching the game!

unk said...

I would be glad to occupy a seat and would definitely watch the game.

AntieP said...

How much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?

Try typing that ten times fast!

Jill said...

im saying its a porcupine. The hair looks pretty spikey.

Details to come on the whirlwind trip to NYC and Albany.

Betsy said...

I have been attending the NYHIMA convention this week being held in sunny downtown Buffalo.
This acronym stands for New York Health Information Management Association. So it has been 2 fun filled days of HIPPA rules, the impending ARRA just signed in Feb of this year. And all sorts of health Information mayhem!
YEA it ends tomorrow.
This is definately a badger!

unk said...

I understood all of the initialed groups that Auntie B threw out there except the last one. What is the Y. E. A.? Is that where all of the visiting dignitaries stayed? I think that it might be a wolverine. they have been known to sneak in from Michigan.

unkie said...

PS: I heard that cookie dropped 13 and a half on a yankee stadium beer. Did they let you walk down by the used to be 2500 seats and take a peek for that kind of money? I trust that there will be a blog of the new (yuch) stadium

Betsy said...

Did we identify the critter yet?
I am quessing it is a gynormous holey MOLEy!

jt said...

Sorry folks Auntie P sang it, it's a woodchuck... though I'd love it to be a chupacabra (you just know I have to google that one). Do they really eat goats?

I'm a little behind on my beer pose blog. The pictures just have to be downloaded.

jnna said...

Lot of action on the blog! I am impressed that cousin A came up with this blog. I know how Jff gets around furry animals.

Betsy said...

Well I am back at work after our whirlwind convention, and let me tell you us Health Information people, the shriners have nothing on us!
I am a bit puzzled, I left my desk totally clean and it is overflowing with stuff??? How did that happen?? I will investigate this one!
I have been informed that the scraping priming powerwashing team will begin this weekend, so that is exciting!
other than that, only 2 days left, who would have quessed!

Antie P said...

Adam~If a woodchuck could get into your fenced in yard, could Lucy get out????

Sometimes I worry...

adam said...

lucy's way too fat to be squeezing through any cracks.

unkie said...

I thought, after all of these years, that I would have most anything that I would need when the situation arose. Can you believe that I have run out of brooms????? It's FRIDAY and it promises to clear up and all is right with the world.

Betsy said...

brooms??? How odd??
So here we are at Friday already.
Did that week not zip right by ya!
As mentioned earlier the priming and painting begins at 431.
Did we ever decide what that creature was, is it a woodchuck?
mole? badger? cuprachabra?
And in the Hx of the HFB, the word
eviscerated and cubrachabra have never been used together in the same blog! Another first for the FB!
I hope everyone enjoys the day, as we will not see Friday again til next week!

Betsy said...

MMMMM, I just had an odd occurance?
My mother called my cell phone in the middle of the work day??? Of course it is a Friday and that usually means, she wants a fish fry, but she went out for lunch with my brother. So her next meal is in 24 hours usually. And I was not at my desk, so I missed the phone call??
Now what could my mother have to say that is so important, that she would call my cell???
UC & AP, any idea??? :)

Betsy said...

OMG, what wonderful news we have all been given!
How exciting!
Countdown to the big days, has never been more appropriate, as our blog name!

jnna said...

I think we need a new blog to ring in this wonderful news!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

kdh said...

I'm so excited and it makes me really happy you guys are happy too. Just because of work stuff, let's keep the blog mentions of the happy event vague, if you don't mind. But I will keep you all fully updated by email, for sure!

By the way, mom and dad and adam are pretty darn excited too.

Jnna said...

So the painting and priming will commence at promptly 8:30 am, when the painting team should arrive. We have cold beers on tap and bagels for breakfast. Cold beers and pizza for lunch and leftovers for dinner.

I will just watch and eat.

Betsy said...

Gotcha KDH!
I will keep Anastasia away from the keyboard!
Well it looks like an absolutely glorious day! Sunny, Warm, one of those days that make January days in these them parts bearable!
Remember to Fly your Flag today!
Hillary Clinton is also in WNY this weekend, just lots and lots going on today!
Enjoy the Allentown Art Festival, if you choose, or just chillin, if that is on your agenda, whatever it may be ENJOY!

jt said...

We had a BIG "Stanley" party last night, Duff's wings, cold beer and Zach and Bro in law were very excited about the Penguin outcome. Maybe one of these years (hopefully when I'm alive) Buffalo will win a Stanley Cup or Super Bowl.

adam said...

i can't believe my crittercam blog was hijacked by my big sister. IS nothing sacred?