As the family grows and continues to change, we use our family blog to keep in touch, remind each other of who we are, where we came from, and where were going.
Thursday, July 02, 2009
A Very Special Announcement
GARY and I are ENGAGED! Details to follow, but keep your calendars open folks!
Maid of Honor
How excited I was to hear the amazing news! I am proud to say I was officially asked to be the maid of honor.
I know that Gary will cherish her forever.
I also hope this does not impede the painting project!
We are all very excited and deleriously happy! Gary is a great guy, who fits in perfectly with the Holtz family, and he is a Yankee's fan! Welcome, Gary! My Dad would have liked you very much!
My heart is pounding, I am so happy! 2 new additions to the family this yr! Its a wonderful life, and may you have a long one. May God bless you and God Bless America I am so glad you found each other!
Happy 4th of July! Fly you flag proudly! So the newly engaged couple did the WNY 2009 "ring" tour yesterday, showed gramma, glen and shirley and nephew jff! I must say the happy couple is definately Happy! Hope everyone enjoys the day Come on Andy Roddick!
The ring tour continues with a trip to Lake Ontario today.
The most important decision has been decided....the cake is going to be from Dessert Deli. And apparently Jenna has already booked a photographer. Talk about MOHzilla!
Nice day yesterday, with the fireworks, a wedding we attended (despite getting stuck in mud... the groom and his brothers were very receptive to pushing us out), the food, etc... It was just a nice day.
Can we call it "Ring Tour 2009"!!! Sandra still hasn't seen the ring yet. Poor lil' girl cried to sleep in her pillow last night. I did everything I could do to comfort her. Everything.
Probably next summer folks. Maybe late August and it will be in Buffalo for all you road warriors. The proposal happened at home after dinner. He brought out champagne and said it was to celebrate our trip we just booked (we are going back to cali and vegas in sept). And he asked me to open it and when i turned around....the bling was staring me in the face!
August 2010 seems to be the month for weddings! Dan(nephew) and Amanda have picked that month also. They haven't settled on an exact date either. I am going to be one busy matron of honor, especially if the date is the same for both weddings!
How does monday come up so fast? It seems like it was just last week and here we are this week! I hope everyone enjoyed there holiday! It was a whirlwind, but fun! The wedding plans have started. Which is very fun! Cookie and gg are very organized, have lots of fun ideas, and I am sure it will be one for the ages. OTT, nothing really going on.. enjoy the day in your cubicle
AP...let me know when they pick a date. We are very flexible! We like Saturday August 28th, but it is totally dependent on the availability of the reception spot.
Amanda and Dan, are August too! OK well, let me get , Team J&G off the ground.. AP, KDH Jr and Sr, and Amy to help get this wedding train on the rail, hands in, go TEAM! We can do it, I know we can! Just a few "musts" invitations must be on recycled paper, open bar, colors??? open for suggestions, priest optional, reverend a must, and everything else will fall into place! Go Team!
So, anyhow, to get back to Casper, you have to understand that the wyoming people take their beer seriously. There is a designated "beer batter" from the other team who, if he strikes out, there are dollar Buds for 10 minutes. The beer batter is knocking the cover off the ball and the crowd is getting hostile. It's the top of the 5th, I am minding my own business, and all of a sudden from among the thousands, umh, hundreds?, at least tens, the Casper stooge is standing next to me telling me that I am on the Budweiser "hotseat" and if I can answer 2 "easy" baseball trivia questions, the dollar buds will flow for 10 minutes. Now this is a team nicknamed "ghosts" that has a duck named Rupert as a mascot. The first question is: The Devil Rays went from worst to first last year. Who was the team previous to do the same? Choices included: Atlanta-1991, SanDiego-98, Rockies-07 and Phillies from some year. I figure that the ghosts are a rockies affiliate, had to be, right? Um, no. The boos cascaded on me from all corners of wyoming. Made no difference that I knew Krod broke the save record of? I have not taken such abuse since i did the lottery throw at a bisons game and heard a voice yell: Hey fat guy, you're pathetic. Maybe its a good thing that we are coming home tomorrow. I will NOT be part of any promo at tonites SLC Bees vs Tacoma Rainiers game, rest assured. Have agood one all.
Oh NO brother, how embarassing! Was your lovely wife at your side or did she sneak off to save face, perssonally I am voting for sneaking off to save face! Could you not phone a friend? What was the answer??? mmm Atlanta??? I dont know, so if you get picked tonite call us, we are home!
San Diego. Sorry, Unckie, I can feel for ya. And it's not like you can slink back down in your seat and disappear.
The Rice's (minus Sandra) are getting ready for their annual Allegany trip. Foul weather looks imminent in the southtowns forecast. Should I bring a parka? What is with this summer?
Congrats Jll & GG!! (I'm a little behind on the blog) If you go with the 28th, could we sing happy birthday to Jff & let him THINK that the party is for him--it would really help me out!
If you go with the 7th or 14th Jff will think it is yet another birthday month...there will be no livin' with that guy! Ok...Ok...but you're all suffering with me!
YAY for Friday! Gary and I are looking at another possible reception site today. I think this may be the one, so we are definately getting closer to a date! AP, Any word from Nephew Dan on a date?
I have my work's Booze Cruise tonight. Looks like great weather for it!
OMG, Happy Friday... I definately have a spring in my step today! Has been a grueling week, I tell ya, grueling! I am glad to see cookie giving updates on the wedding news so everyone can participate! enjoy the day and nite better!
Lots of action on the blog. Looks like nc jll and gg and moving along with their plans. Way to go! By the way Auntie B, you were right on target regarding my wife's reaction to my Casper moment. She immediately bonded with the group next to her and joined in the lusty booing. So much for loyalty. Enjoy the Friday.
isn't this supposed to be a painting weekend? working on a blog, but it requires auntie's cooperation and I'm not sure that she is ready to relive the adventure. Enjoy the t-storms all
August 14th 2010, 1:30PM in the St Francis Chapel. Be there or be square! Now if only we had the MLB schedule for next yr to know if DJ and guest will be attending? A&A and Oliver, coming into town any time soon? KDH? Coming into town any time soon? Trying to put together an engagement party/weenie roast/kegger? painting/scraping will resume today,
How fun that its monday, I know I know! Thank you Sandra for the offering of your casa for the engagement/weenie roast/kegger. That was most generous! What a weekend, can not wait for the next one! cookie is in Reno today and tomorrow, I am at Suburban today and tomorrow and well for a few more days too! Enjoy your day under the flourescent lights!
Hellooooooooo Tuesday! Stopped at nephew jff's and lovely wife's home last evening for a quick beer, some lively conversation and a hot dog. Jff does throw the best quick get togethers! Note to all, my sister had her winter coat on, now seriously who shivers in July! A baby Shower, YEA!!! Count me in! Cookie in Reno, according to Mrs Fixxit it is 107 in Reno, apparently she has taken to reading the hi's and lo's of other towns, as we struggle with out summer! Off to work, enjoy the day!
Saw Mom today and she is beside herself because of the roll she is on. Apparently spent sunday supervising the painting, lunch with nc jnn on monday, I took care of tuesday, a funeral with ms. fixxitt on wed. and lunch with colleen and jr. on thurs. She is working on friday and sat. A word to the wise...
So does everyone know the game on ESPN, when they say, name that Molina??? I thnk on the BLOG we should have a situation and say "Name that Holtz"? So there was an incident this week where a certain person tried to weedle a new cell phone, BECAUSE said cell phone was dropped in the toilet, name that "holtz"
Back from Reno...thankfully! I got stuck on a flight for 4 hours with one of those talkers. (you know what i'm talking about KDH) I can spot them a mile away. One of those people who doesn't bring anything to keep them occupied, but just hopes to have a long conversation with their seat mate! My strategy is to keep my eyes on my book. If you make eye contact with one of them, they have your ear for the entire flight. This lady was obviously very disappointed with my one word answers so she instead decided to hold a conversation with a flight attendant. That wouldn't be an issue but I was sitting in the aisle seat and she was in the middle seat. So "the talker" was constantly reaching across me and my book to talk to her. And yes the conversation did last for almost the entire plane ride.
Poor cookie, a talker, mercy NO! Not a terrorist or someone who smells, a talker! KDH, if you ask your gramma your dad was a gynormous baby! So giving birth to a kindergartner is definately in the realm of thinking! Which "holtz" still has painting equipment with the long defunct Hills Department Store Sticker on them???
Wow!! These are tough questions. Hills Dept. store logo? I give? gynormous? Me? Could it have been all of the beers consumed during the blackouts? I still have this vision of Uncle John running up and down Grove St. yelling "lights out". We do have some interesting profiles of one KDH as we attempt to put the Far West Blog together. I likeit. Name the Holtz.
Jolly Thursday to one and all.. So I see by the weather forecast that it is suppose to rain on Saturday and Sunday. Seriously how does anyone get any painting done??? I know I know, Name that Holtz, a great game... Stay tuned for breaking wedding news???? As there may be a change in the venue??? film at 11
No change MOB, we are sticking with the original plan.
Leaving work early so I can attend a Bridesmaid Brunch, then rehearsal dinner, then I am in a wedding tomorrow in a hot pink dress. David's Bridal called it Watermelon, but they lie!
so every single person that has walked into my office this afternoon has commented on how hard it is raining! so if I keep loosing weekends to rain, I will be forced to take time off work, to paint, now who wants to do that!
Name that Holtz who woke up today at 12pm and was quickly given a chore list that was taken care of by 12:05 pm? Checked the closet, and his chores werent thrown in there.
Name the Holtz's that will be at opening ceremonies for CANAL FEST!??
Too funny. Even before I opened the comment page I was going to write ... "rain, rain, go away". Great minds think alike Jnna.
I'm a bit nervous for Monday Unckie.
So Sandra bought me a new toy, which in turn needs another toy to make that toy fully appreciated. Sandra, for Father's Day and my birthday, got me a Flip Video (in a word... it's pretty sweet), but to truly utilize it you need to burn to a DVD instead of a VCD. Soooooo, we had to go out and buy a external DVD burner. I quickly burned my first movie yesterday and it works like a charm. Now if I can only get my wireless router to work. HELP! Anyone!
I hate it when my wireless router does not work! I have to type guick as there is a break in our 40 days and 40 nights of straight rain, maybe I can finish the front today???? gotta run
Looks like a blue sky? Maybe just maybe some painting will get done before the heavens open up. So I have lotz of Q's about the BS? 1. Who is hosting? Does the said Hostess need more Hostess's ? Food? catered/assigned course to bring? Does KDH, have a wish list? I am sure like everything in life these will be ans in due time! I will inform my sister... Maybe we can coincide engagement party with BS? If all out of towners are in town? mmmm wheels in motion....
oh NO! Keep us posted on Jnna -- there was a case of possible appendicitis here at KDHRC last week, but she recovered with appendix intact. Hoping the same for Jnna.
Speaking from experience...if it is really your gallbadder, you'll be up & runnin' by the shower no problem! What is with this summer?! Rotten weather & strange surgeries!
Back under the flourescents today! Jnna, is much better! Note to all avoid the Degraff ER during canal fest week at all costs! I do believe the ticket taker from the petting zoo inhabited our cubicle prior to jnna, being assigned to it! It reeeked! Well yesterday certainly would have been a great paint day, would'nt it! No such luck! Enjoy the day all, as we forge ahead! Any more BS news???
How excited I was to hear the amazing news! I am proud to say I was officially asked to be the maid of honor.
I know that Gary will cherish her forever.
I also hope this does not impede the painting project!
We are all very excited and deleriously happy!
Gary is a great guy, who fits in perfectly with the Holtz family, and he is a Yankee's fan!
Welcome, Gary! My Dad would have liked you very much!
My heart is pounding, I am so happy!
2 new additions to the family this yr!
Its a wonderful life, and may you have a long one.
May God bless you and God Bless America
I am so glad you found each other!
Yippee Congrats Jill!! Now make sure you give Jenna step by step directions on how to be maid of honor!! How exciting!!!
Holy moly!
I'm so excited! this is great news indeed -- a holtz family wedding!
Gary, I'm excited that you're joining the family, even if you are a Yankees fan.
Jill, you get to go buy all those cool magazines now and a big white fuffy dress. Whoo hoo!
I want to hear the engagement story, please!! How did this unfold.
Look what happens when Unkie and I leave town!! What wonderful news. I just know you live happily ever after. (If you need a matron of honor I'm in.)
What fantastic news!! You definately trumped my Caspar ghost story .. that will wait for another, less exciting day. Congrats to nc jll and good gary!
Happy 4th of July!
Fly you flag proudly!
So the newly engaged couple did the WNY 2009 "ring" tour yesterday, showed gramma, glen and shirley and nephew jff! I must say the happy couple is definately Happy!
Hope everyone enjoys the day
Come on Andy Roddick!
Congratulations! We are all so happy for you. The ring fits beautifully on Good Gary's finger. Did he shave his knuckles for that picture? Hmmm....
Happy 4th of July all. We're off to a wedding today, hopefully the weather cooperates.
Can't wait for Auntie's Casper stories... there always good.
The ring tour continues with a trip to Lake Ontario today.
The most important decision has been decided....the cake is going to be from Dessert Deli.
And apparently Jenna has already booked a photographer. Talk about MOHzilla!
The photographer has been booked! My assistant's father owns a photography business, so I have already reserved him.
Or, everyone can just bring a disposable camera and we will be all set.
congratulations!!! I take a day off, and see what happens? If you feel like having a destination wedding, I know of a place in Maine...
so if the photog has already been booked, do we know a date? I'm kinda busy in October, just saying....
Engagement story please -- where when how? Do share!
No date has been set per the happy engaged couple, but sometime in 2010 we have been told.
Gram survived the fireworks at 431. We had a BBQ and enjoyed people watching, I love people watching.
Nice day yesterday, with the fireworks, a wedding we attended (despite getting stuck in mud... the groom and his brothers were very receptive to pushing us out), the food, etc... It was just a nice day.
Can we call it "Ring Tour 2009"!!! Sandra still hasn't seen the ring yet. Poor lil' girl cried to sleep in her pillow last night. I did everything I could do to comfort her. Everything.
Probably next summer folks. Maybe late August and it will be in Buffalo for all you road warriors.
The proposal happened at home after dinner. He brought out champagne and said it was to celebrate our trip we just booked (we are going back to cali and vegas in sept). And he asked me to open it and when i turned around....the bling was staring me in the face!
August 2010 seems to be the month for weddings! Dan(nephew) and Amanda have picked that month also. They haven't settled on an exact date either. I am going to be one busy matron of honor, especially if the date is the same for both weddings!
How does monday come up so fast? It seems like it was just last week and here we are this week!
I hope everyone enjoyed there holiday! It was a whirlwind, but fun!
The wedding plans have started. Which is very fun! Cookie and gg are very organized, have lots of fun ideas, and I am sure it will be one for the ages.
OTT, nothing really going on..
enjoy the day in your cubicle
AP...let me know when they pick a date. We are very flexible!
We like Saturday August 28th, but it is totally dependent on the availability of the reception spot.
Amanda and Dan, are August too!
OK well, let me get , Team J&G off the ground.. AP, KDH Jr and Sr, and Amy to help get this wedding train on the rail, hands in, go TEAM!
We can do it, I know we can!
Just a few "musts" invitations must be on recycled paper, open bar, colors??? open for suggestions, priest optional, reverend a must, and everything else will fall into place!
Go Team!
Have a meeting scheduled with photographer, so we can seal that finally!
I hear ya Jnna. Those slow pokes have been engaged for almost 5 days. They need to get that photog nailed down pronto! :)
phewwww! I'm exhausted just reading your post antie B. Count me in and unkie also.
So, anyhow, to get back to Casper, you have to understand that the wyoming people take their beer seriously. There is a designated "beer batter" from the other team who, if he strikes out, there are dollar Buds for 10 minutes. The beer batter is knocking the cover off the ball and the crowd is getting hostile. It's the top of the 5th, I am minding my own business, and all of a sudden from among the thousands, umh, hundreds?, at least tens, the Casper stooge is standing next to me telling me that I am on the Budweiser "hotseat" and if I can answer 2 "easy" baseball trivia questions, the dollar buds will flow for 10 minutes. Now this is a team nicknamed "ghosts" that has a duck named Rupert as a mascot. The first question is: The Devil Rays went from worst to first last year. Who was the team previous to do the same? Choices included: Atlanta-1991, SanDiego-98, Rockies-07 and Phillies from some year. I figure that the ghosts are a rockies affiliate, had to be, right? Um, no. The boos cascaded on me from all corners of wyoming. Made no difference that I knew Krod broke the save record of? I have not taken such abuse since i did the lottery throw at a bisons game and heard a voice yell: Hey fat guy, you're pathetic. Maybe its a good thing that we are coming home tomorrow. I will NOT be part of any promo at tonites SLC Bees vs Tacoma Rainiers game, rest assured. Have agood one all.
Oh NO brother, how embarassing!
Was your lovely wife at your side or did she sneak off to save face, perssonally I am voting for sneaking off to save face! Could you not phone a friend? What was the answer??? mmm Atlanta??? I dont know, so if you get picked tonite call us, we are home!
San Diego.
Sorry, Unckie, I can feel for ya. And it's not like you can slink back down in your seat and disappear.
The Rice's (minus Sandra) are getting ready for their annual Allegany trip. Foul weather looks imminent in the southtowns forecast. Should I bring a parka? What is with this summer?
Congrats Jll & GG!! (I'm a little behind on the blog) If you go with the 28th, could we sing happy birthday to Jff & let him THINK that the party is for him--it would really help me out!
Thanks Sandra. Looks like the 21st and 28th might be out. So now we are looking at the first 2 Saturdays in August: 7th or 14th.
I love Friday eve. Does anyone have any plans this weekend?
If you go with the 7th or 14th Jff will think it is yet another birthday month...there will be no livin' with that guy! Ok...Ok...but you're all suffering with me!
YAY for Friday! Gary and I are looking at another possible reception site today. I think this may be the one, so we are definately getting closer to a date!
AP, Any word from Nephew Dan on a date?
I have my work's Booze Cruise tonight. Looks like great weather for it!
OMG, Happy Friday...
I definately have a spring in my step today! Has been a grueling week, I tell ya, grueling!
I am glad to see cookie giving updates on the wedding news so everyone can participate!
enjoy the day and nite better!
Lots of action on the blog. Looks like nc jll and gg and moving along with their plans. Way to go! By the way Auntie B, you were right on target regarding my wife's reaction to my Casper moment. She immediately bonded with the group next to her and joined in the lusty booing. So much for loyalty. Enjoy the Friday.
my brother has returned??? yea, casper blog por favor!
isn't this supposed to be a painting weekend? working on a blog, but it requires auntie's cooperation and I'm not sure that she is ready to relive the adventure. Enjoy the t-storms all
The date has been set: Saturday August 14, 2010. Mark it on your calendar
August 14 it is!!! Now that calls for a real CONGRATULATIONS!! Can't wait.
August 14th 2010, 1:30PM in the St Francis Chapel. Be there or be square! Now if only we had the MLB schedule for next yr to know if DJ and guest will be attending?
A&A and Oliver, coming into town any time soon?
KDH? Coming into town any time soon?
Trying to put together an engagement party/weenie roast/kegger?
painting/scraping will resume today,
We will help or host or both if you'd like
How fun that its monday, I know I know!
Thank you Sandra for the offering of your casa for the engagement/weenie roast/kegger.
That was most generous!
What a weekend, can not wait for the next one!
cookie is in Reno today and tomorrow, I am at Suburban today and tomorrow and well for a few more days too!
Enjoy your day under the flourescent lights!
August 14, 2010! Count me in! Oh wait, I am the MOH. :)
So excited!
August could be busy. Trying to plan a baby shower for someone;) before someone;) gets grounded. Will keep you posted!
This message will self destruct in 30 seconds so read fast!
I'm excited too. Why don't we just have the wedding THIS August 14??
Hellooooooooo Tuesday!
Stopped at nephew jff's and lovely wife's home last evening for a quick beer, some lively conversation and a hot dog. Jff does throw the best quick get togethers! Note to all, my sister had her winter coat on, now seriously who shivers in July!
A baby Shower, YEA!!! Count me in!
Cookie in Reno, according to Mrs Fixxit it is 107 in Reno, apparently she has taken to reading the hi's and lo's of other towns, as we struggle with out summer!
Off to work, enjoy the day!
Count me in for the shower!
Saw Mom today and she is beside herself because of the roll she is on. Apparently spent sunday supervising the painting, lunch with nc jnn on monday, I took care of tuesday, a funeral with ms. fixxitt on wed. and lunch with colleen and jr. on thurs. She is working on friday and sat. A word to the wise...
So does everyone know the game on ESPN, when they say, name that Molina???
I thnk on the BLOG we should have a situation and say "Name that Holtz"?
So there was an incident this week where a certain person tried to weedle a new cell phone, BECAUSE said cell phone was dropped in the toilet, name that "holtz"
Thats a fun game!
Only at 92 would attending a funeral be a highlight!
Well for those wondering, that was me.
What holtz managed to eat her entire egg sandwich with crispy bacon and chips?
Crispy bacon was a give away!
Name the holtz with a belly bump the size of most parking lot speed bumps! "Anyone in your family a big baby?" my doctor says to me ... HA!
Back from Reno...thankfully! I got stuck on a flight for 4 hours with one of those talkers. (you know what i'm talking about KDH) I can spot them a mile away. One of those people who doesn't bring anything to keep them occupied, but just hopes to have a long conversation with their seat mate! My strategy is to keep my eyes on my book. If you make eye contact with one of them, they have your ear for the entire flight.
This lady was obviously very disappointed with my one word answers so she instead decided to hold a conversation with a flight attendant. That wouldn't be an issue but I was sitting in the aisle seat and she was in the middle seat. So "the talker" was constantly reaching across me and my book to talk to her. And yes the conversation did last for almost the entire plane ride.
Poor cookie, a talker, mercy NO!
Not a terrorist or someone who smells, a talker!
KDH, if you ask your gramma your dad was a gynormous baby! So giving birth to a kindergartner is definately in the realm of thinking!
Which "holtz" still has painting equipment with the long defunct Hills Department Store Sticker on them???
Wow!! These are tough questions. Hills Dept. store logo? I give? gynormous? Me? Could it have been all of the beers consumed during the blackouts? I still have this vision of Uncle John running up and down Grove St. yelling "lights out". We do have some interesting profiles of one KDH as we attempt to put the Far West Blog together. I likeit. Name the Holtz.
Name that Holtz! What a great game.
I'm gonna guess Percy.
Well Mr Fixxit went down to the corner to hit a few golf balls to get warmed up for Monday's match. I say it's Z and me against the wily veterans.
Jolly Thursday to one and all..
So I see by the weather forecast that it is suppose to rain on Saturday and Sunday. Seriously how does anyone get any painting done???
I know I know, Name that Holtz, a great game...
Stay tuned for breaking wedding news???? As there may be a change in the venue???
film at 11
No change MOB, we are sticking with the original plan.
Leaving work early so I can attend a Bridesmaid Brunch, then rehearsal dinner, then I am in a wedding tomorrow in a hot pink dress. David's Bridal called it Watermelon, but they lie!
Is this what excited brides to be do? I don't recall being so busy. Then again I was the groom. My responsibilities were to show up on time.
Watermelon? I'm not sure that's a better marketing plan than hot pink - I'd love to see a picture of this dress!
so every single person that has walked into my office this afternoon has commented on how hard it is raining! so if I keep loosing weekends to rain, I will be forced to take time off work, to paint, now who wants to do that!
Name that Holtz who woke up today at 12pm and was quickly given a chore list that was taken care of by 12:05 pm? Checked the closet, and his chores werent thrown in there.
Name the Holtz's that will be at opening ceremonies for CANAL FEST!??
Rain Rain go away, come back another day.
Too funny. Even before I opened the comment page I was going to write ... "rain, rain, go away". Great minds think alike Jnna.
I'm a bit nervous for Monday Unckie.
So Sandra bought me a new toy, which in turn needs another toy to make that toy fully appreciated. Sandra, for Father's Day and my birthday, got me a Flip Video (in a word... it's pretty sweet), but to truly utilize it you need to burn to a DVD instead of a VCD. Soooooo, we had to go out and buy a external DVD burner. I quickly burned my first movie yesterday and it works like a charm. Now if I can only get my wireless router to work. HELP! Anyone!
I hate it when my wireless router does not work!
I have to type guick as there is a break in our 40 days and 40 nights of straight rain, maybe I can finish the front today????
gotta run
Anybody hear on the radio last night about the 9 women in hot pink dresses walking on the side of the road on the 290???
Ya that was us...Limo Bus broke down in the middle lane of the 290 during rush hour traffic. Now that is a good wedding story!
Save the 15th of August! Baby shower in the works for that date.
Would someone tell Sue?
Sue who?
Looks like a blue sky? Maybe just maybe some painting will get done before the heavens open up.
So I have lotz of Q's about the BS?
1. Who is hosting? Does the said Hostess need more Hostess's ? Food? catered/assigned course to bring? Does KDH, have a wish list?
I am sure like everything in life these will be ans in due time!
I will inform my sister...
Maybe we can coincide engagement party with BS? If all out of towners are in town?
mmmm wheels in motion....
I'll tell Sandra to save the 15th.
Sue Who?
Off to a Wilco concert.
Sorry Jll, did the traffic mess your hair?
Word is Sister Jenna is in the hospital with a possible appendicitis....
oh NO! Keep us posted on Jnna -- there was a case of possible appendicitis here at KDHRC last week, but she recovered with appendix intact. Hoping the same for Jnna.
Yay for BS! (not THAT kind of BS)
We'll keep Jnna in our prayers.
Unckie, Mr. Fixxit, Zachary and I had a wonderful day playing golf in the sun and just spending time together. Can't wait for the rematch.
Speaking from experience...if it is really your gallbadder, you'll be up & runnin' by the shower no problem! What is with this summer?! Rotten weather & strange surgeries!
Glad you didn't change to an OUTSIDE venue Jll! Which Holtz had weather issues with major events? ALL OF THEM!
Need an's Jenna?
Echoing the sentiments on a most enjoyable golf outing, and certainly hoping that all is well with nc jnn.
Thank you for all the thoughts and prayers. I am truly convinced that's what got me through, "the worst pain I ever felt."
After test after test and test they concluded that a cyst had ruptured in my stomach. My appendix was intact.
I was worrying that while I was laying there I would call my phone a cousin Sandra, and ask about the gallbladder.
But was given the same pain medication that Michael Jackson was given, and I felt like doing thriller in ER.
Back under the flourescents today!
Jnna, is much better! Note to all avoid the Degraff ER during canal fest week at all costs! I do believe the ticket taker from the petting zoo inhabited our cubicle prior to jnna, being assigned to it! It reeeked!
Well yesterday certainly would have been a great paint day, would'nt it! No such luck!
Enjoy the day all, as we forge ahead!
Any more BS news???
Glad to hear you're feeling better.
More rain, I guess we need it.
Nothing much else going on.
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