There is a lot of stuff to do in Vegas besides gamble...and Gary and I managed to do a lot of it and then some!
Charlie Hustle!
Ya no big deal...we are buds with Pete Rose. Of course, that was after we forked over a little bit of money to get an autograph and picture with the Hit King! After we were done, he went right back to eating his Whopper from Burger King! No lie.
We also ate at Bobby Flay's Mesa Grill for lunch one day. It was the most expensive lunch we ever had, but it was awesome!!!! No he wasn't there cooking our food.
GREAT BLOG!!! It has it all, gambling, food, gambling, sports, gambling, celebrities, gambling and animals too. Looks great out there except for the 105 (by the way, where is the degree symbol on the keyboard?) Not much chance of that temp being reached here this weekend. Auntie is on her way to Quincy to see the big O, K is apparently looking for even higher ground and I am looking for diversions for the weekend. Enjoy it all. thanks again nc jll for a new blog to enjoy.
Hold down the Alt button and then type in numbers 167.
º oh I did not know that? Learn something new everyday.
Bro, if you get bored you can take your mom to the library, tops and Lou's in that order.
Sun is peaking out, has the potential to be a nice day, irregardless its saturday, so gather it all in.
¡§¶ didn't work for me. darn mac. ¡™£¢∞§¶•ªº. Guess its alt 0 on the mac. 105º. that got it. Seems like you had fun in Vegas. Wish I was there.
Not sure that worked for me. But I swear I thought that was Mr. Fixit, not Pete Rose.
Fremont street is my favorite part of Vegas. The trashy side really appeals to me.
Great blog!
I think that I will just type in "degrees". It seems a lot easier. The library may be off the charts since I have to work selling the mount to perspective buyers on sunday from 10-2 and monday from 6-8
Great blog Sissy! Gram just left, she enjoyed the Yankee/Bills game prior to her night out on the town with Ruth tonight!
Go bills!
165♣ Ya just know I had to try it. How'd I end up with a club?
Anyway, great blog! I'm not sure I could sit down next to Pete Rose. That might be tough for me. BUT, I'm glad you guys had fun.
24 hours and nuttin'? It must've been the Pete Rose comment.
Taking the day off tomorrow (today) and running around with Grandma.
Does anyone (Unkie) know what NIPAA stands for? If you do, seriously it would help me out tremendously! I think it's a education pension or insurance possibly?
Google it!
I have to admit nephew I was somewhat taken aback by what appears to be a tad bit of animosity to charlie hustle???
Was it the aqua velva commercial he did that put you off???
Did everyone hear on ESPN the minnesota vikings coach that called Brett Favre the straw that stirred the drink, now when was the last time we heard that!
If it was available to me through Google I wouldn't ask Sissy!!!
Grandma is awake and ready to go.
Gramma claims that she had a very busy day and even tho there was not a library trip in the travels, it put me off to next week. thanks nc jnn. I think that somebody made up that set of letters just to mess with you.
HIPPA yes.
NIPAA Russell, he was funny.
PIMP OUT that ride
It's NIPAA out.
Elaine had a lil' NIPAA showing in her Christmas card.
0-0 in Zach's soccer game today, very windy, but at least no rain while they played. He started and played all of two minutes. Great game to watch.
The last day of September, yes sir! Just in case you were not aware..
So we have lots going on this weekend, can hardly wait for 5:00PM on Friday!. Of course I say that every day..
Gramma has had some very busy days, there was the farewell to ruth tour on sunday, where she was sitting at a bar til 11PM, and the walmart tour with jnna yesterday.
So excited for all that is brewing for october!!!
enjoy the gray day
October IS exciting! IS anyone starting a Holtz baby pool? Ya'll better get going on that! :)
August 27th
Emma started her violin lessons at school and has brought home her prize to practice. Yeah us!
October 13th!!!!!
I am so excited for October!
Who is going to organize this??? I have $5 down for October 15th. 2 weeks from today :)
I'll take 5 on oct 17- girl 6 lb 11oz
I will take 5 on October 13th, 5 on the 18th.
And $100 that it's a girl.
And since I am using Gram's CC to pay for this bet, I will take 10 on Oct 21st. It's someone else's birthday in the family too. :)
10/17 3AM ... sorry
Is it still cold outside?
OMG Friday is here! How fast did this work week fly by, I know me too! I am thinking 10/16/09, at noon. Here is my 10$. receipt please, which is also Boss's Day, which would equal better gifts for KDH, baby gifts and boss's day gifts!
taking gram out for fish fry, we are going to try and finish our you tube series, "gramma's bedtime stories, still a work in progress.
A big appt with cookie tomorrow, film at 11
enjoy the day
YAY for Friday! I have put everybody's bet into a fancy excel spreadsheet. Now all you guys have to do is send me all your money!
A spreadsheet? Wow, that is high-tech. How much are we anteing up here? I'm confused. We need rules! I propose that Mr. Fixxitt be put in charge and as rulesmeister he will clarify everything both on this and on the pirate game.
Ya'll know my due date is the 11th, right? Why are you choosing dates in late October? Are you just being cruel? :)
5 bucks per pick. Date time weight and sex. Your check is in the mail jll
5 bucks per pick. Date time weight and sex. Your check is in the mail jll
I am going with 1:30am and it's twin girls :) Just kidding K. Just one girl. 7lbs.10oz. We Holtz's are big babies.
I believe I have 10/16/09, and its an amazing beautiful girl( like her mom) at noon, weighing 8 lbs 5 oz, 22 inches long, with exceptionally long eyelashes and blonde hair and green eyes, who will want to attend Ithica college, just like her grand dad, do I have everything?
what a gray gloomy day and now to be hit with this horrible news!
Apparently, Chicago got bounced in the first round of voting for the 2016 Olympics, quess Oprah's star power does not carry over to Coppenhagen, AND the Kanye West, Lady GaGa tour is cancelled???
Thats just wrong..
We will be at Magical Kingdom on 10/10 so I am picking the 10th--however, with weight...both of mine were well over 8 pounds & I'm pretty sure that was Jff's side of the family! Sorry K--at least they are easier to hold that way...btw...Jff is sick and, of course like all men...dying---unable to do ANYTHING but sleep...hmmmm...
Also: Unkie...ran the challenge course at Pioneer last week for your freshmen class--whoa! talk, talk, talk, talk, talk, talk...yikes! Nice group but did I mention that they talk!~
I am going to wager: $5 for 10/13, 7 lbs 8 ounces, successful, and will be named Camielle (after GG).
Noone has guessed the name pool yet!
I do believe I am the reigning baby pool champion! (Thanks Mr. O)
Am I to late to play? I guess 10/6 6#15oz and 3:10 pm.
In case you're wondering the # key is shift3.
10/6!!! Auntie must know something!!
I'm jumping on 10/6 at 3:11!!!
Yeah, we got rained on at the Bulls game today.
Read the blog from nc sndr yesterday and was preparing to visit nphw jff in hospital. Then found out from fixxitts last evening that he was at UB game. Talk about a miraculous recovery!! I would be careful on a baby pool. Does seem as if the mom2b has shared significant info with gramma2b. And yes sndr, that is a particularly chatty group of girls. Sorry I missed all of the fun that day but I was excused from retreat. Enjoy the day and watching Trent dissect that Miami 3-4 defense.
I know nothing..Just using data from my own birthings!
It's amazing what Nyquil, 3 beers, and a 14 hour nap will do for ya. I only stayed to halftime yesterday though... rain, lightening, and a poor UB showing had all parts in that decision.
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