On Saturday morning, we had a 10 am appointment at David's Bridal; with Mary Jo our bridal consultant. We looked at numerous wedding gowns. Cookie was prepared, she had pictures, diagrams, drawings, sketches, books, and a plethora of material reflecting the look that she wanted for her day. Three hours later, her search was over.

Needless to say Jill was beautiful in every dress she came out in. But, the dress she choose was breathtaking; as you can tell by Grandma and I's jaw dropping expression.

You didn't think we were going to show you the dress did you???? No, you will have to wait until August 14, 2010!!!!!!!
The dress is absolutely beautiful. I can't even comment on the Bills game today.
Thinking of you KDH!
We had so much fun looking at dress's! And Gramma, just sat in the corner and watched a steady stream of brides to be, model gown after gown, of course no one was as pretty as her Jll, as she said numerous times out loud no less!
The bils game, nothing to say, they stunk up the joint
Hey its monday, after today it is all down hill!
Mom told me last nite that the decision had been made and the dress is just perfect for Jll, but I wasn't sure that there was going to be a blog to the decision. This is great!! And I can't wait to see the presentation come next August and the beautiful bride that will be wearing it. The sooner we get thru football season the better. Unfortunately it was too early to go to bed so I had to watch it. UGH!! Enjoy our monday
Columbus Day/Canadian Thanksgiving
between 2-4, and 8lbs 1oz.
What a tease! Not even a teny, tiny peek?
Great blog teaser... I believe a first for this forum.
Can't wait for the big day, but first... DISNEY!!!
How exciting! I don't think I can stand the suspense of waiting 11 long months to see it. Patience is not my strong suit !
A rumor has been started that a text message has been sent to Unkie, by his wife that there is some notable activity in the Hotlanta Health care system.
film at 11
Caroline Jeanne, another potential blogger, welcome to the family. It has been a very busy day. 7# 12 oz. at 4:10. Mother and baby are doing great. Auntie p. can't stop crying. Conversation between her and K caused me to have to dry out the phone. I immediately poured a shot of Maker's Mark as my coping mechanism. Blog to follow when Mom returns home on thursday.
SWEET CAROLINE, and of course sung to the tune of .... by Neil Diamond!
May god bless our new baby girl, she is beautiful!
We have nothing to drink here, so we are finishing up Uncle Mart's cough syrup, in a raised glass
It is truly a red letter day for the bailey building and loan!
Huuuuuge congratulations Kristen!!! Take care of yourself and baby Caroline. We love you.
Rushed to Walgreens to print an 8x10 of the newest addition to our family to take to Grandma who beamed!!!!!!
We love you KDH and baby Caroline!
I told Sandra the good news and now she's mad because the Wisconsin IT boyz have her computer and she can't respond on the blog.
But she's very excited for you KDH.
Wisconsin IT boyz, is'nt that a boy band that has nick carter as the lead singer??? Or no maybe not?
travel safe to all those going to the magic kingdom tomorrow, how exciting! I know mr fixxitt is packed already.
Have a great day one and all, as it is good to be us!
A great big thank you to nc jnn who despite all of her auto problems still found time to get the pic to GG. She called and was so excited. She loved being in the loop yesterday and having the opportunity to share the good news. Looking out the window at these skies I am thinking that the fixxitts and pilafs have the right idea for tomorrow. Enjoy the day all.
Looks like AP won the baby pool!
What an exciting day yesterday for the Holtz family!
85-90 degress in Florida... I can live with that for week. Too bad no ball games are going on. Welp, next year.
We need a baby video blog.
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