Monday, November 09, 2009

my new brother or sister

Hi everybody!

I just wanted you all to know that I'm going to have a brand new brother or sister! He or she will be here around May 20, 2010! Mommy and Daddy have a picture, but daddy can't get the scanner to work. So they just want you to know that everything is going fine!



Jnna said...

What great news!!!!!!!!!!! I am the first to post. Congratulations! I can't wait. Congratulations Oliver and family. Love you guys!

Sndra said...

How fun!! Congratulations!

Jill said...

Well that is very exciting news!!! Congrats!

Betsy said...

OMG!!! Oliver, that is great news, a little brother or sister, how exciting!

jt said...

Yeah!!! That's great news.

Jnna said...

Should we start a baby pool?

jt said...

Beautiful night last night at UB Stadium despite the Bulls losing to the Bobcats. Good game, just couldn't win it. Oh, the chili and beer were exceptionally good.

big pop one more time said...

happy news from quincy to be sure. Glad that our travellers are home safe and sound. Talked to mom last nite and she had a great time. Sounds as if mrs. fixxitt can never be accused a being a dull guest. Can't wait to hear AB's version of ms.f's attack on the giant weed and how not to extinguish a japanese lantern. Plan is to hoist a few in honor of dad and all of our other vets

Betsy said...

Happy Friday Eve, one and all.
Yes Anastasia had the time of her life in SA! The Col's 80th birthday party was one for the ages, and a blog will be coming.
MMM, my sister was in rare form indeed!
ON the way to work today I heard "Sweet Caroline" by Neil diamond, and it made my day!
enjoy thursday all

kristen said...

wow a girl has a hard time finding time to check the family blog and ALL sorts of exciting things happen. Congrats to Oliver and family -- babies are the best!!

unk said...

Looking forward to the SA blog. With all of these great stories, we need a visual trip. come on Auntie B!! By the way, mom was really excited about her tampa stopover and a fla meal at Chili's

jt said...

Gramma at Chili's... I can't even imagine the outcome. But I'm sure it involved screaming and about 200 napkins. And possibly a dwarf with a mop.

I hoisted up a cold to Grampa all our veterans yesterday... and then I raised another one, just in case they didn't see me.

kristen said...

Jff, you crack me up.

Jnna said...

It has been so crazy at work this week with our survey, but yesterday I helped organize a blood drive and we saved 57 lives from the pints of blood that were donated! I couldn't drink after donating, apparently you get drunk quicker. Does anyone know any truth to that?

Jill said...

Anybody watch The Office last night??? If you didn't, you missed a good one!

YAY for Friday!

Betsy said...

Hip Hip hoorray, its friday!

jt said...

Kinda wish I had my Friday night back... we had an enjoyable evening drinking around a bonfire and ate swedish meatballs. Seriously, can that be top? Maybe the Yankees winning another 27 World Series, but that's it. Yeah Onion!

Betsy said...

Love love love the endless possibilities of what a saturday can bring! got big plans for the day, big plans, lots of errands to run... yea who am I kidding will probably go get my oil changed and then come home and watch tv!
mmm or garden, not sure which
whatever your plans enjoy, life is way to short!

unk said...

AB, you left out blogging as a weekend task. We are all awaiting the visuals of the trip. Any chance that ms. fixxitts gardening escapade was caught on film? Shopped for mom yesterday and thank God for cellphones. It was an adventure trying to find "purple pretzel fish cookies". For the uninformed they are "goldfish" crackers, and yes, there is a "purple pretzel" model. All went well, but she paid me for the groceries with winning scratchoff tickets. Nobody liked the onion story about Lou Dobbs? Fell off my chair. Watch our Bills tomorrow with an extra week to prepare.

AB says: said...

Sadly I need Jnna's assistance in producing a blog, so I must wait for her return, as she and Austin are down in SplashLagoon for the weekend.
Pretzel fish, too funny! How did you ever find those??? I brought those on the plane for her, and she ate the whole bag.
I do not have a picture of my sister severing the main water line on a 22 acre ranch during drought season, when they had just dug a new well, as they had run out of water 2 months prior to our arrival, and 30 people coming for dinner in less than 8 hours, but I am here to tell you the look on her face was priceless! Her quardian angel, Barry, came to her rescue, and he is coming to Thanksgiving!

Oh one other thing: said...

Brother, you had better double check those tickets and make sure she did not slip some of her winners in that can only be redeemed in Texas!
She has been known to do that!

unkie said...

I guess that I get to be the first to comment on the Bills game. There is only one possible conclusion: these games are too long. They should only be 3 quarters. that being the case I am thinking that the bills would be 3-1-5 which would put them in first place in the AFC east. GO Bills!!

jt said...

Love it! 3 quarters, why hasn't anyone else thought of that yet.. and to call out their record too. Priceless.
I can't believe I watched the 4th quarter. Ugh X's 3.
Someone please help our quarterbacking woes.

Betsy said...

Trent Edwards - benched
Terrell Owens - benched
Dick Jauron - should never even leave the locker room!
UGH to Monday

Betsy said...

Happy tuesday constituents!
So the owner of the Tennesse Titans gave all the Bills players and there fans the middle finger salute, and the league fined him 250,000.00 dollars??? So maybe we can petition the league to five Ralhp Wilson the money to pay a coach that is capable, just a thought??
Purple Eagles played at 8AM? Lots of stuff going on in the sports world today, isnt there?
I think "Going Rogue" is going to be my pirate gift, I know I know me too!

Speaking for Jnna said...

As I leave my office at approximately 11:45 AM for lunch, I heard Mighty Taco calling my name, so I pulled into the parking lot, as I walked into MT, I noticed a very long line being held up by a cantankerous customer demanding chili sauce. As I am watching this gentleman, hold up a group of hungry patrons, I am thinking this gentleman looks very familiar, mmmm being next in line, I boxed out this grumpy customer to place my order, looked up and lo and behold it was my UC! So we had lunch together and UC did get his chili sauce!

Ralph Wilson speaks: said...

I have taken the advice of the Holtz Family Blog and fired Dick Jauron!

unk said...

First trip ever to our local Mighty and what happens? Wondering why I was getting elbowed but then all became clear. What a nice luncheon surprise, and the hot sauce was good too.

Betsy said...

Ralph Wilson on our blog, who knew?
so here we are at Wed, with high hopes for our bils, well maybe not high hopes, maybe just hopeful?
Great 24 hours of basketball, I was rooting for UNC Asheville, but with a half time score of 64-14 against Tennesee, it was lost at that point.
Please remember all, our house is open on Thanksgiving for each and everyone of you. There will be enough food and drink to take care of the Russian Army, just show up hungry! Dinner, will probably be around 2:30 or 3, horsdevors will be out starting at noon, and the bar will be open early.
No reservations needed....
fill your day....

jt said...

Love it!
Perry made his first decision today, he goes with Ryan Fitzpatrick... hmmmm.... the other choice being?

What a gorgeous day outside.

Jnna said...

Absolut in EA is having family skate night on Wednesday Nov. 25th from 6pm-8pm. Refreshments and hotdogs provided! Jff bring your family. We will be playing Christmas music, and may have a special guest from the Sabres.

The cost is free; except we are accepting donations for our "Comfort and Warmth" program. We are accepting warm clothing; hats, mittens, gloves, blankets. All donations received will benefit a charity TBA.


Jill said...

There are 36 days til Christmas...I know this because the house across the street from me has a giant illuminated sign that counts down the days. It is set up next to the cow with the Santa hat on.

Betsy said...

I love it when cookie gets into the spirit of the holidays, or at least her neighborhood does!
Hope this late autumn weather stays so I can finish planting bulbs???
hard to believe one week from today is thanksgiving???
stay dry, its a monsoon out there!

unkie said...

Auntie is off for Hotlanta this morning and a little time with "sweet caroline". Do wish that I was joining her but unfortunately I have my time educating the yewts of America. According to my favorite Athena's waitress, there was a Nancy sighting yesterday, accompanied by others, all dressed up. How did all of that come about? And just a word of warning to nc jnn, we, in EA, are adopting the same procedures as our neighbors in OP. We are checking zip codes of any outsiders that may wish to enter, even if only temporarily, so be careful about the invites you hand out.

Betsy said...

UC, post funeral/post memorial service lunch with the Tynan clan for Peggy

Jnna said...

Uh Oh! What is that stern warning about? Is that true? Seriously, because I have invited half the country.

I am waiting for confirmation on Monte and Billy Buffalo. VictorE Bull will be out of town and wont be in attendance.

jt said...

Unckie, home alone? That can only mean trouble. You better get your football cleats out and dust them off. We need ya in this year's Turkey Bowl.

Betsy said...

sighhh I wish I was in hotlanta holding sweet caroline!
Instead of being at work trying to be productive!
hey at least it is friday, right?
tomorrow dress shopping in Rochester....

unkie said...

Nc jnn did mention that there was a dress shopping outing on the horizon. I am guessing that is considered fun by all of our female family members. Auntie did make it to Hotlanta after a fashion. Seemed that the FAA computers crashed and nobody could file a flight plan so she sat in Greater Buffalo for an extended period. Ummmmh, turkey, oh yes bowl. I wasn't aware that this was still part of nphw jffs holiday plans. I will dust off my leather helmet for you to use. Blog perhaps?? Is Dick Jauron playing? I will be on my best behavior in Auntie's absence, trust me.

jt said...

Yep, that's right, you guessed it. It's Friday, and Friday came a lil' bit earlier to some of us than others. Zach had a half day of school. So I met Z, Mr. Fixxit, Sndra and her mom out at the Buffalo Tap Room for lunch. Needless to say Mr. Fixxit and I started our weekend early by ordering a coouple draughts. Enjoy your weekend everyone, I will.

jt said...

Leather helmet... sweet.

Jill said...

YAY for Friday!!! Can't wait to go home and have my first beer of the night :)

And even better than Friday....A 3 day work week on the horizon!

A very anxious Betsy waiting for the weekend says: said...

1556, 1557, 1558, 1559, tic tic tic 1600

I am out of here!

unk said...

And nc jll is right on target. Let's hear it for next week!! A 3 dayer, as all should be!

Betsy said...

hip hip hooray its saturday
off to rochester for a day of dress shopping!
enjoy this foggy foggy AM

KDH said...

Dress shopping? Cool! I can't wait for updates! All the girls in the ATL are having a great time doing some shopping and lots of hanging out. CJ is charming the heck out of her nonna with non stop smiles.

jt said...

We love smiles, way to go Caroline.

Zach and I just returned from the AWANA racecar derby races. Unfortunately he didn't win anything this year.
Sandra and Emma shared a breakfast this AM together at church.

For this eve's activities... a growler of Great Lakes Octoberfest for the Mich-Ohio game. The giggest game in sports. GO BLUE!

betsy said...

A very successful shopping trip, found the perfect dress for jnna and then went to the Dinosaur BBQ for beers and barbque
A very fun day! A great lunch!
Caroline is the best smiler ever!
Can not believe how much she has changed in such a short time!

jt said...

Oooooh, we love the Dinosaur Bar. I took the kids there last week. Mmmmmm...

We had the Fixxits over for dinner last night and made them bring their leftovers. Thta's alright to do, right?

Betsy said...

why else would you invite them?
If not for them to bring there leftovers?

unk said...

I feel left out. Looks like a rochester run in the near future for the dinosaur bar and ribs. With auntie gone do the fixxitts have any more leftovers? I could invite them out too.

unk said...

OOps, I forgot the mandatory "Go Bills"!! I am betting on a bit more sideline animation today.

Jnna said...

Go bills! Finally some emotion on the sidelines! Spending the day with Gram watching the game. We will order some pizza and wings for dinner later, or maybe Jff can bring over his leftovers from last night?

Gram saw the videos of Caroline and she wants KDH to post more! She was smiling from ear to ear as I passed her my laptop for her to see.

Betsy said...

So far a fun bills game to watch!
still holding my breath, though!

unkie said...

DAMN that 4th quarter!! I guess the good news is that they were no where near as boring as they have been.

jt said...

Hard to believe, but that 4th quarter is doing us in. Fun game to watch but I almost expected the outcome.
Anyone have leftovers?

unk said...

Hey, its a beautiful monday out there, auntie made it back from her weekend with CJ, and I have a short week. Anybody else? Maybe I will celebrate by going shopping on Friday, or maybe not.

Betsy said...

Kind of a rainy tuesday, for the fixxitts to travel to asheville in.
glad AP is home safe and sound.
Is everyone all ready for Thanksgiving? Lets see a show of hands, mmm a few people still behind the 8 ball..
Big Ice Skating extravaganza in EA tomorrow nite!
Lots of fun will be had by all, I am sure.
Enjoy the day...

unk said...

Can't wait to start the holiday season off tomorrow. Looks like me and Mom for brunch to keep her week going strong. Hang in there all, black friday is just around the corner.

jt said...

Ooooh boy, can hardly wait for Black Friday.
One more day of work then 4 daze off... Yee doggie!!!

Welcome home Auntie P, we missed ya.

Jill said...

Free lunch today and the office closes at 3pm...WOOHOO!

Betsy said...

Just a friendly reminder for Carolines Mommy:
I know you have been very busy, juggling work, home and being Carolines Mom.. HOWEVER, I do believe the nog is made this week?
Countdown to Nog: one month from today....

unk said...

Me, I'm done until next monday. How to celebrate?? Any ideas?

jt said...

Done? You had me beat by a mile. Though I did enjoy my 1 hr. and 45 minute lunch.
Anywho, you're a wily veteran at Thanksgiving Eve... you know how to celebrate. You open up a nice bottle of red (cabernet or merlot preferably) and sit in front of the tv watching a VHS tape of a fire burning in a fireplace. Now go get'em tiger.

Betsy said...

I am sure brother your job jar is full! There will be no idle time between now and 12/31! rest assured!
I dont know why I always start with the pumpkin pie, it takes the longest!

unk said...

A most happy thanksgiving to all. Enjoy the day and all of the great things related to it. Altho a trip to tonawanda will not be part of our day, I will be hoisting a glass toward the north as I peel my potatoes. I know that you guys will have lots of fun and laughs.

Betsy said...

Anastasia is home safe and sound, and opted out of leftovers as she just wants to come over tomorrow for dinner!
So we only had one minor footfall, my 45year old roasting pan leaked turkey juice all over the oven, so other than the house filling with smoke, and having to take our sides to Katie's house to be cooked it was an uneventful day, but filled with lots of laughs and love, and those that could not be with us were very much missed!

jt said...

Did you have the extended warranty on the pan?

Happy Black Friday everyone... the Rice's survived it. As Sandra and I lay wide awake in our beds staring at the ceiling at 5:58AM... Sandra had the ingenious idea of getting out of bed and running off to Sears to join the rest of the Black Friday shoppers. Because of my love for her (I know it's a curse) I relented and thus our Christmas 2009 shopping began with a weary eyed lush chauferring his loved one to Sears.

unkie said...

Greater love hath no man than the one who drives his spouse to shopping. Me, I didn't get a lot of shopping in today. But Miss Caroline apparently enjoyed all of her visiting this afternoon and is currently exercising her lungs as she prepares for bed. I see that UB finished up the season on a positive note, always a good sign. Go Bills!!

Betsy said...

We are off to sears this AM also!
So in this salt and peppered life of ours, there are good days and great days! Yesterday was a great day, as we met Ms Caroline Jeanne!
What a sweety! The kiss count was definately up there, as were the ohhs and ahhs! She is beautiful!
Thanks "K" for doing the meet and greet, most appreciated..
Oh the shopping trip to Sears, to find the best deal on a TV for gramma. As she can no longer see the picture on hers... Wish us luck!

jt said...

Lazy, lazy day today. We're still in our pj's.

unkie said...

How about dem Bills???? What a 4th quarter team, I knew it all along. Miss Caroline and Mom back in Atlanta and it sure is quiet around here. Plus, I haven't had to change a spitty shirt all day. God I miss it.

Betsy said...

Happy return to work Monday after a holiday! UGH X's 10!
Had a very successful shopping trip, got Austin a new winter coat, boots and sneakers, so he is good to go for winter wear. No TV for Mom as of yet, still looking..
Finished up the leftovers yesterday, as Mom came over for her usual Football Sunday. Other than that, nothing else going on,
just the mad dash to Christmas!

Jill said...

Back to work after a long, enjoyable holiday weekend. And snow looming in the forecast! I guess summer is over.

jt said...

Hunker down tonight folks... bad weather a comin'.
Good thing my snow blower is fixed. Or is it?

So glad you and Auntie P had a nice visit with KDH and Caroline. Hopefully they had a uneventful return home.

jt said...

Wow, a little snow and everyone hibernates. Well, I had a good day.

unk said...

Didn't really hibernate yesterday. Left home at 6:20 and it took until 7:10 to get to work as everyone was practicing their winter driving skills, which weren't so hot. Parent conf. last nite meant that I didn't get home until 8 pm, making for a long day, put the drive home was better. Today, golf at either Byrncliff or terry hills, whichever is open. what a difference a day makes.

Betsy said...

So here we are at my favorite day of the week, Thursday, which is so close to Friday, hence it is almost friday, sort of kind of..
So show of hands, who is traveling North to see if the bils can extend there win streak to two games??? yea, me neither
rainy and warm which will soon be cold and snowy....
enjoy it

Jill said...

Yay for Friday! I have my work Christmas Party tonight at The Buffalo Club, which means Gary has to find his one and only suit coat. But the food and drink is top notch!

I here 6-10" tonight in the northtowns?!?! What happened to the 2-4"?

Jnna said...

The snow is beginning to fall and I have the day off from work. :) I was given strict orders to be at Luther Manor at 1030 so our days activities can begin. On the list is to find the most perfect gift for Caroline, A Christmas tree for my house, Lunch (of course), and picking Austin up from his dentist app't.

At work we are doing a drive for "Jason's Care Package." Jason was a Buffalo native who was killed in Iraq, and his mother started this drive in memory of her son. The goal is to put as many packages together during the holiday season for the troops. When I told Austin about this, he was so motivated to help. He told me to print out 50 flyers so that he could tell his friends about this great cause.

Well........ yesterday I received a call from Austin who got in trouble for passing notes in school. Austin went to Biology class and before the class even began, Austin was handing a flyer to his friend who was sitting next to him. His teacher told Austin that class has begun, Austin informed his teacher that class had actually not begun because the bell had not rang yet.

The teacher told Austin to stop passing notes, that it was not tolerated in class. The teacher demanded to see the note that Austin was passing to his friend.

The note was not a funny note about the teacher, or notes about class; it was the flyer about "Jason's Care Package."

The teacher felt so bad that he apologized to Austin and told him he would post the flyer in the teachers lounge and help him get donations.

The morale of the story to all the teachers out there: let your students' pass notes, it's clearly important that it cant wait until the end of class!!!!!!!!!

unkie said...

So what is with this snow here in the Northtowns? I keep looking at the weather radar, I got poor Auntie so freaked out that she won't make the drive into the Falls Blvd area, and all i see are just some flurries. Did Don Paul lie to me? How about them Bills? Me, I went to bed at halftime. I guess that i kinda knew how it was going to work out.

kdh said...

there's a snow sky here in the ATL family -- of course its 44 degrees so I think we're safe. But the north georgia mountains are in for it tonight ...

Betsy said...

So KDH, I was working with an IST trainer today, who lived one mile from Stone Mt, and he was sooo nervous about catching his flight, and how hard it was snowing and all the gloom and doom forecasters, that he was scheduled for training til 11 AM, and he excused himself at 9:30! So James I hope you made it back to Stone Mt safe and sound!

jt said...

Emma was a lil' disappointed about the amount of snow we were promised and what actually fell. I can't blame her. But I'm happy the snow blower season hasn't started yet.

Busy, busy weekend going on. Busy, busy.

unk said...

Did anyone see the video of the people "sledding" in Houston yesterday? It was hilarious. Everything in the city was closed and you could kindof see some snow on the grass at the park. For me, an hour of snow on xmas eve at about 6 pm would be fine for the season. Enjoy the sat. Let the decorating begin!

Betsy said...

happy saturday busy family and friends!
have lots to do, and not much time to do it!
To start off, Christmas tree shopping - check
gramma tv shopping- check
shopping - check
I am sensing a theme?
stay warm and safe family, I need ya!

kdh said...

ummm .. yeah. never dropped below 40 last night, so that training participant was just looking for an excuse to get out of the training early! I'll have to try that!

Work for me (and CJ) today -- decorating tomorrow! Love this time of year!

jt said...

The ol' "got leave before the snow comes" scam... love it.

Can't believe Alabama destroyed the Gators like that last night. I found mmyself pulling for Tebow to win, is that because he's a future Bill?

Betsy said...

sunday already! So yesterday, we ( my brother also pitched in to make the purchase possible)picked up a HD 32"flat screen TV for gramma for Christmas, Jnna and I hooked it up and hauled away the old, and seriously she was so excited, as we were going through the channels, WNED popped up and she could read the number on the screen to donate, so there goes our inheritance. After that task was completed we took her to lunch and she came over an watched us put up our tree, she had a great day, so she says, and we got her home intime for TV mass.
With no bills to watch today, whatever will I do???

unk said...

Hey sis, please be specific as to which brother pitched in the $10. the check is in the mail and it was a great idea. Mom sounded delighted. Our xmas season started officially yesterday by driving to Batavia and meeting Carol and Paul Marlin for dinner. Today? Bills withdrawl? Enjoy