As everyone is aware, we were invited back to the Eagle Ranch to help celebrate the Col's 80th birthday! It was a celebration for the ages, and we were very thankful that we could attend. Since our last trip the Col and his lovely bride Pat, have added LongHorns to their family, this is Dewy, incorrect spelling, pronounciation is the same. She would wait patiently in front of the cattle guard every AM and wait for breakfast. I have to admit I was very much afraid of her!

Barney, the Ranch Watch Cat, was always very Thankful for a lap to rest on!

This trip as much as it was a celebration for Col, it was also a time to spend with family. Mom very much enjoys her time with Barb! Notice the beer bottle!

My sister was always up with the Longhorns very much willing to help, well at least watch any way!

The Col had 3 parties total, 2 at the ranch and one at a True Texas Town, complete with a saloon, and a sheriff, and all sort of fun things. My sister had her cousin Barb arrested for counting cards, that was a hoot! She was hauled off to the hoosegow, for 5bucks! Mom, Barb and Barb's husband, Chuck were thankful for the golfcart ride to the saloon where the party was being held.

Here is the Col arriving for his party! The music playing in the background was the theme to Star Wars! We were all asked to wear Western wear, and the Col very much looked the part!

The country and western band that played at the party was great! Notice Anastasia had front row seats! She says she felt it was like her own private concert.

Here is my sister, hobnobbing with the Who's who of Boerne, Texas. This is the Mayor, who oddly enough grew up on Parker Blvd in the Town of Tonawanda and graduated from Kenmore West.

San Antonio Nancy, getting into the part!

After the Col of course, Nancy garnered the most attention! This little feller writes a paper for octogenarians, and he looks a bit smitten does'nt he!

The nieces pitched in and got a huge pillow for their favorite aunt! All in all it was a great trip, we are thankful for our time together, grateful for the invite, appreciative for arriving home safe and sound, and forever indebted for the memories made.
First to post?!? Woo-hoo! Great pictures. Love the long horn. Grandma looks great in her Western Wear, but she was missing the cowboy hat!
UGH to Monday.
What a GREAT, GREAT blog, certainly one of the best ones ever. And I get to be the first to comment. Good for me! The blog has covered a few parts of the country haven't it. This one has it all. Critters? Shootouts?? The Texas Two Step? Themed golf cart? It seems as if this trip had it all. Bravo!
DAMN!!! I hesitated and got edged out by nc jll. She is right tho, we need to buy mom a cowboy hat for her next trip, and maybe some boots too. K, can you get on the boots detail?
That would be an awesome Christmas gift for whomever wants to pick it up? She did have a cowboy hat to wear, but she complained it messed her hair! This was a great trip!
We had so much fun, and for the record, Mom at 92, doing everything we did, was amazing! We played cards late into the evening, drank everyday, and were constantly on the go! I barely kept up. She is amazing, and can not wait to go back!
UGH UGH to Monday....
Awesome blog! The longhorns actually look real. Was there a scented smell that for them to bring out the authentic longhorn ordor?
Looks like GG had fun.
Unckie, he who hesitates is...
I write like Tina Fey talks... good lordie.
Tonight Oliver becomes a true holtz- we've strapped h down to the couch for his first viewing of a christmas story. He'll be Able to recite the whole thong by Xmas!
Mr O and his first viewing of a Christmas Story, let us know what your favorite part is????
So we are suppose to be getting this big snow storm, so who thinks the meteroroligists are right??? yea me neither
Cookie is off to Dallas tomorrow, any messages for Wade Phillips?
Big Yankee Trade, show of hands who thought it was a good trade?
Just as I thought, jury still out.
Other than that, tuesday is almost over, what will Wed bring?
I can't believe that everyone is THIS BUSY. I am just glad to be back on line after losing power from 7 am to 4 pm. Can't wait to see what mother nature has in store for later. Another case of EA high school closed (power outage) while I drive 30 miles to go to work. What about you nc jnn? Business as usual in the village. Great tv for gramma by the way. Nice job bts + jnn
Windy Wed Holy Mackerel!
Kind of a white knuckle ride into work, and a white knuckle ride home!
So sister Susan has gracioulsy agreed to host Christmas! More to come
GG loves her TV! When I called last nite to talk she rushed me off the phone, apparently apt 203, is the place to be... To watch Mass and Mother Angelica and the weather channel!
the days are just flying by, are'nt they??? I am really struggling with a pirate gift???
So would anyone be interested in a Christmas Tree Chia Pet??? I remember one Christmas, I think KDH was about 12 or 13 and I did not know what to get her, and I actually picked up a Chia Pet and considered giving it to her! That moment did pass, by the way..
Enjoy what is left of the day, by the way.
Windy, windy, windy... I'm kinda scared.
Go Sabres! What a game.
Hopefully I won't have to get up at 5AM to shovel us out.
Nice job Mr. Oliver... I'm gonna quiz ya.
I heard about the power loss unk. Always remember we have beds avail at my work. Had a horrible drive in and a horrible drive home! Dreading the trip to work tomorrow AM. Drive safely everyone!
Why did it give my government name on blogger?
Hey nc jnn, that was really wierd. Has that ever happened before where your full name was used? Me, I was awful glad to see all of the closures this am. It saved my using a good excuse since I had absolutely no intention of driving in cuz today is/was a 2 class day. Getting mighty nasty out here now, but it looks as if it is all done in the northtowns. Hunker down, better today than in 2 weeks.
Surprisingly, I made it back to Buffalo yesterday from Dallas. Although my flights out of Buffalo and into Buffalo were interesting. The flight out was so turbulent a man started throwing up (sounded more like projectile vomiting) which in turn caused everyone else to be sick. I managed to keep my morning coffee in my stomach, but it was tough.
And on the landing back to Buffalo our pilot managed to land the plane on one wheel and proceeded to pop a wheelie down the runway. Fun :)
Glad to hear that nc jll made it back safe and sound. Always an adventure travelling at this time of year with Buffalo as your hub, not like having Orlando as your hom base. Hope that everyone saw the weather channel broadcasting from EA this morning. Been plowed once and just finished snowblowing. Looks like a day filled with fun and frolic in a winter wonderland
What a day. Our building was closed at 3PM (unfortunately my work day ends at 3, sooooo...). And then I had to travel into North Tonawanda (obviously the Florida of the north) to pick up Zach. There was only a dusting of snow on the ground, the sun was bright and smiling, and birds were singing. I did get to use the snow blower today... too bad I had to keep on starting it over and over and over... is that the spark plug?
What a day for all of us road weary warriors! Even a trip down Maple Rd was treacherous!
So here we are 2 weeks to Christmas and still no pirate gift?
Is anyone interested in board games??? yea me neither.
How about collectible's?
I am waiting for the year that everyone buys 10-$2 cashword scratchoffs. This could also be our way of helping out Gov. Patterson too, almost an act of patriotism.
Self promotion time: Sandra and I are celebrating our 17th Anniversary today. I believe everyone was there in one form or another. I also know that one of us out there had a tough time with the weather. Good day all... I'm celebrating my day with a Sam Adam's Winter Lager.
Congrats Jff & Sndra!
Happy Sunday..
Does not seem to bad out there?
Happy Anniversary Jeff and Sandra!
I remember the day very very well! We had a great time despite the snow storm.
I hope everyone is ready for Christmas? Me not so much, as usual. So Austin had his first formal dance last evening, and he looked very nice! We did have one minor crisis, as he did not know how to tie a tie? Thank goodness his papa was available to talk him through the knot process, crisis averted.
Enjoy the bils game today, as they should win, right???
17 years??? Where has the time gone? I remember the weather, K stuck in DC, and most vividly a dance?? where someone was lying face down on the dance floor with someone standing on their back singing, was it Surfin' USA? (help me here)multi-choruses of Achy, Brakey Heart, a lovely bride and a most handsome groom. Enjoy your day and go Bills.
Austin's dance was a success! I told him that I could have easily been a volunteer for LHS "winter ball," in which he quickly said NO! I would embarass him.
Picking gram up so she can watch the FB game with me. I haven't figured out why she wants to come over on Sunday's. All I do is yell and scream at the tv!
11 days til Santa comes! Are the cookies ready? Are the kids excited? I know I am!
She loves the yelling and screaming at the tv from the old days when dad and uncle john hay would offer all of their advice. I don't know why austin would not want his aunt as a chaperone. my kids loved it when auntie and I chaperoned their proms.
so here it is Monday, wow, did not see that coming!
so we kind of have a dilema, now not sure if everyone is aware but we have tried to steer gramma in the right direction for years when it has come to gift buying! Yes, you can thank us later, but she has it in her head to buy UJ a plaid sweater? Now we are not sure why a plaid sweater, but that is what she wants to buy. Now, do we (A) tell her no, and hurt her feelings or (B) let UJ suffer with a plaid sweater, knowing full well, that she will think we all want one, or (C) just tell her to stick with the multi flavor popcorn tin, as that is the crowd pleaser!
I think the bils with give Indy there only loss this yr!
enjoy the day....
I think that UJ will look most fetching in a plaid sweater as would Wade Phillips. Let the chips fall where they may. If my history serves me correctly, the 68/69 Jets had minimal losses (maybe none\) until they faced the winless Bills and the Billls proceeded to intercept the unbeaten Jets multiple times in their only win of the season, thanks to a hung-over Joe Willie
Monday, gloomy, rainy, and I'm lovin' it. Just 11 daze to Christmas!
A hung over Joe Willie??? Odd.
9 days til Santa comes; just checking to make sure everyone has their pirate gift all set and wrapped up! Nope, not me. Does anyone have last minute requests, ideas?
I'm just tellin' ya now.... everyone is going to be fighting over my pirate gift. It's this year's cabbage patch kid. Fighting, beer bottles being thrown, a call out to 911... I can see it now. We'll never be invited to my parents house again.
Is Christmas eve really one week from tomorrow. Man o Man I had better get busy!
So I hope all that participated got there thank you letter from Gramma! Seriously, this is too funny! She calls everyday, for Jnna to read her the TV guide, as she does not want to miss one thing!
I think we have created a monster.
So the pirate gift, I am quessing there will be some confusion as to how to use, what I bought, but it will be made clear after midnight, and that is all I am going to say!
It will become clear on a midnite clear??? That is very Christmassy Auntie B. Can't wait to see. Week from tomorrow. How about that? What is everybody's work schedule like for next week? I have monday and tuesday so I can't complain too much. Poker tonite in what will be a very cold chicken coop. Gotta get that potbelly stove all stoked up. Wish me luck since I am still shopping. How about a wrapped box with an IOU for 20 bucks?
I am finishing up the Christmas shopping tomorrow with Gram!
I have to work Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday next week. Hopefully it goes by fast!!!
I hope I made it on Santa's nice list this year!
Have to work Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday... have to I say. Believe or not, I've got a ton of work to do.
Good luck in poker, stay warm and never count your money when your sittin' at the table.
And dont take your love to town~
Love Kenny Rogers prior to face lift!
So my boss took us all to lunch today at Shanghai Reds, very good, then my boss's boss, had us all down to Chippewa tonight at SoHo for another Christmas party. So when did Cheppewa get all festived up????
So how about 7 sabre starters all down with food poisoning, isnt that fishy!
And the bills pick up some guy named incognito???
Last Friday before Christmas, the push is on!
Good news! Any alcohol is allowed this year at the Fix-it's--they are getting a new rug AFTER we visit!
Caroline--feel free to do what babies do best (from either end)
I am working Mon, Tues, Wed, AND THURS!! I know the horror of working on Christmas Eve! And I only have New Year's Day off!! I don't like Christmas on Fridays.
Hands down, poor nc jll gets the award for the worst work schedule. Only a week to go. Another great pickup by the Bills. This one,even his own team mates don't like. Put us up there with Oakland and Cinn as the half way house for felons. So much for the Marv Levy days of players with character. We long for the Darryl Talleys, Mark Kelsos and Steve Taskers, altho somewhere OJ is probably smiling
Busy Busy Day!
Nephew Rick, I understand is getting slammed with snow! And it supposedly will move up the coast. So I hope everyone can get in safe and sound for our festivities!
So let me tell you what I have witnessed this holiday season.
1. A drug deal in front of Bank Of America
2. A shoplifter at the Bon Ton who ran into the store, and ran out of the store with stuff, and then yesterday, some guy shoves jnna at Premier and steals the money out of her pocket.
Lots of scrooges out there, I tell you, and they will get coal in there stocking!
Be street smart out there people its a jungle!
Yesterday I went to Premier to get my future BIL his favorite beer. I slipped money in my back pocket and planned on running in and out of the store. It was packed with people. My eyes got caught on the "Buffalo" section and saw some creative stocking stuffers. All of the sudden, a gentleman (I use the term loosely) in his late twenties began following me through the store. I thought he found me "attractive" in my sweatshirt and jeans.
When I went back to the Buffalo section; he bumped into me. I didn't think anything of it at the time; so I kept on my business. When I turned my head I noticed he bent down and picked something up.
I still didn't think anything of it. I called my sister to ask her a question about the brand of my beer Gary drinks. When I found the major award, I went up to the counter.
I reached into my back pocket and knew that I had been robbed.
I hope that the jerk that stole my cash, $25 put it to a charity!
I contacted Premier Liquor and told them what had happened the manager informed me that as of Saturday they will have increased security and she told me that they would keep an eye out for said suspect.
Lesson learned!
Nc jnn, so sorry to hear what happened. I guess that the good news is that it wasn't more money and most importantly, you are OK. That is, unfortunately,good advice tho. It is such a shame that there has to be such garbage at this time of the year. Don't let it spoil things for you. Try to enjoy our snowless day, unlike a big part of the east.
Sorry Jnna, that stinks. BUT, Just so you know and hopefully feel better, I bumped into someone today at Premier and took their wallet. So all is even in the Holtz world.
Fun game last night at the Sabres/ Pens game. Zach, of course, was rooting for Pittsburgh. So he was happy with the shootout win. And I was happy Buffalo played well against a tough team after playing the night before. So everyone went home happy... and full. That kid can eat when $ is involved.
So the Bills are officially eliminated from the playoffs. I did not see that coming!
Well here we are Christmas week!
Holy Smokes where did the last 50 weeks go??? I was pretty sure I was here for all of them, but not sure where they went?
still scrambling to find that perfect gift for that perfect person??? Oh well it will be found, it usually is..
Enjoy the evening!
I actually think the Washington Redskins are a worse team than the Buffalo Bills, show of hands??
Since poor Auntie B has been the only blogger of late, I felt obliged to respond just to let her know that we are still out there. Yes, the Redskins are that bad, but only when I bet on them. When I bet against them, like when they played oakland, they became world beaters. Enjoy the day.
Thats OK brother, I will continue to amuse myself and be the only blogger! I know people are busy, but for some reason I feel the need to get my opinion out there!
It looks like I have concluded my Christmas shopping! 3 more days until the big day!
Enjoy your last day of work people as I still have tomorrow. Bah Humbug!
The good folks at AirTran delivered K and miss Caroline yesterday; Eric on the way tonite, Adam, Amy and Oliver tomorrow. Let the Christmas games begin!!! Sorry nc jll, but I am done for 12 days and feeling no guilt.
Wow, where have I been? Wrong. I've been sitting on the couch watching Phineus and Ferb.
Two more days! Yee-doggie! Welcome home K and Caroline. Can't wait for the big day on Friday.
If I dont remember to say it tomorrow, a very merry christmas to all!
Its all good today people, so just take it as it comes!
I am off, wish me luck!
Welcome Home K and Caroline Jeanne!
As most of you are still sleeping in your warm beds...Me and the 10 other people that were on the road are toiling away at work.
Looking forward to the egg nog! K, tell me there will be egg nog?!?!
I can't wait to see everyone tomorrow! May everyone have a wonderful Christmas Eve.
Merry [day after] Christmas. Fun, fun time yesterday. Thanks everyone.
Today is the Koch Christmas, good thing they are still playing christmas music!
Wonderful Christmas celebration at my sisters, thanks for hosting!
Our dinner and gift opening will begin at 4!
Hope everyone got what they wanted from Santa!
Zach was the Pirate gift winner--54.00 in lottery tics!
Merry Christmas everyone--it was fun!
And to think that I had those crossword scratchoffs in my hot sweaty hands at one point. The ones that I wound up with got me 2 bucks. Way to go Zach! Another great Christmas yesterday as always. The Fixxitts were most gracious and except for the plethora of you know what paraphenalia, the pirate gifts were most exciting. K and Miss caroline jetted off this AM, we are enjoying Oliver this afternoon while mom and dad take in a movie, and mom is looking forward to the delayed xmas openings at the Cookies. Leave it to those folks to extend xmas as long as possible. Enjoy the day. Go Bills!
Happy kwanza day 2
So we had a glorious day of gift opening yesterday!
I must have been a very good girl, as I got a new dining room set, a computer, seres radio, gift certificate to my favorite restaurant, a new toaster( I broke the old one) pictures, perfume, I think that is it, oh and some other people got gifts too!
The hi lite was Austin's air hockey game, and listening to Jnna's police scanner, fixed on the buffalo police station, as they were trying to find a suspicious character on Jefferson and Broadway, are'nt they all???
What a glorious Christmas Holiday we had, thanks to everyone who made it..
Have a great monday!
uncle chuck are you ready to conceed the holtz fantasy foottball championship yet?
score is 99-67
Are you sure you arn't ready to conceed the holtz fantasy foottball championship yet?
score 101-98
Well, Adam and I got to enjoy each other's company watching the Bills score 3 pts. In addition, unless Percy Harvin enjoys a monster nite and Adrian Peterson gets hurt on the first play from scrimmage, I am ready to accept defeat at the hands of Austin. A+A+O are on the road as of 8:30 this am and the house is empty except for Auntie and I. It was a great xmas and here's hoping that they travel safely. Enjoy the week all, except for those having to work.
Congrats to Austin on his win in the championship game. Winning both the regular season AND the playoffs. Way to go!! even if you had to break my heart to do it.
Congratulations Austin for winning it all and good job Unckie for giving him a run for the championship.
Just a few more months before we draft our baseball teams.
Austin and I will be heading to the hockey game on New Years Day courtesy of Santa; 6 rows from the ice. The only problem is my nephew would like to wear his COLTS jersey to show the Buffalo fans who he will be rooting for on Sunday. Normally I would have no problem with that; however we will possibly be meeting out my co-workers before the game and their neighbors for dinner. (Their neighbor is Roscoe Parrish). Oh Dear Abby help me win that battle!
Good Sabres game last night! Although I would not condone Austin wearing a Colts jersey to a Sabres game....That stunt will most likely get him on tv.
Attended my first Sabres game ever in HSBC last nite, which gives you an idea how long it has been since I was at a hockey game, and I have decided to abandon the Bills completely and focus entirely on the Sabres. My man crush has been transferred from Lebron to Drew Stafford. Wear that Colts jersey!
Wow, can you believe that 2009 is almost over???
That was one quick year, was'nt it
Have a safe new years eve family, there is alot going on in 2010, and we need each and everyone of you!
Happy New Year everyone! I hope everyone can muster the strength to stay awake to watch the ball drop. Here is hoping that your 2010 is safer and healthier than your 2009.
Unckie, when you had your man-crush on Lebron James, did you refer to him as the Akron Hammer?
Happy NYE... I love this night (along with many others... too long to start listing). Hangin' with friends tonight, nothing major. But will definitely be enjoying some select beer.
Everyone, enjoy your evening!!!
Oh yeah, that's right. I'm home.
And a very Happy 2010 to all!! Enjoyed our annual get together with the Fixxitts last evening and as usual did not greet the new year. Still looking for someone who made it to midnight. Any takers? Enjoy the day all and here's hoping that the new year brings only good things to all.
I made it to 1am. Woo-Hoo, which is more than I can say for Years past.
My New Years Day dinner is planned: NY Strips and King Crab Legs... YUMMY!
Happy 2010! So we had a very low key new year, and still low key the day after that!
Daughter and GS went to the Sabre game last nite, and tomorrow its off to the Ralph! With winds gusting up to 40 MPH and a hi of 17 how long do you think they will last???
I am thinking my mom made it up pretty late as she was to tired to come over yesterday! Now that was a first
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