Just being patient and waiting for Holtz Family Christmas to begin!

Our Christmas day hostess with Ms Caroline

One of Gramma's gifts was a digital frame from Kristen and Caroline Jeanne!

A handmade rug for Ms Caroline! Caroline cleaned up this Christmas and deservedly so!

Some pirate gifts are definately for the Ladies!

Gift opening begins!

Dear Santa, Please note that Adam does want Yankee apparel for Christmas!

Our newest "Holtz" Ms Caroline Jeanne!

Of course the best part of our Christmas Day Celebration is the Pirate Game! Nephew Jeff opened a Bob the Builder Lego set! Not to worry, it was passed on to Mr O!

Oliver and his Big Pop reviewing the history of the T-NT Football game. I know I know, me too
My sister enjoying a glass of nog! It was the best nog ever made!
2010 will bring us a new family Mr & Mrs Gary Everett. 
It was a fast and furious holiday season. We were very blessed to be together, share a meal, raise our glasses, and anticipate the upcoming New Year. As always, Gramma sets the pace, with her tireless energy and her willingness to tackle each and every day, with enthusiasm and vitality. May we enjoy our lives as much as she enjoys hers! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.
First to comment on an awesome post? Great summary Antie b. CJ and I had a super awesome day. Can we do pirate gifts at Jill's wedding? Thank you all for all you did to make carolines first Xmas awesome!
A pirate gift reception, just may catch on! This event will be holtzapalooza 3!
enjoy this very cold and snowy sunday! go bills!
Great blog mom! Sundays are normally my pajama day, lounging around, relaxing and watching tv.
Courtesy of Aunt Jill; Austin and I are heading out to One Bills Drive to catch a glimpse of Peyton Manning. He has his COLTS jersey on, and I expect to see many faithful Bills fans today.
Someone please tell my nephew the game is at 1pm and it's only 9:00 am!
My concerns are how many Jackson's will it cost me for hot chocolate, and; will our heated seats work?
I might have to trump your blog tonight mom. This could be a classic!
A great blog Auntie. May these xmas posts continue for decades to come. So proud to hear that our family will be represented today as our Bills close out the decade. Stay warm guys.
Made it home safe and sound from One Bills Drive! Austin and I enjoyed a great game and managed not to get frostbite in sub zero temperatures.
Great seats, great time, and great pictures taken! Thank you again Jll!
I hope everyone managed to find their way back to work this morning after a nice little break. The holidays are over so we are officially in wedding mode...so everybody get focused!
What awonderful Christmas-once again!
I concur Auntie... and I don't even know what that means.
The Bills coaching staff was told they can look for other jobs???
Oh nooooooo...
Awesome blog Auntie B, you captured our family at its brightest.
So I am already sick of winter!
Cookie is sending out an SOS as she needs to get intouch with Terry Buchwald ASAP! Can anyone help? It must be for the wedding,as we have all been told to "focus"!
Are we starting a pool on who the bils next head coach will be?
I am in for 5$, I say it will be Charlie Weiss....
My guess, Harvey Johnson because Ralph knows him. Everyone enjoying this winter wonderland? I just purchased a tanker load of windshield wiper solution so I should be set for a week or so of thruway driving. Is there anything to look forward to for the next 2 months or so? Also, nc jll, I checked around here but they said that Terry Buchwald has left the building. Keep looking
Oops, I forgot to ask. Is nc jll registered for wedding gifts at the Yankees website? Me and Adam need to know.
Nice... you guys are the best.
"Left the building" :) too funny
My snow blower is on the fritz and my snow thrower won't start... back muscles, don't fail me know.
I need to get the hood of my car open, as it has frozen shut! So I just drive with the window open and a spray bottle in hand, thats OK isnt it???? At least I am not texting!
Thats a great idea Unkie! I hope the MLB Shop does bridal registries.
A little freezing drizzle this morning just for variety. What's not to like about January? 3 weeks from tuesday is Groundhog day. Anyone with plans yet?
Country is in the deep freeze? Honestly I did not think that it was that bad out??? I must be coming desensitised to winter.
So LA is building a new stadium and they want our bills??? What is up with that? Big birthday party this weekend, as daughter Jnna celebrates her big day on Sunday??? MMMM what to get her? I know a snow brush!
enjoy the day
Ah yes, a nc jnn b-day. I hope that you have plans to do something nice and warm.Trip to Erie waterpark? Jetting off to Aruba? Do it for your old unkie
Is she ever home?
Well it's January... how do I know this? Because my kitchen ceiling is getting soft in one spot from the ice melting that's how.
Happy Birthday Jnna!!!
Any week back to work after a week when you have had time off, is a killer! It is only Thursday, seems like I have been working for almost 5 straight days! UGH
So cookie is snowed in, in Peoria!
She is trying to get to Detroit, can not imagine that ever happening again, wanting to go to Detroit I mean, not getting snowed in, yea that will happen a lot more sad to say!
AND the interlocking Yankee NY Ice Sculpture for the wedding of the millenium is a no go.. It is 500$, and that exceeds our ice sculpture budget!
Nephew, sorry about the soft spot! Dont touch it!
Perry Fewell to the giants, yes I am starting that rumor.
I am frantically scraping ice off of our roof in the vain attempt to keep the only soft spots in my head. May the thaw be upon us soon. so much for global warming. Altho better here than hotlanta. From recent reports, K and CG have taken to eskimo togs.
Friday has finally arrived, and that is most appreciated!
28 car crash in Hotlanta! Now thats not good!
drive safe, be warm, get where you need to be....
I wish I could say that we're bundled up warm in our house -- we are in our house but its drafty like a sieve so my toes have been blue for DAYS now. And poor CJ can't put her arms down.
Insulation? What insulation???
None of my staff made it to work today. But there acutally is a dusting of snow on the ground.
Although I can't really complain -- at least I'm not in Peoria!
This morning it was pick two ruts for the drive in and hang on tight. Did you find 2 that you liked on the 400 nc jnn? What a wonderful way to start you b-day weekend. Enjoy. Me, I have a Tops run before I head home. Seems like the key things needed are: 1. hair spray (is mom got a date this weekend?) and scratchies ( I need to preredeem her $5 winner with 2-2/s and a 1) At least I hope she has a winner.
Had a wonderful birthday eve! BRRR it's cold out there. I didn't get home from work last night until after 10pm, so I avoided most of the chaos on the 400.
We had our manager get together last night; where our boss took us to Tantalas! It was delicious and a great time.
I only had one alcoholic drink and stuck with Pepsi for the remainder.
we are all in birthday party mode, here at 431.
have a wonderful sunday family and friends!
Enjoy your day nc jnn, you have earned the right. stay warm!
Happy day all! We've been busy, busy, busy, with sledding, camping reservations for the upcoming season, and Harry Potter movies 1-5 or should I say I-V... hmmmmm...
Soft spot has receded a bit do to my diligence on the balancing ladder, only perfected by Houdini (and we all know what happened to him).
I busted Emma's inflatable sled with a running start and Pete Rose slide... I blame it on my zipper, not my round mound of love handles (TMI?).
I tried fixing it... duct tape, hello! If that doesn't work; and I would suspect it not to. I'm off to the store tomorrow to purchase another Lil' Devil... don't tell Sandra.
I had such an amazing day! Thank you to everyone for all the birthday wishes. I hope everyone manages to stay warm today!
Big Mac admits to using steroids? Wow! Never saw that coming. I guess that wraps up the issue. Jeter getting married? Will Tiger or Arod be the best man? 3 weeks until groundhog day; COME ON RODENT!!!
Jff's description of the sledding mishap leaves me chuckling.
Glad Jnna's birthday was great -- did Jll make it home?
The cold snap seems to be waning -- its up to 40 degrees today, which is 20 degrees warmer than its been.
We closed off our kitchen with a big quilt over the door to cut down on the draft (lots of windows and french doors). At its nadir, the temperature in the kitchen hit 48. Which, unfortunately, reset the thermosat on the refridgerator and froze all our food :( Dad suggested I apply to FEMA for aid, and I just might!
btw Sandra/Emma -- I got the list you sent me -- thanks! CJ and I went through it and i think we're covered ... too funny.
closing off the kitchen! Desperate times call for desperate measures, I quess!
Stay warm, Ms Caroline Jeanne, warmer days are ahead!
Jll, did make it home, after a very snowy trip!
I am a little off my game today, Mark Mcquire used steroids, I am blown away by that revelation!
Who Knew!
I am in official countdown mode, 214 and counting..
FEMA??? You may have to wait awhile. I think they're in a Hurrican Katrina meeting still.
I made it home on Friday thankfully. I refuse to go back to Chicago until June. They really don't know how to plow out there! And it didn't help that the only rental car they had left was a Dodge Charger with rear wheel drive. Brutal.
Those are fun in the summer too.
Not much going on. Schottenheimer respectfully declines the Bills offer for an interview. The top 5 baseball free agent signings don't involve the Yankees. My wife is looking hotter than ever. Ahem...
How embarassing the bils can not even get someone to interview!
Did everyone enjoy AI minus Paula Abdul? I know I really miss her!
In full wedding planning mode, working on bouquets, centerpieces etc... I am here to tell you this wedding planning, lots of work!
Good news, and we can all use a little good news, Mom is resupplied with purple goldfish and has birthday and anniversary cards thru May. So if you don't like the card you get, feel free to blame me.
My birthday's in August so I guess I'll like mine.
Emma's sled is fixed. I went out and got an intertube repair kit and fixed 'er up good as new. My dad would be proud... no one tell him.
LOL, cards through May, ever the optimist!
Still like looking at the christmas pictures, even though they were last year!
So Bobby April has a job, Perry Feuell has a job and no one wants to touch the Bills job!
Other than that its friday, and we will all need our cars washed!
Make it a great one!
All in favor of a long weekend please signify by raising your right hand. Ooops, can't type only left-handed. Thank you MLKJr. A nice slow thaw for my roof is most welcome. Yesterday was the first day in the last 30 that it didn't snow. Thank you Channel 4 weather for that tidbit.It's FRIDAY!!And by the way, I cut Mom off with May card purchases. She was going strong but she was already in the 20+ card range. She says that she is going to have to start cutting back tho. Anybody else get a card for Terry Fronczak?
Well if you get a card for terry you had better not forget his brothers gary and wayne,because they are funny like that!
So last nite geo and I were heading off to our obligatory fish fry for friday and lo and behold the fixxits were in front of us, after much motioning to try and get there attention, they were off to zaks game, now it was discussed that we follow and go too, well geo really wanted too, but the allure of cold beer was too much, maybe next time
Enjoy our winter thaw day
We have a jam packed afternoon of house hunting today. 4 tours today which will bring our total up to 10 houses that we have looked at. I feel bad for our realtor.
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