I am going to start this blog off with a picture of a chicken because Jeff told me people seem to like chickens. 

But on to the real news...Gary and I bought a house!
We had our house inspection this afternoon and everything turned out great. March 22nd is our tentative closing date. Soon enough we will be residents of the Town of Tonawanda.
We are just across the street from the golf course and driving range. And there is a heated florida room off the garage, which Good Gary quickly renamed the Man Cave (he has big plans for that room!)
More pics and posts after we move in and the updating begins.
Hurrah!! I am first. You had me with the chicken but then it even got better. Congratulations!! That is really exciting news. YOu got 2K10 off to a great start. Man cave? Good luck GG. We will see how long that lasts.
Great Blog,love the chicken! Nephew Jff is right!
This is a great house which will be a great home for the soon to be everett family!
What daughter did not reveal was the amount of houses that they looked at, and where! House hunting started in Hamburg, I know me too! But quickly turned to the Tonawanda's when it started to snow!
This house is also down the street from Sandra's Mom and Dad, so they have great neighbors! And the golf course, who can beat living by a golf course!
So we are all very excited to move them to Lorelee!
brr stay warm, in fact do not even go outside today!
I am so proud of you guys!!!!!!! Love ya both! I can't wait for the big move.
Wow that's great news. I watch a lot of house hunters on hgtv ... Hope your house hunt was kinda like that. Can't wait to see it! Congrats!
It's Monday. Auntie is back in town, I am back at work and am thinking seriously of taking a personal day tomorrow to go to see Dunkirk Dave. What think ye? Yea or nea?
A personal day tomorrow, mmm that does sound tempting!
Nice house! I just know it will be filled with lots of love and happiness.
So are we having 6 more weeks of winter, I have not heard??
But seeing as its snowing I am quessing yes!
cookie is in chicago today, hope that trip goes better than the last!
everyone have there superbowl plans in place??? Yes, me too!
enjoy tuesday all, as it leads to wed!
I saw my shadow and I know that means at least 6 more weeks of moping and complaining. When do pitchers and catchers report? Not a minute too soon. They're playing the Caribbean championships so it won't be too much longer.
I actually made it in and out of Chicago on time yesterday! It was shocking.
That's awesome Jll!!! We've (actually just Sandra) designated your house the spot where I go to take off all my dirty clothes after the Turkey Bowl. Congrats again!!!
Who's the Everett Family???
The Everetts, Glen and Shirley, good people.
I am coming down with a cold, UGH sniffle sniffle sniffle, I will keep my distance from Caroline.
So are we doing a CR potluck for the 93, and then all of us just doing a day??
So Jenna contacted the Vikings so Brett Favre will be sending Gramma a birthday card, nothing from Chan Gailey or Bruce Dehaven as of yet.
Pack your lunch tomorrow, its Thursday
Sorry to hear that AB is down with the sniffles. If it is any consolation, so is AP. Regarding the big 93: Sunday the 21st is probably a better day to do something than the friday or sat. With that in mind, Sawyer creek? The dome has a room that we could use and bring a cake? Laughlin's on main st. that we did a few yrs ago? roadhouse and get rowdy? Athena's is opening new rooms in the back? Other options? Since there are only us, Koch's and the pilafs that are part of this, I vote that we decide and others fall in appropriately. your thoughts?
Gram was giving me slack for being "absent" from the blog for a few days. I check daily; I just didn't have much to say. :(
I think all of us need to reach out to our friends and have them send gram a birthday card. You know she loves getting cards! I also know the mailman dreads this time of year; but the NT mayor, Brett Favre, Chris Lee, her favorite waitress at Lou's, Senator Schumer, President OBama, Maryalice Demler, Chris Collins, the Buffalo Bills, and Buffalo Sabres have been contacted to send her a bd card. My goal is to reach out to 93 people and have them send her a card. I am not even close!!!!!!!
Everynight I call her and ask her random questions; just to keep her guessing. She gets a kick out of it and she wonders "what we are all up to."
In case you wanted to know she moved 28 times in her lifetime.
Unkie all your ideas sound great! Count me in. Let me know if I can help.
Those were just some thoughts if we wanted to do a "single" celebration. Being an "off year" maybe it would be better to have everyone do something separate to spread it out over a longer period of time. Quantity over quality, as it were. Your thoughts? The card idea is an excellent one. We will see what we can do to increase the number.
I am glad my brother and daughter are all over the BD Party, as I have nothing, nada zip zilch, I used up all the glue! (love that line)
So we are being spared the storm! Hip hip hoooray!
Got the ink stain off of Austins Manning jersey, it was touch and go for awhile
Cookie and GG off to cake tastings this AM...
Austin and Jnna are off to the Jello Museum in Rochester. Who wants a souvenir, and me ???
Not sure but I am sure an adventure to tops is in order!
Great ideas Unckie and Jnna, all of them sound good. Just let us know what's decided. We'll do anything. We'll bring the watermelon.
I could probably get my "one remaining" friend to send Gram a card. As soon as you reach my age there's less and less people around that you grew up with . Kinda sad isn't it.
BRrrrrrrr very cold out!
I think I will be housebound for the duration of the day!
Well, here we are at superbowl sunday. The big decision will be which superbowl party to attend? So many offers, so many decisions. I guess we will just stay home and watch the game here so as not play favorites. Anybody have a rooting interest, other than Austin and his newly cleaned jersey? Enjoy the day.
Superbowl party starts at 431 around 4..
The only person coming is my Mom, and if both teams are in a white jersey we are in trouble, cuz she wont be able to tell who is who, and that makes for a very long afternoon of play by play
Let Go Colts
Lets Go Saints
Its official, we will meet at some restaurant on Sunday the 21st, time and restaurant to be determined later, and we will come back to 431 for cake and ice cream and gifts and assorted surprises, and great birthday fun!
Who would have ever believed that the lowly "aints" would win the superbowl before our beloved bills?
I would have believed it.
We'll be there for the grand gathering on the 21st, just let us know when and where.
Is it still cold out?
I quess we are suppose to get some snow?
We are looking at going to longerins on Sunday, maybe kind of early about 3PM if they are open?
And then coming back to 431 for dessers, coffee and baileys, or just beer.
Anything missing??? let me know
Buy your lunch today its Tuesday
The "t" in desserts is missing!
Ma it's Loughran's. Although she is getting closer to the name because last year she was calling it Longneckers
Rats, I was going to correct her on Loughran's... I just figured she was using Kaleidabonics with the word desserts.
We're in for Sunday Linner at Loughran's and count us in for activities at 431 after. I'll bring my game of Operation.
Sandra drove past 94 Lorelee (not to stalk as earlier mentioned her parents do live on the street) and she saw a sold sign. So I guess that means it's official.
I wonder if my mom will write me a note excusing me from work today?
I'm just asking...
I was going to ask you the same thing this AM mom!
So far George Maziarz, Chris Lee, Robert Ortt, Brett Favre, her favorite Lou's waitress, have all committed to sending her a birthday card.
Charles Schumer and Kristen Gillibrand won't return my messages! Little do they know they lost a vote from Luther Manor!
Can someone give the Sabres a pep talk to put them in the W column? Because apparently Ruff's tough work out didn't make a difference.
Yup its offical Jff. All mortgage docs have been signed and deposit is in escrow. So just waiting for the closing date.
Well we made it to Thursday, it was touch and go there for awhile!
So the federal govt has been shut down for 4 days now, and has anyone noticed? exactly!
Anyone with big plans this Valentines day weekend???
Yahoo!!! Let the long weekend begin... WOO!!! WOOHOOO!!!
What? What day is it? Thursday? Crap!
Anywho, not really sure what to say now. I'll be back.
3 hours until my 3 day weekend begins :)
Grandma will have a suprise visitor this weekend to start off her birthday festivities! NYS Senator George Maziarz would like to meet with Gram and personally deliver her a birthday card and meet with her for a few minutes. His staff called me to arrange a meeting.
so did everyone enjoy the opening ceremonies? Me Too! And do we all have olympic events planned for today? I know me too!
So jnna has worked very hard to get all the local dignataries to wish GG a happy birthday.
When told that Sen Maziarz was stopping by today, gramma said, well I am going to tell him that for the first time in a long time, maybe the congress and the senate can actually do some work in Washington, they can shovel!
Thats our girl
Enjoy this olympic saturday
I really enjoyed the Opening Ceremonies last night. Nice job Canada!
It goes without saying I'm rooting for USA, BUT, Tora the snowboarder is my dark horse. I think she's from Belarus.
Thank you Google. Tora Bright, snowboarder from Australia. Go Tora!!!
I have a big crush on Apolo Ono. He sure can skate ... And dance!
Nonna and Big Pop are heading down south today to hang with CJ. Just to make them feel welcome I ordered up some snow ... 3 inches yesterday and still 1.5 on the ground today.
You can tell I've been away from WNY too long ... I left our patio umbrella up and open in the snow storm and was surprised when it splintered into 26 pieces from the weight of the snow. Oops.
KDH, check the warranty on that umbrella, I am sensing a defective made Chinese product that should be replaced!
So family, Longggrerens is not open on Sunday?? So who is up for Crazy Jakes??? Or the Dome??
Or Sawyer Creek, we are back to square one?
Happy Valentines Day to all who have my heart!
GG is coming over today for a turkey dinner, but what for dessert??? Oh I know anything with whip cream!
Travel safe UC & AP, hug and kiss our Caroline for us!
I agree KDH...Big fan of Apolo Ohno. And I'm not embarrassed to say he can comb my back hairs whenever he wants.
Golf Dome vote... if I matter any.
Happy belated Valentine's day everyone. We had a really nice lamb dinner over at Sandra's parents last night. And today starts Emma's week off from school. So we're going sledding today. Hopefully I fixed her sled alright. We'll see.
Happy Presidents Day!
KDH, is KDHRC closed today?
Had a nice turkey dinner with GG, as usual she was queen of the clean plate club, for both dinner and dessert! Which I am sure comes as no surprise to anyone.
Lots of big plans for the birthday extravaganza, I am not going to give anything away, but bring your dancing shoes!
Its a PB&J lunch bag today
So sometimes things happen and you just have to smile!
So when gramma comes over, daughter jnna will ask her a million and one questions, sometimes to provoke conversation, sometimes to annoy I think, but anyway yesterday, Jnna was asking gramma about all the places she lived, which did she like the least, ( Lockport) and which did she like the most ( Grove St) in the early days, but gramma says to jnna as she is driving her home, please drive by the Catherine St house, as it has been so long since I have seen it! So daughter obliges and gramma can not believe how much work has been done to it, and she thought aloud, I wonder if I could go in and see the inside? Cuz your grampa did a lot of work on the inside.
So after a plethora of lottery ticket stops, jnna drops gramma off.
So anywhoo...
Geo is working at Degraff today, and a woman recognizes him and starts talking to him, she told him she remembered his dad walking there dog, down the street, and how he would stop and play with her dog.( the dog not geo's dad) She was telling geo how much she liked the neighborhood, and how she has lived there for over 45 years, and she still remembers the day she bought the house, you quessed it from Charles and Anastasia Holtz, it was the owner of the Catherine St house. Needless to say, geo had to tell the woman how much gramma wanted to see the inside.. she is invited over on Saturday, for coffee
Yup sometimes you just gotta smile!
What are the odds of that happening?!?!
Slowly getting back into work mode after a 3 day weekend. Not another one until Memorial Day! Ugghhhh!
Headed to the casino buffet tonight for Dad's Bday dinner. Yummy!
Happy Birthday Dad!
wow that's wacky indeed -- small world!
Nonna and Big Pop are having fun playing with CJ and avoiding germs -- the house is like a biohazard site as we are all sick (except them ... for now). I fear we're kind of boring hosts this trip. At least CJ is cut, if a little bit snotty.
That's so cool.. gram with the house visit on Saturday, not everyone being sick down in hotlanta (just to clarify).
It was really tough working today... a lot of work had to be done and I REALLY wasn't in the mood to be there.
So gramma told Uncle Chuck that the party was 01:45PM at Crazy Jakes?? Not even close
01:30PM at the paddock golf dome, be there, or be square!
i'll make sure he gets that message, antie B. That's an important one.
and just to clarify -- CJ is cute, not cut. Nice typo!!
In other news, I got subpoena'ed yesterday. Seems I have to testify in that little matter of my next door neighboor getting shot [see blog posting on April 1, 2008 for a refresher: http://holtzfamilychristmas.blogspot.com/2008/04/terrible-awful-no-good-very-bad-night.html]
I kinda don't want to. Wait, let me rephrase. I really don't want to.
Thank you KDH, would hate for your mom and dad to be tardy for the party!
Loved my Yankee Ticket that is the save the date, good job J & G!
Cut, I thought that was Hotlanta slang for baby adorable?
I dont know KDH if your mom and dad are up for some bad news, but it seems the swiss chalet that hosted there wedding reception is closing for good on the 28th, your dad could take your mom there for her birthday!
We had a great dinner at the casino. Happy birthday dad! (A few days late).
So sorry to hear Hotlanta family is under the weather.
I am not sure how to get out of that subpeona!
If you missed it, UB North campus library was shut down after a suspected gunmen entered library. All was clear after Amherst police made 4 sweeps through. It seems Ralphie was lurking the corner with his red rider bb gun.
Hurricane Bar and Grill on Oliver has a 7.99$ fish fry with 3 sides, so you know we had to take Anastasia, so she was kind of blue today as she received ZERO birthday cards today, none, not one, zip, zippo, zilch, zed, etc..
But she was very rational about it, she reminded all of us that there was a price increase for stamps, and there is a recession..
So folks get your cards in the mail!
Whats with all the snow???
So as much as I wanted to call off today, I could not, just way to many work obligations! And I am kind of bummed as I so wanted to watch Tiger on TV! Do you think it will be replayed so I can catch it this evening???
Zach had a bball game last night, the last one of the regular season, so I didn't get my fish fry to start the lental season. BTW, they won and he played really well.
After the game, Zach and I went to see the movie 'Avatar' last night. Two words - WOW! What a moviie, I highly recommend it.
Enjoy your weekend everyone, see you all on Sunday.
KDH, I just assumed CJ was cut too. Thanks for clarifying.
busy busy busy saturday!
making sure everything is ready for the H-U-G-E birthday celebration tomorrow
Cake -check
ice cream - check
cup cakes - check
whipped cream - check
cookies - check
Yup its a party for gramma!
Back from not so hot lanta. Temps were about 20 below their normal high of 60 but made it to the golf course anyhow. Had a great time with CJ. The Hazmet zone was an "official site" with KDH officially designated as one of the swine flu victimes, even tho she had the vaccine. AB and I are keeping our fingers crossed but it has been almost a week now. Looking forward to seeing everyone tomorrow. Where did all of the snow come from? I have to go out and clear the driveway.
We had a great day today! Fun lunch at the golf dome, which was super busy with people practicing their slice, food was yummy company was better! Cake and Ice cream was lucious too, and cookie did a great job on our "GRAMA" game.
thanks for a wonderful day family!
Now Go Team USA! Up 2-1!
Ditto to my sister's thoughts on yesterday. Always a lot of fun. Enjoy the day and the rest of the week.
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