Wednesday, March 24, 2010

A typical Wednesday Night Conversation

An Evening With The Pilafs

Jeff: Where are the kids?

Sandra: Why? You are watching the Sabres game AGAIN!

J: I just want to be a responsible parent, are they okay, oh wait I hear Zach... hide.

S: You just gave your daughter to your parents at the Red Apple Drop Off Spot! My glass is empty.

J: My dad can't drive anymore, that's probably not safe. I'll get you another one.

S: I told her to sit in the middle and use all three seat belts. No ice.

J: Crap, freakin' Sabres... nobody's watching him in front. I have a lot of hair on my big toe.

S: Hello! How many times does the dog need to whack the back door? Let him out! My glass is empty.

J: Zach!!! Let the dog out!!! Hold on I'll get ya anutter one... should I shave my big toe hair.. it'll probably come in thicker though.

S: Keep your socks on...your feet are gross...almost as gross as the other Rice boys! No ice.

J: I know, I know. Sheesh. What are we doing this weekend? Man, that's a lot of hair. It's freakin' me out. Do you think I can throw my voice and make it talk?

S: Alright! Alright! Put the game back on and get this guy off the TV!

J: Mr Bean is classic comedy... whatever.

S: If that is Mr. Bean, then I am Pamela Anderson (minus the Hep3).

J: Sweet! Will you call me???

S: Not with that toe!

J: I'm just saying that's a lot of hair.


Betsy said...

That is a ground breaking narrative blog! The Pilaf's are such cutting edge!
Great job, pictured everything except your big toe of course!
another nite of working at the soon to be occupied new home, ugh to the sabres, glad our travelers are home safe and sound and tomorrow is one of my favorite days, THURSDAY

Jnna said...

Should we tell AB that the Sabres actually came back and won it last night or let her think they suffered a heartbreaking loss? What a great game!

Well were home safe and sound. I might have to trump my cousins amazing, spectacular blog; with a Disney one. I stepped off the plane and was immediately given a scraper. I am a little behind on the work that needs to be done.

Off to work, I can't think of an excuse to call in. Rats! Maybe I can try and get a vacation day for tomorrow!

jt said...

She obviously didn't watch the last three minutes of the game. Nice job Sabres... way to sleeop through 57 minutes and then turn it on... whatever a win is all that matters.

Sandra and I are always trying to do the blob quicker and better. If we don't some other blob family will.

Betsy said...

I just checked my facebook account and both Adam and Jff were on, how funny is that!
I did turn off the Sabres, now boy do I have egg on my face!
Sndra's mom and dad stopped by lorrelee last nite, had a very nice gift from sndra and quick tour of the house! The soon to be Everetts first visitors!

jt said...

The kids and I are watching "Full House" reruns. Is it cool to watch this at my age? Yeah, I'm good.

unkie said...

I must confess that i know a whole lot more about my nphws toes and his ongoing quest to figure out where his children are than I ever anticipated. Oh well, it is the weekend. Enjoy it all. Hope that all is going well for the new homeowners.

kdh said...

That was kind of a post modern, suppported by the NEA, literature-esque post. Almost too heady for our blog. It also seems very familiar...

Happy weekend family. Here in Atlanta we're looking forward to nonna and big pops visit next weekend.

Betsy said...

I am waiting to hear from my niece, as I believe I have some(one) she wants???
Oh and I open up against K
Moving day! Does anyone know where you can get a toilet scrub brush before 8AM on saturday???

Anonymous said...

what is up with our blog lately, click on publish and it goes no where? time lag to show a post?
Maybe it is part of the new health care reform bill, everything is coming to a scrreeching halt!

The Commissioner said...

All teams have been chosen, and the schedule is set

jt said...

Yeah, what's going on? I tried to post something earlier and didn't want to do it twice for fear of being laughed at. AND as I
check back it's not here. It was good stuff too, good stuff I say.

I haven't seen my team yet, but who wants to trade?

unkie said...

Yeah for fantasy. no time to write, need to check on who I have. you all know who I will look to get rid of. anybody else spend yesterday waiting for the no show in buffalo?? Good luck on moving day

Betsy said...

How did my brother get verlander and hamels!!!

Anonymous said...

I seriously think you have to click publish your comment twice?

kdh said...

Are we still experiencing technical difficulties with the blog? Everyone has been quiet. Another rainy day here in the ATL as we start "proposal week" -- a unique span of time in the spring where we work ungodly hours to try to finish proposals for funding to the government. Good times!

And of course its so not foriuitous that today or tomorrow I have to go be a witness in that murder trial. I can't imagine that would ever be convenient, but COME ON!

How is the new house, Jll? Do tell!

Jill said...

Pretty quiet on here...Kind of a crummy day here too K. But Don Postles said it is supposed to get up to 70 by the end of the week. WooHoo!

The move went great! Gary and his friends had everything in the moving truck in 2 hours! We ripped up the kitchen floor yesterday. That was fun! We are painting this week and starting the ceramic tile in the kitchen on friday! Should be fun!

Betsy said...

It has been very quiet for a monday, rainy and gloomy monday at that.
The move did go well, nothing was broken, lost or forgotten, so that is huge!
Good Luck testifying K!

jt said...

Good mornin', Sabres won! Yahoo! I do miss Rick Jeanerette though.
Holy Week this week... is everyone behaving?

unkie said...

Sounds as if there was a run on the pigs in the blanket at Athena's yesterday. Seems as is I brought auntie and order home and then later in the day AB was there with GG and got herself an order. GG claims that she only had room for dessert. since my last day this week is tomorrow, that means that today is thursday for me. Yeah for me!! Glad that the move went well. Much as I enjoy rereading the blog of you know who's toe, we could maybe benefit from pix of the new house. On to hotlanta for us come thursday. can't wait!! That is of course, unless our daughter is relocated to witness protection along with CJ

jt said...

We should have a bunch of new blobs coming up. The new house (pictures would be nice),
K's day in court (pictures would be nice), maybe a blob on all the yellow shirts I own.

Safe travels down to Hot'lanta.

Betsy said...

I think the fixxitts could have done a great blog on getting there new TV, and takin out the console!
The move blog, would have been PG rated! A day in court would have been awesome, we have never had a blog like that?
Travel safe UC & AP!
I did take my mother out last nite, she wanted to see the new house, and she did only get pie and ice cream....
nice weather ahead, how exciting!

Betsy said...

Any one else notice time warner connection slowing down?
geo says its a conspiracy to buy there new internet package???

jt said...

Uncle Geo has an in to get that info, so I believe him. Then again I have FIOS so I'm good. BUT, and a big butt, the Fixxits are moving into the world of fast uninterupted internet soon. Rumor has it the Fixxits (along with their new TV) got a Time Warner package, that according to Mr. Fixxit, was offered to no other human being.

kdh said...

i was thwarted from my day in court today (again) when jury selection dragged on and the defense attorney had a trial stopping nose bleed. They claim tomorrow is the day for my testimony. I'll believe it when I see it.

I'm running out of nice outfits to wear, for goodness' sake!

An unamed official said...


Jill said...

Oh man!!! How exciting. How cruel to tease us like that! What could it be?!?!?! There goes my productive work day! I am just going to be checking the blog every 5 minutes to find out the major news!

unkie said...

I tried to post to wish my sister an early HB. Let's try again

Betsy said...

An unamed official? Major announcment, what is up with that?
Is it Tim Tebow coming to the bills as 97 rock interviewed him this AM?
this is kind of exciting...

Jill said...

Happy Birthday Mom! Have a great day!

It gets a little nice out here in Buffalo and people just go nutty! The short shorts were out in full force yesterday!

jt said...

It is now the morning of April 3rd and still the "major announcement" is suspiciously absent. I'm starting to question its validity.

Yesterday I saw three girls, beween the ages of 15-29 (sorry that's the best I could do), arm in arm, wearing short shorts that had NO right wearing them. Where is the style police? Do they own mirrors?

jt said...

You guys have to watch this YouTube video. A congressman from Georgia (K, did you vote for this huckleberry?) has concerns that the island of Guam will tip over and capsize if we add troops there. What???

kdh said...

Happy Easter, family. Thinking of all of you today!

Jnna said...

I had the best gift today, It was a text message from CJ!

Happy Easter!

PLAY BALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! GO YANKEES!

jt said...

Happy Easter everyone!

Go Yankees!

Betsy said...

Happy Easter! Hope everyone had a wonderful Easter Sunday! It was a gorgeous day, and just waiting of for the first pitch! Lets go Yankees
FYI, gramma did find her easter basket here. I am sure you are all asking what was in her easter basket? Scratch off and peanut MM's of course
The grind continues tomorrow...

unkie said...

Back in EA after an all too short time with CJ. Hope that everyone enjoyed their day yesterday, we certainly did, and to have it capped off with a perfect start to the baseball season was just that much sweeter.Lots of bball on the tube today and the end of basketball season tonite. Looks like a very good day. Stay clear of the pussywillows and squirtguns everyone. Happy Dyngus!!

Patti said...

Happy Birthday, Betsy! We toasted to your health and happiness in Atlanta.

jt said...

Happy Dyngus Day! I got whooped right in the face with a pussywillow. Didn't even see it coming.
I took the day off today and what a wonderful day it was. I put a new door up in Zach's room, played basketball/ HORSE with Zach for a little while, walked the dog, blah, blah, blah...

Now I'm sitting and just enjoying baseball on TV.

Ooh big news; Sandra and I made the jump to FIOS TV. As soon as they got MSG and YES network. So now we have the FIOS bundle, saved big money.

Jill said...

Gary and I are headed to the Sabres game tonight, compliments of Jenna. Look for us behind the players bench, 5 rows up!

unkie said...

Here's hopin' that nc jll and gry see the Sabres clinch tonite. Go Sox!

Betsy said...

I was not aware my brother was a Chicago White Sox fan??? Learn something new every day!

jt said...

He's a huge Dick Allen and Luis Aparicio fan (and Bucky Dent pre Yankee glory)... that I knew. Oh and he loved those years they wore shorts. So yeah, it makes sense that he's rooting for the White Sox.

unk said...

Oh YOU!!! Being picked upon by my sister and nphw in the midst of a hailstorm this morning. Way to go Sabres.

Betsy said...

Great baseball game last nite, even greater hockey game last nite, and I even manage to catch some AI and DWTS. My life is full when TV is great and the weather not so much!
Thought there might be a 1/2 year milestone blog for CJ, but no..
trip to the dentist has wore me out, I think I may take a nap before bed??

Jnna said...

I proposed what I think is an acceptable trade offer to my cousin Jff; and I am on pins and needles waiting for a response. I wonder if I can hold his coffee pot ransom!

Took a much needed day off today; joining a gym and going shopping. Let's see if I actually get out of bed!

unk said...

It's April 8 and I am already in dispair. Cano, who I traded away, is well on his way to an all-star season, while Pedroia is looking like the 2nd coming of Big Popi without the salty vocabulary. There will be snow on the ground tomorrow and ever since the blog I have become painfully aware of my toe hair. What is to become of me? Alas and alack. Out of here at 11AM so maybe some quick draw and beer might cheer me up. Can't hurt, right??

Jill said...

Jenna gets a day off? Weren't you just in Disney for 10 days?!?!

Betsy said...

Happy Friday! enjoy one and all as winter is set to return.
Not sure how to spend the weekend?
I am sure I will find something to keep me busy!

jt said...

Happy Saturday.
Toe hair... it's an odd thing. I'm not really sure if hair should be on the toe. It's not for appearance. It doesn't protect anything.

"minus the salty language"... that there's funny.

betsy said...

Have a wedding planning agenda for the day! So this little blip of cold on our radar, is not lasting right???
As I had an early AM hair appt, and I had to scrape my car windows, well I didnt have too, but you can see much better when you do!
Is anyone else as annoyed with the speed of the time warner road runner??? Brother, any issues?

jt said...

We're FIOS people now. So I can't answer that question. The people to confer with are the Fixxits... oh wait, they're coming from the world of dial-up. To them this new Time Warner is lightening speed. And as long as my dad doesn't haven't to walk away and come back to his new web page he's happy.

Betsy said...

So gramma was under the weather this weekend, and as she put it, it was touch and go for awhile, but she seems to have perked up a bit this evening. She enjoyed the Yankee win, and was eating her coolwhip with a little fruit added.
Needless to say, what I thought I would get done, I did not get done and tomorrow is Monday already!
enjoy the work week!

unkie said...

Talked to Mom and she did seem to be hurting a bit. When she doesn't accept a lunch invite i know that she isn't well. As far as TWC, all I know is that every few months my bill goes up as they move to some new speed of delivery. I think last month they went to ludicrous speed (I think that they hired Mel Brooks) but I haven't noticed anything other than periodically having to call them to get: A. my telephone service back B. my computer service back C. my tv service back D. all of the above E. some of the above. What a value!
So, no, I haven't really noticed anything except a lot of money monthly for somethings I never had to pay for 20 yrs. ago. HUMBUG!!! Yeah, its Monday. Go Blue Jays!!!

jt said...

Blue Jays home opener.

I'm LOVIN' HD!!!!!!

jt said...

Sandra's in Wisconsin, so that means baseball, baseball, baseball Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday. Thursday we're back to 'What Not To Wear'... blech.

Betsy said...

Nephew, still no delivery from Givalia, ordered 03/29...
Stopped by to see my undertheweather mother, took her a milkshake which she downed in record time, and am taking her to the dr tomorrow. So we shall see what happens.
tomorrow is tuesday, and do you know what that means????

jt said...

Thanks, Auntie B, let me know when it shows up and I'll come over to pick it up.

Yankees win!

Where was the milkshake from? Rumor has it that GG only does vanilla malts. Is that true?

jt said...

Beautiful day today and Emma wanted to go to the park. Sooooo, we went to the park. 'Nuf said.

My mom told me gram is in the hospital. She also told me that her eyes lit up when Jenna and Jill walked into the room.

Betsy said...

Jenna was carrying milkshakes, plural, when she came in and my eyes lit up!
So it has been a little stressful with gramma being under the weather, but everyday is a blessing with her, she is funny and will say stuff like when you were little, so who remembers stuff that you did better than your parent! She is feeling better today, and hopefully will be going home soon!

jt said...

That's great to hear. Tell gramma (because I literally have no time) we're thinking of her.

Sandra came home at 4:15, kids had piano and soccer after school, and now Zach is at confirmation until 8.
Go Sabres!!!

betsy said...

so we got gramma home last nite, which she was thrilled about! Oddly enough the trained clinical staff felt she needed to improve her diet! (?) Which I promised we would work on, so all of you guilty parties who let her get away with her half of chicken sandwich for lunch, and chips, remind her of her 3 day stay at DMH, and she may reconsider her order, but I highly doubt it!
enjoy friday all
GREAT Sabres game last nite!
And isnt cano on quite the streak!

unk said...

Had the best of intentions of waiting to bring Mom home last nite but as it turned out, I'm glad that I didn't hang around. Thanks AB. Go Sabres! So glad that Cano is doing well nphw. My other brilliant stroke was turning down an offer from the Buttermakers (and I am starting to see the resemblence to the Bad News Bears coach)who desperately wanted Sandoval and was trying to dump Jorge Cantu. I, of course, rejected the idea since I was convinced that Pablo would at least hit his weight. At this point he isn't even close. The story of my life.

Jill said...

One casualty of FIOS is we don't get the My9 channel! Which is very disappointing on the days they have exclusive rights to the Yankees game!

Betsy said...

Welcome Saturday! After a very very long week! Niagara hose chowder today, Sabres game, Yankee game. Enjoy the day
Travel safe UC& AP! AP you will love Fredricksburg!

unkie said...

Deep in the heart of Texas and its "fiesta" and drinking is the norm. Looks like Missions baseball tonite and on to Fredericksburg tomorrow

Betsy said...

what ever happens on a tuesday?
UGH to the sabres! Other than that not to much else to report, oh we are working on a bridal shower for cookie.
enjoy the day and all that it brings

kdh said...

Quiet on the blog, family. Happy to hear there's a shower in the works -- love all the wedding trimmings. The pollen is still visible in the air down here in the ATL, but the result is lots of greenery and flowers -- its a beautiful time of year, even if everyone (including CJ) is sneezing!

Jill said...

What a heartbreaker! And it all ends with too many men on the ice. Seriously?!?!

Betsy said...

I am so happy it is Thursday, no seriusly I am! Jersey Boys on Saturday, and then Sunday is well Sunday...
Gramma is feeling better, not loving her diet though, she misses her snax!

jt said...

Wow, where have I been lately. Working on my camper, trying to get the overhead lights to work. Frustrating.
I'm still bemoaning (not sure if this word has EVER been used on the blog before) the Sabres loss 21 hours later. And I'm awaiting the Bills pick ready to be disappointed again.

Jill said...

We grouted the tile last night. Finally! And now my wrist is completely useless this morning. But it was well worth the effort. We will actually be able to buy appliances this weekend. No more mini fridge for us. Which is kind of sad, it reminded me of college. Nothing in there but beer and mustard.

Betsy said...

My hororscope said I can not argue with anyone today, so I am steering clear of everybody, Bruins fans, redsux fans, patriots fans, the 7 items or less lane at Tops, I am not testing the fates, when we need a win!

jt said...

Jill, TMI... how's Good Gary's wrist?

How'd you do Auntie B? Did you do okay today?

unk said...

Back in Houston and ready to come home EARLY tomorrow. Astros and Pirates at 1 today and hoping that there is some shade in the area. Supposed to be 86. Will the Sabres still be in the playoffs when we get home? Did the Bills have a plan to only draft from colleges I never heard of? Clemson excluded.

jt said...

Hopefully the Sabres will be in it. Hopefully.

I'm missing my partner in Sunday night conversation tonight. She's down in PA. for the night.

unkie said...

back in Wny and I see that the sabres are still playing. Can that be said tomorrow. Looks like the next few days it will be me vs. the lawn. Spring came early.

JT Rice said...

Sorry, we should have told you.

I have a teenager in my house today. Where did the years go? Gramma, any words of wisdom?

jnna said...

0-16 in power play goals. Come on Ruff! Get the boys going!

unk said...

My little nphw jff has a teenager? Not possible! A big HB Zach and now let's hear a few rousing choruses of: Sabres on the golf course, uh, ah!

jt said...

I, I don't like that song. But I'll sing it with ya. Ooh Aah.

I could watch The office allllll day.

jnna said...

The wedding shower is in the works! I would love to see a new blog about the newest teenager! If my computer wasn't so slow I could do a blog about the Sabres on the golf course or, anything that comes to mind.

Jill said...

Happy late Bday Zach.
Jff, I saw you pulling out of the Golf Dome around 6pm. on Monday. Not stalkin' just sayin'.

jt said...

Thanks for clarifying Jll... we were there tonight too. Zach hit a few (6 rounds at 19 pitches each to be exact) baseballs at the cage. His tryouts are this Saturday for 13-14 yr. olds.
He also had soccer practice before that. So WE decided Mighty Taco was in order.

Betsy said...

After work I tried to stop at the bank on delaware ave, close to where my brother works, and a car drove through it, so I could not do that, and not being able to go to the bank changed all the other plans of things I was going to do, so I stopped on Lorelee instead to see all that has transpired. New appliances in place and a beautiful new slate tile floor, great job.
If I knew the blog password I would do a new blog.
Hope Amy and Zach had great birthdays!

Betsy said...

Who else can not turn the channel fast enough when mary belrose shows up on SportsCenter and starts talking hockey, yea me too!

Jill said...

Caps are out! Thats awesome.

Why is my mom posting at 4am?

unkie said...

A 4AM post? And I thought that I had a monopoly on that time of day. 4,6,7 and 8 seeds remain in the east. It is all about the regular season isn't it. Took mom shopping yesterday. Most confusing since this new approach to eating had me lost. No ham? no cookies? no chips? This will take some adjustment. No school today or tomorrow but chaperoning post prom at lazertron at midnight tonite is not at the top of my dream list. Enjoy the nice weather all and get ready to make a killing on derby sat.

jt said...


Global warming I say... global warming... heed the warnings. Beware.

I was napping at 4AM.

Betsy said...

Some things are just "bankable", robbie cano is hitting a league leading .407, and geo and are topping the charts at 34 years.
have a great friday everyone

unkie said...

What does one get one's spouse after 34 yrs? I'm OK on 25 and 50, but 34? Is it zinc? tungsten? Well, I know that you will find a way to celebrate suitibly. Me, it's going to be a lost day. 2 AM at lazertron did me in. It's the latest I've been up since Y2K and that was only because I was curious to see whether I was going to get to use all of the survivalist gear I had amassed. Enjoy your day AB and UG. Boy, am I glad that I traded Cano; another coup on my part. Please note my effective use of a semicolon; this blog needs more semicolons. That reminds me of a guy I went to college with. His name was Colin Webster. He had a crippled left arm, kind of like Frankie Martin at the old Stage Door in Buffalo, so everyone called him "semi" colin. That probably wasn't PC, but it was 1961; people didn't think about stuff like that then.

Adam said...

What the he'll are you talking about?

Jill said...

Its Friday; and its a beautiful day outside.
Not sure if that was the correct place for a semicolon Unkie!

A very happy anniversary to my mom and dad!

Betsy said...

My brothers post was awesome! That was the most random sampling I have ever come across! And his sons reponse was priceless!
ahh to firday!

kdh said...

Oh I'm sitting at my desk laughing -- the family blog strikes again. I find nothing funnier than when dad gets punchy from lack of sleep. Last time that happened we were in Vegas and he laughed so hard he passed pizza out his nose. Now I'm laughing so hard I'm about to do the same.

The mental image of dad at laser tag at midnight tickles my funny bone.

My staff thinks I'm insane.

unk said...

My son turns on me and I have to rely on my daughter to call and tell me so. I think I am going to bed; it's been a long day.

Betsy said...

firday??? another reason the blog should have spell check
1st meeting to plan the power shower for the bride to be,
Lou's at 8:30, if you have been assigned a task, you need to be there, if you have not been assigned a task, sleep in, or get up anyways it looks like it is going to be a beautiful day!
How does one pass pizza through his nose, I hope his lovely wife pointed out anything that stuck to nose hairs, because in a crowded room sausage pizza coming out one's nose could look like you need a kleenex, agreed???

jt said...

Hands down, that was the best one day posting EVER and it all started with a misspelled word and a response that rivals Abbott and Costello. I'm surprised Adm couldn't follow Unckie's breadcrumbs (he's usually there to interpret)... AND I would pay anything to see pizza come out of someone's nose. Not NY style pizza, Chicago deep dish.
Unfortunately, Lasartron at 2AM did Unckie in and he resigned to Oldpeoplesville at 4:48PM (ON A FRIDAY), a time usually reserved for the earlybird special and extra bread.

betsy said...

Adm, springville school district ads are in this AM's paper. Not sure if you are still interested in WNY or not? They are looking for a social studies teacher, and long term substitutes.
Hang in there Amy, not to much longer! Hope you are feeling well?
Hope everyone won a lot on the derby?
enjoy a gray sunday

jt said...

I put my money on the little guy and the "brown" horse. How'd I do?

Beautiful weather yesterday and today... I'm starting to feel a lil' spoiled.

jt said...


Jill said...

No disrespect to the toe hair blog, but we need to change it up a bit. Any takers?

Jill said...

And by the way...Does anyone else dislike Babies R Us as much as me?!?! I tell ya i hate that store.

kdh said...

Jll, are you trying to tell us something?

Giant rains here in Atlanta - - schools are closed due to flooding and I was up at 4am thinking that the thunderstorm would wake the baby. It did not. But I lost sleep anyhow. Grrrr.

unkie said...

So here is the plan. KDH and Miss Caroline hit town on thursday. After consultation with GG and a thorough review of her social schedule, it was determined that I am going to pick her up after school on Friday and bring her to EA. Taking her home will involve a stop at Tony Rome's in West Seneca for fish at about 5 PM. Anybody in the neighborhood with no other plans for Friday I know that CJ would love to say hi. Let me know and i will make a reservation accordingly. Please note, no semi colons. I may never use one again.Looks like the rains are over with here. Hope in Hotlanta too. Enjoy the day.

kdh said...

Yes, do come for fish -- we'd love to see you guys! Not to be immodest, but I think you'll be amazed at CJ -- she's kinda a person now, instead of the blob she was at Christmas!

Betsy said...

Reservations for 3 please non smoking. That is me, geo and jnna.
I called cookie and good gary, but it went right to voicemail, I think she is screening her calls.
I talked to my mom and she is very excited about fish fry friday, and she ventured to walmart today with uncle gary to buy a new made in china watch that she could see..
see everyone on friday

Jill said...

I'll be there! No Good Gary though, he will be working.

jt said...

3 more for non-smoking, I hope that doesn't split us up. Sandra will be up in the great white north. But Ms. Emma, Sir Zachary and I will be there. Oh yes, we will be there.

No offense taking on the infamous toe-hair blob. I'm kinda gettin' sick of it myself.

Betsy said...

what about the fixxitts? Will someone invite them the old fashioned way? with a phone call?
Cuz you know they dont read the blog regularly.

unk said...

Placed a call and left a message with the fixxitts and asked for return but haven't heard as yet. Looks like I had better lock up a private room. Can't wait to see everyone. enjoy your wed.

amy said...

So Jenna asked me via facebook if there is a baby pool? Which i replied "not that i know of". Or is there, i ask you holtz family? but it got me thinking... if there isn't one, why not? is that how it goes with the 2nd baby in this family??? they are the forgotten. if that is how it goes then i guess i can accept that if i have to but i expected more from you all. tomorrow will be 2 weeks until due date day. i can't image bringing this baby into the world without any money riding on it. please don't let me down.

Jill said...

Oh man! Come on family. We can't disappoint Amy and the yet to be named unborn child! However, if I do remember correctly AP swept the baby pool categories when Miss. Caroline was born. There might be some collusion in Holtz household.

I will put $5 on 5/21/10 at 10am. 8Lbs. 3oz. 21 inches long

AP said...

We could do the baby pool on Friday night when we meet fro that fish fry!
I love baby pools!!

amy said...

thanks, jill. don't forget boy or girl. that's still a mystery too.

jt said...

I've got $5 on Auntie P taking it all.

Jill said...

Looking forward to seeing everyone tonight at dinner.

We are down to double digits until the wedding! 99 days people!

Betsy said...

116 comments on jeff's hairy toe, now that is sad, folks, very sad. Where has our creativity gone? Where is our groundbreaking insight?
Yea me too!
I have 10$ on Caroline winning the baby pool, show of hands?
Anastasia has a very cute surprise for Caroline!
It is Friday, and I can not tell you how excited I am for the president coming to b-lo! Time off requests are piling up on the desk!
see each and everyone of you tonight!

jt said...

I did, I did see ya. Good times. Thanks everyone.