Friday May 14, 2010 I had to be at work early to meet with the night staff to discuss open enrollment for health insurance. My morning began at 415am. It's such a relief when Tim Horton's is open that early, so I could actually focus on my driving.

It could have been a whole lot worse thats for sure! But I did make it safe and sound to work. Now, I just have to wait a week or so for my car! Drive safe out there everyone
It was foggy with light rain. As I make it onto the 400, cars are zipping by me. Obvisiouly they had someplace urgent to go at 5:15am. I see the signs to EA 7 miles to go! I thought this is going to be the longest day of my life. I just wanted to get to work, and start my day; so I could go home early. Except Bambi had a different plan in mind for me.

I think I should have done a new blog about hairy toes to drum up some comments. Ah shucks!
Happy Birthday to Austin today! He is 15!! Watch out world, one more year and we have a new driver on the road. How very proud we are of him!
Any baby news? I think Austin has 5/17 today!
Good blog Jenna! And sorry about your car.
Looks like Amy won't be able to hold out until my 5/21 prediction.
What a beautiful day it was yesterday!
I always claimed that work was dangerous, coming, going and there. Glad that you were OK. No word from Mass. I missed on 5/17. HB Austin. All of these teenagers and also tiny ones. Nice combo. Enjoy the day all.
oh jnna -- huge bummer on the car! it doesn't look like so much damage. But here's my question -- how did Bambi make out?
where is everyone today? Antie B? Dad? I count on your pithy words to start my day with a smile!
And yes, my day (at least at work) is starting at 1239pm. Don't judge me, fam.
Not to much going on, on this gray and gloomy day! KDH what time is lunch when you start working at 12:38PM, I am just asking??
I think we are matron of honor shoe shopping this weekend, any takers??
GREAT Yankee win last nite!
KD.....H, you don't hang on every word I write? I'm crushed.
Awesome blob Jnna, pictures for me sells the story.
So what's the word in Mass.?
Is anyone watching hockey? Not just our family... I guess I mean anyone outside of the 4 cities remaining. I am, what does that make me?
Did anyone see AROD and Marcus hit dingers off of "the good pope", Papelgod? I did!!! WooHoo!!!
HOCKey??? game on ice, nets and sticks? Nope not me!
Season is way to long when B-Lo says goodbye in round one.
How is our Amy????
Any word from Quincy Holtzs?!?!?
I hang on every syllable of yours, jff. Fear not.
Amy is still hanging in there. False alarm last night, I hear. Keep sending good vibes their way.
And lunch was at 1245, Antie B. Gotta stay nourished!
Joined up with GG and Mrs. Fixxitt for lunch at Squire's yesterday, but not at 12:39. Looking for comments on last nite's Yankee game. We were sleeping waiting for the phone to ring but nothing happened. Seems that Amy's doc is mystified too. Not a lot of cooperation from the little one. Sun is out; enjoy
The game last nite is being protested as it should be, mambypambyjoshbuckett!
Just checkin in to see if we have #50 member of the Holtz family, yes family I did some pre dawn math, and it looks like our newest Holtz baby, will be the 50th person to be part of our family, but wait I did not include the Fargo Holtz's??? I better get out the calculator.
Hope all is well in Quincy!
So I thought I would get up extra early on this workday, to see if A.
We have our new baby and B. go to the bathroom, so no new baby news.
Is amy aware we are all anxiously awaiting?
Have a great day one and all!
05/21/10 sounds like a birthday to me!
It's official, I am out of the running for the baby pool! UG is on his way to raking in the cash. I had big plans for that $21 too!!!
Today is my pick for the birth date...Come on Amy PUSH!!
I've got until 2pm I think .. come on Amy! (i'm sure she feels the same way!)
Anyone got big weekend plans? Nothing much here. Its supposed to thunderstorm ALL WEEKEND!
thanks for all the baby wishes. we are anxiously awaiting too. 5/21 sounds good me too but so far nothing. i'm feeling really good actually. so either my body is getting ready for labor and delivery or the baby is way too happy in there and is never coming out. adam is pretty sure that i'll be delivering an 18 year old at this point. i hope not.
Mr. Fixxitt is looking better and better all the time. That jackpot will take him thru at least the next 3 christmas pirate gifts. We are all with you Amy, but sooner would be better. Lookin' forward to the weekend. Only one more class to go. Enjoy!!
Kind of a cloudy saturday, but it is still saturday none the less!
no big plans, yard work, a cold drink and a little bit of baseball, will round out the day
enjoy family
I finally have my car back! I took gram out for a fish fry and a cold beer last night. It must have been a night for conversations because;
The table to the right of us loudly discussed the BOE results and how different cities voted to approve or decline their districts budgets. The couple spoke very loudly and was rather annoying. Just when I thought it coudn't get any worse..........
The table to the left of us was a group of women who all discussed their most recent visit to their OBGYN.
I was not quite sure what conversation I should have butted in with, so rather I asked Gram the same question at least 4 times.
since it is now may 22, and amy is convinced that this baby will not be seeing the light of day for at least 3 more months, does everyone want to pick a few more due dates. I'll start. 6/27- 10pm weight: 17pounds 7 ounces.
LOL!!! Adam
I am picking 07/04 at 5pm with a birth weight of 18lbs 1 oz, and 3 feet long. Oh and its a Boy
Any news on Amy this morning? Wow, reason number 321 why it's great to be a guy.
Not a bad day yesterday, Sandra and I spent some of it at the market in NT. Followed by a little yardwork, housework, and then a party.
Maybe no one knows but Zach is on the Red Sox this year in LL. I lost two fingers just typing that. Anyway, the coach gave me a hat because I'm helping with the team. I'll try to keep it clean for Oliver. Hope he doesn't mind a lil' Yankee insignia inside to counteract the evil.
Just when I begin to believe that there is no justice in the world, I hear nphw jff's story and it gives me cause to go on. I liked Auntie B's guess, but Amy, probably not so much. Guess that it's time for the pool to be handed over to Mr. Fixxitt. Trying to get some yardwork done but the crop of blackflies this year is most generous. Chef's for dinner last nite. Love their chicken livers. Have a great sunday all and hopefully this is a short week for all.
Just had a nice lunch with the Fixxits. Mr. Fixxit is asking how much his earnings are? I told about two bucks. His response, "What? I put in $3".
Any News?????
I found a 10$ bill in the dryer!
Now thats news!
I think my dryer is broke.
Too Hot!
I am really really uncomfortable, oopps sorry Amy..
What's going on with the Holtz's today?
Is everyone okay?
Hot and sick today... bad, bad cold. Yuck.
Gotta admit that it was quite a day today, one that I am glad is over. Sorry to hear that the main pilaf is under the weather. Tomorrow is another day Scarlett
I am home, chugged a cold one and will pull the blankets up over my head!
Just some random notes, not sure if this is true of every family, but just to pass on, as gramma thought her time may be near, she told me how much each and everyone means to her, how Jff just makes her smile from ear to ear, how Adam is such a good dad, and a good husband, how K could be president if she wanted too, how millions of people can hear the sound of Rick's voice, what a wonderful family cookie and gary are, how jnna has added years to her life including her in everything and she went on and on and on. To her, her family was more than she ever thought she deserved.
Oh and for me, well I put her dinner plate together for her, chopped everything up so she could eat, and I mixed the chicken, rice and cauliflower all together, one bite of that cauliflower and I got such a frightening glare from her!
She was on the road to being herself.
After the day we had yesterday, mom and I went to Roman Cafe to get a bite to eat and a 22 oz beer! The food was great.
This morning as I am going through my wallet, I noticed I accidently took the receipt I was supposed to leave the waitress which included my tip and everything!!!!!!!!!
I am going to make it right today!
Beautiful post mom!!
Very nice auntie B. I'm glad to hear Gramma is doing better.
AND so am I. Feeling much better after yesterday's yuckiness.
Zach is camping with the 7th and 8th grade class. We took Em out to dinner and a long bike ride tonight.
Stopped to see mom this morning and she looked good. Didn't get much of a chance to visit since she was getting meds and on her way for xrays. the nurse seemed optimistic that she would be out of ICU today. Good news. Looking forward to a drive to Quincy.
Got a wonderful internet invitation to a Christening! How exciting!
travel safe UC & AP!
Sorry to hear you were under the weather Jff! Hope you are better too!
Much, much better today. Thank you.
What do we, as Buffalonians, do to get this incredible weather? I'm sitting outside enjoying a refreshing beverage, tap, tap, tapping out words in the evening sun. I wonder what the po folk are doing?
Moved gramma out of ICU yesterday, but she was definately cranky! Apparently the ICU was very busy her last nite there, and she did not get a lot of sleep, so she was very anxious to get a good nites sleep!
Talk is that she may go home today, and that she is very excited about!
Good Luck today Amy! We will be thinking of you!
Anxiously awaiting the new Holtz Baby!!!!
Introducing Audrey elitabeth holtz- 8lb 4 oz. Born 11:15am today. Pics coming soon!
YAY Adam, Amy, and Oliver!!! Congratulations on the new addition to the family. We can't wait to meet her. Hope everyone is doing well!
And a Happy Early Birthday to Mr. O!
Welcome to the Holtz's Ms Audrey Elizabeth, I hope very much that you will like us! We are a little loud sometimes, but rest assured there is not another family in the world that would love you any more!
Got gramma home this evening, where her posse was ready and waiting to greet her!
She looked a thousand times better today than she did on Tuesday! She ate every morsel of food that was put infront of her today, including but not limited to Vegtable Lasagna and salmon for dinner! I gotta be honest, I am amazed! So my rememberances that I wrote this week will be folded and put away, to be used some other day, and the envelope marked " Instructions, please read carefully", in her handwritting, will too be put back to be read and adhered to another day.
Thank You! for all that has been given!
I am very thankful that this work week is over and proud to welcome Audrey Elizabeth to our family!
As mom mentioned we got Gram home okay and her groupies were waiting for her downstairs with Get Well Soon cards and plenty of warm wishes. She truly amazes me everyday.
After the nurse left, she quickly sprung from her chair and said; "Okay Let's GO!"
Wow, so many yeahs to hand out. Congrats to Amy and Adm, thjat's awesome. We can't wait to meet the new lil' girl. Emma is beyond excited that a girl was added to the family.
Big shout outs for gram "what what" for showing strength and resilience. Nice job gram, we love ya.
Glad to hear that Mom is back home. Got to spend some quality time with Ms. Audrey Elizabeth. I am guessing that she is going to fit in just fine. Amy looks great and Oliver has been fantastic putting up with his grandpa. Looking forward to the arrival today of K and CJ and the big birthday party tomorrow for The Big O. Enjoy the holiday weekend all. Good to see that every thing is getting back to normal, especially with the senior Pilaf able to hoist a cold one.
new baby pictures up at
Another beautiful day in the neighborhood!
Enjoy it one and all
Have a great birthday party, Mr O!
Be thinking of you
Travel safe brother
Wow! Double wow! What a day!
We spent last night camping at Camp Doebler and eating crawfish and today went on a boatride down the Niagara Strait. Wow!
Camp Doebler?? Is that a KAO site?
Thought so
Had gramma over today, she just sat and watched me do yard work
Same agenda tomorrow
Absolutely gorgeous day!
Seriously how did we get so lucky?
Back in WNY and work tomorrow while AP remains on Audrey duty in quincy. Sounds like lots of productive activities here. Me, its a few beers and early to bed. The good news is I did stop for a round of golf in Canastota== a course you can see from the thruway, and the streak remains intact, altho it did have to wait until the last day in May.
How many times have you golfed on the last day to keep the streak alive?
Busy, but fun weekend. Weather... incredible. Family time... awesome!!!
What a great weekend! I wish it didnt have to end! The weather was beautiful and we got a lot of landscaping done. Back to the grind today.
Golf is a lot like baseball. Sometimes you put them away early, other times it goes to the last at bat. Golf was supposed to happen earlier last week, but things, as we know, got a bit "complicated". Auntie remains on duty in Quincy, and son Adm has a job interview, so I feel like a slacker with only a lawn to mow. Hard to believe it is june already. Let the bridal shower season begin!!
Glorious weekend! ended way to soon!
Good Luck Adam with the JI!
Good luck Adm.
Zach's team won last night 7-6 in an extra inning. He had a sac bunt to move the runners over to 2and and 3rd that eventually scored. Fun game, despite my accessory. Check your email.
That pic reminded me of the end of return of the Jedi. Darth vader sees the light, leaves the evil empire and returns to the good side
I cant believe that unpire blew that perfect game last night! What a bummer!
Lots of people downtown today to watch Strassburg. I thought for sure I would see UC heading to the game while on my lunch break walk, but no such luck.
The things we do for our children!
Such a devoted Dad, but I agree it was counter balanced with the don mattingly t shirt.
Supposedly the game this afternoon was a sell out, how did strassburg pitch cookie? As he should be in his Nat uniform by now?
I think Bud Selig will be overturning that call and give the kid his perfect game! That is only fair.
Lunch with grandma, a trip to the bank and a stop at tops trumped strasburg. the woman, altho a bit whiney, is amazing. A week out of surgery and she is out and about, altho she didn't like it when i told her my friend stork was playing golf 2 weeks after his pacemaker was installed. Glad to hear that Zach's redsocks team is enjoying all of the success that they so richly deserve.
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