As we kick off our summer of 2010; our family has so much to be thankful for. Yesterday, as I had a dress fitting at Alfred Angelo in Rochester; we decided to take a diverted trip to Honeyoye to visit with Grandma's niece and nephew (Chuck and Barb). They were such gracious hosts, as we had lunch, and Grandma remembered the times she had there. I think the smile on her face says it all! We had such a great visit and Grandma can't wait to visit again!
So we played the game; "were going on a family picnic" on the way home from our trip yesterday; and at 12:30pm Gram called to repeat what we were bringing. We played the game 18 hrs ago! This time she did it backwards!!!!
Great day at Honeoye yesterday!
And today rain UGH
Thanks jnna for posting pix, could not look at nephew in the "B" hat anylonger, just wrong I tell ya, wrong
We just got back fom Toronto where the Yanks came back to beat the Blue Jays. We had a nice day rooting for our beloved Yanks (regardless of what the previous post may indicate). We had a nice swim in the pool, a nice dinner at our hotel and an enjoyable evening with friends.
Are you saying Gramma killed this post? Where is everyone?
Zach's team won again tonight.
Pretty quiet on the blogsite. Must be that everyone is busy. Strasburg? Celtics-Lakers? Hoping for nice weather on sunday. 3 more days of classes. Raining and dreary. K and CJ in this friday. That's all the news from here. It's over the hump day.
Had a great weekend camping. We really lucked out on the weather. It only rained overnight. The ride home wasn't so great. The high winds coming across the car wasn't good for the kayak on the roof. We really thought it was going to fly off!
Then we get home and Gary's truck won't start. He is annoyed so in stubborn Holtz fashion I decide to take the tandem kayak off the roof of my car by myself. Needless to say, that didn't end well. The front of the kayak fell on my driver's mirror and broke it. Nothing a little duck tape can't fix!
Rainy wed, so who does not mind going to work???
Have our shower this weekend, that we are all excited about!
And after that, not to much
How is Ms Audrey doing?
sleeping, eating, and more sleep?
Yea me too
Enjoy the day and all that it brings
Duct tape, the miracle drug.
Emma's 10th b-day today. She wanted to sit on the saddle at Texas Roadhouse... we had a nice dinner.
Happy Birthday Ms Emma! Hope it was a great one!
Enjoy thursday
Hockey is finally over, not to excited that it was cabfare skipping pat kane that scored the winning goal, but whatever
Happy belated b-day ms.E. Can't go wrong with a texas roadhouse bday meal. Hope that you had a great day.
KDH and miss CJ hit town last nite so things are a bit busy around here. They are both looking forward to tomorrow's event. Not a classic day today weatherwise but we will all be inside watching the US take care of those limeys this afternoon anyhow.
Ms. Emma had a nice birthday, thanks for her well wishes.
Welcome KDH and Ms. CJ.
US did what they had to do. Yeah!
Such a beautiful party yesterday! Thank you so much for all your help!!
What a great party yesterday! Thanks everyone. Back to the grind today.
CJ and I are back in ATL, where it was a balmy 87 degrees when we landed last night at 1030pm. Whoo hoo! It was a great party and excellent to see everyone -- thanks so much. We had an awesome time!
Did I miss Monday? Now how did that happen?
What a stupendous party we had yesterday! Thanks to my all who helped make it possible! Ms CJ was the star of the show, just being her adorable self!
I think the soon to be Everett's have pretty much just about everything they need for the next 50 years! thank you to everyone, some days are better than others in this journey and yesterday was definately one of the better ones!
I heard it was a nice party. That's great. I watched Germany/ Australia and had a chicken finger sub. Aaaaaaahhhhh...
I'm counting down the daze to our vacation. It's getting close.
Are we a lakers family or a Celtic family, just asking?
I had not wanted to mention this but there was one tense moment during the price is right game. A bag of New York Yankee peanuts was hoisted in the air, and you had to quess the price, and once hoisted a loud boo came from an audience member???? It was Ms CJ, who knew MLB allegiance was nature, not nurture!
Have a great Tuesday one and all!
What can i say, Antie B? CJ is a National League girl!
can you all please root for the celtics? I do live in boston after all. Lets now count down the seconds until Jff starts a "lets go Lakers" chant.
I hate the Lakers, GO CELTICS... oh yeah, I went there.
Zach's team played lethargic and lost 11-4. They play again tomorrow, if they win all is forgiven.
Jeter (the dog) killed another bunny in our yard... he said he didn't, but I don't believe him. The onslaught is at two. Don't tell Emma, I swore I'd protect them.
Very long work day, and I have to pay to park twice! That is the worst! Enjoy Wed, cuz tomorrow is, well we all know what tomorrow is!
I took today off, but I didn't enjoy it. I worked allllll day on the house. Now I have to shower.
Thank goodness it is Friday! It has literally taken 5 work days to get here.
I was almost going to call off and watch the world cup, but decided to work instead. enjoy the workday one and all
Work, work, work... today was atough one to get through. Busy, busy...
Let the weekend begin.
Zach's team lost a heartbreaker tonight. Fun game to help coach though... they're a good bunch of kids.
Regents exam week and lots of bad essays to read. Auntie is in one of her"let's get the yard done right" moods, and I can't seem to convince her that the eve of one of the most sacred days of the year is not one for heavy yardwork. I can hear her calling now---bye
Happy Father's Day dads!
Zach's team (also known as the Red Sox) won a fun game yesterday and he played well.
How did Camaroon not beat Denmark yesterday? I might get a Denmark jersey now. There had to be drunk vikings last night somewhere.
Yessir, happy father's day to all. Not sure what today holds. On a happier note, enjoy today since starting tomorrow the days start getting shorter! I had to do that since it always made Adam get mad at me for saying that. Go ZACH! Go RED SOX! by the way, I was looking over last June's blog about the critter in Adam's back yard and laughed out loud over a few of the comments. We were funnier then
Happy Fathers day, to all our "Holtz" fathers out there!
You guys do a great job each and every day, keeping the families on the straight and narrow!
Have a cold one today!
And in the oh so famous words of Charles Holtz Sr, If money can solve your problem, you have no problem!
A very special Happy Father's Day! I hope today and everyday that your beer is cold, your steak is cooked how you like it, and you have the best company anyone could ask for!
Enjoy your day!
Happy Fathers Day to the dad's out there!
So lets see what is happening??
Geo's brother's flight was confirmed he is coming in on the 11th of August, so thats exciting we have not seen Bob in 10 years!
Austin's last exam was yesterday, not sure what his plans for the summer are? I know a tux fitting is in 2 weeks though.
Was anyone rooting for North Korea?
Other than that, all systems go
Enjoy tuesday
So today was the last day of Austin's exam, and his freshman year is finished. His last exam was his Spanish exam and he told me it was at noon today. Lockport highschool called and woke him up at 10AM, as the exam was at 9. Good thing he wants to be a professional video game player when he finishes college, as I dont think they are on such a strict schedule!
Those early morning exams will get you every time. Que pasa Austino! Anyhow, Mom's supply of puffed rice is back up to standards and she now has enuf leftovers in the fridge to keep her going for a bit. Me, one more day of school, not today, but tomorrow, so I am thinking that I might be spending some time this morning with the tv. Rod and Betty celebrate their 65th anniversary today so it looks like a get together later at Linda's. Sounds like a humid one weatherwise, but try to enjoy it anyhow.
Happy 65th Rod and Betty! A cuter couple I have never seen!
What is the obligatory gift for 65 years? Will have to google.
Enjoy the day all
Any score on the USA soccer, I can not get ESPN on my work computer, not sure why?
I am just a little annoyed I missed the earthquake yesterday! i was in Cleveland and all I had there was a lousy tornado warning!
So it's the 89th minute of the soccer game and my TWC decides to go haywire. After 5 min. of no signal, I go out to finish the lawn, only to discover an hour later that I missed a winning goal. Then, I am at my favorite watering hole playing a little quick draw when all of a sudden my beer starts sloshing about on my tickets. A most annoying day. Anyone going to tune in to see how the tennis match tied at 59 goes? Kinda like an Arena football game. Enjoy the humidity all.My last day until sept.
Earthquake, I was at Buffalo General so I did not notice anything, as with all the construction this building always shakes!
I wonder if cookie signed the petition to keep Lebron in the mistake on the lake?
HI family -- blogging from San Francisco where its a balmy 53 degrees. I'm dressed for Atlanta summer so I'm a little chilly, given that most people out on the street are in jeans and fleeces. Why don't I ever learn to just carry the fleece with me on my trips??
Sorry I missed the earthquake -- sounds like it was kind of cool. Let's hope there isn't one here in Cali while I'm in this rickety hotel the government put me up in!
All reports from Atlanta are that Ms. CJ misses me terribly. Or not.
We all remember the Mark Twainism "the coldest winter I ever spent was the summer in San Fran". Stay warm. Cj does not need a mama with permanent chillbains. School's over until sept. and all I am having is a diet coke. Something wrong with this.
A rainy saturday, now that stings!
Hope all is well in Quincy, we will be thinking of you this weekend.
Did everyone sit and watch the NHL draft? No well George did.
Was everyone awake for the 9th?
Other than that, not to much else
Enjoy this day and all that it brings!
Had Anastasia over for dinner last evening, she ate every bite of her food! And very much enjoyed just sitting and talking! Hope it was a grand weekend in Quincy, and everything went off without a hitch! I hope Mr Oliver liked his very belated birthday gifts! I personally loved the tent! I figure him and lucy can occupy when needed..
have a great last week of June!
Seriously, where did that month go?
With Nephew and brother gone, I will pick up the pace on our blog.
Little cooler today, not so humid!
So did everyone see the awkward exchange between A Rod and Joe Torre? more awkward than an 8th grade kiss!
Who has big plans for the 4th, show of hands? Not sure what we are going to be doing, but it will be fun, I know that much!
No new wedding news
Nothing else going on, have a great day family, miss you!
Anyone interested in going to Gary's stag? No girls allowed! It's at Cole's next Saturday July 10th. Tiks are $25
Was Father Michael invited? And also Mr Hartman, the head usher at Church?
when you say "no girls allowed" do you mean absolutely no girls? That makes a big difference...
Made it to Burlington, Vt. and hopefully the Lake Monsters game will be on tap for tomorrow. Great time in Quincy with the christening and all. Audrey was the star of the show. Went down to the Cape on Sunday and even found the motel we stayed in on our honeymoon. Rather warm and muggy but we had fun. Talked to Mom today and she said what a good time she had on Sunday. Take care all
Took the day off tomorrow to take Gram to her follow up MD appointment. When I called her today she informed me that our list of things to do has grown!
Off to NYC this weekend to shop, tour, and catch fireworks by lady liberty! Pretty cool!
Did Gary's stag tix sell out yet? Chase Utley? That was nice of him to host the stag!
How could we go a whole day and not mention a HAPPY BIRTHDAY to UNKIE?
I will have a cold one for you tomorrow! I hope you had a great day!
Happy belated b-day Unkie! enjoy the baseball game.
No girls allowed including those that like to "dance".
Happy Belated Birthday to my brother! May your cake be lit, gifts a pleanty, cold beer, and good friends be on tap for the day!
Enjoy the cape!
Glad to hear the christening went off with out a hitch.
Should we reserve a ticket for you for the stag?
have a great one
HaPPy Canada day to our neighbors to the North!
Have a great day one and all, TGIT, and tomorrow is TGIF, I am just thinking how much longer my life would be if I was not always wishing it was Friday!
Count me in for 1 ticket, though I cann't make it. That one ticket goes to Gary for 1 drink... enjoy it and drink it fast, just the way I do it.
I've been absent from Blobville for a week, my apologies. We had a wonderful time camping in Central PA.
Zach's last bball game is tonight.
Thanks for the wishes and put me down for a ticket altho I am not sure that I will be able to attend. It seems like that Sat. is the evening that all of the out of towners will be flying in and I will probably be driving the shuttle. Back in EA after a nice get away. Auntie even treated me to a b-day dinner on tuesday and I had the pleasure??? of sitting in one of the oldest stadiums--1922-to see the Lake monsters. I would guess that there has been no seat maintainence since 1922. Enjoy NYC nc jnn and travel safely
So cookie was suppose to fly to DC this evening, but her flight was cancelled when it was announced her plane " was broken"? I quess it was good they discovered the break before it was airbound!
I forgot to report on the Altoona Curve game.
Great stadium with Lakemount Park behind the right field wall. Lakemount Park is alot like Crystal Beach and hosts the oldest wooden roller coaster in America. The kids had a great time in their waterpark and going on a few roads. We went to the Friday night game against the Bowie Baysox. Bowie won 5-1 scoring 4 runs in the top of the 9th. Miss Emma was chosen to answer a question in front of 6,021 fans and won a duffle bag from Envision Lasik for identifying Adam Hydzou, Altoona's only number retired (#16). The kids got to run the bases after the game and there was fireworks. All in all a wonderful day/evening was had.
Heading to NYC tomorrow AM for a much needed R&R as final preparations are in place for the wedding. We will be heading to the financial district, yankee stadium, tour of the empire state building, and fireworks by lady liberty.
Have a great 4th everyone! Here's hoping I can understand a subway map!
Have fun.
TGIF!!! AND Monday off too... Yahoo! or Google, whatever.
Emma starts soccer tonight and Z is done with baseball for three weeks until playoffs start.
Altoona is a great park for a ballgame but Auntie wouldn't let me run??? the bases. Hope that everyone enjoys the 4th and the 5th too since that is a holiday
Happy 4th everyone! Here's hoping everyone enjoys this glorious day, because it it is beautiful out there! Anastasia coming over for a shift, lunch and dinner, drinks and fireworks, oh and a Yankee win too!
Enjoy it!
Hoping that everyone has a favorite place to stay cool today. Hope that everyone enjoyed the celebration yesterday. For me, it was too humid to light my sparkler.
Dad's last comment just begs for a dirty joke, doesn't it? Hope everyone had a great independence day.. We are at the beach for the week and having a great time. Caroline has eaten her weight in sand, napped like a champ in the shade shelter and quite enjoyed jumping the waves with er mama and boys. She's a champ! I'm exhausted! But happy as a clam.
Back to the grind today! What a great weekend. Gary and I went from party to party all weekend long. The long weekend went way too quick.
Too humid to light my sparkler! I see that on a pillow in the family room, don't you!
Enjoy the short week, one and all!
Can not wait to see everyone this sunday!
Anybody ever try to go to Amarillo, TX from Buffalo? Don't! It's a P-in-the-A!
disgruntled traveler, is our blushing bride! She was told she had to get to Amarillo, ASAP! Needless to say she was not too happy about that directive! Amarillo is far cooler than Buffalo, tomorrow's high 72! Tomorrow's high in Bflo - 92!
Take a coat cookie!
Man, it's hot.
Sandra went to the Brewers game on Tuesday night and caught a fould ball. She says it's her favorite stadium (They sell gluten free beer there).
I'm not sure the intent of lighting a sparkler in such heat, but I'm intrigued.
Hi family -- can't wait to see (most) of you on Sunday! A few tips -- the church service starts at 930. If you park in the back of the church there's an elevator at that door. There will be pews reserved for family in the front few rows of the church, so we can all sit together. Lunch is at 1130 on Grover Road. Come for both or either. Looking forward to it!
Have a fun Sunday Kristen and Caroline, I'll be in Allegany with Zach and Emma tracking bears and trying to stay clean.
Still hot.
We've reached the half-way point of the baseball season.
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