Camp site 222 was the setting for Jeff's birthday celebration! After a hectic summer of wedding planning, it was nice to just relax and enjoy Cayuga State Park and the company of the Rice's!

On your mark, get set, GO
Nephew had lots of activities planned, so everyone was kept busy, and had fun!
It was 3-D glasses nite at the ball park! Geo is pointing out the beer vendor!

It was definately a sitting and chatting weekend, another planned activity!
Austin, Emma and Zach just waiting for breakfast.
Not a very flattering picture of my sister, but a nice one of gary, don't you think?
A birthday toast for the birthday boy!

a beautiful end to a beautiful nite at the ballpark!
Yay! First to post. What a great blog. I can't believe I missed 3D glasses night.
Back to work after a 3 day weekend stinks!
Did everyone go back to school today??
It was alot of fun! Nephew and his family were lovely hosts!
I did forget the picture of our hotel though, as geo and I and my sister and bil did not camp, we hoteled it, and our hotel was next to the Auburn Correctional facility, which in itself was pretty funny! My B-I-L did offer me a 5$ to sit and watch his car alnight though. Still it was lots of fun! Next trip, off to Hotlanta for Ms Caroline's 1st birthday!
Great blob and wonderful pictures! It truly captures the weekend's activities (sitting and drinking), maybe we can get the rest of the Holtz' out next year?
3-D glasses night was awesome, when that runner slid into third... I was really scared.
Site 220
Well, I took the day off today to go golfing with my son. It WAS a beautiful day and we had a really nice time.
Cold outside, how come?
My parents are missing. They're either fulfilling their Penn Yan reservations or went a bit farther south.
Whats south of Penn Yan?
Or maybe they are just dodging your phone calls, newphew?
South of Penn Yan??? Hmmmm... North Carolina is south of Penn Yan.
I think they're home.
WWe had a nice dinner at the Golf Dome tonight. We love the Dome.
Our Silly Silly Sophomore had a great first day; his only complaint is he can't take a nap during class. Although he did mention that he has one study hall; every other day, and he naps then! LOL! He is to much!!!
I love the golf dome! We ate at Athena's! Free refills, geo gets his money's worth
Well here it is Friday! Hip hip hurrah!
Lots going on this weekend
Blls home opener, do we dare hope?
Peach festival in Lewiston
my water bill is due, just lots going on!
enjoy it all
Looks like its going to be a nice Saturday. Gary and I are tiling the kitchen backsplash today. This should be interesting.
Jill, We'll have to do that soon too. That'll be a winter project. Right now, I rebuilt the front hall and painting and molding.
UB took one on the chin while Sandra and I enjoyed a wine tasting at the Buffalo Yacht Club last night. Some guy bid $800 on lottery tickets at the auction... I think we need to step it up this year for GG's Christmas present.
We can only hope that our bills perform better today than the bulls last nite and that more beer finds a way to best the pilaf packers. Fantasy bball went so bad that fantasy fball can only be better. Enjoy today because we all know what happens tomorrow.
Happy home opener!
Bills need to win today, just because we all say so!
GG coming over for wings and beer, her favorite meal!
kind of a gray day, but a win could make it sunny!
enjoy it everyone
Is this how the whole year is going to be?
Actually, you know what? I've got nothing. Edwards stinks.
Our backsplash turned out awesome! And although we still have to grout it, I must say the prject was pretty easy. No problems thus far.
Happy Monday to one and all. Ugh!
BIG upset as the butterchurners are upset by, ugh, the you know who "Bombers". Nice, but may make things a bit tense come the b=day party. How about dem Bills, huh?
When's the first backsplash party???
Anywho... I really am more upset about Edwards today than yesterday, I really thought my disdain would subside.
When are you flying to Hotlanta? How fun!
Now why would my brother say such a horrible thing! Of course the bombers came through, business as usual!
So it is KDH and I duking it out!
may the best HFBB'er win!
Buffalo vs Green Bay at GB; I predict the bills don't make it past security at the airport and GB wins by default. Who am I kidding? That would be a blessing!
Poz hurt again? I see a pattern! I am picking a new team to support and show my loyalty towards and root for game after game! Hey those Lockport Lions upset those NT Lumberjacks the other day! GO LIONS!
LOL... we can only hope that the GB-Wisc. flight restrictions don't allow second guessing/ dump it off QB's on their flight.
Zach scored three goals today in rain drenched soccer for St. John's. You gotta love being a dedicated parent. They won 9 or 10 -0 ... something like that.
Way to go Zach! It's always better to be on the winning side than the losing side!
So gram got all her "goodies" from the Olmstead Center which includes; a new phone with large buttons, pens, a talking clock, a new cane, wall calendar, large print check books, a large timer, a special switch for her oven.
I told them they were all from us, so we should be good for Christmas!
a talking clock, well there goes my pirate gift idea!
Niagara Hose has chowder this weekend, so for everyone who has been chowder deprived, get your pot to the station early to reserve your order!
Is it me, or does anyone else not want to go to work today? Kinda thought so..
Happy friday one and all
Yay for Friday! And it looks like its going to be a nice weekend. Weddinig season still isn't over for us. We are going to one tomorrow then one next Saturday and then one on 10/10/10.
10/10/10... I'd never forget that date. Sandra purposely made ours 12/12 just to help me out. She's the best.
Happy Saturday! Was going to spend the day basement cleaning, inspired by back to back episodes of Hoarders, but with the sun out, I think I will pass! Besides it was just all george's stuff I was going to throw out anyway!
Great Yankee win last nite coupled with TB loss!
Still chasing K, for bragging rights for HFFBB. I have made it closer however, it is 8-2!
enjoy the day and all it brings
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