Dear Adm: I'm writing this with tears in my eyes. Your sister is HURT that she's the only family member that didn't receive your email about your mugging in London! But Thank God you weren't injured because you complied immediately. Let us know how it's going across the pond as you visit the embassy and Police (who are of no help) and settle your hotel bills. In the meantime, the whole Holtz family will be gathering up our bank account information and other personal information (SSN, mother's maiden name, PIN numbers) to send over to you, stat. I'll put together a spreadsheet. Cheerio!
Poor Kristen, that's who I feel for. Obviously Adm doesn't think his sister will come through in his dire ti e of need.
I'm so glad he complied... I'm not sure could have.
It's awful about what happened to cousin Adam. I am so saddened by the events that I will have a Guinness beer in his honor. That's the closest thing to London that I will ever be. Maybe, just maybe I will have two.
KDH thank you so much for stepping up to the plate and taking on the task of compling all our information. I think we should also get everyone's driver's license numbers in case that question is asked on any application.
The first question I have, is what was K doing up at 4AM blogging?
Having not heard from my nephew, I am still of course very concerned.
I have to tell you that this has been a very disconcerting month for the holtz family, first there was the chowder party none of us were invited too, and yes I am still bitter about that, and then the tragedy that befell the holtz's on holiday in London. Black cloud indeed!
Enjoy Saturday
K - put me in for 10$
People are obviously very upset by all of this, and still no word from Adam across the pond. What gives?
its been horrible- They've stuck me in the tower of london, and all I have to eat is spotted dick and warm beer. Family, please hurry. If I have to have much more spotted dick, I may turn into one! I do, however thank my lucky stars that I complied- they may have thrown my body into the river thames.
LOL! spotted dick, and I was going to serve that for thanksgiving!
Adm, thank goodness for reaching out to us! So please enlighten us, how did this tragedy unfold?
I just heard the news! Is my baby boy in trouble? I'm sort of busy but if I can help just let me know.
P.S.I think it best to refer to your new favorite food as spotted richard.
Agreed. Spotted Richard it shall be. Too funny.
How did I end up eing the first post?
Guinness is from Ireland (Of course it'll be at any pub in England). Try some Old Speckled Hen.
Thank you for the correction cousin jff. I give myself a A for effort!
Could we see an upset today? I still BILLIEVE!
Close, very close and a good effort from the boyz from Buffalo. I actually enjoyed watching the game.
Happy Monday!
what a winable game that was for the bils yesterday, so disheartening!
Adm, will you still be rooting for the bils, or have you adopted cricket as your new sport? just curious? As you can see this will never get old!
took GG to the silo for lunch yesterday in Lewiston, as it was a sunny day, and I thought she would be able to see the leaves starting to turn, but the minute we arrived so did the clouds. Hi light of the trip, oh so very good sweet potatoe fries, and AP twin. So a lady that was a drop dead ringer for my sister in law!
other than that, just waiting for the work day to come to an end!
I love anything that end with cherio. Pip pip is almost as good.
2 more goals for that scoring machine known to some as El Diablo, to us, Zachary, in last night's indoor soccer game.
That's a lot of commas.
Really? Anonymous? Really?
So I see I spelled Potato, much like Dan Quayle did oh so many years ago!
Just ordered some wedding photos to take to hotlanta this weekend, it is never to late to look at wedding pictures right!
great job zach! a budding beckham in the family!
Is anyone going to expound on what exactly spotted richard is? just curious.
Enjoy a rainy night, lets hope the yankee's get their magic number down to zero!
Spotted dick is a steamed suet pudding containing dried fruit (usually currants) commonly served with custard. Spotted refers to the dried fruit (which resemble spots) and dick may be a contraction or corruption of the word pudding (from the last syllable) or possibly a corruption of the word dough[1] or dog, as "spotted dog" is another name for the same dish with the use of plums rather than currants. Another explanation offered for the word "dick" is that it comes from the German word for "thick", dicht or dick.
Now that is the sort of informative postings that we should have more of. I feel "uplifted".
I actually feel kind of dirty reading that. I'm speechless.
who knew German was the language of love???
Thank you for the explanation anonymous!
You dont go by another name do you anonymous, like jenna jamison? Just curious?
I concur with my brother, our blog should be more informative, not sure if we want to go that route or not?
Just a few more days til our hotlanta extravaganza, very excited for that. K offered to take us to Eddie Long's mega church for his service, I think my sister raised her hand and wanted to go. Me I want to go to the waffle house!
enjoy 9-29 all!
WAFFLE HOUSE!! now we are talking. Count me in for sun am bfst at "the house". You can't go south of the mason-dixon line without at least one meal there. And I know where there are 2 different ones. Plus a side trip to cowtippers which I contend is NOT a gay bar, not that there is anything wrong with that, that happens to have keno. So many attractions and so little time.
I dont think I have ever been to a Waffle House....What does someone order there?
Thursday and the last day of September! Enjoy the last day of this month that sped by at lightining speed!
So its a date we will all meet at the waffle house sunday AM for breakfast! I concur with cookie, I hope the menu is online, so I can review, so I am prepared to order in a timely fashion, when called upon! enjoy the day
I cannot believe that a seasoned traveller like nc jll has never entered a Waffle House!! Yes, they serve waffles, and, without a doubt the GREASIEST (in a good way) eggs ever, but its the hash browns that make the meal. I prefer mine double smothered (a double order with onions--altho there are many options) and sometimes with cheese. Your AP is NOT a bfst person at all, but she lusts after waffle house to the point of using Gabby the Garmin to locate one wherever we travel. I didn't hear any votes for Cowtippers tho. I hope that does not denote a personal bias on anyone's part. Can't wait to convene in atl. Sounds like a good weekend weatherwise, certainly a lot nicer than WNY and I know for a fact that the deck on Cumberland is most conducive to beer drinking.
You guys are going to have a great time. Is this a family chowder weeekend??? Just wondering. I've already missed one of those this year.
Hehe... what to order at the Waffle House... you kill me!
Is everyone where they are suppose to be???
Just curious!
Very excited for our first ever Caroline Birthday party!
see you in a few!
Put on new brakes with the help of Mr. Fixxit, it'll be nice stopping again.
Hmmm... I'd like to say something encouraging regarding the Bills loss today, but considering they played like a high school team. I'll say nothing.
Had a wonderful weekend in Hotlanta! The food, the drink, the family, can not be beat!
Happy 1ST Birthday tomorrow, officially, Ms Caroline! Hug and Kiss her for us K!
We had a wonderful time! And can not wait to return to do everything we did not get to do! The highlight of course was Ms Caroline, but being in the center of the BET Hip Hop awards was not shabby either!
back to the grind
Everybody back safe and sound in WNY after a most enjoyable trip to the warm?? sunny south. A special thanks to my sisters and nieces for taking care of GG and letting her be a part of the BIG #1 for Miss (excuse me) MS. CJ. For everyone, s-i-l's, son, sisters and ncs, a big thank you from a very proud grandpa for making her first birthday party an event to remember always. Glad that we at least got a chance to see the sun down there since it probably won't be back here until at least thursday. Thanks again. Any chance nc jnn that you could do a short blog? We do need to revisit "the disembodied head"at the minimum.
A Hotlanta blog is in the works! So much to report on, in so little time. As my mom says, film at 11
Glad everyone is back safe and sound and it sounds like y'all had a wonderful time.
Happy Birthday Ms. CJ... I tried to wish you a happy birthday on Facebook too. Are you a facebook baby?
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