As the family grows and continues to change, we use our family blog to keep in touch, remind each other of who we are, where we came from, and where were going.
Thursday, October 21, 2010
Here is a toast in honor of your birthday. Hope everyone had a drink for Jll tonight.
Also, because of this very special day; we all decided to wear our birthday hats for you. Thank you to Jff and GG for participating.
aww that was cute! Happy Birthday, cookie! Hope you had a great one! 2 of the best blog pictures ever, gramma in her beret, and Jff in his party hat! Is everyone ready for the Yanks to take two in Arlington??? I know I am! Sabres are in line for a win tonight, and the Bills on Sunday! Lets Go Buffalo!
We had a great birthday dinner last night. Grandma had a good time. Just so you know, she thinks she should be allowed in the NFL locker rooms. She likes their muscles.
And a happy belated b-day to my nc jll and I am sorry that I missed buying you a lunch, but all of that generosity is over with. With no increase in Social Security, AGAIN, we have to tighten the belt. The day dawned bright and sunny, and I don't believe that I have enjoyed a Sportscenter so much in an awfully long time. i am guessing that today will be close to perfect, leaves notwithstanding. There is JOY in mudville!
How my brother can enjoy such a travesty as the beloved Yankees not defending their title is beyond me! I attribute it to his summer job at Van Rault, and inhaling some damaging residue. Had an enjoyable fish fry with Anastasia last evening, I came home from work last evening found her in front of the TV, enjoying a beer, and waiting for dinner? Maybe she had not left from the night before, not sure? Enjoy this fall day all. Now we can only hope that the Giants beat the phillys, and then it becomes a world series not even the hardiest of baseball fans would care about!
I am not sure what my sister THOUGHT she saw in my posting but as I looked it over I certainly did not see any direct references to baseball, just a comment about how funny I thought the story on Sportscenter was about how they messed up the basketball court causing a cancellation and of course one of my frequent poetry references, cause we all know how much I love my poetry. Score is currently leaves 1, unkie 0.
You want a score? How about 42-0 or as my friend Shawn said today 42-0 ish. That's classic. UB had a rough go against Temple today; though it was a beautiful day... until the rain came down.
Don't hide behind poety Unckie we ALL caught the Mudville reference. The reason it's raining today is all the tears of the Yankee fans. We shall return.
I too am looking forward to the Yanks offseason reloading. Rumor has it that besides signing Cliff Lee, a given, they have found a loophole in Tim Lincecum's contract.Zach Grienke will provide long relief, Pujols will be signed as a righthanded DH, Carl crawford will move into the outfield, the catching will be platooned between Jorge with Yogi spelling him as a lefthanded bat and Barry Bonds will unretire as a lefty DH. Long term contracts to "Jeet" and "MO" will give them their first, of many to come, payroll of a billion dollars per. In addition they will assume financial responsibility for Pittsburgh, KC and the Marlins which will allow them the use of any of their players on a daily recall basis. All in all they should be in pretty good shape by next april. I am glad that my sister got her wish of the Rangers-Giants WS. Me, I will be glued to the tv such as I will be for today/s epic battle. Loved the rankings in today's paper. The bills #32 of 32: rested, rejuvenated, roadkill.
I hope CJ's grandchildren laser copy this blog as my brother's diatride of Yankee's off season is one for the ages! Too Funny! And my nephew, tears of Yankee fans! That was awesome! Just for the record I am rooting for the Giants, as geo cousin pitched for the Giants,of course they were residents of the polo grounds at the time, but none the less, family is family! GREAT sabre game last nite,most enjoyable to watch! Kind of a sad weekend for the residents of 431, we did not get our awesome austin this weekend as he had plans with his friends, I quess its official, he is a teen ager! GG coming over for beefstew and bils game!
Happy tuesday, is everyone getting ready for Halloween? I understand EA Holtz's will be visiting Hotlanta, give everyone our best! Not sure what everyone else is doing? Thoughts?
AP is in Hotlanta, picked up and on the way to the new digs. Me, I have to wait until Friday. Rumor was that Miss caroline was very friendly. Celtics vs Heat tonite, anyone? GO CELTICS!!!
Why does this week seem to drag on? I came home to 8 voicemails on our machine, ALL from politicians. Needless to say I can't wait until November 3rd! Ryan Fitzpatrick for Senate! Off to work another 7.5. Hope everyone has a good day!
If anyone is not aware, Jnna is VERY politcal, we have the ballot on our refrigerator, just so all voters are well versed on the issues! Pukey Sabre game last nite. Not sure if I am interested in the World Series or not? Did everyone notice the change in the Channel 7 morning show? have a great day!
Gotta make a quick tops run today to pick up the essentials for Mom--bananas and no flavor doritos, then its to the airport to travel to "not so hot lanta". Whoda thought that the over/under on last nite/s game would be 17? Not me. Make sure everything is tied down and enjoy the day.
How many times is umpteen exactly? Just curious. Kind of painful to watch the baseball game last nite without my beloved Yankees, and even more painful to see Barry Bonds in his Orange Scarf! have a great day, enjoy hotlanta Unky!
Back from Hotlanta and too short a time with an "under the weather" Ms. Caroline. Seeems like K and E enjoyed their mini vacation and I am looking forward to seeing K do a blog about her "zip line" trip down Fremont St. Bills holding KC scoreless at this point. Go bills!
I'm torn on how I should be feeling after the Bills loss. One side says I'm happy that we didn't get blown out and they played hard (not well, just hard), the other side says how many different ways can we break my heart?
Ice on my windshield this morning...thats depressing! Only had 35 trick or treaters last night. Thats a little off from the 50-100 kid count our neighbor told us. I am guessing he doesnt hand the candy out at his house.
Hey family! Back from a great time in Vegas, thanks to Big Pop and Nonna's babysitting. I'm glad that CJ held the worst of her cold for last night, with 3 straight hours of sobbing from 3am to 6am. Poor pumpkin. Wouldn't want to inflict THAT on the grandparents!
At least she felt well enough to wear her polarfleece shark costume for 14.5 minutes before she overheated in the 78 degree Atlanta evening!
We were warned to buy LOTS of candy in our new neighborhood. I learned the hard way that 360 mini bars is not a LOT, as I ran out and had to turn off my porch light by 8pm. I think they were bussing the kids in!
so I am a little concerned how quiet the blog is? Is it because its election day, and everyone is glued to the TV? Is it because BB is officially over? Is it because the bils blow? thoughts? So on Halloween daughter jnna took gramma out to run some errands. Newly expecting Katie had put a request in for movie popcorn and GG wanted chicken fingers, so off to Friendlys the adventure began, after an enjoyable lunch, they left the restaurant. GG missed a cement block that jumped out in front of her and felled her like a Cassius Clay right hook! After laying on the ground for an eternity, a very hysterical jnna, summoned 9-1-1, which GG refused, and attempted to get GG in the car. Seeing as she could not get up, she crawled across the Friendly's parking lot and crawled in Jnna's car. Her injuries, a black eye, a fat lip, a bruised cheek, a broken thumb, bruised and battered ribs, a bruised leg, a bruised chin and a bruised ego, she is quietly on the mend. Never a dull moment! Oh and Katie did get her popcorn.
If the bils leave the country, can we deny their re-enterance, just asking?? So did everyone's politico favorite win? I see no hope for NYS govt getting any better! Stopped and saw GG after work, brought her a strawberry milkshake, that put a big smile on her face! Said she was doing better, still sore, and her the swelling in her face has gone down, so that is good thing! 11/25/10 - Would love love love all to stop for dinner, or desert, or a beer, or an appetizer, or just say hello! Get through the day as best you can!
I think I would give up on Halloween altogether if 360 fun size candy bars was not enough! I had a hard time spending $15 on 165 pieces! What can I say...I'm frugal.
Another Day...Another Dollar. Who else was getting sick of that commerical during baseball playoffs.
Lots of post-election fodder for my classes today, particularly AP Government. I am sure that lots of "spin" will be provided by both sides, especially with the Prez speaking today at 1. Streak of 22 consecutive Halloweens with no trick or treaters remains intact. T.O. last year, Randy Moss this year?? Missed wishing Sandra a big HB, sure hope that her hubbie and kids made her day a special one. November round of golf completed yesterday,time to start worrying about Dec. Enjoy the day all, it looks like it will be a nice one.
Well... the rest of the nation gets it, just not this area. So, nationally I'm happy. Regionally, I'm confused.
Poor Gram, do we have a 24 hour around the clock schedule to watch Gram? What shift did I get? How's she feeling? You know I don't hear anything unless it's on this blob.
Maybe we can have a Sandra Birthday Blog? The blog, the bills, the Sabres all seem to be at the bottom. So my mother told me that her son told her that she looked hideous! Is that true, as I do not believe her, and she also said her son would not even look at her, which we all doubt as she is legally blind! Maybe my brother can set the record straight. I am sure each and everyone of you are aware that Jnna wrote a letter to Friendly's and they did contact her last night, so just a little heads up, there might be a little something something this Christmas for our family! TGIF!
I seriously need a hobby! Baseball is over, the sabres are too painful to watch? Any one have any suggestions? Awesome Austin and Jnna went out last nite, to a new club/bar called " Steinbrenners". both are still asleep, so I will have to wait til they wakeup to hear how it was. Off to the market for apples for apple pie for Thanksgiving Enjoy this gray day
Hideous seems like such a strong word when it stands alone, but used in context, such as Kramer on the Seinfeld episode, or seeing a purple face inhaling a strawberry shake, well, on further review, I probably should have used a different adjective.She does look rough though, but I am still amazed at how well she came thru it, all things considered. UB? Sabres? our only hope is the Bills. Now that is a tough position to be in. Let's hear it for WnY! Steinbrenners??? What next ? Rupert Murdoch's???
Had a great time at Steinbrenner's last night. A huge thank you to the great bartender! I will have to pay off my tab at some point. The bar was a great time, the Sabres game was a not so great time!
The kids and I just finished our home made pizza. Delish! Now we're watching 'Avalon High' (Shhhhh... it's not even supposed to be on yet) I love "On Demand".
the blog is quiet lately, family. I'm in DC for a meeting, which is being held in a dark, dank basement heated to exactly 84 degrees. The effort I'm expending to stay awake is herculean. All I can do is concentrate on the small ceiling level window that shows a glimpse of orange and yellow leaves, and dream of cool breezes and frosty beverages. Can someone please come save me? Or at least bring me a drink?
The blog has been quiet lately! It's dark by 6, so yeah that's when I take my nap. Show of hands for anyone who started their Christmas shopping yet? Me neither! I am shopping for me still!
The issue at LM has been resolved. It seems Grandma's clock has been coo cooing for the past 4 nights at midnight waking her up out of a sound sleep! She even resorted into putting it in the refrigator, outside, and even covered it with blankets to keep it quiet.
Hopefully the coo-cooing will stop for tonight and all will be right with the world.
Basement dark and dank? Was that where the waterboarding took place the George W was referring to on his whirlwind book tour? Just curious? So, our awesome austin had his heart set on being part of the bowling team for Lockport High School, it was 3 days of trying your best at Transit Lanes, he made it past day one, and on day two got the stomach flu, and missed his chance to be a Varsity keggler! Maybe better luck next year! K- I cant get you a cold one, but I will chug one and think of you!
Hello Family! Happy Friday! Looks like it is going to be a beautiful day here in Buffalo and I get a free lunch today. So things couldn't be better. It's all about the free food!! Spent my Tues/Wed in West Palm Beach, Fl. It was brutal! 80 and sunny both days. How do those people deal with that weather everyday?!?!
Quite the lilt in cookie's post, having just come back from W Palm Beach! No bills game this weekend, and I am thinking that is a good thing! GG's face continues to heal nicely, she however has been pretty adament about not going out til she is completely healed! enjoy the last day of the work week!
The key to the Bills winning is definitely our listening to them aswe drive across NYS trying to find the closest station. A great weekend with Mr. O. and Ms. Audrey. the weather was great and we had a ball. Another week and then another extended weekend. yeah!!
So I am cruising along with like a 50 pt. lead in fantasy football over nc jnn who is only playing like 3 players, one of whom is M. Vick who proceeds to throw up a 60 spot against me and cost me the outright league lead. Is there any justice, anywhere?????? Woe is me!!
What a lousy evening! Cold, rain and wind! Great Sabres OT win! Other than that, not too much else going on. Count down to Thanksgiving is officially on, and there are some radio stations that are playing christmas music. GG's face is almost back to her normal color, so thats a good thing Other than that, tomorrow I have to attend a NYS Mass Casualty training session, sponsored by the dept of health, after the training session, I will be responsible for filing of death certificates for Kaleida Health in the event of a mass tradegy! I wonder what constitutes a mass tragedy? I will let you all know!
Congratulations Emma! Great job! Less than one week til my absolutely favorite holiday! Enjoy Friday all, it did take all week to get here! And seriously, that is my absolute favorite picture of gramma! Love the beret! I think a beret is going to be my pirate gift!
A beret? Not everyone can wear a beret and look good. GG is one of the few, along with maybe, Maurice Chevalier. K and CJ enroute as I type. Picking up Mom for a lunch at Athenas. She is excited since this will be lunch 3 days in a row for her. The one thing I was happiest about this week? Finding out that in the event of a disaster paperwork will be filled out and my little sister will be part of the solution to that concern. You go girl!!
I gave multiple finger snaps. Nphw jff, as long as you remain a pocket passer and don't resort to too much scrambling, don't waste your time training. Sonny Jurgensen never did and he played for years.
Excellent suggestion Unckie, as always... pocket passer it is (by default I would say). That leaves more time for the El Diablo from Jim's Steak-Out. And now I don't have to worry about pulling something when I'm stretching.
Sunny (at times) and also a cold game at UB yesterday. Losing to one of the worst teams at home on Senior Day... not good. That's it for the home games until next year (if we do it again).
Don't you hate it when you have already checked out for the long holiday weekend and someone asks you to do something at work? It's like HELLO! Don't you know we have a 4 day weekend in 3 days. Geesh!
Me, my weekend starts today. Another reason to give thanks. Unfortunately Auntie has my job jar filled to the brim. GG was bragging that she has her pirate gift, but it seems that she had some help. Any truth to that?
Went online trying to get live updates from nphw jffs turkey bowl game but no luck. If anyone knows of a webcam covering the action, let me know. Hope that everyone enjoys their day. We all have a lot to be thankful for.
Happy Thanksgiving family, friends and fans of our blog! It truly has been an amazing year hasnt it! We have had new babies, new family members, etc.. How lucky can one family be! I will tell you luck, on the way out of Tops, and I have set a new personel best for visits to the grocery store in one 24 hour period, I found a nickel! Yes sirree a nickel! So to all, as we sit down today, I will think of each and everyone of you who cant be with us, from Ashevill to Atlanta, to Quincy to Colorado - Be grateful for the blessings bestowed- til we can be together again, ENJOY
Happy Thanksgiving everyone! I hope you ALL have a wonderful day.
Turkey Bowl update: At 9:51AM we were all tied up 1-1. Somehow that score grew to 5-2 and I was on the losing end. QB stats... not good. ATT ~50 Comp ~7 I'd love to know how many hands I hit today and just couldn't be held on to. INT's not too many. Acuracy could have been better, but I am 44 so that's one excuse. I was congratulated by this year's team captain "at least we know you can still zing it, could you put more touch on it though"?
365 more daze until the next game. Training starts tomorrow.
P.S. I think I broke my finger. It's a shame our Turkey Bowl league doesn't have an insurance carrier. Sandra wanted me to go and take care of it. Yeah, I'm going to the emergency room with all the other guys that tore their knees up playing today. I'd be out by 7PM.
Can not imagine a better Thanksgiving, had a fantabulous day! Cookie did an amazing job on the pies, and the was turkey delish! Great day! Jnna has just returned from battling the black friday shoppers, lets just say I envision a very merry Christmas! Hosting a lunch today for Aunt Corrine and cousing Cathy and Gramma - off to Tonawanda Liquors for more wine! Sounds like it could be a snowy evening, so hope all have your snow brush handy!
Certainly no lack of activity in the northtowns. Sorry to hear about "the bug" hitting the pilafs along with other injuries. Talked to Mom last nite and she had 3 great days in a row thanks to the Kochs. Me, I guess I better go shovel so the timewarner guy can get in the driveway
Had a wonderful lunch yesterday with Corrine and Cathy, found out that they are fans of the blog and follow it often to see what is going on with the family! So that was exciting to hear! Corrine and Mom had a great time reminicing, from the year the turkey purchased was too big for the oven, compliments of Dad, to dispelling the rumor that Aunt Madge's second husband " the indian" did indeed work on the empire state building, as Grampa put it, only the Indians would climb those steel girders and not flinch, sounds like him does'nt it! Oh and the Downey Circus, we can finally put that one to rest as they spelled it Downie! So enjoy the windy gray snowy day all!
Hope everyone is staying warm today! Austin and I are heading to EA for the annual tree lighting festivities and hopefully I can get Santa's attention tonight to tell him what I would like for Christmas!
I felt better yesterday even though my diet consisted of just Cherios for the day and I had a few naps, one major nap during the Mich/Ohio game. I'm feeling 100% today. That said, I still won't be able to get close to Sandra for at least another week. Now, I'm just feeling my aches and pains of Thursday's football game now... man, I'm old.
I managed to drag mayself out of bed this morning after a great, but busy 4 day weekend. I am not sure how high my productivity level will be today. It is Cyber Monday!
I too, drug myself to work! UGH! Time off is the best, returning is the worst! Welcome Ryan to the blog! Love the beard! Yesterdays loss to painful for words!
Well I was supposed to drive to Cleveland this morning. Thats obviously not happening since we have been banned from the 90! So I just booked my round trip flight for $900! Yowza, glad I am not paying for it!
question is nc jll, how do you get to the airport? how does nc jnn get to ea? unk, he didn't even try to get to kenmore today. if we had a family member sitting on the thruway all nite, that would make for a good blog. What about mustafa? Is he still in the area?
900$ to go to Cleveland, now thats a blog! Jnna has been inching and crawling along to EA - She has been on the road for over 90minutes now, and I believe she is just past the galleria. Now in balmy Tonawanda, we got nothing So Unky you are not available for a rye bread run today, I am quessing? Got new tires yesterday, so I am confident I can get through anything! enjoy the day and all it brings!
I will make it an even 100. With 2 loaves of rye placed in the freezer yesterday, and only God knows how many fishes may now be in there, I don't believe that there is a necessity for a Tops run today. Beyond that, how long have those folks been on the thruway now? This is even worse than the pre-thanksgiving storm of, what was it, 2002 or 2003?
Being the dedicated employee that I am I ventured out to EA to work my 7.5 hours. I left the house at 7:19 am and arrived in EA at 9:17am. Let me tell you the drive was HORRIBLE! But we managed. The ride home was a different story. It took me two hours!
aww that was cute! Happy Birthday, cookie! Hope you had a great one!
2 of the best blog pictures ever, gramma in her beret, and Jff in his party hat!
Is everyone ready for the Yanks to take two in Arlington??? I know I am!
Sabres are in line for a win tonight, and the Bills on Sunday!
Lets Go Buffalo!
We had a great birthday dinner last night. Grandma had a good time. Just so you know, she thinks she should be allowed in the NFL locker rooms. She likes their muscles.
Awwwww... gram, not cool. She would set them straight though. I'll be honest I've only Googled Ines Sainz name about 50 times.
Happy Birthday Jllie... did Unckie cover the bill? We heard he was buying.
I could look at gramma in hats all day.
BTW, I love the beer of choice. Is that an Octoberfest? I'm just goin on color.
And a happy belated b-day to my nc jll and I am sorry that I missed buying you a lunch, but all of that generosity is over with. With no increase in Social Security, AGAIN, we have to tighten the belt. The day dawned bright and sunny, and I don't believe that I have enjoyed a Sportscenter so much in an awfully long time. i am guessing that today will be close to perfect, leaves notwithstanding. There is JOY in mudville!
How my brother can enjoy such a travesty as the beloved Yankees not defending their title is beyond me! I attribute it to his summer job at Van Rault, and inhaling some damaging residue.
Had an enjoyable fish fry with Anastasia last evening, I came home from work last evening found her in front of the TV, enjoying a beer, and waiting for dinner? Maybe she had not left from the night before, not sure?
Enjoy this fall day all.
Now we can only hope that the Giants beat the phillys, and then it becomes a world series not even the hardiest of baseball fans would care about!
I am not sure what my sister THOUGHT she saw in my posting but as I looked it over I certainly did not see any direct references to baseball, just a comment about how funny I thought the story on Sportscenter was about how they messed up the basketball court causing a cancellation and of course one of my frequent poetry references, cause we all know how much I love my poetry. Score is currently leaves 1, unkie 0.
You want a score? How about 42-0 or as my friend Shawn said today 42-0 ish. That's classic. UB had a rough go against Temple today; though it was a beautiful day... until the rain came down.
Don't hide behind poety Unckie we ALL caught the Mudville reference. The reason it's raining today is all the tears of the Yankee fans. We shall return.
I too am looking forward to the Yanks offseason reloading. Rumor has it that besides signing Cliff Lee, a given, they have found a loophole in Tim Lincecum's contract.Zach Grienke will provide long relief, Pujols will be signed as a righthanded DH, Carl crawford will move into the outfield, the catching will be platooned between Jorge with Yogi spelling him as a lefthanded bat and Barry Bonds will unretire as a lefty DH. Long term contracts to "Jeet" and "MO" will give them their first, of many to come, payroll of a billion dollars per. In addition they will assume financial responsibility for Pittsburgh, KC and the Marlins which will allow them the use of any of their players on a daily recall basis. All in all they should be in pretty good shape by next april. I am glad that my sister got her wish of the Rangers-Giants WS. Me, I will be glued to the tv such as I will be for today/s epic battle. Loved the rankings in today's paper. The bills #32 of 32: rested, rejuvenated, roadkill.
I hope CJ's grandchildren laser copy this blog as my brother's diatride of Yankee's off season is one for the ages! Too Funny!
And my nephew, tears of Yankee fans! That was awesome!
Just for the record I am rooting for the Giants, as geo cousin pitched for the Giants,of course they were residents of the polo grounds at the time, but none the less, family is family!
GREAT sabre game last nite,most enjoyable to watch!
Kind of a sad weekend for the residents of 431, we did not get our awesome austin this weekend as he had plans with his friends, I quess its official, he is a teen ager!
GG coming over for beefstew and bils game!
how quickly things went sour!
Bad teams find ways to lose
Happy tuesday, is everyone getting ready for Halloween?
I understand EA Holtz's will be visiting Hotlanta, give everyone our best!
Not sure what everyone else is doing?
AP is in Hotlanta, picked up and on the way to the new digs. Me, I have to wait until Friday. Rumor was that Miss caroline was very friendly. Celtics vs Heat tonite, anyone? GO CELTICS!!!
Why does this week seem to drag on? I came home to 8 voicemails on our machine, ALL from politicians. Needless to say I can't wait until November 3rd! Ryan Fitzpatrick for Senate! Off to work another 7.5. Hope everyone has a good day!
If anyone is not aware, Jnna is VERY politcal, we have the ballot on our refrigerator, just so all voters are well versed on the issues!
Pukey Sabre game last nite.
Not sure if I am interested in the World Series or not?
Did everyone notice the change in the Channel 7 morning show?
have a great day!
Morning shows??? Nope. A cup of coffee and Fox News... or sometimes I flip it over to Sports Center just to see something for the umpteenth time.
Gotta make a quick tops run today to pick up the essentials for Mom--bananas and no flavor doritos, then its to the airport to travel to "not so hot lanta". Whoda thought that the over/under on last nite/s game would be 17? Not me. Make sure everything is tied down and enjoy the day.
How many times is umpteen exactly?
Just curious.
Kind of painful to watch the baseball game last nite without my beloved Yankees, and even more painful to see Barry Bonds in his Orange Scarf!
have a great day, enjoy hotlanta Unky!
Umpteen.... it about 4 fitty.
The kids are gearing up for Halloween. Emma is going as a hipppie chick and Zach is still uncertain.
Have fun down in Hotlanta and give 'em all hugs for us.
Back from Hotlanta and too short a time with an "under the weather" Ms. Caroline. Seeems like K and E enjoyed their mini vacation and I am looking forward to seeing K do a blog about her "zip line" trip down Fremont St. Bills holding KC scoreless at this point. Go bills!
Ya gotta give em credit,they do come up with new ways each week to break your heart.
I'm torn on how I should be feeling after the Bills loss. One side says I'm happy that we didn't get blown out and they played hard (not well, just hard), the other side says how many different ways can we break my heart?
Ice on my windshield this morning...thats depressing!
Only had 35 trick or treaters last night. Thats a little off from the 50-100 kid count our neighbor told us. I am guessing he doesnt hand the candy out at his house.
Hey family! Back from a great time in Vegas, thanks to Big Pop and Nonna's babysitting. I'm glad that CJ held the worst of her cold for last night, with 3 straight hours of sobbing from 3am to 6am. Poor pumpkin. Wouldn't want to inflict THAT on the grandparents!
At least she felt well enough to wear her polarfleece shark costume for 14.5 minutes before she overheated in the 78 degree Atlanta evening!
We were warned to buy LOTS of candy in our new neighborhood. I learned the hard way that 360 mini bars is not a LOT, as I ran out and had to turn off my porch light by 8pm. I think they were bussing the kids in!
Did everyone get out and vote?
so I am a little concerned how quiet the blog is? Is it because its election day, and everyone is glued to the TV?
Is it because BB is officially over?
Is it because the bils blow?
So on Halloween daughter jnna took gramma out to run some errands. Newly expecting Katie had put a request in for movie popcorn and GG wanted chicken fingers, so off to Friendlys the adventure began, after an enjoyable lunch, they left the restaurant. GG missed a cement block that jumped out in front of her and felled her like a Cassius Clay right hook! After laying on the ground for an eternity, a very hysterical jnna, summoned 9-1-1, which GG refused, and attempted to get GG in the car.
Seeing as she could not get up, she crawled across the Friendly's parking lot and crawled in Jnna's car.
Her injuries, a black eye, a fat lip, a bruised cheek, a broken thumb, bruised and battered ribs, a bruised leg, a bruised chin and a bruised ego, she is quietly on the mend.
Never a dull moment!
Oh and Katie did get her popcorn.
Belated Birthday wishes to Sndra!
Hope you had a great and fantabulous day!
I hope that if I live to be 93 I am as tough as she is! She is doing much better. Needless to say we will never be going to Friendly's again!
If the bils leave the country, can we deny their re-enterance, just asking??
So did everyone's politico favorite win? I see no hope for NYS govt getting any better!
Stopped and saw GG after work, brought her a strawberry milkshake, that put a big smile on her face! Said she was doing better, still sore, and her the swelling in her face has gone down, so that is good thing!
11/25/10 - Would love love love all to stop for dinner, or desert, or a beer, or an appetizer, or just say hello!
Get through the day as best you can!
I think I would give up on Halloween altogether if 360 fun size candy bars was not enough! I had a hard time spending $15 on 165 pieces! What can I say...I'm frugal.
Another Day...Another Dollar. Who else was getting sick of that commerical during baseball playoffs.
Lots of post-election fodder for my classes today, particularly AP Government. I am sure that lots of "spin" will be provided by both sides, especially with the Prez speaking today at 1. Streak of 22 consecutive Halloweens with no trick or treaters remains intact. T.O. last year, Randy Moss this year?? Missed wishing Sandra a big HB, sure hope that her hubbie and kids made her day a special one. November round of golf completed yesterday,time to start worrying about Dec. Enjoy the day all, it looks like it will be a nice one.
Happy Belated birthday hunny.
Well... the rest of the nation gets it, just not this area. So, nationally I'm happy. Regionally, I'm confused.
Poor Gram, do we have a 24 hour around the clock schedule to watch Gram? What shift did I get? How's she feeling? You know I don't hear anything unless it's on this blob.
Candy 54 Me 0 ... ugh.
360??? are you sure?
Not much going on with this blog this week?! We need to drum up more excitement. Its Friday and its pay day for me. Yahooo!
Maybe we can have a Sandra Birthday Blog?
The blog, the bills, the Sabres all seem to be at the bottom.
So my mother told me that her son told her that she looked hideous! Is that true, as I do not believe her, and she also said her son would not even look at her, which we all doubt as she is legally blind! Maybe my brother can set the record straight.
I am sure each and everyone of you are aware that Jnna wrote a letter to Friendly's and they did contact her last night, so just a little heads up, there might be a little something something this Christmas for our family!
It wouldn't be Christmas if Friendley's wasn't involved.
I seriously need a hobby! Baseball is over, the sabres are too painful to watch?
Any one have any suggestions?
Awesome Austin and Jnna went out last nite, to a new club/bar called " Steinbrenners". both are still asleep, so I will have to wait til they wakeup to hear how it was.
Off to the market for apples for apple pie for Thanksgiving
Enjoy this gray day
Hideous seems like such a strong word when it stands alone, but used in context, such as Kramer on the Seinfeld episode, or seeing a purple face inhaling a strawberry shake, well, on further review, I probably should have used a different adjective.She does look rough though, but I am still amazed at how well she came thru it, all things considered. UB? Sabres? our only hope is the Bills. Now that is a tough position to be in. Let's hear it for WnY! Steinbrenners??? What next ? Rupert Murdoch's???
Had a great time at Steinbrenner's last night. A huge thank you to the great bartender! I will have to pay off my tab at some point. The bar was a great time, the Sabres game was a not so great time!
Hideous??? Again with the hideous?
The kids and I just finished our home made pizza. Delish!
Now we're watching 'Avalon High' (Shhhhh... it's not even supposed to be on yet) I love "On Demand".
Travelled to the mall yesterday to do some early Christmas shopping and was clearly annoyed so it looks like most of my shopping will be done on-line!
A Sabres win, does that mean it could be a Bills win?
Go Bills! Stay warm everyone!
You have to admit that they are really creative in finding ways to lose by 3 pts. especially when the spread is 2 and a half pts. Way to go guys.
Good thing I don't gamble. I would've taken those 2.5 points. Creative indeed.
I guess it's time to start playing Steve Johnson in my other fantasy league.
Well how was Monday for everyone?
All I can say is that I am glad its over!
Enjoy tuesday everyone!
What a beautiful day today and forecasted for the rest of the week. I couldn't imagine being anywhere else.
the blog is quiet lately, family. I'm in DC for a meeting, which is being held in a dark, dank basement heated to exactly 84 degrees. The effort I'm expending to stay awake is herculean. All I can do is concentrate on the small ceiling level window that shows a glimpse of orange and yellow leaves, and dream of cool breezes and frosty beverages. Can someone please come save me? Or at least bring me a drink?
The blog has been quiet lately! It's dark by 6, so yeah that's when I take my nap. Show of hands for anyone who started their Christmas shopping yet? Me neither! I am shopping for me still!
The issue at LM has been resolved. It seems Grandma's clock has been coo cooing for the past 4 nights at midnight waking her up out of a sound sleep! She even resorted into putting it in the refrigator, outside, and even covered it with blankets to keep it quiet.
Hopefully the coo-cooing will stop for tonight and all will be right with the world.
Basement dark and dank? Was that where the waterboarding took place the George W was referring to on his whirlwind book tour? Just curious?
So, our awesome austin had his heart set on being part of the bowling team for Lockport High School, it was 3 days of trying your best at Transit Lanes, he made it past day one, and on day two got the stomach flu, and missed his chance to be a Varsity keggler! Maybe better luck next year!
K- I cant get you a cold one, but I will chug one and think of you!
Hello Family! Happy Friday! Looks like it is going to be a beautiful day here in Buffalo and I get a free lunch today. So things couldn't be better. It's all about the free food!!
Spent my Tues/Wed in West Palm Beach, Fl. It was brutal! 80 and sunny both days. How do those people deal with that weather everyday?!?!
Quite the lilt in cookie's post, having just come back from W Palm Beach!
No bills game this weekend, and I am thinking that is a good thing!
GG's face continues to heal nicely, she however has been pretty adament about not going out til she is completely healed!
enjoy the last day of the work week!
Why does my mother think there is no bills game this weekend? Duh mom they might win this week! They play the Lions!
NIce evening last night at the UB Bulls game (to bad the boyz took one on the chin against Ball St.)
Today is deep fried turkey day... wish me luck.
Holy Magambas!!! Did I hear what I heard? The Bills won... on the radio.
Maybe all their remaining games should be played on the radio only?
Its a thought
AND to keep things "just right" I won't listen to it. We're guarenteed our winning ways.
The key to the Bills winning is definitely our listening to them aswe drive across NYS trying to find the closest station. A great weekend with Mr. O. and Ms. Audrey. the weather was great and we had a ball. Another week and then another extended weekend. yeah!!
So I am cruising along with like a 50 pt. lead in fantasy football over nc jnn who is only playing like 3 players, one of whom is M. Vick who proceeds to throw up a 60 spot against me and cost me the outright league lead. Is there any justice, anywhere?????? Woe is me!!
Ugh... that hurts. You got Vicked!
Justice indeed. I go to Yahoo to check out Unckie's score to laugh and giggle a bit... and notice that I lost 130-128... are you serious???
There is no shortage of pain in fantasy fb.
What a lousy evening! Cold, rain and wind!
Great Sabres OT win!
Other than that, not too much else going on. Count down to Thanksgiving is officially on, and there are some radio stations that are playing christmas music.
GG's face is almost back to her normal color, so thats a good thing
Other than that, tomorrow I have to attend a NYS Mass Casualty training session, sponsored by the dept of health, after the training session, I will be responsible for filing of death certificates for Kaleida Health in the event of a mass tradegy! I wonder what constitutes a mass tragedy? I will let you all know!
Luckily it was the 3 right guys to start!!!!!
Don't worry Jff. You definately got GG nervous. I had to listen to him all through Monday's game about he might los because of your kicker.
Too funny Jll. I'm sorry that my kicker caused you MNF pain.
Emma's grand prix car at AWANA came in third place... she loves her trophy.
Congratulations Emma!
Great job!
Less than one week til my absolutely favorite holiday!
Enjoy Friday all, it did take all week to get here!
And seriously, that is my absolute favorite picture of gramma! Love the beret! I think a beret is going to be my pirate gift!
I will be sure to note what kind of wrapping paper my mother uses this Christmas so I can stay away from the pirate gift!
A beret? Not everyone can wear a beret and look good. GG is one of the few, along with maybe, Maurice Chevalier. K and CJ enroute as I type. Picking up Mom for a lunch at Athenas. She is excited since this will be lunch 3 days in a row for her. The one thing I was happiest about this week? Finding out that in the event of a disaster paperwork will be filled out and my little sister will be part of the solution to that concern. You go girl!!
Unckie, did you snap your fingers when you said "you go girl", just curious.
I think I would look absolutely ridiculous in a beret.
It's getting close to the big Turkey Bowl game... my workout routine will commence shortly.
I gave multiple finger snaps. Nphw jff, as long as you remain a pocket passer and don't resort to too much scrambling, don't waste your time training. Sonny Jurgensen never did and he played for years.
Excellent suggestion Unckie, as always... pocket passer it is (by default I would say). That leaves more time for the El Diablo from Jim's Steak-Out. And now I don't have to worry about pulling something when I'm stretching.
Sunny (at times) and also a cold game at UB yesterday. Losing to one of the worst teams at home on Senior Day... not good. That's it for the home games until next year (if we do it again).
For the good of the NFL, at least to maintain competitive balance, BREAK UP THE BILLS!! They are a juggernaut!
Don't you hate it when you have already checked out for the long holiday weekend and someone asks you to do something at work? It's like HELLO! Don't you know we have a 4 day weekend in 3 days. Geesh!
Yes, but I hate going down a razor blade slide into a pool of lemon juice worse... man, I hate that.
Are the Bills still 2-8? Does yesterday's win still count?
Show of hands who has their pirate gift idea?
Yeah me neither! Who needs lint brushes and socks this year?
Me, my weekend starts today. Another reason to give thanks. Unfortunately Auntie has my job jar filled to the brim. GG was bragging that she has her pirate gift, but it seems that she had some help. Any truth to that?
Went online trying to get live updates from nphw jffs turkey bowl game but no luck. If anyone knows of a webcam covering the action, let me know. Hope that everyone enjoys their day. We all have a lot to be thankful for.
Happy Thanksgiving family, friends and fans of our blog!
It truly has been an amazing year hasnt it! We have had new babies, new family members, etc..
How lucky can one family be!
I will tell you luck, on the way out of Tops, and I have set a new personel best for visits to the grocery store in one 24 hour period, I found a nickel! Yes sirree a nickel!
So to all, as we sit down today, I will think of each and everyone of you who cant be with us, from Ashevill to Atlanta, to Quincy to Colorado - Be grateful for the blessings bestowed- til we can be together again, ENJOY
Happy Thanksgiving everyone! I hope you ALL have a wonderful day.
Turkey Bowl update: At 9:51AM we were all tied up 1-1. Somehow that score grew to 5-2 and I was on the losing end. QB stats... not good. ATT ~50 Comp ~7 I'd love to know how many hands I hit today and just couldn't be held on to. INT's not too many. Acuracy could have been better, but I am 44 so that's one excuse. I was congratulated by this year's team captain "at least we know you can still zing it, could you put more touch on it though"?
365 more daze until the next game. Training starts tomorrow.
P.S. I think I broke my finger. It's a shame our Turkey Bowl league doesn't have an insurance carrier. Sandra wanted me to go and take care of it. Yeah, I'm going to the emergency room with all the other guys that tore their knees up playing today. I'd be out by 7PM.
Can not imagine a better Thanksgiving, had a fantabulous day! Cookie did an amazing job on the pies, and the was turkey delish!
Great day!
Jnna has just returned from battling the black friday shoppers, lets just say I envision a very merry Christmas!
Hosting a lunch today for Aunt Corrine and cousing Cathy and Gramma - off to Tonawanda Liquors for more wine!
Sounds like it could be a snowy evening, so hope all have your snow brush handy!
Glad to hear yesterday was a fantastic day. Sorry we didn't make it over, Zach is feeling better today.
We're filling up our bellies and Dandra and I are heading out to shop.
...and...Jff just puked...someone get me out of here!
Certainly no lack of activity in the northtowns. Sorry to hear about "the bug" hitting the pilafs along with other injuries. Talked to Mom last nite and she had 3 great days in a row thanks to the Kochs. Me, I guess I better go shovel so the timewarner guy can get in the driveway
Had a wonderful lunch yesterday with Corrine and Cathy, found out that they are fans of the blog and follow it often to see what is going on with the family! So that was exciting to hear!
Corrine and Mom had a great time reminicing, from the year the turkey purchased was too big for the oven, compliments of Dad, to dispelling the rumor that Aunt Madge's second husband " the indian" did indeed work on the empire state building, as Grampa put it, only the Indians would climb those steel girders and not flinch, sounds like him does'nt it!
Oh and the Downey Circus, we can finally put that one to rest as they spelled it Downie!
So enjoy the windy gray snowy day all!
Hope everyone is staying warm today! Austin and I are heading to EA for the annual tree lighting festivities and hopefully I can get Santa's attention tonight to tell him what I would like for Christmas!
Hope the Rice's are back to 100% soon!
I felt better yesterday even though my diet consisted of just Cherios for the day and I had a few naps, one major nap during the Mich/Ohio game. I'm feeling 100% today. That said, I still won't be able to get close to Sandra for at least another week. Now, I'm just feeling my aches and pains of Thursday's football game now... man, I'm old.
I promise the Holtz family a win today. What do you think of my beard? I am taking a lot of slack for it.
I managed to drag mayself out of bed this morning after a great, but busy 4 day weekend. I am not sure how high my productivity level will be today. It is Cyber Monday!
I too, drug myself to work! UGH!
Time off is the best, returning is the worst!
Welcome Ryan to the blog! Love the beard!
Yesterdays loss to painful for words!
Ryan, we love the beard! But it's not really a big deal in Holtz Village. We're known for our hair being in odd places.
We need a new blog!
I agree. I nominate Jll!
New Blog Please!
Hey! Another new reader
Alright, alright, I might have a blob that I can share. I have this story about a cat and he's a detective that solves crimes.
Well I was supposed to drive to Cleveland this morning. Thats obviously not happening since we have been banned from the 90! So I just booked my round trip flight for $900! Yowza, glad I am not paying for it!
question is nc jll, how do you get to the airport? how does nc jnn get to ea? unk, he didn't even try to get to kenmore today. if we had a family member sitting on the thruway all nite, that would make for a good blog. What about mustafa? Is he still in the area?
900$ to go to Cleveland, now thats a blog!
Jnna has been inching and crawling along to EA - She has been on the road for over 90minutes now, and I believe she is just past the galleria.
Now in balmy Tonawanda, we got nothing
So Unky you are not available for a rye bread run today, I am quessing?
Got new tires yesterday, so I am confident I can get through anything!
enjoy the day and all it brings!
I will make it an even 100. With 2 loaves of rye placed in the freezer yesterday, and only God knows how many fishes may now be in there, I don't believe that there is a necessity for a Tops run today. Beyond that, how long have those folks been on the thruway now? This is even worse than the pre-thanksgiving storm of, what was it, 2002 or 2003?
Being the dedicated employee that I am I ventured out to EA to work my 7.5 hours. I left the house at 7:19 am and arrived in EA at 9:17am. Let me tell you the drive was HORRIBLE! But we managed.
The ride home was a different story. It took me two hours!
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